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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. I gained 16 pounds. More than I gained on Symphony with the UDP. Hoping a lot of it is liquid weight from all the cocktails. Back to the Diet. Safe travels home.
  2. Thanks for the great review John. I want to go back and re-read to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
  3. We are home!!! Exactly at 10pm, 12 hours after leaving Galveston. It really helped having a good breakfast in the main dining room because we were not hungry all day. Just stops for gas and a bunch of bathroom stops. Boy I need to get off these blood pressure meds. Needless to say the pups now a year old were very excited to see us! I’ll post some final thoughts tomorrow as well as be around to answer anyone’s questions they might have. Again from the bottom of my heart I thank you for all the wonderful responses and comments. I was glad I got to share my story and experiences with you even if it was a little embarrassing for me. I will sleep well tonight with visions of Diamond vouchers running through my head! Ho Ho Ho!
  4. Bravo well done. I like the Bokeh pic a lot too. Wow that’s impressive. I’ll have to add up all mine but I was no where close to yours. Pain in the shoulder kept me from enjoying more. If you have time tonight. Try a Hennessy Old Fashioned. Even better if they have Hennessy Black.
  5. Yes I would depending on price and the number of restaurants on a ship. Liberty had only 3 so it did not make sense to me . On Symphony I ate at a different restaurant each night. Right now for the Bella cruise in March the UDP is over $260 per person. Not going to buy it at that price. Yes we are driving it straight. 777 miles and takes us close to 13 hours. We left Galveston around 9:30am. Now it’s taking us longer because I now took my blood pressure medicine and I have to go to the bathroom every hour and a half. We just passed Muskogee Oklahoma. We should be home right before 10 pm. Jury is still out on whether driving or flying would have been better. Thanks Lenny! First time I ever broke a bone in my body. Let’s hope it’s the last. Thanks for following along. Your comments mean a lot to me. Next cruise is the Bella Cruise next March with @John&LaLa and about 50 of us from here at CC. Going to be a blast. You should join us! Thank Graham. Hoping for good news. Cheers to you and Pauline.
  6. Enjoy your day! I wish I was there instead of being on the road.
  7. Hard lesson learned but I promise you I won’t make that mistake. Yes every 60-90 minutes for me too. Whether driving or staying the house. That’s great advice!!
  8. 🎶On The Road again🎶 Remember water is your friend…. Water is your friend…. Water is your friend!
  9. They easily charged us but after going to GS they easily took it off. Does anybody think those blue towels are a coveted souvenir? She asked us if we wanted daily pics we said don’t worry about it. She sent us a couple of pics early on. I figured no news is good news.
  10. Yes sir I already took several waters out of my mini fridge and put them in my backpack. Thanks Andrew for following along.
  11. Will do. Thanks Deb. First thing tomorrow is make appointment with my primary care doctor and have it re-xrayed and consult about therapy.
  12. Goodbye room it’s been fun! Not fun being charged $50 for pool towels not returned when we did and called guest services and they said they would take it off. Checked my account this morning and they went ahead and charged us. Irritating 😠
  13. No they did not make the guacamole table side. It still tasted fantastic. in the dining room now for breakfast.
  14. So far the dog sitter said they were fine. Hopefully they behaved and did not pick up any bad habits. I’ll try to take some video of our greeting.
  15. This is our fifth cruise on Royal but the first time we have seen so many stars. We had a total of 4 nights were the skies were crystal clear. I was in awe. There must have been millions up there.
  16. All packed up. Luggage tags attached. Sitting on the balcony one last time with cognac in hand . It’s been a fantastic week despite injury and pain. Liberty of the Seas is still a great ship to sail on. Great crew who take pride in what they do. My only disappointment was the bourbon selection on board and my inability to connect with one bartender all week. This is the first cruise where I stayed out of the Schooner Bar. The main highlight excursion was Stingray City. Unfortunately we never saw our adopted friend Elaine after our excursion together. I hope she had a good time. My fears of a wild drunken crowd from the Country Music Cruise was quickly put to ease. This was one cruise we’re everyone was polite and respectful. I met some really nice people. I’ll post a few more for our trip back home. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Sorry I didn’t get any Compasses to scan. I pretty much keep up to date in the app. No need for compasses in my book. Thanks for following along. This was my most viewed review yet. I hope you enjoyed more of a personal story. I was a story teller professionally for over 40 years until retirement. I like telling stories that are personal and ones that people can relate . It keeps my head in the game. And if I can make someone laugh or cry, give them some information they might find helpful or just plain entertain then my job is fulfilled. Good night friends. I’ll be up early getting some breakfast and making sure I take my meds and drink plenty of water.
  17. Our final night at Sabor Ever since Linda ate at Sabor on Harmony she has loved their Guacamole and Avocado Margaritas. So tonight on our last night it was time revisit. Yummy Avacodo Margarita Even more scrumptious is the made from scratch Guacamole. I could eat this and nothing else. Starter was a chicken and bacon pepper. For mains, Mexican steak so tasteful and delicious. And pork burrito. Add some Cheese Quesadillas. And a sampler dessert. All the food was great and we are stuffed. Time to go back to the cabin and pack. And some final cocktails on Linda’s balcony. I hope the stars are out again tonight.
  18. Thank you Maryann! I think you and Jim will love Liberty. I think she is still in good shape. The crew fantastic. And the food really, really good. Yes I will be taking my blood pressure Med first thing and carrying a couple bottles of water with me. She has already said that I’m not to drive hardly at all. She’s the boss so I’ll do what she says. No trying to be a tough guy here.
  19. We saw are one and only production show this whole cruise this afternoon. Saturday Night Fever. A hour and half production of the story and music from the hit movie. The Cast was fantastic. Due to licensing restrictions no video recording or photography is permitted . I squeezed off a couple at the end. I highly recommend this show. The two Puerto Rican dancers were unbelievable with their acrobatics. Fantastic show!!!!!!!
  20. Texas Country Music Cruise You heard me mention early on that this cruise was also a Texas Country Music Cruise featuring country artists that played a series of concerts for guests who obviously paid a fee for entrance. Today a couple of the artists played out by the pool area.I have no idea who they are as I’m not a country fan. I do however respect good musicians who are good at their craft. These musicians were very good and the crowd was into it. Here is a video clip I strung together. From what I hear the concerts were lightly attended. I don’t think the promoters got the number of people they wanted. Or the people found out there is a lot you can do on a cruise ship in the Caribbean than just sit in a room and listen to music.
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