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Posts posted by Viv0828

  1. Actually, somethings data roaming is needed. We geocache and if we have trouble finding what we are looking for, data roaming can be very helpful. We turn it on, use it briefly, and turn it back off. We always buy a data package for this reason, though we keep data roaming off until we need it.

  2. I dislike wind and cold so we walk the interior corridors of the ship. We start at our floor, walk the halls, walk down one flight of stairs and then repeat till level one. Then we start back up. By the end of the cruise we have met most of the cabin stewards - Lol!

  3. If teens that were out past curfew gathered together and ate pizza, danced in appropriate venues, gathered in public areas and played cards or board games, etc. or did activities that were safe and didn't bother others, there would be no need for a curfew.


    But since some teens will drink smuggled alcohol, run up and down hallways yelling, and engage in other inappropriate behavior, a curfew is necessary.

  4. I suggest you visit your local Best Buy or similar store so that you can hold the camera and try it out. There was one camera I saw on Amazon that sounded and looked great, but I decided to look at it in person locally, and it just felt wrong in my hands. Once you see and try out a camera that you like, you can either buy it in the store or online.

  5. My DW did get mad at me when there was a shopping special going on well over a hour people vanished and left all there crap behind. So I recruited my DS to help me move two chairs from one area to another area when the people came back they looked like they could not remember where they parked there car.



    OMG! You should be hired in the Comedy Club!!

  6. No one even around that early and I always see every pool area lounger with a towel. I saw a girl tie shopping bags to chairs forming a 8 lounger chain at 8am around 11 she found them all tied to one chair. I wish I knew who did that :D. Me and friends watched her go crazy. lol



    Ok Detroitlions, I am seriously chuckling as I read you post. We occasionally move towels off a couple of chairs and sit down.


    If the person who put the towels there returns, we look at him angelically and reply, "what towels? The chair didn't have any towels on it when we sat down"


    Usually, the chair saver doesn't even return while we're there so we simply put the towels back on the chair before we leave.

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