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Posts posted by B-52

  1. 21 hours ago, crewsweeper said:

    Yes, others are developing vaccines as well.  But let's remember vaccines are preventative not cure-alls.

    Example for the seasonal flu, about 40% of those getting a vaccine still get the flu and less than 1/2 the population who should get a vaccine do so.

    Agreed...I heard it said that the Flu Vaccine is only 60% effective, the yearly figures are bad as far as deaths, etc, and that it is the elderly and those with medical conditions that are the most vulnerable. Year after year.

    So a vaccine, although not a bad thing,  is not the miracle cure people are hoping it will be.


    I'm a Health Care professional, and I can tell you right now, when a vaccine becomes available, it will be given to the elderly and those with medical conditions. Dr.'s have a list who to administer it to, and those are the people on it.

    The young and healthy have never been a big concern.
    If you are young and healthy, you may have to wait.

  2. 4 hours ago, Junkhouse said:

    I have talked to medical professionals who have said the stay at home orders were to ensure that medical facilities would not be overrun with cases until the curve was flattened.  The only way to stop a pandemic is to either have it run its course (why with all the lockdowns numbers were still going up) or a vaccine, and we all know how effective the flu vaccines are. 


    Here in NJ where many say is the epicenter, it is hard to see any lockdown taking place.

    People all over the place, as before, traffic on the highways as busy as ever.
    I've been going to grocery stores at least twice a week, been to Home Depot countless times, walk right into convenience stores, my favorite coffee shops, etc, etc. And places are busy with other people doing the same.


    I'm 68 and have underlying medical conditions....I'm an essential worker and have never let up in my daily schedule.

    I just use common sense!!

    • Like 2
  3. 14 hours ago, taglovestocruise said:

    waiting for casino to open at 12:01. After 78 days of stay at home. Las Vegas rocks


    This is happening all over the US, not to mention the protests going on right now....the point is...will it have the impact that the experts both real and make believe (politicians) fear?  Or will it make little to no substantial difference. Can go either way. Have to wait and see.

    IF it has no impact, then all we have been told is over the top, proving many people wrong in their estimated fears, and opening the door for all of us in many areas....such as baseball and football stadiums, ALSO Including Cruises resuming and getting back to normal.


    WE will have to wait and see....look at it as an experiment, a test.


    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, LorraineP said:

    Would love to know their TA. We can drive to Bayonne & Baltimore easily. 

    People I know live on the Florida coast between Canaveral and Fort Lauderdale.

    They are from NJ and retired to Florida. We met as table mates on a cruise, turns out they are from our home town in NJ

  5. On 5/21/2020 at 10:05 PM, scorpluvsdolphins said:

    If you mean 4 hours or less, hundredS. 

    I know retired people living within short driving distances...they have packed bags by the door.

    Their TA calls them as little as 24 hours before a cruise with deals that are unbelievable.

    Sometimes the night before departure.
    They throw the bags in the car and go...2-3 sailings a month.

    And they are not unusual. All their friends do the same and they meet up on the ship.


    And yes, they are Pinnacle.

  6. 6 hours ago, livingonthebeach said:

    NCL announced these protocols so maybe the rest of the cruise lines will follow:




    "All guests will undergo an enhanced pre-embarkation health screening, and those considered at risk will undergo additional screening"


    This is one of the things they need to clarify...hate to pay for a cruise in full, show up at the port then denied boarding for something I am not even sure what that may be....
    Everyone 65 and older is considered "at risk" and will need additional screening.

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/22/2020 at 9:56 AM, LuCruise said:

    For Elevators, you have the sanitizing but I think the issue is also many people in a small space Wonder if they will limit to one family at a time?  I'm always one that likes to take the stairs when we can....esp on a cruise with all the eating and treats...but for many it's not a choice.


    Maybe, just a thought, they make using the stairs mandatory, and the use of elevators will be for those carrying a permit of some sort to do so based on their inability to use stairs.
    This would cut the use by 1/2, perhaps, and then limiting the # of people at any one time.

    • Like 1
  8. There are masks, and then there are masks.
    We are being told to protect by wearing a mask that can be fabricated out of simple cloth.

    This is not a mask a medical professional would wear.

    Early on we were told that wearing a mask will not provide any protection, therefore masks are not needed.

    "Besides, Masks are needed for the protection  of health care personnel."

    They contradicted themselves in the same sentence.


    A cloth mask does not protect yourself from pathogens. It is nothing more than covering your mouth if you sneeze or cough.

    I am a health care professional, and I am issued on a weekly basis, enough masks to get me through the week.

    If you go to Amazon, etc, these masks are not presently available.

    People who are high risk with sever underlying co-morbidities, may also be issued appropriate masks through their Drs, or from their support clinics - groups.


    From what I have read, RCI is designing a mask to b=e used bit their passengers. I guarantee they will not be cloth.


  9. 14 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

    Did you read about the guy in Fla who chose not to wear a mask ? It was on line tioday.

    His wife is on a ventilator and may not survive.He has Covid-19 too.


