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Posts posted by Bobtails12

  1. Hopefully you'll be fine on Seabourn, but on the other hand you could just be one of those people that seems to attract - ummm -- "slightly eccentric" people!



    are you saying its not them it's me!! :) i must want it :) they can sense my need to be brought down?!:)


    my partner and i do enjoy each other's company and will laugh and joke a lot together - and are both story tellers to each other - so i wonder do the oddballs see us - go ' ah that couple are having a good time together- lets go and spoil it!!" :)

  2. I've never encountered the 'clingy' problem on either Seabourn or Silversea cruises.


    I cruise quite often on my own and most of the time during those solo cruises I'm happy to socialise with other guests. SB guests tend to be intelligent, well travelled, interesting people. Other times I'm travelling with my partner and often we prefer to have dinner alone because at home we don't see that much of each other due to business commitments. So open dining works very well, we can choose to have a table just for the two of us, or we can join another table, or we can dine with friends made on previous cruises.


    The politics thing has raised its head on one Seabourn cruise. It was about 3 months after the EU Referendum and at the same time Donald Trump was on his US Presidential campaign. Lots of guests wanted to talk about either one or the other (or both!) and for me, travelling solo that time, it got old very quickly.


    As for talking to other guests in passing, yes I do it all the time. I always say 'Good Morning/Evening' when someone goes by in the corridor for example, or when waiting for coffee at Seabourn Square. Just a brief pleasantry is all. Sometimes it leads to a longer conversation, sometimes not. But no cling ons so far!



    thanks Isklaar - have hopes for seabourn- the crowd here seem nice - so i am hoping our luck has changed... :)


    otherwise i was starting to look at cruises where there was no english languages or guests or french or german or other languages i understand:)...

  3. At dinner, in another luxury line, we met with a couple with whom we had chatted several times during drinks, and the woman said... "We are so happy to have met with you..such a fine, cultured, likable couple...nobody is able to tell you both are hispanic!" Just like that, with a big smile, the bigotry gun was pointed. Oh well, we had a lovely trip sans the couple from then on since my DH's response, emitted also with a big smile, made them understand they were neither cultured nor likable. Sometimes we need to be respectfully clear to uphold ourselves.


    well done you and your DH.


    i am at that point now where i probable will next say " i find your politics and personality dislikeable so would prefer not to socialise/chat with you any further' .... however my partner would prefer no drama - so we end up avoiding people than confronting their nastiness.... but i am probably at that point in life and experience that i will say something the next time....as have held it in too much.


    - i left out some of the greats - the man at the bar who i was not talking to - i was just ordering a drink - he overheard my accent and said " oh you're xxx nationality - well you mustn't be a guest on here - xxx can't afford cruises- you must be staff"


    - or in siciliy when an italian rescue boat was bringing refugees to a red cross tent on the pier - having literally being dragged from the sea - man shouted out " you should just line them all up and shoot them' - i wasn't talking to him but was standing next to him..... i have to say have never forgotten the hatred in his voice.


    both individuals above were the same nationality.... but different trips.

  4. Hello All,


    this is a bit of a existentialist/ off topic query - but of late have been having this conversation with my partner - so just wondering if there have been similar experiences for others.


    We've travelled a lot independently making our own arrangements etc for many years - and originally started doing ship/ cruise holidays due to the destinations being unable to travel to independently in the same time frame.


    while we don't need outside engagement and enjoy time together - we met an awful lot of of very interesting people chatting - pre dinner drinks and some large tables etc....it was a highlight of certain trips...to the point we met up some friends afterwards and invited others to stay and vice versa.


    then we had a run of bad luck on cruises ...

    - the family who stuck to us like glue...and turned up a few years later on another trip....bumming drinks(sat down to dinner every night at a group table and ASKED for a taste of our wine( purchased bottles not inclusive)- then proceed to pour them selves a large glass each) and invading our space every time we were outside our cabin - politely telling them we were going to have a romantic dinner or quiet reading time did not deter them....not helped by a maitre d - who decided we should sit with them every night- and when we asked for table for two - was annoyed....even sitting reading quietly one of the family would show up to chat - when nothing about a bobtail with sunglasses, headphones and a book - would shout come talk to me...:)

    - the racists/ people of certain politics - who when they heard the barman asking where we were we from originally - proceeded to tell us how they shad moved to our birth country but other nationalities should be kept out...

