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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I think he's on a cruise, but then again I could be wrong. I usually am😉 Avril
  2. Good morning all. Well what a night that was!!!! Every fan we posessed, ceiling and free standing, on full last night but to no avail. At 2.15am, after tossing and turning unable to sleep, we finally went outside taking a fan with us, and managed to catnap on the loungers for a while. A strange experience and one which looks set to be repeated tonight. Stay safe, cool and hydrated. It should, hopefully, all be over by tomorrow and our weather back to normal.🤞 Avril
  3. I find the noise and being around people uncomfortable too. I've always liked the peace and quiet anyway, but this dislike about being around people is new. I feel very antisocial now and that is not like me at all. Avril
  4. Good morning everyone, and a very nice one it is too. Frank and I are just waiting for the taxi to take us to the vaccination centre for our Spring booster. It will be the first time we've been out this year. I only hope it will give us the incentive to begin to venture out again. I think the real Avril is still out there somewhere and need to find her again. Have a good day everyone and take care.x Avril
  5. Frank and I have the same dentist and go for twice yearly check-ups, (though not since 2019) I've had 2 fillings and 3 extractions over the years, not bad for 75. Frank on the other hand has a partial denture, 2 extractions and 6 fillings. It's not always the dentist wowzz, and some of us are lucky enough to have stronger, healthier teeth than others. Avril
  6. I whole-heartedly agree with your post Harry. We need an 'Agree' button as 'Like' sometimes can't say enough. Avril
  7. We had covid a little while ago and I don't think we're fully over it yet, still lethargic and feeling a little down. I think the boosters are the same, but not sure. Sis
  8. You're not scaremongering at all bro, merely saying what most already know. Finally managed to book our spring boosters at last, but not until July 16th, so they're busy. Sis
  9. Listened to a professor from Exeter Uni (I think🤔) yesterday, who was saying that the vaccines are helping somewhat with this new variant, but not as effective, so to take extra care. Sis
  10. I love lavendar, we have some bushes in the garden. Brings back lovely memories of sitting with Gran and making lavendar bags together. Avril
  11. I think you'll find there are well over 900 Lions Clubs in the UK zap, so keep an eye open when on your travels and steer well clear of any deer poo😁😉 Avril
  12. The last time we were there you pay the entrance free and were given one old penny each to ride the tram. We're not too bad Graham, thanks for asking, but after having covid we don't seem to have picked up properly since. Can't seem to find that old spark, if you know what I mean. Mustn't complain though, we're much better than some. Avril
  13. We've been to Beamish a couple of times, a fascinating place, and still haven't seen it all. On a smaller scale, Eden Camp was an interesting afternoon while on our way to Pickering. Avril
  14. We needed hazard pay too. Not all customers are 'polite' shall we say.😉 Avril
  15. Majority of shop jobs are now on a part time basis wowzz. When I began working for WHS in 1996 the average hours were 20/22 hours pw for counter staff in most stores. Avril
  16. I shall be watering the garden just in case. I've been caught out a few too many times times relying on the weather forecast.🥴 Avril
  17. I'm grateful for the nice weather delgirl, but sorry about the reason for it.😉 I hope your husband's back improves soon. Avril
  18. A beautiful day here too, 17c at the moment. I agree, the roses are gorgeous this year. I pamper 4 of them that Dad planted over 60 years ago. He had a garden full and Mum didn't want to leave them when he died and she came to live with us. Only 4 of them survived the move 30 years ago, but they are still going strong🤞 and are happily flowering along with our own. Avril
  19. You kept that quiet Kalos. Happy Anniversary Kalos and Mrs Kalos🥂x Avril
  20. Not according to Kalos' post yesterday Harry😉 Avril
  21. When the polo finally disappears into it's own black hole😉....... ....... and I don't mean your mouth Kalos😁 Avril
  22. It was because Diana Ross was a royal favourite, or so the the commentator said. The only question I would like answered is :- Was Simon Le Bon wearing a corset under his t-shirt? Avril
  23. They'll probably join in the festivities bro, and descend on you with plates of food. Have a great time. Sis
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