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Posts posted by ABoatNerd

  1. Just another pricing scam by Celebrity, in a long line of scams.


    Every for profit company relies on the naivety of new customers. Appears Celebrity has again picked the same old new Gen X group that they built the Edge class for. Celebrity how is that working out for you so far?


    Some consumers care about the value of the goods and services they receive and some do not. Certainly the beverage packages and the "ease of use" have been adopted by many cruisers who really do not care they are overpaying for the number of drinks they consume cause they do "not have to sign a bill each time".


    Like many on the CC Celebrity board, moved on from Celebrity to the premium lines where the entire experience is premium, not just a small part of the Celebrity ship. 


    Good profit enhancing move Celebrity, only you will be able to determine how many customers bought your duping.



    • Haha 1
  2. On 10/28/2020 at 11:36 AM, Shawnino said:



    Serious opportunity for land-tour operators if they can capitalise on it.



    Shawnino - Indeed, it is all about varied travel options, cruise lines have many obligations - lets see how the Globus and land tours do, et all do.

    If you want to see the world (not everyone wants to, some want to do the ship only). Just purchase what you want.


    The cruise lines have the petri dish isolation obligation - just not doing that any time soon.

    Will fly or drive but not held hostage by a cruise line ever.


    To each their own.

  3. 10 hours ago, CintiPam said:

    As I indicated in the immediately preceding post 26, I do not agree; I thought the food on our last cruise was very good indeed. (And I particularly enjoyed the addition of a daily Humphry Slocombe ice cream flavor.)


    Regarding staying on topic, with the prospect of cruising once again seeming to be further and further away, I am happy simply to see others still willing to talk about cruising and Oceania. 


    CintiPam, good to hear you were pleased with the food. I do remember the "bland" food era as you describe!

    It will be interesting to see what the food quality will be in the future.


    Cruise prices have no where to go but upwards at least until all the FCC's are used up. Food costs are rising as well. 


    What I believe is that the choice between purchasing a cruise versus a land vacation etc is going to become more about the experience versus the cost if there is residual restrictions that linger on cruises versus land. Might not be the simple, I will take a cruise decision process of the past. If this happens, then cruising will have to become more price competitive.


    Time will tell.

  4. 21 hours ago, DaCruiseBug said:


    The US news has a political agenda.


    The reality is that the US has done some of the most testing of any modern country. Almost double what France and Germany have performed per capita. Since a vast majority of those that catch Covid do NOT have serious symptoms it's only reasonable to believe that the more you test the higher the positive rates you get.


    We have been at around 50-60k cases per day now for at least 2-3 months. Nothing new...that's still where we are. There's some days it's only 40k and some days it goes up to 80k.


    Yesterday we reported 60,000 new cases. We have 330 million people. France reported 52,000 new cases and they have 65 million people. Belgium is at almost 20,000 cases and they have 11 million people. Now go ahead and keep listening to US media that tells you we're worst off than anyone else out there...


    I concur with your assessment DaCruiseBug. Canada is reporting significant increases in cases and our testing is lagging well behind the USA and our media loves to disparage the USA. A further complexity for the USA is that you have 51 states, a lot of different administrations at the state level with different approaches. Canada has only 10 provinces and 1 territory with very different approaches and outcomes.


    The media reporting in the USA is not focused on comparative reality, it is only about the negative in everything, pathetic. 

    This is very important to cruising as the cruising public receives info via the so called 4th estate. The constant negative bashing does not instill confidence in the American people and that impacts consumer choices.


    Get R Going there USA!

    • Like 2
  5. The virus is reporting to be increasing significantly in Canada as well - it is the end of the summer season in the US, Canada and Europe. To be expected. In Ontario we have had the highest reported number of cases since the pandemic started! We are in a stage 2 lockdown in the major urban centres, still.......


    It is not just the USA, so try to not beat yourselves up so much!


    It is my observation it is the young people in bars, the high school kids just off the property standing in big groups with no masks, the boys at the skateboard parks with people everywhere with no masks,..... it is not the older people in the stores with masks on etc.  The sheer volume of young people in the Greater Toronto Area with no masks is astonishing, have their parents not been successful in terrorizing them as to the consequences?  I wonder about that.


  6. CintiPam - the menu introduced in August 2018. A search will bring up many comments on the reduction in size, increase in repetition and use of lesser quality ingredients, particularly the meat items.


    For me and the group I travel with, it was very obvious there was a food change. The Grand Dining Room, in particular, suffered from the downgrading. 


    It was the before and immediately after the menu change that brought the clearest knowledge of the negative impacts. My dear friends did 4 Oceania in 2018 and they were startled at the difference. Enough change they said to not consider Oceania, which they have not, they moved to Crystal.


    Hope this is of assistance.