    - the parents who kept sending their adult son with alternative social skills to talk to us - and ask really personal inappropriate questions about our life choices.( "is your wife barren?"......i kid you not)

    - and a few other 'choice' guests along the way .....


    now i feel it's almost too dangerous to chat to someone on a cruise - as sod's law - they'll be someone we'll have try and avoid for the remainder...


    it's not that we aren't able to be forthright- but a ship environment is one where you are confined with people and do you want to have to argue with them - or try and avoid... or?


    on a land holiday /restaurant etc - i'll never be in same place for 10 nights running and also - you can just walk out of the door( not possible on a ship but gangplank was looking good once family above appeared second time :)) - so land based will be polite chat if conversation interesting- but am not looking for new best friend....


    so in a roundabout way - am wondering- if ship travel makes you less inclined to talk to fellow passengers in passing etc - in case they cling to you for 10 days or you have to try and avoid for 10 days?


    i have no notions that bobtail would be everyone's cup of tea - but then i don't approach people- and would never invite myself along with them or never scrounge drinks etc from them - that mindset is just is alien to me.


    (i correct myself- the odd time on formal nights i have approached and politely told a woman that their dress is beautiful- especially when obviously an intricate or vintage formal dress of beautiful material someone has beautiful kept - but it's a 'sorry to disturb you- but your dress is really beautiful- have a nice night'....usually when someone is waiting at bar etc next to me ...)


    just wondering has the confined nature of ship travel made some people less inclined to chat to fellow passengers after bad experiences ? on another thread someone started the worst table mates they had had - and now like us prefer tables for two.


    have we had a lot of bad experiences or the normal mix?


  5. Bobtails, I agree with you. Having a wine list would be great. On our recent Ovation cruise, I found a white bordeaux that I really liked. I can't remember the name--I always just asked for it as the white French bordeaux. I think it starts with a C.



    thanks for the tip on the white - will keep an eye out when on board...


    if wines were women and creamy chardonnay types were bubbly marilyn monroe types - i tend to go for the other end of the scale- crisp platinum blonde nordic spy - type wine... so if anyone has good recommendations for crisp dry end of things that they have tried onboard - it would be much appreciated....



  6. thanks for the list....am on odyssey next month...so hopefully similar list.


    it is rather funny that they do not want to freely give the list - it does seem to have a reverse effect - if they think not giving out the list makes people not notice more basic wines on the list - instead it seems to draw a lot of attention as seabourn 'hides' the list.


    going by the comments on here it makes most people think it is worse than it is and somehow they are being short changed by the wines they have already included in their prices....rather than having as another person here suggested a tasting - on the first or second day- with a charismatic sommelier - would make the list look inviting, enjoyable and worth the included price.

  7. i absolutely accept about the travel during peak times and sometimes and some people not having a choice.


    it is a fact and the numbers being thrown out there are quite stark - that the numbers travelling now in certain cities and tourist attractions vs 5-7 years ago has multiplied and reached a peak and beyond capacity.


    then sometimes it is personal- some people would go into an overcrowded bar or restaurant at a festival/ holiday where you can't move your elbows for being tightly packed - and be fine with it- others would like to move their elbows....and can't stand that.


    certain european places are at the point of not moving elbows.


    you can of course still visit in peak- but it takes more time - and some of the enjoyment is mixed as crowds e.g. visiting Rodin museum and being able to stand back and look at the sculptures or having 2000 people around them? and you are unable to see ...

  8. You are right about tourism. We also live in a tourist town and, on busy days, it can be impossible for us to get into town due to traffic being backed up for miles.


