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Everything posted by tupper10

  1. Hello All. Sorry to hear about the continued medical/health issues for so many but glad to see so many packing for new travels. We had a wonderful time on our 9 day Southern Caribbean cruise on the Rotterdam. Unfortunately when I came back w/in a day I had Covid. I had most of the cold type symptoms but the paxlovid caused the GI issues as well. With all of these plus the complete exhaustion that comes with this new variant I have not been out of the house since last week. I still have the exhaustion but I finished the paxlovid so the awful taste in my mouth is dissipating. I am trying to get up the energy to go to the grocery store. I did manage to work most days last week- with many breaks in between. It was about all I could manage to do. The benefits of working remotely. I 1/2 watched the Super Bowl - I don't really follow professional football though as a Penn State alumna I used to follow college football quite closely. Now the only sport I love to watch is ice skating and some tennis, and gymnastics at the Olympics. I am looking forward to that this summer. Other than work not much on my agenda - as I said trying to get up the energy for the grocery store later today but if I don't make it, I do have enough to eat in the house. Healing thoughts to all. And so sorry to hear about the passing of friends and family of the daily family.
  2. Sorry should have said @Cruising on a Sunday afte
  3. @SumoCitrus As I am sure you are aware any place that your grandson eats whether on a cruise, at school, at someone else's house has the potential to give him a reaction. I also have a severe nut allergy and I found that I was fine on HAL. As I said in the Lido the manager knows what is in the food. The chef actually made me a dozen cookies since even though the cookies said no nuts I was afraid of cross contamination. You are given a menu for the meals in the MDR again - they know how the food is made and what is in it. If there is a question, the staff checked directly with the chef. To be frank I felt safer eating on the cruise than in many other settings. 2
  4. In the Lido many items are labeled to say 'have nuts'. But IMHO you still must be very careful due to cross contamination. You can see one of the waiters who will call over a manager in the Lido and they will either prepare the meal for your grandson or tell you what he can and cannot eat. In the MDR we always ask on day 1 to sit with the same waiter - so s/he knows the food allergies involved.
  5. If it hurts my PT said don’t do it. Just stand against wall and don’t raise your arms.
  6. Bon Voyage to all. How exciting for you all to be on your way to Hawaii. Sorry to hear about stitches and shoulder pain. @StLouisCruisersi have the same issue my PT. told me to stand against the wall with head and shoulders back and hold. It does correct your posture. Also she said to then raise your arms 1/2 way up holding the same position. I find it is one of the few things that relieves the pain. Sorry to hear Tana is having issues. I hope they can be addressed. We are heading out to a short excursion soon just a ride around town. It is way too hot to be walking. Have a good day.
  7. Bon Voyage I will be following along. Have a fabulous cruise.
  8. @Seasick Sailori hope this posts they miss you very much. Debbie @tupper10 IMG_3988.mov
  9. I would contact a supervisor at Amazon and then perhaps Elliot. Org will help. His site deals with consumer issues not only travel.
  10. Sorry I didn’t make it to the port side. Only 2 elevators were working due to suitcases being delivered and deck 3 had been hosed down. We did sail away from our veranda. I already had to go to guest services about our OBC. Nothing is ever easy. I do like our large veranda. We really haven’t done much else except unpack. @JazzyVso glad you have a date. I pray it works for you. Thanks for all the port pictures.
  11. On our way tooting the horn. Didn’t make it to port side. Elevators a mess and deck 3 is soaked.
  12. White shirt short sleeve t shirt if it is warm out or beige long sleeve sweater if it isn't. I will try and post here when I have my outfit on and am ready to head up to wave goodbye for the sail away.
