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Posts posted by mredandchis

  1. 1 hour ago, broberts said:


    It is not arrogance. A US citizen cannot and would not be denied entry into the US. 


    True, and yet with a shadow.  I was active military, with active military id.  Was asked if i had a government passport.  Different because it is issued and is red.   No I didnt have a passport, that seemed to cause a stir.  My personal passport somehow got shipped with my household goods.  So i had to cool my jets waiting for them to sort it all out.  They had me concerned for a while but finally did me a favor and left me in.  So yes i got in just wasnt very smooth at all.  But then they have the duty to ensure that the person entering is valid to enter,  a passport declares that loudly. Oh and btw, i did cross from Germany to Belgium to catch the plane and they accepted the id without hesitation.  

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  2. Let me apologize I havent been reading this board long and i just know somewhere in the past this was covered.  Finding it would be another matter.    I have seen comments about flying to the port, but  I live on the east coast and always drive.  Now we are talking alaskan cruise so i will fly the day before and the day after.  I have noticed people saying that they went thru carnival for all this, like planes, hotels and ground transportation.  Is there a benefit to doing this?   And i am hoping that if there is issues with the flight like a hurricane or something and they cant get me to the port on time, that carnival takes the hit on the chin.  And I am talking something that is not my fault like sitting in the airport and they say " sir we are sorry but we cant....."  And do i get a choice of airline and flight?  Or it there some sort of pardership i got to worry about.  I could do this all on my own of course , just looking for what happens when the best plans of mice and men go to ............


  3. It is sad that you missed the cruise and what would have been a good honeymoon.  I think most people have regrets when they were young and just made mistakes.  I think the next time you might forget  a suit case before you forget the documents.  My wife always stands in the middle of the house before leaving saying " I hope i didnt forget anything"  and i say, do we got the paperwork?  We carry passports, i know it isnt manditory but I like them and they arent questioned. I do feel for you as it is a bitter pill to swallow,  just remember many of us have had our own pills and it all goes to lessons learnt.  I hope for you a peace that will replace the negative feelings.  


  4. 16 hours ago, Crazy4Camping said:

    I haven't time to read all the pages of comments so this may have already been said but I'm looking forward to my first cruise and the food.  Simply because I didn't have to prepare it.  This is why when my husband says let's get a bite to eat out and asks me where I say anywhere (I mean I don't care if it's Taco Bell)cause I didn't have to make it.  Food that is just satisfactory to some is wonderful to me.  It's all relative.

    The food is good and yes you dont got to cook and there is NO CHARGE as it is included , except for specialty dining.  The food is good and the selection is good.  Maybe some of us have just gotten use to it and our memorys arent as clear as it once was.  And remember this, if you are in the dining room and you try something 'different', and you dont like it the waiter will get you something else with a smile.  Lido is good and the place to go when you just want real casual.  Enjoy the food, enjoy the boat and if you really like chocolate , try the chocolate melted cake and you will have  a dose of chocolate like no other.  And there is no meal planning or cooking or dishes.  Oh and look for the seaday brunch!

  5. 8 hours ago, 75Vette said:

    Thank you for your reply.  I was thinking I had read from a posting of someone that had been on the Vista that it was done a little different for YTD and you did not need to go to deck 5 and check in if you were plat or diamond.



    Was on the Vista last November and I am platinum and we checked in on Deck 5 but was set straight to MDR with our seating assignment.  They converted it to a reserved table on day 3 as I asked for the same waitstaff.

  6. If you get into the storm at al,l go watch the pool empty.  It is fun!  But Seriously , they will keep you safe and if you get  seasick go to the purser they will give you dramamine if you need it.  

  7. Was on it in May, there were two shows i liked.  One i cant remember the name was a trip thru time and rock and roll  starting in the 50s. and the other one was called The Brits.  All with british invasion music.  I dont have menus but there was Lobster night.  

  8. On 4/28/2017 at 12:53 PM, funkidd said:

    I have a theory I want to pose to everyone and see what yall think. From what I have heard on reviews on here and from what I have seen in the past several years, the food quality in the MDR is on the decline. It seems variety selection and quality are declining. Is that a fair statement? If it is true, why do you think?


    My theory is that cruise lines, Carnival specifically (maybe others) are trying to get passengers to switch to the pay for restaurants by lessoning the quality and variety in the main dining room. I think they are doing this gradually to eventually make the change to a pay for all of your food cruise system. I think if they just starting charging for all food on the cruise, they would see big declines in ridership so they have decided to get customers to slowly pay for better food, comparable to what you used to get in the mdr.


