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Posts posted by Bobtails12

  1. Maybe they can also get one of the Royal C bev machines that everyone seems to dislike...really retro!



    i don't know if anyone watches the good place on netflix with kristen bell - but the idea the place looks good - heaven esque-but its just a bit off like only hawaian pizza - only frozen yogurt......small things just enough to niggle at you.....


    sometimes when i see company's improvements it reminds me of that show.....

  2. am i reading previous posts right- and if not correct me...


    with the refurb - the top deck where porch etc are now would only be suite access? with suite cabanas etc- as per photos.


    so if you just want a balcony cabin - maybe or not aqua - then limited deck areas?

  3. I am not a Casino person at all. However, even though the Casino on Encore is open near the Club Bar area, we have used the Club, sitting near the dance floor and it has had no impact whatsoever.


    My opinion, it is not important if a Casino is there.......I rarely go to shows, but I am happy for others to enjoy them.


    We had Dancing on the Deck tonight and it was a wonderful night. A lovely light breeze to cool us with a nice steady ship. Ross and the entertainment team were fantastic. Many people up dancing over various decks and enjoying themselves. Heading towards Monte Carlo after a lovely day in Ajaccio.



    dancing on deck sounds lovely.....is that a special event per cruise

  4. there used to be calculators on here for whether drinks packages were worth it at all, depending on your daily usage etc..


    am wondering if someone has updated them with whether worth going from classic to premium.

  5. i think celebrity will out position themselves in a few years.... they are becoming the starbucks of cruises... and people on what is considered more bulk lines may move to them a few times....but the costs with them are rising...and the service can be mixed...


    funny example - 3/4 years back we were in blu having dinner - was in port at 9pm- and an MSC ship i think docked and quickly thousands of happy screaming people unloaded planning a night on the town - so we were at the window and people watching...


    the waiter comes over to top up our wine and we said 'they seem happy' - and as as he is pouring red wine on top of my white wine and onto another red wine in my husband's glass...he says ' ah yes - but you wouldn't get service on there like you do there':'):'):')

    he was like basil fawlty's cousin.


    i think celebrity have marketed well - but eventually more people will say the emperor has no clothes.... if a great itinerary and port times on reflection for a great price comes up on a week that suits - i may use them - but in my mindset i would need to think of them as a ferry to places and the bonus is something like murano.....but the rest of the onboard stuff is mixed for me.....

  6. A jazz bar sounds great to me. Can it serve Nordic style food on small plates too?

    But Roxburgh is right. The bottom line is the bottom line!


    absolutely agree - i would not pay more for not having a casino - but as other people have said here a lack of one would put them off selecting seabourn...


    however if it was a loud casino and i felt i couldn't enjoy the areas around it - then would feel my use of areas limited because of that one area and that might stop me from future bookings..

  7. I posted these pictures in the Retreat smoking thread, but looking at this press release with "poolside food and beverage service", I thought these picture belonged here. The probable venue for the Retreat sundeck poolside food and beverage service on the Edge is pictured below (there is also a bar). Wonder what will be on the M and S Class Retreat sundecks? :D





    have an image in my head of that lil truck going around the decks with jingly ice cream music from the 70's.....

  8. You missed a bit .........


    and because of the loss of casino revenue, your fare was going up by x dollars.



    but Roxburgh....that would be in teeny teeny tiny print :)


    or they could charge for a music venue - but casino seems less invasive way of extra revenue ...even if the physical space could be invasive...

  9. at least it looks like it still have overhead lights....


    they didn't try to go fully down the softly li hotel room style of the last 20 years....no overhead light and if you drop a ring or an earring....you almost need a metal detector :)

  10. I apologize if this has been addressed before....we received the classic drink package as a “perk”. I am wondering if upgrading to the premium package would be a good idea. I plan on visiting the martini bar and like to have some if the specialty coffees as well as the usual frozen drinks. I also drink a lot of bottled water. I searched for drink menu’s but didn’t find any. Any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated!!



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    we drink a lot of bottled water( home and on holidays)- specifically perrier which is lower sodium than the others on board so if you drink a lot of water- especially in heat- the premium may be worth it - also i think only the smaller water bottles are included in the classic whereas the large evian - if you want still are included in the premium.


    i was looking at a woman next to me one day paying and the staff in cafe al bacio explain this - and her bill with tip etc was usd16.......so nice to have the choice without the extra bill at the end......

  11. I think what a Roxburgh is trying to say is that in its present location the impact is minimal. I for one have never noticed noise or bright lights or whatever from the casino impacting enjoyment of other in the Club.



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    then that sounds very reasonable....i suppose i am thinking of spa treatment rooms - being overtaken by outdoor noise - the spa won't impact on the pool but the pool can impact on the spa.....

  12. The casino is where it is. On the 'O' class ships it can be barely seen from the Club. If you don't want to go in then don't. If you don't like to look at it then go to a different venue.


    doesn't make a difference to me....but if the casino impacts on another area...it would seem logical for them to soften that impact somehow......if you're not going to the casino why have the noise and lights bleed into another area....seems bad space planning...