  13. We are on the starboard side - so I guess I will have to go up to one of the decks to wave to everyone. It is a new cabin location for us - we are trying deck 4 with one of the larger verandas since the retreat was booked and I like quiet vs the 'music' playing non stop on the outside decks. I do miss the Lincoln Center stage. I won't be doing a live from since we are not really doing anything at all on this cruise. The debate is whether we will even get off the ship- we know we are not getting off at HMC because it will be cool and the water temp is way too cold for us to swim. I intend on hitting the library on board and along with what is on my kindle reading and relaxing. They are showing Oppenheimer on board for 2 consecutive days so I thought I would watch 1/2 of the movie 1 day and the other 1/2 the next since I don't think I can sit for the full 3 hours. I just picked up Paxlovid which I hope we don't need. I am going to wear my mask at check in and in the elevators. We are hoping that check in is not a zoo. We don't have any status at all and are not in a suite so I assume it will not be quick. Thanks for all the Bon Voyages and yes Joy I know to say hi to the Lido bartenders for you and Allen. 🙂
  14. Thank you all for the Bon Voyage. We are packed and ready to go but our boarding time is in the afternoon so we will be home all morning waiting to leave. We usually hang out on our veranda for the sail away and not sure where the port cameras are. I will wear by blue baseball cap and wave if we are on the correct side. I just hope the seas are not too rough like our Alaska trip this fall - the bands don't work for me so I have to take the pills which make me fall asleep. If it is in the beginning of our cruise that is fine- since we don't have anything planned. @ger_77 I hope that the doctors can treat your DH's medical issues and you get a quick appointment for the CT scan. @kazu Jacqui- I hope your ribs feel better soon - and glad you got out for groceries. @0106 Safe travels - we have air tags as well and you do know where you suitcase will be but the last couple of trips the airline through the app had their own track your luggage as well so we used both. HAL sells wonderful lined water proof jackets at their shops so on our trip to Alaska many cruisers bought these - so heaven forbid if they lose your luggage know that HAL does have some warm clothes to buy. One thing I would recommend is long underwear - it blocks the wind - and that is the major issue vs just the cold on these trips. Also make sure you have a neck warmer (a turtle neck works) and a hat and gloves. What a fabulous trip this will be. @Cruzin Terri I hope you get all of your packing done and have a wonderful, enjoyable cruise. I am glad that your floors finally got done the right way. @StLouisCruisers Sandy thank you for the pictures. One day I would love to go there - we did an expedition trip to Antarctica but we didn't do any of Patagonia. My DH only wants to do a trip like you did but it is $$$$$ and a bit out of our price range - I do keep buying lotto tickets. Thank you to all for doing the daily. This is nicest group of people on CC.
  15. Love the British shows - one of the best is Foyle's War. Also the new one Anika is very good. Sorry to hear about everyone's medical issues. It seems our medical system here in the US is one of wait and wait vs getting the care we need. @ger_77 If you call your DH's doctor could he be seen right away vs waiting in the ER? I hope your concerns can be addressed promptly. @StLouisCruisers I love the Valentine tree, your daughter is so creative. We are packed and pretty much ready to go for our cruise tomorrow. Just a few last minute things to do today. It is so nice to not have to fly anywhere for this cruise. Thank you all for the daily.
  16. @smitty34877Happy Birthday and glad you are going out to dinner. I hope the weather is okay for that. Be safe with the freezing rain/snow/sleet combo today. @DWAliaschief Happy Birthday and enjoy your fabulous cruise. @RMLincoln thinking of your DH's surgery today. I hope it resolves all of his issues and he doesn't have to use the drops anymore which cause him the awful itching. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels and I hope the doctors today can take care of the issue so you can go on your cruise. I wish you could find local doctors but it seems to be happening all over the south that doctors are going to concierge practices. We also refuse to pay the outrageous fees to see a doctor. Our weather has finally warmed up today. I don't have much on the agenda, just work and a hair appointment. My DH cracked a tooth on some popcorn but the dentist said he was fine to travel and will get a new crown when we get home. The cost of this is $$$ - even with a dental plan. Thank you all for the daily.
  17. @StLouisCruisers loved the pictures of Singapore and your grandchildren. They grow up so fast. @aliaschief our cruise looks fabulous and so nice to see pictures of you and Sue. I love my sweat pants but just wear them around the house. They also got a lot of wear after my back surgery last. year since they were easy to pull up and down. @superomaI love your toe socks. It is cold here today- one of our coldest days but nothing like everyone here is having. There was an article in our local paper about the awful weather in Florida this year thanks to El Nino. We are having cold, then warm but it is usually raining with our warm weather. Fl is not a good vacation spot for people this year. We have to drive to FLL today to pick up a chair that had to be fixed. The woman who fixed it is a weaver - the rattan on the seat broke from old age and she replaced it. She works out of her home. Small world - when we spoke it turns out we grew up just a couple of miles from each other. She lives in one of the true old FL cottages on the inter coastal. FLL is a long drive for us and we only want to go on the weekend since the traffic is horrible during the week. We will be there next week for our cruise but we take a car service from our home so we don't have to drive it. Later today it will be football and more football. He is hoping the ship has the games next week for him to watch. Happy Sunday to all.