    I have a niece who is an MD in NY.She believes that if 80 percent of the population began wearing masks in March the disease would not be as horrific as it is now.

    My best friend died from Covid-19 on April 4.He was in great health and chose not to wear a mask.

    So you are saying wearing a mask will help prevent you from contacting the Virus?  Any old mask such as the cloth masks they are promoting? There are masks, and then there are masks.

    The masks that help you prevent contracting the virus are scarce and unavailable to the public.

    The masks that most people are wearing, their only use is that if you should sneeze, cough, it will prevent the spraying of droplets to other people.

    President Trump has been criticized for not wearing a mask...well if everyone around him is wearing one, then......also if you are not in the vicinity of other people then a mask is not needed.
    I witnessed my neighbor last weekend mowing his lawn, all by his lonesome, wearing a mask....to each their own.


    I am an Essential healthcare professional, and come in contact with medically involved people everyday (not necessarily covid-19) and we are given a portion of masks to use once a week...masks you cannot get on amazon or anywhere else.

    • Like 1
  10. People need to do their research, many are finding out the hard way.

    In The U.S., certain states are requiring a 14 day quarantine if you fly in from other certain states.
    You may fly into a port from say California for example, a day or 2 before your cruise, only to find out you need to self quarantine for 14 days. (don't know if those states are accurate although I'm fairly certain of California)
    Airlines are not informing their passengers of this, it is up to the individual to research if they will affected.

    And yes, we have branches in the Hawaiian Islands and this is true.


    I my company, we have people who need to fly all over the states, and this has been discovered.

  11. And don't forget the US Ports are located in US States, and the states may not want cruise ships coming and going in and out of their State.
    Here in  the North East, I can't see the Governors allowing thousands of people in one place coming and going through their port.

    CDC may say its ok, but that is not the final word.
    I can see things happening in Florida with their Governor.

  12. We have always avoided the Windjammer, mainly due to the crowds and behaviors I have witnessed.
    I swear, people act as though they will run out of food...and the Kids, do they have to taste all the desserts?
    We do go for breakfast primarily because we are some of the first few in there.

    I wonder if they can cut down on the crowding if they expanded their hours.....like all day?

    I'd would prefer at times a Brunch...a late breakfast, early lunch?

  13. 2 hours ago, frito58 said:

    I just don't see anyway you ever do anything with a crowd ever again until there is a vaccine . No cruises , sports . Anything like that . But that's just me . Unless you want to take a chance of getting it . I personally don't .  



    I wonder when I will feel Ok with shaking peoples hands again...or giving the little friendly hug

  14. If they declare bankruptcy, it does not mean they are going away. It means they are in a no-win financial situation, and they need to re-organize, propose a new business plan and budget, probable management shake up
    , etc, all the time being protected by its debtors (people they owe money to)

    When cruising resumes, they will continue also, even if they are in bankruptcy. It is their product and source of revenue. Can't re-structure without it.
    It is not out of the question to think RCI and CCL will not do the same if a revenue source is not re-established soon...it is the thing to do from a business standpoint. They are bleeding and one way or the other it will have to stop.

    Does that mean going to the courts?

  15. On 4/30/2020 at 8:42 PM, jean87510 said:

    I live in south Jersey and it is not like that here. I have a local hospital down the street that ER parking lot has maybe 6 cars? Im a nurse and was laid off along with other health care workers. I volunteered and tried to get work at these north Jersey centers but myself and others were not needed. 84% of the deaths are from nursing homes in my county. Our esteemed governor sent covid patients to the nursing homes rather then the ship that the government sent. There are quite a few of us healthcare professionals who have to collect unemployment because of this. We cannot get work. Only places that were hiring nurses were nursing homes that wouldn't supply masks in the beginning.  Our largest trauma hospital ER is slow. No one will come in. I have friends that work there as well as my son.

    Sorry to hear its like that up the turnpike but its not like that down here.

    Yes, it is worse in NY, and the northern section that borders NY....cruising will resume in the parts of the country long before Port Liberty in Bayonne, and NY for Norwegian and Carnival 


    We live along the Jersey Shore...the beaches and boardwalks are closed to the public not because it's unsafe, but because they do not want people from the north coming here.
    There is one town that shut off the water so people would not come too their summer homes.

  16. 1 hour ago, NHProud said:

    I like your suggestions except for packing of masks. If a mask is required, I’d rather stay at home .  I’m mulling over not buying anything pre-cruise like excursions, specialty dining , gratuities, zoom or any other extras . Wait and see if the refunds are issued. There is already a problem with getting a refund instead of FCC which RCI has already issued. TA is trying to rectify the problem.  


    RCI has designed  their own style of masks that will be used on future cruises...
    So yes, there will be masks.
    I'm interested to see what they do to keep some type of social distancing. 
    They are going to do whatever it takes to get cruising going again.

    And be sure to book a balcony cabin, at least, so I can get fresh air when the ship is quarantine and everyone is restricted to their cabins.


