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Posts posted by bamaone

  1. Not  saying l have or have not tried this, but a friend say it works great. Plus the video is really funny. “ see what I’m saying”.


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  2. On 6/23/2021 at 5:22 PM, SNJCruisers said:

    That's the best joke I have heard in a very long time.  Just to educate you, there are also RU1, RU3 and RU9 codes.  The 1-2-3 were target marketing by some algorithm that they use to entice those who don't usually buy Cheers to get it at a reduced rate.  The RU1 was the cheapest followed by the RU 2 & 3.  The RU9 was a joke because you needed an OV or above cabin and no savings was really involved.

    Feel grateful you received the RU2 code.  Many posters have been boasting about it for months on these boards while others like myself were not a lucky recipient of the code.  The algorithm frowned on us.

    Thank you so much for the education. I'm so sorry you were left out on the RU2 offer. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, tm_aw_love said:

    I don't see that anybody has made comparisons to having a travel agent. Something to consider is that a TA and a PVP essentially do the same thing in that they both can (and likely will) do all of the legwork for you. However, a PVP can't give you anything 'extra' that you wouldn't be able to get on the Carnival site on your own, other than possibly saving you time. On the other hand, a TA can always give you the same offers and deals, and in many situations give you additional parks such as gifts, onboard credit, or even better deals because they have access to group rates for some sailings. 

    Our PVP was able to book rooms that weren't available on the Carnival site. She was awesome every time our booking got cancelled. She also made upgrades without change fees.

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  4. 10 hours ago, SRQbeachgirl said:

    We are booked on the Mardi Gras for a B2B in April 2022 and are in cabin 14356. We wanted an extended balcony, so we are on the "hump." It's not a connecting cabin and has cabins above and below us, so noise shouldn't be an issue. It is also about halfway between two banks of elevators with easy access to various areas on the ship.

    We booked the same room September 2022. I’m excited to see how much bigger the hump makes the balcony. We used the same priorities as you when selecting this room. 

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  5. 26 minutes ago, redsox1584 said:

    Best bar on Carnival in my opinion!  I hung out there all the time on my last Carnival cruise because I had the Cheers package lol. The bartenders were really awesome, they will make you something special not on the menu if you tell them what kinds of things you like 

    Will cheers cover the cost or are some drinks above the limit

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  6. 7 hours ago, MrMarc said:

    Because the vaccine is not 100%, and the more infections, symptomatic or not, the more chance of a mutation that will use a different spike to attach to, thus avoiding the vaccine.  It also creates more of a chance of an outbreak that could affect the entire cruise.  It's all about what level of risk people are willing to take or impose on others.

    As a vaccinated individual I'm not worried about getting the virus. I see no need to segregate from unvacced  people. I don't agree with your opinion at all. We have to learn to live again. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

    This is what I have heard that Celebrity it planning to do. They have figured out a way to "skirt" the Florida law. Celebrity will be asking if people would like to VOLUNTEER their vaccine document. If anyone does not volunteer their proof of vaccination, they will go into the un-vaxxed list of people. Once that un-vaxxed list of people reaches 5% of the capacity on the ship, no further people can register as un-vaxxed.


    IMHO, this is absolute genius to skirt the Florida law. No one is being REQUIRED to produce proof of vaccination. It is all on a voluntary basis. I have not heard if any other cruise lines plan to use this strategy to assure a 95% vaccinated passenger population on board but it surely does sound like it will work.


    Again......absolute genius!

    We should all try to "skirt" laws. Just imagine if we could get around every law we deemed unnecessary. I'd start with taxes. I hate giving up half my paychecks.

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Joe817 said:

    And where are the laundry rooms on my ship? What can I wear to elegant night?


    The list is endless. And I'm with you flczr! I can't wait either.

    Speaking of, did I read no laundry room on the Mardi Gras? 

  9. 9 minutes ago, kdr69 said:

    Well i agree for sure why the cant the cruise line spend the tens of millions of dollars on test cruises and unvaccinated protocols so we can cruise unvaccinated.  I mean is it really too much of an ask given the 100's of millions they've been spending each month for the past year trying to keep the lights on?🙄 

    I guess this is one we'll just have to wait and see exactly how it plays out. Either way I won't be surprised. 

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, kdr69 said:

    So they should just accept they cant open for business without Florida then and file for bankruptcy right?? Cause they aint sailing the way it stands now out of Florida.  

    I don't agree with you on this. There is always the test route. The CDC can and does make changes to their policies  every day it seems. Florida may have work arounds. So, I do believe something will be done and cruising will start soon.

  11. 22 minutes ago, cruisegus said:

    I think those that are un-vaccinated will have to take multiple test while onboard at their own expense.  it is the only way  to keep me ie The Vaccinated safe from that 5% chance of catching the virus for the carriers ie The Un-vaccinated


    We all have opinions those expressed are only mine

    although  "I disapprove of what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it"
     Voltaire (1694-1778) French writer and historian.



    I totally agree with your last quote.

    I also think 95% chances you won’t become infected are extremely good odds. Especially considering most vaccinated who do get infected are usually unaware they are.

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  12. 53 minutes ago, naxer said:

    I care because if there are other unvaccinated people on the ship, it could cause enough of an outbreak that the cruise is affected.  The more who are sailing vaccinated, the less chance of a disruptive outbreak.  

    That’s just opinion. I have the opinion that anyone infected will be quarantined and  non infected can party on. I doubt there will be any test after initial boarding unless there are passengers with symptoms. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, dandeck said:

    Who in their right mind would board a cruise ship where the vaccine is not required??!   We have been on tons of cruises.  Diamond.  No way in hades are we boarding unless required.  Cruise ships are the LAST place you wanna be if not vaccinated.  

    Why not? I’m vacced and believe it works. I’m safe and ready to go. 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, cscurlock said:

    I will say that the state of Florida has no constitutional right the interfere with business inside a foreign flagged vessel with the exception of alcohol sales or if there is a direct threat to the state from the ship.  That's in the constitution under the commerce and case precedent.  Only the Congress has the power to regulate that.  As far as requiring a vaccine to enter a business or work for a business in Florida and not on a foreign flagged boat, I have not found anything that would prevent a private business from making it a requirement in the constitution.  In Texas there is a hospital that is requiring vaccinations for employees.  We will see soon enough if your theory holds for US businesses because that is the first lawsuit that has been filed.  If that lawsuit is unsuccessful by the employees then all these laws could fall as far as domestically. 

    Hopefully the courts stand for the people. 

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