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Posts posted by firefly333

  1. 15 hours ago, Cutigerlady said:

    I have put my kids across the hall from us in the past, but Royal has gotten stricter with the rules and your children must be in the next to you now.  For our last cruise, we were able to get keys for both rooms, but they would not let me officially swap rooms to put the kids together.  I don’t believe they consider the 19 yr old as an adult for the other teen.  My teens specifically requested an inside room over the balcony next to us!  

    We had to cancel our Icon trip this summer, but I had booked an ocean view that was next to an inside room on one of the front corners as the cheapest option that wasn’t 2 inside rooms.  

    What many are suggesting is booking a parent in each cabin and once onboard switching so the kids have their own cabin.


    Or even kids get a gty inside, to save money. Give the parents a balconys gty. But book them originally with a parent in each cabin. Get a extra key once onboard. People obviously do this all the time, reading other posts. 

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  2. 34 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:


    Yes I got lucky as I did not see this thread I just happened to check because I look daily.




    Good advice. I think about that. If I did not have the package would I make decisions based on do I really need or want that. My guess is if I didn’t have the DDP I probably would drink more conservative than if I had the package.

    I could be wrong but you seem to like your drinks. I think for you I bet it makes sense. For me just coffees and fresh OJ and vitamin water, sometimes a soda it wouldnt. Tried it twice and hardly used it.

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  3. 5 hours ago, aussielozzie18 said:

    @firefly333  you are going to be so relieved when you finally settle into your place and are able to put the stress and frustrations of this  shoddy move behind you

    Yea and I should have noticed the ladder wasnt delivered. I dont have the balance to jump up on a kitchen chair and change ceiling light bulbs. I feel I need something to hang onto. How could I miss a 6 ft step ladder. I worked too hard helping. I'm still beat and now I have boxes to open. I found the lamps but they removed those things to put the shades on. Shelves need to be put back into things. I just screwed the 4 posts onto my 4 poster bed this morning.  


    Do movers typically remove those things from the top of lamps? I'm not sure I know how to put them back on. I'm going to have to hire someone once I do all I know how to do.  


    If I can find some utensils I think I can manage everything I need to here. I found the microwave, my metal tongs and 1 metal fork packed with it. I'd, like real silverware and I need my spatula and that stuff to cook in nkn stick pans. A plastic spoon from take out not good for cooking. I am so happy to have my microwave this morning though. To zap my coffee. Though I think it's odd to not fill up the box just throw in a fork and my tongs. 


    These are what I have to figure out how to attach to lamps if I want the shades on them. Progress. Doing the smaller boxes in front of the tall wardrobe boxes in the back. Did about 3 yesterday of the smaller stacked boxes. My toaster was packed upside down on top of plastic bowls and microwaveable plastic and pots and pans. My bad. Crumbs were in the tray on the bottom of the toaster. Every single item had crumbs from the upside toaster on top so yesterday I had to wash every single item from that box. But progress. 


    Clearly I'm  not handy, dont know how to reattach these to lamps. I've sent 2 emails asking what the service includes I paid for. I paid for partial packing. I keep asking if that includes unpacking. Picking up the microwave to put it on my kitchen shelf. Putting lamps back together. Screwing posts back on my 4 poster. And they forgot to unwrap that triple dresser standing on end. I'll call and hire someone when I get stuff sorted I need help with. Lamp pieces to put back together. Some boxes gone from row in front of wardrobe boxes. 6 wardrobe boxes to go. Plus the smaller boxes. Most of the red small staples boxes in the back are moms quilts, just gotta figure out for sure which arent. 


    Havent really seen any good su rises yet. Been here a week. Too many clouds to see rhe sun itself come up. I do so love being able to look out and no one can walk by and see in like my house. Priceless. The view is good for my soul. 




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  4. I worked so hard Wednesday helping the movers I didnt do much yesterday, but today I opened a few boxes.  My back says stop, no more.