    • Like 1
  17. 29 minutes ago, toocruisin2 said:

    I'm not a legal expert, but I understand that the expiration of the no-sail order is July 24th, and I wouldn't be surprised if the CDC issues new guidance in May, once they've reviewed the plans from the operators.


    We have cruises out of NYC and Bayonne in mid-July and mid-August this year; because of the impact of COVID-19 on our region, and the aggressive actions of the tri-state Governors to curb the spread of the virus, it's my belief (only an opinion, no facts to back it up) that they will hold cruise operators to additional standards that may go beyond the focus of the CDC Order.


    The Governors here are very concerned about the assembly of large crowds, and potential for the infection to be re-introduced to the area by visitors from out of state/country; they've used (incorrectly) the term attractive nuisance to describe events that draw large crowds, and people from neighboring areas, as a problem.


    In short, I'm not optimistic either cruise will sail from the NY area.

    Opening the ports is way down on their list......

    • Like 1
  18. I've read here and there about testing before you board, Dr's release, the 70+ discussion, etc., along with the CDC report. Has RCI actually put out any type of protocols enable to cruise. Or is this all speculation at this point.
    CDC says 100 days....RCI says mid June...will RCI come out with something before mid-june?


    Personally, I think RCI has n o intention of resuming cruises mid June,

      It's all a bluff to lead us on one month at a time and will do so right into the fall, and/or go bankrupt.
    Buts that just me talking.

    • Like 1
  19. Just now, bouhunter said:

    WRONG.  The convention center is folding up and was little used.  The Navy hospital ship is pulling up anchor and leaving New York.  No "tents or hotels" since the ship and Javits Center aren't even needed.  I know many vulnerable people have passed and it's sad.  But it's also sad to see unfounded stories used to whip up hysteria and fear.





    I am a essential worker and have been to the Garden State Expo center....I never went to NY   (would do so on a dare)...it may be easing up now, but when I delivered supplies there it was anything but.

    • Thanks 1
  20. 1 hour ago, bouhunter said:

    Thanks for posting this I saw it somewhere else yesterday.  A different view that's needed amidst a sea of hysteria and fear mongering in the media.

    Yes, I saw this somewhere the other day...what they say makes sense, to a point, and I want to believe them...


    Come here to the NY/NJ metro area..the hospitals are busting at the seams, temporary hospitals are set up in convention centers, hotels and tents in the closed public parks.
    Hospitals have refrigerated trunks in the parking lot to act as morgues.I

    If a Loved one is admitted, you may never see them again....no visitors. They die alone.

    My Daughter is a NP in Cardiology....but currently it's all hands on deck treating the Covid-19 cases on ventilators. Nurses, therapists, etc are burned out...professionals are coming in from other parts of the country. Many have rented campers and placed them in their driveways to live as opposed to going into their own homes.

    THIS IS REAL!!!    You cannot compare its numbers to other Flu pandemics (In our Lifetime)
    Sweden did not go into lock down....keep in mind the entire country is as ;large as Michigan and still has significant numbers.

    I do believe there is much going on than meets the eye, and I want to believe many testimonies given by health care experts throughout the world....

    But this is unprecedented...Never in  my lifetime has the USA gone thru anything like this before.

    Cruising may slowly resume, in some parts of the country, but you can forget about anything from Bayonne for a while.  The governors of NY/NJ will not open the ports.

    • Like 1
  21. On 4/19/2020 at 10:40 PM, fdthird said:

    How much MORE will cruising cost as new requirements go in to effect?  Less passengers, more crew support, new ways of doing the same thing???

    I don't expect higher prices, at first anyway.

    They need to attract passengers, even at a loss at revenue. Little revenue is better than no revenue.

    But what is important, is getting back passengers, small sailings at first,  to build confidence with other would be customers.
    To show them it is safe, and that the ship will not get quarantined.
    And that will be their marketing...to get you back, better and safer than ever.

    Once that pump is primed, and the flow increases, they will slowly implement things to get the $$.

  22. It's no ones business what goes on within

    a US War Ship,or any Military installations.


    That's why the Captain got fired...he's lucky he wasn't jailed for treason.

    He was in charge of a multi billion dollar Nuclear Powered War Ship, carrying unknown tactical Nuclear weapons, of which every country who would do us harm watches every movement by satellite....
    And this guy, who I'm sure has a security clearance unlike most others, and knows better because he came up thru the ranks and earned that clearance, , writes a letter to the press stating the ship is not in a state of readiness?

    When I served on a ship, in combat off the Vietnam coast, they still referred to the WW2 slogan "Loose Lips Sink Ships"


    And that is the only reason it is on this topic now...


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  23. 5 hours ago, BillieJeanKaraokeKing said:



    5 hours ago, BillieJeanKaraokeKing said:

    Another important factor is that, depending on how cruising has to reinvent itself, some people might eagerly get back on board once or twice, but then decide the revised experience is no longer for them. 

    Very True....
    We often talk about the "Good Old Days" of cruising
    Those Good Old Days may soon be referred to as 1-2 years ago.

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