  18. For this trip I would recommend a veranda cabin not a a cabana. On our trip we would not have used a cabana at all. In May it is likely that it will be way too cold or windy to be in a cabana. The bow is opened in Glacier Bay so we went there or to the rear of the ship to see Glacier Bay. When we were too cold we went up to the Crow's nest (along with everyone else it seemed). If it is warm out you will be fine seeing everything at the bow or by the Seaview pool area. Also the promenade deck is another location to see everything. For a lot of Glacier Bay we stayed in our room and went in and out of our veranda- remember it takes hours to do the entire bay.
  19. @ger_77Sorry to hear about your DH and that you had to cancel the cruise. I hope his procedure is scheduled soon so he can get healthy and you can cruise again. @RMLincoln Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. I am glad you are now safe in your new place and that family can visit you much more often. My DD and GKs (one set) live in Tenafly and I do hate driving in NJ. I find that when I go a bit over the speed limit the other drivers are tail gaiting me and honking me to go faster even though I am in the right lane. I also got awful directions from google on our trip from the airport to Tenafly - we were going in circles - I wished I had an old fashioned map. @seagarsmokerCongratulations on the good news. I hope the job offer is what you want in terms of salary and benefits. Today it looks like rain again - no surprise, and then we will for us be very cold. All of those traveling to FLL and other Florida ports should be sure to bring jackets and sweaters. I am glad we picked our cruise this year to go way south to the ABC islands. The weather has not been great for the Eastern Caribbean this year. I can't believe @JazzyVremembered we are leaving next week. I hope everyone has a good Friday.
  20. I have been reading a very interesting non fiction book called Fire Weather about the 2016 fire in Ft. McMurray. The author also writes a lot about the oil industry in this area. It is a fascinating read. He references the youtube videos of the fire which I viewed and it was frightening to see this fire consume most of the entire town. @seagarsmoker good luck and I hope you hear positive news about the job. @Quartzsite Cruisersorry about the passing of your friends from high school. We have a large facebook group from my high school class and it is always so sad to see the passing of my classmates, some of whom I have known since elementary school. @JazzyV Vanessa so glad you canceled your appointment and got someone to do the snow clearing. Please be safe tomorrow. @marshhawk sorry to hear about Chuck's need for more surgery. It is hard to take care of spouses who do defy doctor's orders. @Kazu glad you also got someone to help with the ice/snow. @ottahand7 I hope you feel better soon. It is no fun to be sick on a cruise. I love mashed potatoes but I don't eat them that often since they are loaded with calories. My husband makes very good ones with Yukon gold potatoes. Thanks to all who make the daily a wonderful place to visit.
  21. @marshhawk Please let us know how your DH does with his procedure. I hope all goes well. @ottahand7 - Nancy - wow on the steroids. I hope the lowered dose takes those hallucinations away and you get to sleep today. Hoping you feel better soon. Wow to all on the ice and cold. We are starting to have our cold weather again but I am sure it is laughable to all here, even those in Northern Fl. For those of you traveling here bring a light weight jacket and a sweater, and don't forget your rain coat. It has been a very rainy winter. Even with this cool and rainy weather I much prefer winter to our horrible hot summer. @Nickelpenny please take it easy on overdoing it. I am sure the PT will give you exercises to do at home that will help you vs making you feel hurt all over. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures of the port today. We should have been there last year but had to cancel that cruise due to my back surgery. This year our substitute cruise doesn't go to Scotland - we decided to do 1/2 of the VOV instead and come back to Boston so we only have to fly one way. I am not sure at this point if we will ever get there, so it is great seeing the pictures. Have a good day everyone and happy cruising to those traveling.
  22. @ottahand7 glad you are feeling a bit better. We had the RSV and I had an awful reaction to it, but given what is going around now I am glad I had it. Wow on the snow everyone is getting. The schools are all closed where my grandkids lived- even NH which surprised me. I assume it is because the busses can't do the windy, hilly roads. @rafinmd please be careful shoveling the snow. Isn't there someone you can hire to do this for you? We are actually having a nice day here in South Florida. All the weather is north of us and we are finally seeing the yellow orb in the sky. I am back to work today after a nice long 3 day weekend. Yesterday I had trigger point injections for my neck/shoulder so I am very sore today but at least the pain seems to have dissipated a bit. I am still in my PJ's - I do love working remotely. I see multiple work emails coming in I have to address - so here is to a great day for everyone. Some of my favorite days were snow days when I didn't have to go anywhere at all.
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