  7. Indeed fly. The golf clubs shipped. Rental vehicle.

    Will live in Florida in the same manner as here in Ontario, with caution (mask, shield and gloves always in a store) BUT, loving it and warm and exercised and watching gators and eating great food made at the condo or delivered in, being on the beach.


    Life is meant to be lived and I am living it big time. No cowering in the basement of the frozen hell.


    For me here is the reality.....

    Most if not all of our pandemic viruses have come from China, so that is an issue that the G20 needs to deal with. Cruise lines need to deal with. If we do not deal with it, the G20 economy will be perpetually destabilized and so will cruising. I lived through the toughest situation of SARS (from China) in 2003 in Toronto ( the worlds epicenter of SARS), it was a big shutdown like we are dealing with now, with no tech, everyone had to physically go to work, was very difficult. So this is my 2nd pandemic and I am not in any way tolerant of China; Asian flu 1956, Hong Kong flu 1968, Wuhan virus now. 


    To be able to cruise again means that we will always have in the back of our mind this virus, what that means for the future is to be determined.

    • Like 1
  8. The vaccine, there may not be a vaccine.  There has not been a vaccine for the members of this virus family so far. Further, with the rush to produce the vaccine, I and others suspect, the side effects will be minimized and frankly hidden from the public. Under no circumstances do I expect to get the truth from the vaccine manufacturers.


    I am assuming no vaccine going forward, doing some preventative measures, but moving on living and traveling and ensuring the Wuhan virus does not keep me hiding in my basement.


    Time is precious and it is slipping away and the older one is, the faster is the loss of time relative to one's remaining objectives.


    Here in Canada there is now discussion that the Wuhan virus will become endemic, so not going away. 




    Becoming endemic then creates a very long term challenge for the cruise lines and other activities in closed spaces.


    The winter is approaching here and if I stay in Toronto, will not see good weather for upwards of 6 months. So I am off to Florida for all of January and most of February in a lovely condo in Ft. Myers and lots of golf. It is called living.



    • Like 2
  9. Well here in Toronto, we are increasingly locked down.

    My sister in Ottawa is freaking cause the retirement homes (not long term care) will not let any residents out for even an emerg appointment unless, unless, upon your return, you have a negative covid test and even then you still have to do a 14 day isolation, a 14 day isolation, realize that means you can not leave your room. People who are 93 years old with dementia, can not get out of their room.


    Beyond insane. 

    So you Americans, it is not just your most dear country, gather your selves up and move forward USA.

    Canada is not the paragon of success it has been portrayed in the media, by any means. Check out British Columbia.




    • Like 3
  10. We are not interested in any perks. We pay as we go, if we wish anything. No booze, no nothing. Specialty dining if necessary. So all inclusive lines will not be purchased by us, we are not subsidizing anyone else. We pay for customized land tours, obviously this is an issue in the future.

    That is why we have recently only cruised with Oceania, basic level, but they have proven not to deliver the value commensurate with their pricing and their frequent cancellation of ports will not do at all.


    So we will await for a long while to determine if cruising is a real competitor to customized land vacations. 


    To each their own of course.



  11. Celebrity all inclusive, this class segmented cruise line. Really, what a laugh. 

    Back in the 1990's with the Zenith and Mercury and Century, it was rather that. But that style died a while ago with RCL purchase as they killed the great cruise line that Celebrity used to be.


    If this is true, Celebrity mgmt must think there are many stupid consumers our there, well I guess there are.


    Celebrity, get over yourself.



    • Like 1
  12. 9 hours ago, KirkNC said:

    And those of you who choose to engage in riskier behavior are free to do so.  Just understand it is people like you that keep the virus alive and spreading.  I also remind you of the risk you share with the first responders when you do get sick.  


    Hi KirkNC, please explain how me going to Hilton Head is any riskier than the European folks that have been on the cruise ships operating in Europe.

    Waiting and thank you.

    • Like 1
  13. A great rule - believe nothing and question everything. And question a lot and require evidence, not talk and orders, but solid evidence over a reasonable period of time.


    Married to a PHD scientist and not impressed with the so called experts. There is a wealth of information out there, many, many on CC have great information like TeeRick and Hlinter and others, great information and past experience and they are so very gracious to share it with us, thanks to you all.


    We believe there is a variety of agendas out there that impact the "orders" that we in Canada and the great USA are given. 


    Bottom line - use our democracy or lose it. Just like the cruise lines will have to navigate the varied messaging and rules - but their world is clear - make $ no matter what it takes.


    Time is precious and it is slipping away. Would like to take a cruise, but the reality is very challenging for the cruise lines. So in the interim, moving on to land vacations and like wow, looking forward to it.


    • Like 3
  14. Hlitner, your words are a breath of common sense. Our extended family are beyond fed up with the isolation and hiding and cowering, the frozen hell is arriving here soon and the weather has been below normal temperatures, gloom and rain since August, an awful late summer and fall.