    I am sure I am missing my 6 ft step ladder. It's not a expensive item, bought at harbor freight. Its listed separately on the bill of lading and I didnt notice until today no step ladder. I use it to change light bulbs for instance in the ceiling fans. I dont really need a 6 ft here, but did at the house. I dont think there is any way its packed in a box, though I've only opened 1 of 7 wardrobe boxes. The other boxes are smaller. I listed some broken stuff on the bill of lading but didnt realize the step ladder is missing. I got a reply about filing a claim and told I have 90 days to file the claim but once filed I cant add stuff later. She said wait until I've gone over everything. 


    Lol ray the maintenance man here helped me run a few boxes I've been using down to bldg A, I got some from some delivery guys Monday. He said its Friday,  I need to wait for a pick up before I dispose of more boxes. I've reached my limit lol. I cant hog the whole bin. Next week I can get rid of a few more boxes.


    I'm missing my 6 feet step ladder I bought at harbor freight. I cant see this fitting into a box, im pretty sure its stolen ..missing. 



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  5. I was probably just as sick and coughing and it was bronchitis or pneumonia I'd guess. I thought for sure at the time I had covid and was prepared to be confined to my cabin. I tested negative for covid.  They sold me nyquill and a envelope of cough drops. They asked if I wanted to see the doctor and I said no. I still mostly stayed in my cabin away from others. Clearly I was sick and they sold me stuff for my coughing and all. Charged to my account. To get a doctors advise she said would cost like $175 so i declined.  Said no thanks. I tried the 7 11 in cozumel no cough medicine or in the onboard stores. Ran out of the cough drops. They sold them in a plain white business envelope. I hope I'm done getting sick on cruises. Never got sick before covid and then  now twice since covid. The other was food related. That time a bunch of us all got it and the ones who got off that leg and had doctors tests said e.coli. 


    Time for some good luck. Oddly I was on oasis spring last year and a friend also had the runs and he was treated completely differently and he was confined to his cabin. He also was on a b2b or really s2s and they wouldnt let him board. Me they sent back to my cabin.  I dont think there is a one answer this is what they will do. I've now added a few items to my suitcase travelling pharmacy. Seems like I got more pharmacy stuff packed than clothes at times. .. just in case.

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  6. 22 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

    Greg, I hope you can avoid a biopsy.  One out of three I had done was a horror. Don’t know if you are on any drugs for it, but they double mine to figure what the actual psa would be without. 

    Last time I was in, my doctor said it was up to me if I wanted to continue psa screening. He said they usually don’t recommend screening after 70, because any cancer would be slow growing, and you would die from something else before it became a problem.


     I said I am healthy and plan to live at least another 25 years, so I still do the yearly screening.  

    That's what I just heard from my friend. His doctor said prostate cancer he has he would die of something else first.


    I guess for me it would worry me to know i had cancer cells growing slow or not. You could say that about a lot of skin cancers too. If you are 100 great, the cancer is slow growing and something else will get you first .. I plan on living as long as I can. I am aware of the cures, but I would be worried saying oh let it go. But of course greg should do whatever he feels is best for him. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Sea Dog said:

    What makes matters worse is that they say no food or drink after midnight when having anesthesia. So that could have been a factor. Thanks for your well wishes.

    But still do hydrate before midnight or you go to bed. I forgot and had some coffee with creme before the anesthesia and I was ok. I think it's a just in case kind of thing. 


    I started to worry again about my friends hubby after your post. I called just now and he got on the phone. Monitoring every 6 months some kind of levels. And its only in one quadrant of his prostrate. And then he said his dad died of prostate cancer so all this slow growing dont worry we are monitoring it didnt make me feel better. I guess the word csncer worries me. Or well his dad made it's to 93 before he died of prostate cancer. Like that's acceptable. I just talked to him on the phone.


    So if I'm extra worried about you forgive me, I'm a worrier. It's a fear I have of that in particular.

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  8. Lol compared to paying full price rates, of course it's a very good rate for 7 days. Like other curious which ship but if they offered me a cruise 271 x 2 I assume, I'm solo, I'd grab it. People post prices and as a solo I never know if they mean that's the real price or per person. 