    Many destinations across the world are overcrowded with tourist and the summer is the worst. For that reason we generally don't travel in the summer months other than visiting the grandchildren. Increasing, our cruising months are December to March and we try to choose destinations outside the usual tourist circuit.


    absolutely agree - and the funny thing is parts of europe crowded to within an inch of its life in april- october is beautiful and magical rest of the year. EZE in november with empty streets and beautiful lanes - dublin beaches in december for a walk( dublin last year we were there in december was 17 degrees by the way) london in march - bordeaux in october...Lyon in january when you can sit on the quays wrapped up and drink champagne and eat oysters for sunday brunch....


    having said that this year we are travelling in august - due to work commitments in sept and october - but i am hoping the seaborne trip will be a kind one....and we'll just sea day and read on santorini or other over populated places - but please don't give your money to making a animal's life worse.


    if i had to pick a time to visit europe it would be autumn - still pleasant weather( was minus 8 in march in paris this year so spring been a hit and miss) and there is some calm - you can sit inside and enjoy the brasseries or outside and enjoy calmer streets. big cities are always busy - but european summer is overrated in most places.....

  9. Seems a little unfair to dismiss a whole continent, particularly one that was the birthplace of ancient and modern Western civilisation and culture, on the basis of a few donkeys and queues for a cable car.:cool::cool:


    i think you are missing( deliberately or otherwise) two issues.


    1. much of europe is over populated in summer and and at other times of the year. I say this as a european living in europe who has lived in 6 countries - all the places I've lived are tourist destinations and i do like to travel and travel a lot inside and outside europe - but in the last 5 years or so it has become over populated in summer. venice is saying it. santorini is saying it, even listened to programme about tourism about ireland saying dublin now overcrowded. it is no longer comfortable to travel in much of europe in summer. e.g. i live in paris and galleries lafayette opened a special store for chinese customers across the road from the main store - its that busy. europe is over touristed in the summer and i agree autumn/spring so much more pleasant. santorini cable queues is just one aspect of over crowding.




    2.. cruelty to animals - as a tourist you can decide where to spend your tourist money. people who decide to inflict cruelty on animals abroad are the same in my mind as those that decide to inflict cruelty on children in certain s3x travel industry countries e.g. thailand - it is your money and you can decide if you will be part of promoting pain or not when travelling. i like thailand- i like asian countries - but will not help someone inflict pain on others.


    if you are at home in london or melbourne or boston and see a man kicking his dog on the street- do you shout STOP at him or offer him 10 euros to kick his dog too? those who ride animals who are treated badly and support those who brutalise animals are offering the 10 euros to kick the dog too.


    Do you think it doesn't matter being cruel and inflicting pain because you are outside your normal geography ?


    would you be ashamed for your neighbours / family/ colleagues/ clients to see you paying to kick the dog? then don't do it in someone else's country.


    support the local economy absolutely - buy craft- buy local made produce - buy a beer - pay a driver to tour an island - but PLEASE DON'T BUY CRUELTY.

  10. Pavovsky, question is, if I had specifically *asked* them to deliver champagne and caviar to me in the bath, would they have done it? Or would it depend on if I were surrounded by modesty bubbles ? Would they send a female or male suite waiter to deliver it, and could I choose which one from a checklist?

    These service issues on luxury ships can get tricky! :)



    maybe the waitress/waiter would be trained to come in with a blindfold? like dining in the dark in reverse?


    would be a lot of effort keeping the modesty bubbles going - though am not a bath person so am wondering if they would deliver to the shower - you know a gentle knock on the door and hand in the champagne?

  11. Could I please ask anyone visiting Santorini to spare a thought for the poor donkeys who are treated notoriously badly. Just google it if in doubt. Please do not ride them!!!



    to be honest riding and using any animal for transportation is cruelty. with the exception possibly of well managed and kept horses in a good stable( personally not my thing but from horse friends who love horses i can see how they are well cared for).


    the number of people who boast about riding elephants in asia on holidays disgusts me - and they don't seem to understand the elephants are disciplined and managed with a hook.... and when you look at the damage on the animals in real sanctuaries - you see how they are damaged by tourism ( note if you are visiting an animal sanctuary - really research they are a sanctuary as some are really animal shows with the animals being treated badly) no real sanctuary will offer rides on the animals.


    how a 20stone tourist thinks it's acceptable to ride a small donkey up steps in 30plus degree heat really makes me angry.


    there's a lot of talk about dress code on these boards - perhaps cruelty and ignorance should be banned in the dress code all the time.

