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Everything posted by Mgus1963

  1. We've duct taped it down to prevent tripping in a few cabins. No issues. Tacking it down in a few places worked well good to know
  2. Has anyone thought of moving the bed slightly to the left or right depending on what side of the bed you need the cpap machine. Put both small tables together and use that to place the machine. My concern is the extension cord running across the floor being a tripping hazard, specially when making a trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I wonder if Carnival will get mad if I duct tape it to the floor? Ha
  3. Very upsetting. San Juan was the only port that we really wanted to visit on our cruise. Who else can do this and just expect us to say "Oh well, I guess there is nothing we can do about it because the Company wants to save some money." If I wanted to save some money I would not have chosen to spend my hard earned cash with Carnival in the first place. This is Bait and Switch people. If you ordered a new leather couch and it was delivered with cloth and all we got was some double talk BS excuse as to why. Then they proceed to tell you, "Love it or leave it, and oh by the way, if you leave it, we will have to charge you to do so." That would not be acceptable and neither is Carnivals change. The reason why does matter. If the change was to save money to lower the cost, so be it. What do you think would happen If I decided to the lower the cost of my cruise by choosing not to pay as much as Carnival wants. I don't think that would work in my favor. Why should this change work in Carnivals favor? They posted a price to go to San Juan. I paid the price to go to San Juan. Nuff said. If there is another reason, tell us, help us understand. OH by the way: I did not receive any notice from Carnival at all. I just happened to see the change when I was looking at shore excursions. I went back after reading this thread and double checked my email. NOTHING. I guess they planned on surprising me. Due to the nature of our jobs we have very little options as to when we can take our vacations and it is very difficult for us to change to a week before or a week after. I will be looking to cancel or jump ship. The burden should not and will not be on me, it will be on them. They did this, Not me. I am willing to fight for what is right. Sorry for the long rant but needed to be said. Hope you are reading Carnival.
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