    I can remember the olden pre covid days. Cheapest during hurricane I'd see was like 299, usually 399 per person at the top of hurricane season around labor day. I always jumped on it. Now I dont see as big of a difference during hurricane season as before covid. I think people have forgotten how ports can get missed. I personally dontd care if it's just a same ole Caribbean. I'd do it in a heartbeat.

  9. I remember when they did those tournaments and personally I enjoyed them. Once I almost won, came in 2nd. I think I just got a size small shirt but still fun.


    I dont have strong feelings about losing the $25. I did go into the casino in January and got my $25. Most unlucky ever. I never lost money so fast lol. I knew I should look for that german heidi machine I'm lucky on but coukdnt find it ... saw it later. 


    I enjoyed the tournaments more so this is kinda easy come easy go. Royal only says gives you $6 but if you go in to play within 24 hours it turns into $8. So to me $25 was super generous. 

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  10. Lol I just no showed myself. I have been overwhelmed with moving. Idk why, I always prints my boarding pass and put it with my passport .. got to the port hotel, next morning went to get my passport and was like oh no. I couldn't board so I drove home.


    This is twice. I also was a no show last year right after my moms funeral. My brother in law thought it was his right to just go into her house and take stuff. Mr religious thought he could do whatever he wanted. I had stored valuables there, that were mine. He and his daughter had a garage sale 9 days after her funeral and went thru picture albums they thru out, my own personal stuff in my bedroom. 


    In 20 years I've never been too sick to cruise, but now twice, missed 2 cruises for non covered insurance reasons. I know I cant believe it either I forgot my passport for my may cruise last month. I'm moving to port Canaveral and after 11 nights inna hotel they finally brought my stuff. Broken antiques and other small stuff. And I paid for a partial packing. Silly me thought unpacking. I cant lift a microwave, but I'm here. Now this everlasting thing I have to file a damage claim for stuff broken. And unpack. 


    So twice during my ordeal im going thru i missed 2 cruises and just no showed. I think sometimes you have to decide what's best for you. I obviously just was having a hard time wrapping my  mind around a cruise last  month. I actually delayed closing on selling my dallas house until after the cruise. 3 days after I'd made final payment I decided to  ove sooner than I originally planned and found a larger condo. Now I have 2 condos here  :( .. 


    I really think only you know if you are in a cruising mood. I understand hating to lose the money. That's the hardest part. No one here can tell you the right answer. There may be no right or wrong answer. From someone who just no showed for a cruise .. i feel for you losing the money and I would have liked the loyalty pts. 

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:

    Back home after a long day. Everything went well despite my nerves and anxiety.


    Glad I got the sedation and was put completely out. Unfortunately it took 4 tries to get an IV in. First time no luck, second time no luck then a vein specialist came in with ultra sound and got in. Then right as they administering anesthesia the doc noticed the line had become clogged or something and that line taken out and a new one put into my hand.


    They put me to sleep outside the room so I didn’t even see the MRI machine which was good.


    I got the results back this afternoon and while I don’t understand it all it looks like 2 areas where rated PI-Rads 2 which is Low (clinically significant cancer is unlikely to be present) and one area was rated PI-Rads 3 which is 

    Intermediate (the presence of clinically significant cancer is equivocal)

    I had to look up equivocal to see exactly what that meant and it says “not clear and seeming to have two opposing meanings, or confusing and able to be understood in two different ways.”


    It sounds also like they recommend doing a biopsy which is what I thought the MRI was supposed to bypass doing that. Either way it looks like I have going to have more visits to deal with this.


    Back home now and having trouble urinating like I did after hernia surgery and eventually went to the ER and had a catheter put in. I am going a little bit better now. Hopefully my system will wake up from the anesthesia and I know they pumped me through with a lot of fluids. No drinking tonight and just sips of water to stay hydrated. Hopefully I will get batter.


    Thank you my friends for all the well wishes and concern. I love you all very much.