  12. Emperor, I enjoy your balanced posts describing great, good, bad, and ugly. I also like to hear other pax’ opinions, pro and con, about dining hours and other things, not just cheer-leading, and as others have said, those bored with it can skip reading them.


    Ultimately we weigh risks, benefits, and alternatives when we travel (or do anything else for that matter) and anyone experienced knows you often have to make compromises. So even though a laundry person came into my suite on the Quest while I was in the bathtub to insist on talking to me about missing trousers, and there were other violations of the DND sign, plus some other problems, I am booked on another SB cruise because there was enough good or wonderful to favor SB for the itinerary and time of year I was interested in.


    DH and I try to proactively make the best of any annoying situations traveling and have a good time anyway, while still noting problems for future reference, and so do most pax here.



    sorry to sidetrack- but that bathtub incident is kinda funny- have this image of a Lucille Ball skit with bubbles........am wondering though if you had been using the bathroom for other activities would they come in and chat?? ..... all this talk of dress code and then the staff are happy for you to wear your birthday suit..:)

  13. Thanks All.


    I think it would be fairly odd for a hairdryer to trip the circuit breaker- as that has never happened to me anywhere. If SB had that problem - I would be thinking it's SB faulty/ bad wiring- which would be disturbing on a ship.


    thanks Julie - agree with you on straighteners /dryers - all ships and hotels accept that people use their own now- as well as charging iPhone/iPad - other devices. I think some cruise lines have yet to really update all their info - but the reality is how would it be unsafe in a cabin when they use them in the spa.


    seems to fall on side of bringing your own dryers etc.- in case you get a dodgy over heating type or have to wait days to replace.

  14. Thanks All,


    If room might try and squeeze in my babyliss travel - with is a super travel hairdryer for anyone looking- 2000-and then amuse my partner by using one in each hand and swinging my head and hair in-between - he thinks that is hilarious :)


    but it does dry everything super fast ....

  15. hello all,


    i know this thread was 2017- but wondering if recently 2018- anyone had any update on changes or replacements in hairdryers ? as would love to leave mine at home if there is one that works - but overheating and shutting off as described above - doesn't work with trying to get out quickly and enjoy dinner etc. in the evening.


    just wondering if the same problems as above still with dryers shutting off?


    also are their own dryers plug in or wired in? as in you do not need to use a plug plugging them in? as sometimes then i bring my own and use both dryers at same time to get a super fast dry (but sometimes limited plug space stops this or if they are wired into wall far from other plugs).





  16. I tried to upload some pictures. They do not have spin bikes. The classes were more like movement and things like that but I did not really pay attention to that. 8 treadmills. About 6 bikes (3 regular and 3 recumbent) and 4 elliptical. About 6 or 7 technogym machines for various body parts and a multi-functional machines. Also dumbells etc. They do not have any equipment I use with my trainer at home like exercise balls, resistance bands etc. It is located in the spa on the stern of deck 10 with great views. Each cardio station has a tv and they supply headphones. It is interesting that there is only 1 scale on board that has to be shared between the men's and ladies changing rooms. It was never crowded. I usually went in late afternoon so I do not know how it was in the morning. Have a great trip.


    thanks empty nester...on a serious note- is there water and fridge for cold towels? i feel it helps in cooling red head- so as to look decent for dinner...


    very brave of you to be looking for a scale on holidays...in my youth I might have done that - now as long as everything still zips and feels good- then i am happy.

  17. Smart casual for plain ones. Formal for ones bedecked with Swarovski (sp) crystals.


    Seriously, I hope this thread has put your mind at rest.

    It's been good to have fun on a dress code type thread.


    can't talk....busy on amazon trying to buy a glue gun and crystals ....can't you make everything formal with crystals :)


    solves all my problems.


    reminds me of another cruise with typo in sign by dining room ..." ladies must wear skirt with a top that compliments it" had images of blouses being extra nice and saying lovely things to skirts....

