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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning everyone, Sorry I have been sort of AWOL these days. Truth is that my Polymyalgia Rheumatica has returned with a vengeance and it is also affected my cervical spine or my neck, making it difficult to sleep or to lift my arms. Hard to do almost everything i have an appointment with the doctor at the Mayo, but it is not until the end of the month. i am a bit reluctant to increase the prednisone on my own. It is just so hard to do anything that needs to be done. With all the others with problems that others have, mine seem minor. Anyway, enough of my problems. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. I like the days—especially Best Friends Day. i also like to relax and these days, I have to do a lot of that just to keep the pain at bay. I agree with the quote. i will skip the meal because these days, simple is the rule around here. The wine and drink look good. I have been to Alaska, but not sure we stopped at Hubbard Glacier. @smitty34877, glad to hear that Lou is making improvements and may be going home soon. Prayers for him and for your whole family. @cruising sister I am happy to hear of Baby Murphy’s progress. I pray it continues. Prayers for all who need them. Cheers to those celebrating or cruising. The flooring man is coming on Friday and I am praying that they don’t have to rip up a lot of the house to fix the buckling. It is affecting the living room, bedroom and den. Not happy about this. thank you to @StLouisCruisers, @Sharon in AZand @Seasick Sailor for the great photos. Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  2. Just checking in. Very busy week. Glad to see that Baby Murphy is off the ECMO machine and in her parents’ arms. How wonderful. I hope it works. Prayers for all. Will post when I can. God Bless, Terri
  3. i started reading these posts three times with many interruptions. i wish I could remember what i read early today. @smitty34877 Glad that Lou is getting the treatment he needs and prayers that he improves. Prayers for Baby Murphy and hope we hear some good news soon. I have had a busy day and hope everyone is doing well Prayers for all Terri
  4. I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers for Lou and for you and your whole family. Stay strong. Terri
  5. Jackie, we are there from 7 am to 4 pm so i don’t think the 7 hour tour is feasible unless we start at 8 am. It will just be Jim and me. There is no action on the roll call due to Oceania’s new shore excursion program. We booked before it started. Just thinking the 5 hour tours would be better. We will probably go with the Highlights. I might ask if they would start at 8 am and do one of the 7 hour tours. Thanks for your advice. Terri
  6. Good morning to all. Sorry i never got here yesterday. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet and Daily Report. Thank you to Vanessa and Tina and Dixie and Ann for your contributions to keep this thread going. Prayers for Baby Murphy and Sam and hopefully we will hear some good news today. Prayers also for @smitty34877’s DH and @marshhawk;s DH as they continue with their treatments. Prayers for everyone on the cares list. I will pass on the meal. I cannot eat anything that spicy. I will pay for that for many days. As for the days, I don’t have either a son or daughter, but i hope those that do, celebrate them today. I will not be playing in the sand today, although I do not live far from the beach. I will stay away from Presidential jokes so that I don’t get in trouble. I like the Cary Grant quote. I will pass on the drink and the wine. As for yesterday, we passed the termite inspection, even the area of concern. The problem is what is the area of concern. There is a door frame in the interior of the house where there is some debris. They are pretty sure it is not termites, but not sure what it is. He put some foam in there to kill whatever may be in there. Now I have to deal with the contractor to get the floors redone in some places where they are buckled. I called yesterday but no answer. I am so tired of dealing with all this $%^^& with this house. It just seems to be one thing after another. We have decided that we are going to Italy in October and then the Transatlantic back to Miami. DH wants to go and we have decided to take things slowly. I think we will be all right. @kazu I have looked at Daniel Madeira Taxi but cannot figure out which tour is the right one to take. Do you you have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. We are going to make a Costco run today to Pooler, Georgia. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  7. Good evening It has been a tiring day. I did not feel well all day and had lots of things going on. A/C is all fixed and hopefully we will have no further problems. Termite people come tomorrow I had a bad night due to digestive problems and have been tired and feeling under the weather all day. Will post more tomorrow. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  8. @rafinmd Glad your power is restored. We are expecting severe thunderstorms tonight. Hope everyone is safe. Terri