    Well I am happy to see your post and no positive for sure cancer. They always have trouble finding my veins. They say hydrate and drink lots of water thru night before helps with them sticking a needle in you. I just had cataract surgery and even though thru dont put you to sleep they do anesthesia to numb you up. And my gp they have trouble every time. If you need to again, drink as  much water the night before as you can. I have the same issue. More hydration they keep saying. 


    Getting a biospsy ouch, more fun times. Sorry. Even if I dont always respond I have been reading along. Best wishes for continued no cancer. 

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  12. 13 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

    Well tomorrow morning will be coming early and will be a little stressful. Alarm set for 5:30 to get up and get ready to go to the hospital for my scheduled MRI with anesthesia to see if I have prostate cancer. I don't think I do have it but it is the process to deal with my enlarged prostate. I am glad I will out as my claustrophobia of being in that tube is horrible to me. I have anxiety over any medical procedure but I hope this one will go good. No need for prayers or anything but I just wanted everyone to know what I am doing. Happy Friday and I hope all the dad's out there have a great Father's Day on Sunday. My son works on Sunday but texted me and is taking me out to lunch at one our favorite sushi restaurants on Monday.

    I am so glad you will finally be getting answers. I think not knowing and worrying its ahead of you is the worst part. Please let us know the results.


    I'm still worried about my friends in san antonio is visited just before I moved. Known her 50 years and known her husband almost that long. He just had had prostate surgery. The very last morning he was able to get out of bed and talk. I am alarmed. I wanted to wait to call her back but he has prostate cancer cells he is NOT having treated. He said things like they told him that prostate cancer cells are slow growing and they think they are only centered in his prostate. They cut off enough so he can peo but hes not doing any chemo or having his prostate removed or any other treatment. Clearly they went over possible treatments with him for him to say all the treatments he is NOT doing. 


    He also said he is 100% disabled vet from viet nam war due to agent orange, so there is obviously more to the story. It was the morning just as I was leaving. He was saying how being disabled 100% is unusual. So I'm thinking more to the story, but for him to say he still has cancer cells in his prostate he is not having treated. Yes I'm alarmed.


    And my cousin also went thru prostate cancer and had his removed. And told me how hard recovery was for him. 


    So I really hope your results are perfect and just old age and  nothing to worry about. I have been worried about you ever since you said you needed to go get checked for cancer, sorry but im a worrier and know too much about this.

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  13. 1 hour ago, ulcards99 said:

    Yes, but with bottled water, Powerade, etc, it is more than just alcoholic drinks. We normally average 6-8 alcoholic drinks per day alone, not including bottled water, soft drinks, or Powerade etc. I did go back and forth on it, though. 

    Have you considered buying a case of water that is delivered to your cabin. I think its listed under gifts but I could be wrong where its listed. It's not listed with the packages that are daily charges, this is a one time charge.


    Also of course you can carry on power aide, 12 per cabin, carry on only. 


    For me the pkg woukdnt be worth a daily charge, but everyone is different. Many buy a case of water to be delivered usuallynbosrding day.


    I also get 3 bottles of free water I always give away. I like carbonated water or ice water. I prefer ship water with ice to free bottled water. It's hard for someone to suggest to someone else, we are all so different. 

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  14. 38 minutes ago, fenton04 said:
    • That’s what I thought.  The CAS member list of benefits might want to update that.

    I'd like them to update a long list of stuff.


    What restaurants are or are not included in bogo heads my list personally. I dont want to get izumi sushi side on allure and get on harmony and be told it's not included. Or wonderland. Last time I didnt even try.. tired of a different story on how it works on each ship. Price dropped on something and I was onboard and their customer service desk called. They said the higher price on a excursion was due to taxes. NO. Excursions dont have the 18% tax added. That's when I figured out myself how to go into planner and cancel stuff myself. It was a b2b so I could still cancel for the following week a excursion. 


