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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning. Clear this morning and sunny but cooler. Temp right now is low 60's and it was in the mid-50's when Bandit and I went for our walk. Hi today will be low 80's, but we do expect some wind and some smoke from the Flagstaff fires later this morning. There is still rain in our forecast for the weekend. Hope springs eternal. We could do without the lightning. @Rowsby - sorry to hear about your kitty. He lived to a good age with you. We are never ready for them to go. Have to head to the shelter in a bit. Our Thrift Store is being hit badly with Covid and we may need to close for a couple of days. No one to work the registers or the intake. Bummer. Work progresses on the floors on the the shelter side but the it is disrupting. The staff is getting stressed. The animals seem to take it in stride. Prayers to all who need them. Keep well, think positive, and dream of cruising if you are not doing it already (and how I envy you). Susan
  2. ..... and it continues sunny, hot and windy in Durango although it does cool off at night so sleeping is possible. I really am thinking about getting air conditioning. I love Iceland. Not sure about the meal but I think I would like it. And I am something of a Klutz of the Kitchen. Jacqui, Glad to see you back. I sincerely hope that gas leak was the last of the attacks by inanimate objects.... they seem to be getting more alarming. That does make 3 now. I have given up on gardening. I need to call our lawn service to get someone to week the Iris bed. The deer have left me those but the weeds are coming in fast and my back will no longer take it. As to the deer... it is now their yard. They stand around when I go out to get in the car or walk the dog. They leave deery messes on the lawn. I have started to give them names. I talk to them. So far they have not answered back. I need a vacation. I am still sorting and this morning ventured out early to the Post Office to send several donation packages to a scottie rescue auction. Now I am going to load out a box for our local shelter. I hesitate to take too much out there since the place is still pretty torn up with the renovations which seem to go on and on. Another month at least as we have to work in segments due to the need to stay open. And people keep dumping animals. The dogs are often between 10 months and 14 months... aged out as cute puppies. Take care all. Susan
  3. @Heartgrove - I echo this. Even when the loss is expected, it is truly hard. Prayers continue for your brother. Take care. Susan
  4. Good morning. Another hot, dry, windy day on the schedule. I plan to haul a hose around to the bushes in front and give them a bit of relief. We do have hopes for end of next week in terms of moisture but I will believe it when I see it. Last night must have been the night for inanimate objects to become vocal. This morning at 1:45 my microwave started beeping loudly. Don't know why. I punched everything I could until I hit something called "reminder" which stopped the racket. Don't know if I woke the neighbors or not. Guess I will hear about it if I did. Would love to return to Norway. Have not been to today's destination but it looks interesting. The meal of the day looks interesting also and I love coconut anything. Whether I should eat it or not is another issue. Take care all. Susan
  5. Enjoy Lerwick. I spent some time doing archaeology in the Shetlands. Nothing like excavating a broch while jets fly overhead and land close by. And I remember arriving there, getting off the ferry and heading straight for a wool shop to by a warm woolie. It was freeeeeezzzzzing!!! Susan
  6. Good morning from Durango. Weather is as usual - sunny, hot, and dry. I know the rains will come someday. I believe, I believe, I believe!!!! Little here of interest today. Meal today looks good but like some others I worry a bit about all that crust. Still.... if it is served, I will eat it. I am looking at cruises.... don't know if I can hold out until 2024. But I think I will wait until this stint as Board President of the local Humane Society is over which will be next year. And, I am not eligible stay on the board so freedom awaits. Almost like looking forward to my retirement from work many years ago. We are working hard on the renovations and like most places we are short staffed. It was compounded a couple days ago when our foster coordinator was scratched badly by a cat who was feeling very uncooperative (probably a feral although the people who brought him in did not warn us about that). Her hand got badly infected but the infection is now clearing up. However, she has been out on medical leave for nearly a week and her absence is being felt. Kitty is in quarantine. It will be put up for adoption, probably as a barn cat.... it seems to be that kind of cat. It is allowing us to handle it now. Was clearing out my closet this morning and realize how many tee shirts from far away places I have. Need to cull a bit so when the time comes I have room for new ones. Take care. Susan