  9. Good afternoon. Our meeting with the attorney went very well and we are pleased. She feels that she can draw up wills that should be satisfactory and we have another appointment on Sept. 8. If she has a cancellation, it will be sooner. As far as I am concerned, the sooner the better. i am very unhappy with the present wills and she knows it. They were drawn up in 1998 and should have been updated long before this. I will rest easy when I sign the new one. @marshhawk Annie, I am so thrilled with your good news. That is really great. Do we have any news on Baby Murphy? Sam? Debbie @dfish Thanks for the lovely photos. Looks like you are all having a wonderful time. Thank you to Rich, Dixie, Vanessa, Ann and Tina for your contributions to this thread. Prayers for all—especially those on the cares list. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Blesd all of you, Terri
  10. Just a quick Good Morning before I have to get going Hope everyone is doing well. I have to get ready for our appointment with the attorney at 12 noon. Everything is ready. All papers are prepared and DH is on board. Say a prayer all goes well. Terri
  11. Just an update. The Termite Company will honor the Bond and will be here on Thursday to do the inspection. That is good because there is one area of concern in the house and we will be able to show it to them and hopefully get it taken care of if it is caused by termites. Also I received a call from the A/C company today. They told me they have to install another board in the compressor. I told them the A/C was working but they said the second board has to be replaced, So they are coming on Wednesday to do that. Tomorrow we are seeing the attorney to update our wills. Actually we are planning to draft new wills. This has been a very hard thing to do. DH had a very hard time understanding what he needed to prepare. We finally finished this afternoon. We spent hours on the cruise working on this. I am so glad we have finally gotten to a place that we are both happy with. Phew! So that takes care of the week. If we are up to it we will go to Costco on Friday. We will see. Good night all. Terri
  12. Good morning to all. It is a rainy day here in Bluffton, S Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like the Days to celebrate. I will go with your original post, even if they are from yesterday. Forgiveness is very important. It does more for the person who is offended than the offender. It does not mean we have to forget. Where would we be without friends? And I love lighthouses. I will skip the meal and wine. However the drink sounds like something I might try. Today i have to get in toudh with the Termite people and see if they will honor the bond even if we are late. Keeping my fingers crossed. DH and I have to finalize our wishes to update our wills. We have an appointment with the attorney tomorrow. Been trying to get this done for a while. Prayers for everyone on the list, especially Baby Murphy. Hopefully the surgeon has some answers for the parents today. Prayers for @mamaofami’s DH Sam, that he recovers from the brain bleed. @smitty34877 I hope all goes well with DH’s appointment today. Hope he starts getting an appetite soon. Prayers for all on the list and those who are not that need prayers as well. Cheers to thos celebrating and cruising. Still trying to decide whether we should continue planning the trip to Italy and the transatlantic or to scrap it. Not sure this is in our best interest. Just seems like it may be too much for DH. Yet he seems that it would be okay. We will see. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  13. Good Sunday Afternoon. If I don’t post now, I probably won’t. Life is not too easy these days for reasons I would rather not explain right now. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Tina, Ann and Dixie for your contributions to this thread. I have been to Malta, but not Gogo. I will pass on the meal. Simple is the word these days. Interesting days. May we never have another Hiroshima. Thank you to Graham for Father David’s Sermon. I enjoyed listening to it as did DH. Tomorrow I have to call the Termite Company. The bond renewal is due tomorrow and we received notice while we were away. I forgot to call them last week. I hope they will still come and honor our contract and inspect the house. With the A/C problems I forgot all about them. I also have lots of other things to catch up on. These days it seems to all fall on my shoulders. I am trying to decide whether the Italy trip and transatlantic is really a good idea or we should cancel. DH really wants to go. Not sure he realizes what it entails. Prayers for all, especially for Baby Murphy and Sam. Terry, I hope Lou starts to feel like eating soon and the same for Annie’s DH. Got to get moving with all the things I need to do. Have a good day and God Bless, Terri