    What do yall think?

    well it is a simple question and a simple theory and has merit.   Not sure about the idea it will be all pay for food thing someday but yes the quality and choices have declined over the past 2 decades  and as the pay resturants came into existance.  They still have some good food now but it is changing and maybe a little to cut costs and keep the overall price down.   Like the great idea of the " American Table' . Save on linen wear and washing.  that is a huge cost savings.  So they are cutting costs over alll slow but sure.  

  9. Just saw this, i like chicken


    Chief Fun Officer Shaquille O'Neal To Open First 'Big Chicken' Restaurant At Sea Aboard Carnival Radiance

    New Dining Venue Part of $200 Million Dry Dock Taking Place in 2020
  10. 3 minutes ago, amyj23 said:

    Our first Journeys cruise was in 2015. I was in my late 30s. The clientele were older, but not in a bad way in my opinion. We got to meet a lot of people who are serious travelers like us. Hardly any children so things were tamer. My fondest memories of being on board were chilling at the aft pool (which was adults only). We met so many nice people. Since it was a 14 dayer, we really got to know people. We are going again next November and cannot WAIT!

    I have to disagree with the poster above who said the only difference between and 3 day cruise and a 7 day cruise is 4 days. Our experience is that with cheaper cruises (short cruises are dirt cheap), you’re going to have a different demographic..... I told my husband after our last 6 day (we had to do a B2B because the Journeys cruise during our timeframe was sold out) that I’d never do a non-Journeys cruise again. It was a zoo. (On the Vista).

    you got a good point and i agree, the short ones tend to be a little on the party side.  (look I am being nice)  But then time of year will have some to do with that also.  But on a journey it is very serious cruisers for the most part.  My daughter did take the little ones out of school though but they spent thier time in the camp.  I have learnt on a b2b that the demographics from one week to the next can by huge.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Sagittarius traveler said:

    I always wondered about the age group and the activities I hope it isn’t boring that many day on a ship. I plan on doing a journey cruise .

    Well you get to know some people better and the crew gets use to you and your desires.  Also you usually get to see islands that you just dont get to normally.  Tobago, Grenada, St martinique, barbados......  So there is an adventure just in the ports.   I was actually glad for sea days at times to get a rest lol

  12. Well there are a lot of things that go unnoticed on board a ship.  So it would be fun .  Look for the palcard with the ships name and build date , it is usually stamped metal.  Some have trophy cases.  Look into places and rooms you never go to.  also the idea with crew members might work also.   Like a bartender might keep and item on display behind his or her bar for you.  Locating a crew member would be interested as crew member s dont know all other crew members.    Or like find the safety officer lol, that is some one that goes unnoticed.  umm ports could be get a picture of .......   like a statue?   Find the pirate at  Grand Cayman, or find the second floor pool?   that is my thoughts have fun.


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  13. Well i have been on two journey cruises.  They are heavy with all the platinium and diamond passengers.  So much so that there were 3 separate reunion parties.   My daughter and family are gold and actually had a easier boarding with no lines.  Just when 90 percent of the ship is like this then it changes things.  As for anything else on board feels normal,  like what is the difference between a 4 day cruise and a 7 day cruise?  3 days is about the answer.  you get to see ports that are farther out.   Entertainment kinda throws all the can at ya.  Lots of dance classes of different types, shows seem to not repeat or anything.  Carnival makes it special.  and i would say the average age of the cruisers is higher.  The fun thing is to look for the new cruisers.  14 days first time out.    One thing i learnt is i kinda get tired of the food on board.   It is good food now but it is different than my normal with spices and all.  I found that eating off the ship one time clears my palet for the ships cuisine.   I am good for several more days.  i got a short journey scheduled next june outta NYC .  i love the longer cruises.  I think you should just go and enjoy and dont worry about anything. IT is all FUN.  


  14. Been on both ships and I would say it is a close call.  Someone mentioned staff as a negative, well staff changes a lot and i have numerous times been on the same ship a year later and the staff experience is never the same.  But at the same price between the 2 i would lean toward Royal as the entertainment and quality of food is a little better.  My reason for chosing carnival is cost.  Carnival gives more bang for buck.  the food and entertainment is not bad and worth every penny.  But you said that the price was virtually the same for the same basic cruise so i would lean to Royal


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