  18. I use the stairs too. The main staircase (circular on the deck plans) does get a lot of use, but the other staircases next to the lifts/elevators forward and aft don't see much footfall at all.


    I'd recommend horse blinkers over sunglasses for furtive gym expeditions.


    yes but i like to match - so if i wore the blinkers i'd want to wear the saddle and the whip- and that might give out a mixed message to the fifty shades of grey meeting group...:) and would blinkers be smart casual or formal?


    it reminds me of previous jumbo ship cruise where i ordered a bells and whistles smoke and light show drink- went to the bathroom thinking it would be ages - came back and my partner was being chatted up by a fellow passenger - i never read the daily bulletin outside of onshore offshore times etc - and music times - so hadn't realised this bar was a single and mingle meeting point every night.


    so every night when i left them there with a fancy drink on order- some nice passenger would use the fancy smoked mirror drink as a starting point for conversation - was about 5 days before I discovered i was leaving them in the singles party...:)


    i just thought god they must be looking well- they're getting loads of random attention....

  19. No worries. You'll be the only one using the stairs. :D


    Stairs down to grand salon, swift walk through lift/elevator area, do not make eye contact with anyone, bypass staircase, onto deck 6 suites corridor. Move along purposefully with a grim, determined expression. Again, don't make eye contact with anyone. ;) Not even SB's lovely suite stewardesses who will be busy doing evening turndown service at that time.


    Of course, if you're forward deck 6 then the you do have the option of passing Patio bar en route to the forward staircase.


    As an aside, in the days when I used to use the gym they had lots of small bottles of water

    available. Not sure if they still do, I'm sure a current gym user can chime in.



    thanks all


    so best way is wear sunglasses even after dark for no eye contact - use a wig - and maybe an accent????....maybe russian...with a hint of spending time in qatar? and of course ....seems straightforward enough.


    funnily enough on the way back in after an evening workout is always when the stewardess/ housekeeping staff always want to know how your day was etc - and i am dripping in hallway dying for shower - glass of wine and to be get dressed for dinner.....


    my rule on stairs is must be used for whole cruise - only allow lifts on first day with bags and last day with bags......am always fascinated with people using gym then getting lift 1 or 2 floors - usually going down.

  20. I admit I have been quite focused on standards of dress on Seabourn since

    I started seeing people plop down in the Observation Bar after 6:00 pm in their sweaty gym wear completely oblivious to their surroundings: a beautiful place with women dressed for the evening of elegance and refinement and men dressed as if they know they are on a 5 star cruise. That’s how you show respect for community standards at a fine hotel, isn’t it.


    Seeing someone foisting the “me first and always” attitude is sadly all too common today. It belongs on a mass market fun ship with a few thousand like minded people. Spare Seabourn for those who worked hard for their money, appreciate elegance (especially after 6:00 pm in the bar, lounge and restaurant public rooms), and show in their behavior that tradition still matters. I mean really... is that too much to ask of anyone?


    Happy and healthy sailing!



    i totally agree with you on people wearing sweaty clothes in seats in public areas - personally on the way back from a hotel/ ship gym to my cabin i put a towel around my neck and shoulders so anyone passing in hallway does not catch on sweaty arms.


    i also think it very unhygienic to sit on couches chairs in sweaty clothes- even in gyms you sanitise equipment before and after and put a towel between you and yoga mat.


    i was in the gym recently in a very nice hotel in vienna and after showering went to breakfast only to find the two sweaty blondes who were next to me in the gym sitting in gym clothes on cloth couches( yuck) in hotel breakfast room- which was a rooftop trendy bar area in a few hours - some people just don't care about hygiene.


    however i assume you don't have a problem with someone passing you in the hallway after 6pm on way to cabin/ gym - otherwise ships would have to close gyms at 5.45pm.

  21. I just finished a two week cruise on the Ovation. On a number of days I finished working out in the gym after 6:00 PM and went to the Observation Bar to pick up the special cocktail of the day for my wife while still in the gym clothes and never felt it was a problem. I would not worry about it at all.



    thanks empty nester - good to know i can pick up water or a glass of something on way back to cabin without the wrath....

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