    I suspect they outsourced a lot of customer service. And those people just dont know. I was talking to someone who spoke like a american but lived in a Caribbean island. I'd asked her and she readily told me where she lived. I forget now which island, but they are no longer sitting up in the state of Washington like they used to. I had a dedicated person who they assigned me to book cruises and it woukd take 3 days or more for her to call me back. She said they were allowing her to now work from home. Technicians needed to come out and fix her connection. She admitted she wasnt getting messages in a timely manner. She blamed royal IT didnt set it up at her home correctly. Issues. 


    I love my TA, if I havent told him that lately. 3 days to call back, by then the price has often changed. I dont see a way for me to put a hold on a cabin myself with royal online. With carnival it's so easy. I can look and see a cabin, and push hold. Easy as that. Days I can hold seem based on how far out the cruise is. But I can hold for 3 days and extend it so easy., royal makes so many things harder than they have to be.


    Anytime dining make it on the app I can push a button when I want to eat, not stand in a line. The dedicated C&A number just one of many things. 

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  15. 46 minutes ago, shirazcruiser said:

    I don't want to ask for events as other concierges took the initiative to make the suite experience special.  

    They will be sitting at their desk. If they arent busy they will talk to you if you have a request, or you can write down your  name and sit and they will call you up next.


    Like I asked for bogo which is a D+ perk. They said no to both wonderland and izumi sushi side (yes I know izumi hibachi excluded, says nothing about either wonderland or izumi sushi which I pointed out). 


    After 5 times back and forth 3 weeks on ship, as a special favor the concierge granted it but made it clear special favor which I read as TIP ME.

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  16. 2 hours ago, nj356 said:



    My family and I are booked the Symphony next May and wanted to ask other then insurance from the T&A which is expensive, what others are available and would be a good one to get. Wedo not want to take a chance and not have coverage in case something happens. Thank you

    Some buy a yearly policy. I would consider cancel for any reason though it costs a bit more. I was a no show last  month and once last year. Both were for reasons other than  y own health and woukdnt have been covered by a lot of policies. My mom passed first time, my  health not affected. Many policies dont cover a family member who is not cruising with you. I'd consider something like cancel for any reason. I've never been sick and cant board, both times other uncovered reasons.

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  17. 15 hours ago, ARandomTraveler said:

    Not true for Asian countries. Sat in hours long lines and had to go through immigration in Vietnam and Japan. But this person is most likely not going to either of those places. 

    We couldn't take food off the ship on Vietnam, Hong Kong or Taiwan, and they were very serious about it. Had government officials and dogs along with multiple warning signs and plastic food examples of all the things you couldn't bring off the ship. I know some Caribbean ports also say that you can't bring things like fruit or meat off the ship, but it's not as closely monitored as it is in Asia. 

    I've seen fruit sniffing dogs in cozumel. They too are very serious about entering their island and sneaking fruit off. The worry is some kind of insect could have infected the fruit and you introduce it into their ecology. Not always but I've seen it there.


    Idk its amusing but always see a pile of mixed drinks where you get off the ship. People grab a drink and think they can walk off the ship with it. A bottle of water yes, a mixed drink which often can have something fruity no no.

  18. 9 hours ago, StanleyandGus said:

    I’m pretty sure the estimator should have suggested boxing the antiques. I have antique tables, and every time I have moved with them, they are wrapped in moving blankets and taped.


    At the very least, all the things the movers packed should be labelled, ie kitchen/ microwave. The movers should definitely have set up your dresser!

    I’m sorry that it has gone this way. Is your cousin able to help?


    9 hours ago, Arzeena said:

    Jane, I am so sorry for what you are going through.

    What the movers packed ,like for example, furniture, they should have unpacked and set up. Boxes, I believe they do not unpack or arrange your stuff. So sorry to see such a beautiful table not handled well and broken. That dresser they should have unpacked.

    Take pictures and I hope you are filing a claim.
    Just throwing ideas: Perhaps your bedroom furniture guy may help? Or young students off from college? Perhaps ask at Publix, they seem to have lots of young guys and maybe someone knows someone who can help for some extra $$$?

