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Posts posted by CruisingNole

  1. 19 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

    Maybe I misunderstand your post but it has been our experience that deluxe drink packages online are off the onboard price. So if the onboard price is $84, BOGO is one package at $84 and the other at $42. $84+42=126. 126/2=$63 pp so a savings of $4 pppd. Not sure of the $61 unless my math is off. 



    I'm multitasking...I'm sure I'm the one that's off.  🙂

    • Like 1
  2. I just finalized a "lift and shift" moving my December 2020 cruise to November 2021. I logged into the CP out of curiosity and the "20% off" price for a deluxe package is...$67. Meaning the onboard price is $84. And the typical BOGO 1/2 off deal (if they continue to offer that) would be $61. But then again, it's Royal math, so who really knows what the number is or will end up being. 


    But I gotta say...$67 CP 20% off price for a 7 night on Oasis is by far the highest I've ever seen. It will be interesting to see where that price will be in 12 months.

  3. 40 minutes ago, soremekun said:

    I've moved on from 2020.  My remaining 2020 cruises have been moved to 2021.  I'm glad I was able to sail at least once this year.


    I am in the process of finalizing a "list and shift" for a December 2020 voyage on Oasis. Moving it to Thanksgiving 2021.


    Even if cruising is resumed by December (I highly doubt it will), the cruise lines will need time to "work out the kinks" (to put it lightly) with all of the new regulations. I'm not particularly interested in being a test subject.


    Here's to a better year in 2021.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Anton said:


    So "initial recommendations" by August. Then a bunch of back and forth to fine tune. Then submission to CDC for approval.


    There will be no cruising until 2021. 

    • Like 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, BND said:

    Is that because you don't know what that was?  Or because you miss it?  

    The OP insinuated it was still a thing, and that it was going away. To my knowledge, there’s been no midnight buffet in at least the past 15 years.

  6. 10 hours ago, meadowlander said:

    No sense of humor, it was just a joke🙄


     " I am an urequited Libertarian" is what you wrote in a reply on May 26 and you followed it up with your beliefs on government. So when you write blatantly politically on these boards it is okay but if you find something offensive be it political or not, you are against others opinions because they do not agree with yours and you make threats. Sad🤔

    Quick, report the comment, the sky is falling! 😂

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, SherriZ366 said:

    TOTALLY AGREE -- Plenty of forums for political discussion.  This forum is for cruising -- Lots of people use it for escape and hope that they will get back to their favorite form of of travel.  Political posts on Cruise forums really irk me and I work in politics.  Please don't ruin my forum that's getting me through until we can cruise again.  


    If you don’t like what’s on TV, change the channel. And typing in large red font doesn’t help to convey your message. But it does trigger an OK, boomer. 👌👏

    There’s an option to ignore specific users. Give it a shot, it works wonders. You’re next on my list. 😉

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Specialktou said:

    Did you get the latest "news" from CruiseCritic about the wonderful changes coming in cruising?
    1. No more shooting off the ship (trap or golf).  Translation: less stuff to do.

    2. Having More Than One Place to Eat.  Translation: Sit down, you can't serve yourself.  Let's play Where is the Waiter.

    3. No More Midnight Buffet  Translation: less stuff to do.

    4. Less Fire  Translation: Less fun

    5. No More Dressing Up  Translation: Everyone can dress like bums, no thank you

    6. Vastly Improved Wi-Fi  Translation:  We've doubled the price

    7. Free and Unreserved Deckchairs  Translation:  You think you had to get up early before, now with 1/2 the chairs gone, bring your track shoes!


    Sounds like No Fun to me!  Let me know if classic service returns.  What, I can't hear you through that mask...

    Midnight buffet? 🤨

  9. 3 hours ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

    Florida Governor just gave statistics regarding COVID19. He gave a good explanation why the increase in positives. Lots in migrant workers and farm camps. However, very few sick (Asymptomatic). What was important, hospitalizations down 43% and ICU admissions down 50%. We still have issues with the long term care facilities. They account for 86% of the deaths. They are now testing every two weeks in these facilities. Prisons and jails have high numbers positive but few sick. Even some positive in long term care facilities are not showing signs. 

    Density seems to be a big issue and in my opinion, might be a problem for cruising. 



    Ronnie is so far up Donnie's arse that he can't see the light of day. He'll say whatever it takes to deny reality. 