  14. Well, here I am at 2:49 am finally posting. Prayers for all. I just cannot sleep. Have some heartburn and too much on my mind these days. Lots to do and not enough time to do it. Prayers for all especially Baby Murphy and Sam, Happy Anniversary to Charlene and Happy Birthday to @lobsternight, Sorry I am late. God Bless and Good night. Terri
  15. Hello everyone. Sorry I have been away for a few days. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. Everyday I start out reading the Daily and then something happens and I never finish and never get to post. So now I have caught up on the last two days, Thank you for thinking of me. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann, and Tina for your contributions to keep this thread going. Prayers for everyone, especially Baby Murphy, @mamaofami’ DH Sam, and @smitty34877’ s DH Lou and @marshhawk’s DH Chuck and @ger_77’DH as they all deal with their medical issues. Cheers to those celebrating. @Denise T good luck with your orals. @lazey1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! @Mr. Boston HAPPY RETIREMENT! i have to say, that I started this post about four hours ago and got called away by a phone call and then DH and Lord knows what else. However, I am back. Prayers for all and Congrats and Cheers to those celebrating. God Bless, Terri
  16. @marshhawk That is great news about your DH and I agree with the Doc about the cruise. You two deserve this cruise and I hope you have a wonderful time. i hope you have good news from the pulmonologist. Terri
  17. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to post. I have just been so tired. I had so many things to do to catch up plus appointments for both of us. Jim doesn’t drive any more so I have to coordinate appointments and get us both where we have to go. Plus still trying to unpack and get over jet lag. Just never got back here. I will read posts and post today. Thanks for thinking of me Terri
  18. Well, I don’t want to count my chickens before they’re hatched but the AC is working. The temp has gone down from 85 to 82 and the unit is working. The repairman is still here and watching tree system outside. I am afraid to say anything for fear I’ll jinx it. Say a prayer it will continue to work. Terri
  19. Well, the sad update is that they sent two of the same boards. So I don't think we will have AC tonight. I am so angry. The man is still out there in hopes that the one board will do the trick. I am going to be on the phone in a few minutes. The second board will take another 4-5 days to get here. Mind you, it comes from Atlanta and has to go to Savannah. That is a 3 1/2 hour drive. Figure that out! Terri
  20. The first thing in the morning turned into 2:45 this afternoon. He's still in the back of our house working and given who showed up, I am not so sure we will have a working AC unit today. He came with a box and he has been in the same place for the last 45 minutes. i was on the phone with them trying to get them to came earlier. No cigar. The problem is as this late time, if it can't be fixed, another day is wasted. And then we get put on the schedule again. I am melting and the floors are getting worse. Terri
  21. Very happy to hear this news. I hope she continues on the road to recovery. Prayers for her. Terri
  22. We are still waiting for parts!?! I am sorry I have not been able to post. We had a lot of errands to run today and I spent a lot of time on the phone with the AC people. They promise tomorrow morning,. We will see. I have been speaking with the supervisor who agrees that this is not acceptable. However, acceptable or not, we still have no AC. I am too tired to read the posts and to post more. I will try to post in the morning and update everything.. terri
  23. Good morning to all. It is cloudy and 77 degrees right now in Bluffton. However, my house reads 81. i wish we could get it down a bit more. The weather promises rain for the entire day. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. Of the three days we celebrate today, I choose National Lasagne Day. It is one of my favorite dishes. I have not prepared it in ages and certainly will not do it today. My goal right now is not to do anything to cause the house to heat up. i like the quote by QMII. I will pass on the meal and the drink. Depending on the price, I may decide on the wine. I have not been to today’s destination so I will be very happy to see other’s photos. Our trip to the Dermotology Office yesterday revealed that the incision from the MOHS surgery may have opened in one area when DH banged his head on two different occasions during our vacation. So I have to put on my nursing cap again to tend to the wound each day with a new antibiotic cream to make sure it heals and to keep away any infections. He returns to be seen in 3 weeks. Prayers for all on the Cares list—especially Baby Murphy. Cheers to all enjoying a nice cruise and celebrating an important event. Have a great day and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  24. You cannot enter with more than that without declaring it. Terri
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