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Everything posted by Yorkypete

  1. Several things involved . Firstly we booked when FCC were still being used and we have never been notified they were ending. Secondly,P&O were lax in their behaviour with covid. They knew people were coughing and spluttering around the ship but did nothing until they were forced to by complaints.They denied covid was on the ship but were forced to admit it half way through the cruise. Masks became compulsory but this was not enforced by the cruiseline. Incidentally masks are very effective if worn by everybody. We were kept in our cabin for six days and they refused to re-test us despite we were feeling better. There was a lack of medicine on board to help with covid. I doubt we caught it on the ship but am cetain we caught it on the coach going down which, despite their T&Cs did not make people wear masks. People on the coach definately had it. The coach is provided and paid for by P&O. As to recourse, all we are after is some amount of FCCs. We are awaiting a reply re investigations by P&O and will then possibly contact ABTA, the press and our solicitors. If we don't succeed then we at least will have tried and warned people about P&O.
  2. I would take his comment with a pinch of salt. We were told that there was no more around when we were honest and tested positive on our Britannia cruise in Sept. It turned out there were many cases, so many that mask wearing became compulsory on orders from the captain, medical dept and Carnival. The crew are told not to comment on the number of cases.
  3. You were lucky. We followed all rules for two years+ when we went on Britannia in Sept. No-one wearing masks except us and crew. Caught it and spent 6 days in cabin missing all the ports we wanted to visit. We were honest when I went down with it, as was my wife but many others were not as ther coughing and spluttering was all over. We were assured there was no outbreak....until the captain and then both the medical dept and Carnival themselves admitted there was and we all had to wear masks!. We are now pursuing this via P&O, probably ABTA and legal advice.
  4. I may be wrong but I believe the bingo is run by the casino. This has nothing to do with P&O as it is a franchise and so has no bearing on thye cruise price or lower fares.
  5. Firstly, you don't know the payout for each game until the start of the particular one. Secondly cards are sold from a couple of days before the game and those that turn up are usually all playing. We will never play it again as it is just a rip-off.
  6. It does not take much elaboration. Hotel for the night before...travel down to Southampton...taking out an insurance specially for this one cruise. We may well have hundreds of pounds there and there is a possibility that some people took there annual leave which cannot be changed.
  7. P&O...come and look at the ship you COULD have been on. What a shame you can't be on it now, but never mind....we don't care.
  8. When we were on Britannia to the Baltic and caught covid we were isolated in our own cabin and the isolation cabins were scattered over the whole ship. You rested where you fell!. We asked and there were no cabins allocated for isolation. It does make it more difficult to check the number isolating although we counted dozens on our corridors on our deck with trays outside...and I mean full- meal trays.
  9. Carnival have just taken out a £2 billion financing loan and put up 12 vessels as collateral. Anyone know if any of the twelve are P&O ships? Hopefully the collateral will not be needed.
  10. Megabear, sorry I have not been on with any results re our covid complaints as I was suspended, but the outcome is as follows: As we paid for the extra covid cover on our policy we received 6 days compensation for being quarantined. We are now waiting the seemingly statuary 28 days whilst a customer support rep investigates our complaints re P&O itself re the FCC's etc. All for now as I dare not post any opinions at present.
  11. Yes..but you cannot explain the points I made. They are not necessarily symtoms of ANYTHING.
  12. I am focusing on P&O for one simple reason. It was on their ship I had covid, caught either nin the terminal or on the coach and they are the company that kept me in a box for a week with no compensation and really just because I was honest. Plenty of people were coughing and spluttering but until the complaints they totally ignored them. That is the reason why.
  13. So you think that P&O should stop honest people boarding if they have symptoms of a cough. Can you explain what you think is a symptom of a cough? They also mentioning aching limbs and tiredness. Most people suffer from one of these but what on earth are they symptoms of? That is how ridiculous the whole thing is.
  14. Then maybe we could get a decent cruise company in Southampton. P&O are taking money from people whom they are refusing boarding AND deliberately ignoring covid on board. They dont deserve to be in business.
  15. Also no doctor should give you any certificate without seeing you.
  16. I would love to see a couple of hundred people tick yes and see what P&O would do! A class action by those refused boarding would finish P&O for ever.
  17. I would imagine that the vast majority of cruisers will have had at least one of those in the previous 10 days. I would imagine half the crew would have as well! Incidentally can ANYONE explain what the symptoms of a cough are, besides a cough. It just shows how ridiculous P&O are, treating everyone with disdain.
  18. Ventura had an outbreak a couple of weeks ago when wearing a mask was made compulsory.
  19. I would be grateful if you could post the ABTA e-mail address. I am sending a complaint with all details of our fiasco on board Britannia and sending it to Paul Ludlow with copies to ABTA, Simon Calder (the travel writer) and the Daily Mail. We will see what happens.
  20. Which was your last cruise please. I am interested to know how many people on cruises develop covid. As to your question on our recent cruise where we reported ill (amongst the few honest ones) no questions were asked at all. People all over the ship were coughing but nothing was done until the Captain said masks are now compulsory half way through the cruise. We had complained that people were coughing all over and were obviously not well but we were isolated and the crew took no notice. The basic answer to your question is that people do not report as ill as they will lose much of their holiday with no compensation. We missed all the main ports and if I knew then what I know now I would not have reported ill as it cost us the holiday and a couple of thousand pounds.
  21. They will not test positive as they will lie. There are no tests....you do not need one....you just lie and say you have had a negative one. Even if you are coughing your guts up they will do nothing as has been proven.
  22. Megabear2 Some are taking my post the wrong way. My point was that if someone admits to a cough and is refused boarding then anyone who coughs or sneezes in the terminal should also be banned in fairness. What is the difference between someone who admits a cough and someone who openly HAS a cough but did not admit it?
  23. Good Luck. There are a number of avenues I am prepared to go down with P&O as regards their rules and regulations which do not make sense and are NOT there for the protection of passengers.There are various points which contradict each other, one of which is that the guest was stopped boarding because of a cough and yet people board whilst coughing but P&O ignore it! Anyway, we will see what will happen.
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