    I just read about a dozen UCF students in Orlando were diagnosed and it traced back to one bar near campus. This is just the beginning. And college isn't even in session. I shudder to think about what things will look like in September. 

    • Like 2
  10. Investments. Internet. Shopping. Your current lifestyle is a fantasy to those folks that take you on your cancelled excursions. Imagine how things are going for them right now. 


    Always look for the silver lining. Things can always be worse. 

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  11. 29 minutes ago, alfaeric said:


    I understand why you would not cruise, but I don't understand being asked to do something so minor to wear a mask when you are in public such a bad thing.


    It's called being selfish and entitled. Not willing to cause oneself a little inconvenience for the sake of protecting other human life.


    It's a trend that's quite common nowadays. 

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  12. Having taken several cruises on NCL, RCI and CCL, Royal’s Oasis class ships blow NCL and Carnival out of the water (pun intended).


    Carnival is terrible.


    NCL is middle of the road between the two, it’s the poor man’s last minute cruise. It serves its purpose. 


    Both Royal and Carnival typically charge a much higher fare if you book less than 30 days...because they use a pricing strategy to fill their ships early. Best rate is 1+ years out. There are exceptions to the rule, especially for the older ships. But with NCL, you’re a fool if you book early.


    The audacity of this guy to claim otherwise makes him come off as a shady used car salesman, at best.


    Again, every cruise line serves its purpose, and I hope NCL stays afloat (another pun intended).

    • Like 2
  13. https://thepointsguy.com/news/norwegian-cruise-ceo-frank-del-rio-future-of-cruising/


    I literally laughed out loud when I read this part.


    "Waiting for crazy discounts from Norwegian’s brands? Don’t count on it.

    Even if demand is down, Del Rio said the line would stick to its time-tested strategy of holding price, even if that means ships sail less full.

    “Our strategy has always been not to be the deepest discounter,” he said. “We believe in our product. We believe in the value proposition of cruising, the value proposition that our three brands offer and our customers obviously believe in it because we have [had] the highest yields.”

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  14. 8 hours ago, Love my butler said:

    Get a good TA.  They offer better amenities and lower prices than any PCC.


    This. I always thought it was impressive that NCL tricked people into thinking the "PCC" was anything more than a sales rep, hired by the cruise line. A good TA always gives you a better price and/or OBC. 

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  15. Believing that NCL, Carnival and RCI will all survive is complete naivety. The product demand post-covid is simply not going to be anywhere near what it once was, and probably never will be. Of the 3, RCI and Carnival are in a much better position financially to ride this out. NCL will fail.

    • Like 5
  16. 7 minutes ago, Erik101 said:

    No! It started on my last Carnival cruise. I don’t expect the behavior at buffets to change at any cruise lines. 


    I'll never forget on Oasis a few years ago I was eating breakfast in the MDR. One section of seating for plated, one section of seating for buffet. I was seated in plated section with a perfect view of the buffet and it took but only a few minutes of people watching before I saw a child walk up to the buffet, pick up a donut with his bare hands, smell it, and then sit it back down on the platter and waked away. No one at the buffet noticed. And if they did, they didn't seem to care. 

  17. 12 minutes ago, reallyitsmema said:

    Hopefully, this whole situation has taught people to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.


    Not a chance. But God bless you for having such faith in humans.


    From the Miami Beach police department. Mind you, we lifted our stay at-home order just a few days ago:


    "Across Miami Beach over the weekend, more than 7,300 warnings were issued for failure to wear a face covering, according to police. More than 470 warnings were issued for failing to social distance, and more than 1,300 people were asked to leave parks after closing."

  18. 2 minutes ago, CRUISEFAN0001 said:

    Respectfully don't see things quite that way...


    Anyone who has cruised before understands what it's about...and the conditions. Those even vary significantly between cruise lines. It's about standards, practices, and maintenance...and some cruise lines do things much better than others. 


    Lumping them all in the same boat (pun intended) is both unrealistic and inaccurate.


    Still, the overall point is that much more attention will be given to best practices in terms of cleanliness, sanitation, and general passenger activities. 


    No matter what standards, practices and maintenance are in place, no cruise line (or any business) can force someone to wash their hands before they leave their cabin. Or sneeze into their elbow. Or not board a ship if they aren't feeling well. 


    At the end of the day, we're ultimately at the mercy of those around us. It only takes one inconsiderate jerk to cough without covering his mouth as he walks past you. 


    Same as it ever was. 

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