    We are leaving soon for our annual October Hilton Head golfing trip. Have to fly of course, cause the border is closed, would rather drive. Have everything lined up for a nice week, then a drive down to Alabama to do the Robert Jones golf trail. Plan to be away a month or more. Can hardly wait to have many biscuits. 


    Time is precious and it is slipping away, so not waiting anymore to live it. Moving on.


    We wear the N95s and a shield and use gloves when purchasing in stores. Not doing any more than that. 


    The circumstances in the great USA are no more "scary" than the cases here in Ontario and Quebec - so off we go.

    • Like 5
  15. We cruise to see the ports first, the ship is not the priority.


    So with this restriction in place, perhaps for a long time, it is doubtful that we will cruise. If and when we travel in the future, it is likely customized land vacations will get the nod.


    For us it is about immersing into the area, eating in the restaurant that has the most local food, just standing and smelling and observing and touching the architecture. Just picking a few locations and standing for 10 minutes and observing everything and every body and all the critters.  Processed tours rarely meet our requirements.


    But to each their own.

  16. 1 hour ago, Pinboy said:

    What Company is in business not to make money ?? 

    The Consumer decides whether the value of the product is worth the expense. Example , Is it worth paying for a suite or just taking a cabin on " minnow " deck  ?  For us, we always take a cabin " on the hump " on deck 8 or 9 which suits us perfectly.

    ( It does seem like there are more people on CC that take a suite and find the value acceptable ).


    Pinboy, I agree. Making money is the point, it is always about the "howing" the money is made.

    I really like your use of the word Consumer, it is a strong word connotating analysis and consideration. It is one of my favorite words.

    Thanks for your post!

    Have a great Thanksgiving with much adult beverages!

    • Like 1
  17. I am sort of gathering up some of the excellent observations on this thread..


    Yes, when I mention cruising to anyone, they roll their eyes. So good luck cruise lines. You may get some of the dedicated CC folks, but not me or them


    The cruise lines have raised prices and they continue to sell cruises with limited chance of happening, but par for the course for these greedy corporations and perfectly in keeping with their abysmal track record during this pandemic


    With their poor financial situation, it highly probable that the onboard food, entertainment, service etc will be downgraded further than all the downgrading that has happened over the years.....so people will pay more for less. Also expect more harassment for upcharge services


    So, going on a cruise, I will not.

  18. Ah the joy of just not purchasing. What a riot, thanks so much Hawadiian for posting!


    Gosh, are consumers really that gulliable?  A few no doubt.


    Ah, looking at my lush bank account and knowing that no air line or cruise line is getting any of it.

    Just opened the door and viewed that darn fine new Porsche in the garage. Love it.


    Consumers do your thing!

    • Like 2
  19. Well I am out and about with N95, shield and gloves. Will live and thrive and drink wine and feed the birds and have the biggest friggin turkey Canada has ever seen.


    We are not assured of the next second, not the next second. 

    At some point this virus and the next virus and the next will have to be dealt with and it is not about closing down society on a repetitive basis.

    Do what each of you have to. 

    We have no guarantee about life. 

    Protect the seniors and those with health issues, otherwise, move onwards.

    Question everything, everything. Accept nothing until you are assured it is real, real.


    This weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada - moving onwards and giving thanks. Got to live and thrive and excel.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  20. 17 hours ago, durberville said:

    I’m going to second this. Dual citizen here with 40 years in Canada and 20 in the US.


    It’s been my experience that Canadians love to feign superiority, particularly now that the States are in such a mess. But...just as the provinces have had varying degrees of response to COVID, (ie: the Maritimes versus....say Quebec) so too have our states (look at the stringent measures taken by New York and NJ). Yes, some have been more successful than others but please don’t flippantly paint the entire country with one brush. It’s insulting. We are a very populous and diverse nation. 

    Canadians are known far and wide as being polite. Smugness is unbecoming. I wish you happy cruising! 🙂🇺🇸🇨🇦

     Yep durberville, well said.


    Canadians have many so called superiorities and smugness not related to any real accomplishments. We have a few provinces all with different approaches and results as you mentioned. The dear USA has 51 states, many more, each with individual needs, profiles and responses. Of course the pattern would be more complicated with 51 vs 10 provinces.


    I have found that the US federal level response far better than the Canadian federal level which is only focused on dispensing $ like a ATM machine. I really like the arguments, the questions, the challenges at the federal level of the US CDC, scientists etc - so does my PHD scientist spouse. Having an open mind, challenging the status quo, making the status quo prove themselves, is all part of the leadership accountability. I am not being left or right political, I am dealing with leadership responsibilities period.


    Rock on anyone who is questioning anything! 


    Managers manage the status quo, leaders question it.





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