  7. Sunny and dry. What more can I say. There seems to be a sameness in our weather. Our theme song is "I don't want to set the world on fire". Anyone else remember the Ink Spots? Today will be spent trying to get organized. Still have tables full of china from my kitchen redo. I would have everything back, but if I put it away it will stay here - so it is out while I sort. And sort. And sort. My sister and I have different ways of dealing with family "heirlooms". I take a picture, send it to family and ask who wants it. If no one... it usually is donated. My sister's approach? Mail it to me. No wonder I have so much stuff. Have not been today's destination and do not see it in my future. The carnitas look good... will have to think about it on another day. Take care, all. Susan
  8. Good morning. Another bright sunny day here. I am just really getting started on what is going to be day full of laundry, more sorting, and lots of paperwork. I started the day off right with an appointment at 9 to renew my driver's license. It is by appointment only so I scheduled the appointment for early in the day. Walked in at 8:45 and out at 8:50.... done!!!! That is over for another 5 years and my picture is much better than my previous one. That one certainly looked like I was on something. The meal does not appeal although I would try it if someone else made it. I usually will try anything. Sitka is one of my favorite ports on the Alaska cruises. Wonderful town to walk. I loved the raptor center - wildlife rehab has always interested me. My car sports a bumper sticker that says "My friends are real animals - support wildlife rehab." Also a "Bear Smart" and a sticker for our local Humane society. Makes the car easy to spot. I have been to the Normandy beaches several times. Most times dragging along college students on tours. They always leave very subdued. It is a humbling experience. Susan
  9. It was really ruined either way.... return early or listen to her whine all afternoon. Susan
  10. Good afternoon!!! I am running late today. I slept in this morning and then had to make a grocery store run. Much to my surprise, everything I wanted was there. @Heartgrovesorry to hear about the family illnesses. I am sure stressful does not begin to describe it. The past two days have been spent at the Adopt-a-thon at our local animal shelter. I think it was successful as we had 54 animals adopted - primarily kitties. We are trying to empty out the kennels before the new ones are due to be installed in July. However, people keep surrendering animals and the kittens keep coming. Our fosters are really busy. I was exhausted at the end of two days so the rest of today will be spent on gentle activities, like patting the dog. Susan
  11. Well, it does not even work always with private tours. I did a tour in Iceland where one person complained so much about how long the tour was that the organizer gave in and we returned to the ship early. The only plus side was that now we knew not to include that person in tours, but it sort of ruined this one.
  12. Glad your neighbors are nearly home... travel is a real throw of the dice these days. Also, that meal looks really, really good. Susan
  13. If this happened on a number of occasions, obviously the individual is not dealing with the reality of their own limitations. The escort from the ship should alert the tour desk. Sometimes the difficulty of a tour is not clearly stated..... I had one such in Brazil. I managed not to cause a problem and kept up, but the guide took more difficult routes than described (he was young and enthusiastic) and I thought at one point I would not make it. When we reached a place where there were some seats at the end of a long and miserable walk, one of the locals saw I look pretty well shot and found me a seat. No help from either the guide or the ship's escort. If there had been somewhere to stop on the route and get back to the ship I would have. No more nature hikes for me. However, I did let the tour office know about the difficulty of the hike and also that deviations that were made. It was marked as moderate.... it was very strenuous.
  14. Good morning. We certainly could use some of that rain. None in our forecast for the next 10 days. Highs are in the low 80's and nights into the mid-40's. I love my early morning walks with the little Bandit. I will be spending this afternoon at the shelter since this is our annual Adopt-a-thon, plus it is also the beginning of our 50 year celebrations. Right now I am waiting for a package of frozen stuff to be delivered so that it does not sit outside in the sun. Usually Fed-X gets packages to me between 10 and noon. We shall see. We are having increasing covid cases. Fortunately most are mild allergy like. I have tested myself a couple of times as I get to feeling a bit off, but so far so good. Probably age. Because of the winds most of us prone to allergy folks have really suffered this season. Guess mild cases are the best we hope for if we are unlucky enough to meet the virus face on. I would love a doughnut right now but will refrain as I am watching carbs, blood sugar and my weight. Honestly it sometime takes the fun out of eating. Take care all. My best wishes to those who need a change of luck and the rest of you, stay safe. Susan
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