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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. Our tour was supposed to be Beach and City, but because of the 2-hr wait at the Splash Wave check in (just a dock with a tiny office where you sign waivers) we were unable to do the city part. Two hours is A LONG TIME for people to have to wait - on a dock out in the sun, no water offered except you could go in the little office and purchase some. The employees said they were waiting for everybody to make it from the ship. I understand waiting maybe a half hour but the boat taking us to goffs caye was full, so 30 people waiting 2 hrs in the heat for four people was really not acceptable. Even though it was about a 20-30 minute boat ride to the island, they should have the ability to shuttle out a big group and the ones arriving late (not their fault - Carnival…another story) brought separately. So when we finally got to the gorgeous tiny island, I was really excited to snorkel, relax, eat lobster… Two out three ain’t bad lol. Alas, they ran out of lobster quickly so I ate a piece of BBQ chicken. Good points: beautiful place, cold beer, great snorkeling; not so good: hot with nothing offered for drinks while waiting, two hr wait on small dock, no lobster, no city tour (which was ok with me but it was supposed to be included; some people may have been disappointed). In retrospect I wonder why they didn’t do the city part while we were waiting all that time. I’ve included pics of us waiting on the boat… a few people left after 2 hrs of waiting. (We were on the dock for about an hr, on the boat for about another hr.)
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