    I emailed and will call about filing a claim. I have so many complaints I dont know they will even listen. Imo the workers were fresh off the boat Haitians. At least one didnt speak english. As far as my cousin helping he lives snow bird, half the year in venice florida, at least 4 hours away. He just went back up north to his golf condo in Cincinnati a week before I left dallas so we just missed each other.


    If I hadnt paid them to pack stuff I wouldnt feel cheated. I see 4 boards sitting taped together I have to figure where they go. And another square off white square of wood obviously goes into something off white as a shelf. I'm  missing a lot of shelves I guess they packed up.


    I paid them to pack, so I guess it was naive to think that would unpack. Things like 5 or 6 lamps are packed in the boxes. Its lucky this condo came with lots of ceiling fans with lights. Imo lamps are furniture. I've moved twice in dallas and never had stuff broken nor such poor service.


    And to top it wll off my next door neighbor knocks on my door about 6 pm asking if it was my guys who left a lot of boxes downstairs clearly marked NO CONTRACTOR TRASH. Boxes either have to be hauled away by contractors or put up by tower A for recycling. So after I spent the day cutting tape and helping them unwrap stuff until I almost cant walk, I had to go downstairs and get all the cardboard they taped to stuff instead of blankets. I took some down to somemgreen recycling containers and will ask the maintenance man where cardboard boxes go. I brought a whole elevator full of cardboard they used to wrap around furniture back up here so today I have to dispose of their mess. 


    Where I moved from a guy with dreadlocks coming over to talk to me is a pan handler. Turned out to be a worker but maybe I'm just a scardy cat but admit I was a bit worried. I moved from a unsafe area. I asked later and he was from haiti as i think the others who showed up later were from haiti. At least 1 spoke no English. Simple things like no this is the BACK and he woukd try to turn it upside down, and I'm like no this is backwards not upside down. 


    As for the glass I had 2 big pieces. Glad they made it. Kinda similar size.,I was like this one looks like for the top of my coffee table. He was like no too small, I'm no I think it fits. And then the 2nd piece was for the top of the one triple dresser and the main guy the driver saying I wasted his time, it's my furniture how could I not know sooner before he put on the mirror. I worked my arse off all day ... and then to have to go down later and pick up all their cardboard trash. Imo blankets not cardboard should have been wrapped around my obviously delicate stuff. Only the marble top of my napoleon desk type thing marked delicate. Nothing else and the foot of that very oldmliece obviously has a new gouge in the right front foot.fresh wood gouge. It wasnt there before. I have a lot of really old old antiques. I love them. They have been moved several times before safely. That's why I was so concerned when I kept hearing new dates for delivery. I know antiques are fragile. My cousin said they probably pay google a lot of money to be at the top rated 10 stars in a google cross country move search. 


    So today I have to ask ray where cardboard boxes to. I need to know anyway, but a bunch of haitians some who don't speak english and put their trash where it's clearly marked no contractor trash. I had 80 boxes, many have antique stuff in and all my moms quilts and allmtheirmboxes and now their trash to deal with and now I need to file a claim for damage.,3 weeks in this heat and humidity just too long. I would not have agreed had I understood how they count. From the date I asked for delivery. And not 12 days, 12 business days and memorial long weekend. Over 3 weeks. 


    So today i file a claim for damage and find out where cardboard boxes go. I was so tired last night from all the cutting tape and unwrapping I could barely walk. And of course about 2 pm it rained, saw it on that link for hourly weather rain by 2 pm, it hit about 1:45. I knew that only 1 elevator would not make them happy but I also worked very hard on helping.


    I guess get it in writing and ask the right questions. I know for sure I was told no elevator fee unless they have to use the stairs. Well turns out they did have to use the stairs., my sofa is a lightweight piece of junk I said well just keep it. They had to walk it up 8 flights of stairs so I would have had to pay the fee anyway. This place really needs a moving elevator. The neighbor who warned me his sofa had to be walked up 8 flights was right. Lucky mine is ultra light weight,microfiber or some such.,I wanted to buy motion. Looks like that's not going to happen. Elevator ceiling just too low. Motion and leather sofa would weigh a ton. That's on this place. 


