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Everything posted by Eli_6

  1. We are subbing in Amsterdam for Paris. I slept through this morning.
  2. The captain keeps saying the ship will go through the locks at 6 tomorrow morning. Is this worth waking up to watch? If we get up, can I watch from balcony or should we go up to lido? Front or back of boat? This is our substitute port for Paris.
  3. There are shows in the theatre and comedians. I have been too tired to go to eirher. We are doing 9 to 10 ports in 12 days. Only thing I have listened to is amazing violin trio and the singers by alchemy. Not many teens on board. Mainly adults.
  4. Yes. There are not many kids on here, but it only takes a couple.
  5. I think ccl needs to make a rule that kids under 12 need to be supervised. Some punk kids locked my husband and kids and 4 other adults in the basketball court cage yesterday.
  6. Eggroll, jalapeño popper, and pasta plate. Food on the ship has been best we have had on ccl since before the shut down.
  7. Also, this cruise has been awesome. Total turn around from last year. Obviously, they have a different crew... Only bad thing was some punk kids locked my husband and kids in the basketball court by messing with the gates and somehow locking them in from the outside. There were 4 other adults who were locked in, too. They had to wait for someone to come along to let them out. Hubs was furious...not at Carnival but at the kids. My kids recognized one of the kids and knew his name from the kids' club and my husband turned his name over to security. I was taking a nap so unaffected by the whole thing. The kids were like 9-11. Apparently, some people just let their young kids run around the ship unsupervised and check themselves in/out of Kids Club. I really wish the kids had to be at least 12 to be unsupervised. My husband said he saw the same group of kids throwing ice cream in the pool and an adult (not Carnival employee) getting on to them.
  8. We went to LA Rochelle yesterday and just walked around. Loved it! Everything we did was free. Even went to a free animal park. Carnival had shuttles from the ship to the town.
  9. You use your sail and sign card. $3.50 to wash and same amount to dry.
  10. We had very good luck in Southern Spain and Portugal. My SIL is Spanish (and Colombian) and was from Malaga and she is very friendly, warm, outgoing, loud, will welcome you with a big hug, etc. I mistakenly thought all of Spain would be like that and I don't think it is. I think Southern Spain is more like my sister-in-law as everyone seemed very friendly to touristas. However, the Basque people are an entirely different ethnicity and culture. And a VERY different language. They have literally lived in the region since pre-historic times and their language isn't related to anyone else's language in Europe, but pre-dates all of them. At one time, they were outlawed from even speaking it until the 70s or 80s. I think this has made them a little separate from the rest of Spain. I know there is even a movement for them to get their independence. Long story short, I guess I was expecting the "feeling" and "reception" of Barcelona and Southern Spain and I think I was a little taken aback when I didn't get it. And I was scared to even try to speak Spanish to them as they might be offended as though I was "assuming" they speak Spanish when some may not.
  11. Yes! They are working! We all have clean laundry now.
  12. TV is better this year than last year on the pride...but still no T C M. But we are getting more channels than we did last year. Maybe because we are not in the North Sea for this cruise...
  13. I literally can't recall if I posted this or not. From vigi "Galician Historical Gardens" tour:
  14. The days are running together on me. 3 days ago in Vigo we went to "Galician Historical Gardens" and it was AWESOME!!! Highly recommend. 5 stars. Toured gardens and had tasting and yummy food and toured a cool castle. Next day we went to "Galician Special" in A Coruna and the Santiago part was AMAZING but the garden/pazo part was just ok. I think I would probably have been more impressed had I not been to the more impressive gardens just the day before or if I had not previously been to some insanely gorgeous gardens in other countries.
  15. I wish I could post this bagpiper playing from yesterday. Interesting to find out the Galician culture is rooted in the Celtic culture and their "state" or "regional" (for lack of a better word) instrument is the bagpipe.
  16. Tuna singers from yesterday. 20230603_125151.mp4
  17. My kids also said this is their favorite Kids Club. I think because the people let them play video games.
  18. Nono's meatball and fried rice/cheese ball thing. Can't recall name of rice ball. Both were in mdr and very good! My husband and I were saying we think the food on this cruise is the best we have had on Carnival in a long time...maybe since pre-Covid. Staff is amazing, too. Everyone seems to be gettingthe swing of things.
  19. 100 percent. Even more so, he was on a different excursion. Or, at least, in a different group and on a different bus that left earlier. The tapas bwere and restaurants were very busy by the time we got there. Most didn't have tables or a place to sit for a family of 4. I think his bus got their before ours even though both buses left (at the end of the day) at the same time. There was some delay in our group/bus leaving the port at the start of the day. I don't know why. We sat on the bus a long time before we left. Maybe someone in our group was late and we waited on them. Not sure. I know on the way back the general consensus on our bus was that we didn't have enough time to do much of anything. I wasn't the only one saying this. The restaurants were all already open by the time we got there and super crowded. You weren't able to get in unless you had an existing reservation...and if you had made a reservation, I have no idea how you would have known when to make it for ahead of time because if you had made it for 1.5 hours or even 2 hours after our "departure" time, you would have missed the reservation if you were in our group by the time we got there, we had to wait around for everyone to unload and use the bathroom (that took 15 minutes of our 3 hours time alone) and have our guide show us where to meet and then walk 20 minutes to the Old Town area. You could not just take off after you got off the bus either because our guide (again not TxTeach79's guide) didn't tell us where to depart until we had all disembarked, used the bathroom (very long line) in the bus station, gone up stairs and gathered at a bridge. If we had been dropped off in the old town, that alone would have saved us 30 to 45 minutes. If we had simply had more time, it would have been a different experience. If we could have been there when things opened...instead we arrived 30 minutes later and had a long walk. And there was no reason for it because the boat docked 2 plus hours before we left.
  20. Here are the Amsterdam excursions. We opted for Windmills and Edam.
  21. Also, there is a beach next to boat so no need to travel 3 hours round trip for it
  22. I know, but there was no fast food where we were at and we had an hour but after 30 minutes they had not even taken our order. I am quite sure they knew that, too, as I know enough Spanish to know they basically didn't want to serve Americans. 4 other tables were helped before us. Most other people on our bus also were not able to eat. People were passing around food from a convenience store on the way back.
  23. Unfortunately, we aren't in a suite this time. Some new machines in casino but still super smokey.
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