  13. will this revolution mean the removal of murano on reflection?


    we were on in june and one of the senior staff mentioned there was strong pressure by corporate to get rid of murano.


    murano was booked out every night with people looking for tables all the time - so though it required extra training and staff it attracted the crowd - whereas some other venues tuscan etc seemed half empty....


    we are in our early 40's - so mid age range - not the youngest/not the oldest - but lots of younger couples in murano wanting to celebrate a special occasion etc.....so its not all casual....its nice to have the option.....


    going on the changes to date- losing murano would mean i wouldn't travel with them again...

  14. murano definitely for a nice meal or in our case 7 - you can look at booking dining packages pre cruise. we did try the other speciality dining venues - but in the end did not go back to them but booked extra nights in murano.


    if you don't drink then the cafe al back teas are very nice - would often get a lemongrass at night as a takeaway - leave in fridge and would be really nice and refreshing first thing in the morning..


    the ensemble lounge for us had the best music and relaxed areas- and handy for ore/post dinner drink


    main dining room - not really relaxing - though if late back from port etc you could go in there at 9pm - and have a main course or something light- but the desserts in cafe al back were always better. v difficult to get drinks service - we only did two nights out of 14 there - and went out to martini bar on one occasion after 30 mins of being unable to get drinks/water service. the great service and food is what you pay for in murano.


    besides the ensemble music - did almost nothing of the other entertainment - wasn't really our thing - the big shows just don't appeal. the silent disco was entertaining to watch for ten minutes etc...


    the reflection is nicer in my opinion and better managed than other celebrity ships - feels to me like a totally different company to equinox.

  15. it might be on longer cruises there are usually more sea days - so more relaxed opportunities to meet fellow travellers.


    as in when in port every day - back to cabin - get dressed for dinner- you may not have time to meet fellow travellers in a relaxed way....and the timings mean you spend more time just with your travel group/companion...


    i suppose i have found if people want to engage they engage .... but sea days give more opportunities..

  16. i'm not a casino gambler - so maybe don't get the mindset - but would seem to me the casino is something if you want to use it - you will find it - like the gym - or the smoking area.


    you don't accidentedly - start gambling because you walked through it on the way to somewhere - you either like to gamble occasionally or not( like the gym - no one suddenly starts using the gym on a ship- they plan for it)....


    so my roundabout point is if it's something that the people who use it will seek it out - then they can plan for it in an area less visibly invasive.....so in this case moving entrances or access point or softening view from other areas with drapes etc - won't lose them the people who use the casino - but won't annoy those that find the lights/noise etc invasive... am sure most people wouldn't want to eat their lunch on a patio looking into the gym etc....


    as in smokers will find the smoking area - but non- smokers get annoyed having to walk through a cloud to access something else......

  17. 1. You are not alone in your experience, SLSD, though I doubt SB as a company has a chauvinistic policy. I book all our cruises, deal with the TA, pay on my solo credit card, and do the surveys and evaluations. But for the first couple years on SB all correspondence and emails were addressed to DH . It could have been chauvinism by someone who did the data entry, rather than SB’s policy, but it was not important enough to waste my limited time complaining about it.

    As I get older, I am more likely to attribute such things to old habits, computer glitches, or minor incompetence than malevolence, nastiness, and sexist scheming. Also note SB is now run out of ultraliberal Seattle.


    I like the old saying that when you hear the galloping of hooves, it is more likely a horse than a zebra. When I was young, starting out in what was a male dominated and often overtly sexist profession, I had different opinions because things were indeed very different. They have changed a lot, even if things are not perfect. How much, is a topic best reserved for a non-CC thread, however.


    Lately stuff has shown up in both names from SB, don’t know why it changed.


    2. Where I do get irritated at times is with a few on-board lower level male crew on cruises, who try to patronizingly make stuff up about what is wrong with something so they can get out of work, pretending all is fine instead of fixing it. When I travel solo, or with another woman, I often get lip, even from male staff in luxury hotels, as they seem to assume they can snow me with nonsensical made-up technical gobbledygook. When I am with DH such men, who come from different cultures than feminism focussed America and western Europe, seem to be more polite and respectful and just do the repair. It is not because DH is more assertive than I am as he is not, he lets me do the talking. It is easier to get things that go wrong dealt with in a timely manner if traveling with DH, or any man, even if my 90-year-old friend, than without, in my experience.


    3. DH has been called Mr. Catlover54 and I have been called Mrs. DH. We both agree waiters can call us by any name, even Mr, and Mrs. Doglover54, (!) as long as we get our wine refilled without having to wait a half hour. :)




    i would wear the title of ms. doglover/catlover with pride - but the hospitality doesn't give me that option. :)

  18. never use the casino...is just not on my radar at all..good point above on revenue for ship- though met a woman on a previous cruise- all her cruises earned her money....and she spent nothing on them....


    something like she'd win- get double on board credit book a future cruise and (this was celebrity) had all her drinks included in michaels club.......did not seem a relaxing existence for me .....as she had a target to reach each cruise....but each to their own....

  19. Oh dear ..... (I think that is a generalization)



    well unless you've met every single person in the world - everything is a generalisation to some degree.


    it is an observation based on my experience - a bit like the noisy neighbours who say they never hear anything.... cause they ARE the ones making the noise....


    people who say theres no .xxxxx-ism in our company - but all the staff look very similar and there is an easy profile for management vs junior roles...


    people who benefit from sexism and racism etc ...usually do not see any problems as they are benefitting....directly/indirectly ......so ARE the worst offenders..

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