    I need to go shopping and buy juice especially. Waited 2 days for him to show up. Soith florida getting hammered with rain. It could have been a lot worse. And who would think to ask about the size of the truck coming in here. That long cab, and 18 wheeler.,.no kidding that took over a hour including the maintenance guy here who i keep having to ask for stuff. Now it's where does contractor trash go. I get it that's a hard job they did today too, but I paid for packing. Lesson to myself ask if that includes unpacking. I still think things like lamps are furniture and at the very least their responsibility to unpack. 


    By the time I took the grocery cart down to tower A and dumped some of the cardboard incoukdnt move so just took it up here but it says small cardboard only. Obviously there has to be a place for larger cardboard. I love the condo but it sure isnt easy to move in. Car wash rules and a key to turn on the car wash .. recycling.. it's a whole new world to me.


    I went to bed, really i could hardly walk and then 2 trips down with a shopping cart with cardboard. I'm sure going to work in getting more in shape. ...but every day here seems to be a new challenge. Twice a week they do morning water aerobics and other activities. Lots to look forward to. Not w clue where my bathing suit or even shorts are.silly me thinking these guys were like movers I'd had in the past. I know my fault, get it in writing. Claim next. And I want to discuss what I paid for when I paid for packing. It doesnt mean unpacking? Elevator and parking fees. And imo maybe a complaint to bbb.  .

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  19. Well they did come and have gone. I'm feeling kinda idk .. things are broke. Valuable stuff too. He says it's my fault I should have had my antiques crated at additional cost. I have a black lacquer table and a mahogany end table both with broken legs I'm most upset about. A scratch on the headboard of my mahogany bed frame that wasnt there before.,it was bought new because it matched a antique triple dresser. It's my fault I called the main guy away from setting up a triple dresser. The other guy was putting a marble top on a napoleon table wrong and it too had a piece of board inside the drawer I dont know what it used to be attached to. But anyway, he walked away from the triple dresser and left it standing on its end wrapped up.


    To start with he arrived 1030 maybe later before 1130. His cab of his truck is huge  ot just that he has a 18 wheeler, that cab is extra long too. Spent a hour figuring out how to get in and turn around and pull alongside my bldg. There is a big parking lot right outside the fence. He said the trees will scratch the top of his truck, it's happened before these trees are  ot that big and just along the fence, there was tons of room to pull his truck. Anyway that took over a hote. Even the maintenance man was involved in trying to get his truck to make the turn at the north gate, come down to the south and turn around.


    There are some small things broke. A xmas tree I set there at xmas just to say its xmas, the top is bent, past fixing. Ruined junk. A vacuum handle in pieces doesnt go back together seems broke to me. The scratch on my bed frame. 


    What I am feeling so down about is I'm no better off than before they came kitchen wise. They packed boxes too heavy for me. I really only wanted my microwave especially. The moving guy said hey they cost $40 get another. The issue is partial pack apparently isnt partia unpack. I have no idea which box the microwave is in. I had 80 boxes and they came and packed up my kitchen and microwave and pots and pans. Silly me thinking a partial pack meant partial unpack. I cant even lift the boxes or microwave by myself. I'm used to zapping my coffee a little warmer than a coffee maker makes it. I like my coffee super hot. So valuable antiques I've had for 50 years and treasured are broke and I still have no kitchen stuff to use except what I bought to jse while mynstuff came. I have to make a claim for damage. But he says my fault for not having valuable antiques crated. And a room of boxes. And a triple dresser standing on its end.


    This black lacquer table is over 300 years old. The mahogany end table also very old. The boxes are triple deep at the end and the big ones are stacked double high and double deep that mostly I cant pick up. My kitchen stuff is in there somewhere I'm sure. And microwave. I only have some plastic silverware to use. .. oh let me add the picture of the triple dresser it will take 2 strong men to set so it's not standing on its end. If you paid for them to pack your stuff would you assume that also meant they would unpack the stuff they packed? I really wanted my microwave.






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  20. 10 hours ago, Arzeena said:


    I was just checking in to see if your movers arrived or gave you an update. Looks like tomorrow is the day! Have a good night's sleep. And good luck for tomorrow.

    I called him usually you could park along either side of the elevator with a area big enough for 3 big cars, but the elevator guys have a truck and wagon in the area on one side. I said if hes soon he can park right now. 


    He answered his phone this time. He said jane I told you 8 to 10. I said you said about 8, this is the first time I heard 10. No wonder they started past noon on the job yesterday. I bet it wasnt all the ladys fault theyndidnt start until past noon. 


    Hes alone and having to wait on workers to show up. I agree, no way alone hes going to be able to  ove those triple dressers. More rain is coming. I told him I would get here as soon as he can. He cant do it alone, has to wait for other workers to unload. I'm still next on the schedule. Hes got the truck with my stuff. Driving alone. Interesting when I call his phone  number on my cell phone reads Washington state. Hes a long way from home. So now it could be another couple of hours, but for sure I'm next.

    • Like 9
  21. On 6/7/2024 at 5:15 PM, Saint Greg said:


    And then it varies by cruise line. Like on Princess the way they handle it out of Galveston is they just don't start the drink package until after sail away. And we sailed away earlier...an hour earlier than scheduled. So it was like...eat lunch (in the dining room)...unpack....drink the carry-on bottle of wine during sail away...before you know it the drink package kicks in.


    I guess I'll see next year how NCL handles it when I go on Prima out of Galveston. 



    I'm probably older than you but I can remember carnival used to start cheers day 1 when it hit international water. People posted on cc to wait to purchase it the next day because you don't get your money's worth. I think carnival got tired of doing it several ways and just decided to wait to day 2 to start cheers. Like the solo supplement on 1A, this was long in the past.


    Royal has a special limited menu including a texas beer you can only get while in texas waters. Their drink packages start immediately as soon as you board. Royal lots away their texas stamped beers and liquors and goes to their regular menu as soon as they reach international waters. It is odd how every line does it a little differently.


    My issue with carnival is they dont carry a reasonable german wine. I ordered it twice and they keep giving me some super sweet Italian wine. They obviously are not very good on wine if they think they taste similar. I tried cheers twice and just wasnt for me.

  22. 7 hours ago, sid_9169 said:

    No matter the itinerary I'd pick Mardi Gras over the Vista...

    THIS!!  I remember when vista came out many didnt like it. Now they seem to be ok with it but changes made from previous carnival ships. Used to be you coukd walk thru deck 5, I really enjoyed walking through and seeing the ocean. Starting with vista they closed up the view. They cut the theater in half, now if you are late you are apt to sit behind a pole. Also the size of the comedy club was cut. They have to mick everyone out and you can get in line for the next show. 


    The havana area was a big hit and to some if you book the Havana area it's worth it, but the dream class still has the best spa and T pool. I also prefer the conquest class. ..vista and the new italian are my bottom, last choices. Vista has the bbq outside and the last time I did it, the wind was whipping and drying it out. The next ship of this class they moved it inside. 


    I've done vista at least twice before you say idk what I'm talking about. It's just not my cup of tea. It's only worth it if you are booking Havana area. 

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  23. Well he finally told me more just now. The lady up in Jacksonville woukdnt let them start until noon. So they coukdnt start her job until this afternoon, it's not because the job was extra extra big. I got bad news for him with this slow elevator I spent 2 hours going up and down and didnt quite empty my car, the elevator up to the 8th floor is that slow. And he wouldnt be the only one using it, residents too. Only the 1 elevator. 


    He said ok about 8 am he will come. I said I wouldnt mind if he came earlier. I think a better chance he can park that huge truck and someone else isnt there unloading. I'm monitoring the chances of rain here by the hour, today would have been better. The light tonight is wierd on the bldgs across the water. It's as if they are lit up ultra white tonight. 


    One more day .... fingers crossed.





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