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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good Afternoon to all. Sorry I am so late and did not get to post yesterday. We are doing okay and things have finally calming down around here. i am taking one day at a time and trying to do the best I can. While I have not read all the posts, I did note that today is Aunts and Uncles Day. i do want to pay tribute to the only Aunt and Uncle I knew growing up. Especially my Aunt Josie, who was like a second Mother to me. She took care of me every day when i came home from school because my Mom had to work. i also spent every Summer with her out in Long Island for the very same reason. She was very dear to me and I miss her very much. Here is a photo of her and my Uncle Angelo on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.
  2. We like the Marriott Biscayne Bay. Harbor and Cruise Port Views. Very Nice. Terri
  3. Hi everyone. The podiatry appointment for DH was just a routine 2 month visit. Non problems and thanks for all the good wishes. We did not go to lunch. Very cloudy and looked like rain. Another day. We weren’t that hungry anyway. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, Clement and Declan are precious. Hope everyone is doing well. Terri
  4. Annie @marshhawk hang in there. You are in my prayers. I hope things get better for you and Chuck. Terri
  5. Good morning to all and Happy Wednesday. Thank you to all who Rich, et al who keep this thread going. I know that I do not want the Vegetable Soup, although I could lose a few pounds. I have not had a whiskey sour in ages, but will not indulge today. Thank you to Vanessa for keeping up with us. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Those twins are beautiful. Very sweet photos. Charlene @cunnorl i hope you enjoy your cruise. i hope all goes well with your DD. I know the challenges of going on vacation with a special needs person. We did this often with DBIL. We took him on a number of cruises and some were more challenging than others. Prayers for you all that your cruise goes well. Roy @rafinmd i hope you feel better and the Urgent Care can find out the cause of the pain. DH has a Podiatrist appointment on Hilton Head today. If it doesn’t rain, we may stay there and have lunch at a favorite restaurant. I hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  6. Somehow I missed this and i am sorry. Debbie, @dfish Prayers for you today as you have your procedure. 🙏 Terri
  7. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration Report And as always thank you to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for your dedication to keeping us fed and hydrated. Thank you to Graham @grapau27 for your explanation of the days we celebrate. There is not much to report. My arm is feeling better without my doing much except resting it. I am able to do more and more, but I am taking it slower. As for the leak in the bathroom, I think it has been resolved. The only thing left is to get someone to repaint the bathroom ceiling that now has a big brown stain on it. It never ends! That is for another time. We are doing the best we can—taking one day at a time. i really hoping that we will be able to take our cruise in November. DH seems excited about going so we are planning to do so. I hope it doesn’t change. i need a break. I know that it is another 105 days since they keep telling us that it is that long to Election Day. That is the day we plan to leave for Miami. So that is my cruise countdown clock. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  8. Good afternoon. I have not had the opportunity to read any posts, but just wanted to check in. The HVAC tech was back today and i am happy to say that the problem seems to be resolved. The dripping has stopped so we are fairly sure that the culprit is the AC system. However, we expect more rain tonight. If the leak starts again, then I need to call a roofer. I really hope I do not have to do that. I had a very bad night thinking about a lot of what ifs. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Terri
  9. Today has been a horrible day. There is water leaking from the a/c vent in the master bath. The A/C tech was here and he thought he fixed the problem. After he left the water started leaking again. He was not able to come back today but promised to come back tomorrow. i am terrified of having another flood in this house. i don’t know who to call to get this resolved. The A/C is less than two years old and we have have nothing but trouble with it. We have had a lot of rain and don’t know if we have a leak in the roof. Why do all these things happen on the weekend? When I said that this is a new HVAC, I was told that the drain and whatever is not covered under the warranty. I am so tired.😭 Terri
  10. Thanks Annie. I hope things are improving for you and Chuck. You are in my daily prayers. i know what you are going through. Maybe we should start our own support group. Terri
  11. Good morning to all Happy Saturday and Happy Moon Day. I am sure we can all remember where we were on that day in 1969 when Apollo 11 made the Moon Landing. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Ann, Debbie and Dixie for your undying dedication to this thread. What would we do without you! Prayers for everyone on the list. @kazu I hope you are doing better today. @Seasick Sailor continued prayers for your sister during her difficulties @smitty34877 you and your family are always in my prayers. @StLouisCruisers I hope you find a way to get home. Not sure how to handle this, but i feel your best bet would be to plant myself at the airport. Pay for a Delta Lounge entry and then have the concierge there work on getting you a flight and a hotel if the flight is not today. Just my thought. Better than standing on a long line. @cunnorl and @St Pete Cruiser Bon Voyage! @aliaschief Hope you and your family are enjoying your vacation. If i missed anyone, I am sorry. As for the F&B. Debbie, I am with you. I would rather have a cheesburger The wine is above my budget. The drink would put me out of commission. I have to get moving and have breakfast. Cleaning lady coming today. Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  12. I managed to get through the rest of the posts that I did not read since the power outage. @kazu Jacqui, I am glad that the surgery went well. Prayers that you heal well. @smitty34877 Happy Birthday to your DB. Glad he is there to help. @Seasick Sailor I am sorry to hear that your DS needs a double mastectomy. Prayers for her. @marshhawk prayers for you and Chuck. Hope you get your AC back soon. Bon Voyage to @cunnorl and @StPeteCruiser @Lady Hudson Happy Anniversary. i don’t know who I am missing. But prayers for everyone, and Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. God Bless and Good night Terri
  13. Just checking in. I was about to post earlier. However, we had severe thunderstorms and lost power and internet. So we had tuna fish sandwiches for dinner by candlelight. We are doing the best we can and I will read the rest of the posts that I was not able to read earlier. Hope everyone had a good day. Terri
  14. Good morning all. Sorry I did not get to post yesterday. i was just too tired having had no sleep the night before. My visit with the Orthopedic Doc resulted in a referral to an Ortho Surgeon. So I am waiting for that appointment. There is nothing more that can be done for me non surgically. So I will see what the surgeon has to say and go forward. If i can figure out a way to live with this pain, I will forego the surgery. Surgery will require that I have help during recovery not to mention a driver to get me to and from Jacksonville. Just too many things to think about. Vanessa, you can take my name off the Cares list. I appreciate you keeping it there, but nothing is going out change fora while. My after Covid symptoms are resolving. Thank you all for your prayers and concern. God Bless, Terri
  15. Just checking in. I am in a bit of a hurry. I have a virtual appointment with the Orthopedic Doctor at 10 am. So I have to get my computer set up. I have been to Bilbao and will try to post some photos later along with the results of my Ortho visit. Terri
  16. Our itinerary from Oceania lists Santarem on Nov. 19 and Alter do Chao on Nov. 23. We will see what happens. Terri
  17. Thanks Roy. I looked at Cruisetimetables.com and did not notice that there were two stops in Santarem. I wonder if we are in for a change in itinerary, Terri
  18. Thank you all for your responses. I will take them all into consideration. Right now we are thinking about staying on the ship, Not sure yet. We will see. Again, appreciate all your responses. Terri
  19. Thanks again Lenda. Seems like you double posted. Terri
  20. For all you world travelers, who have gone to and seen many more places than I have— Have any of you been to Boca da Valeria Brazil in the Amazon? or Alter do Chao, Brazil, also in the Amazon. What did you do there. Our cruise in November stops in both these places. There are no tours posted and very little info on both these place. Any help would be appreciated. i have looked on the ports section and there very little info. Terri
  21. Good morning, or what is left of it. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the FR&D and to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List, Debbie @dfish Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope in the F&B department. Thank you Graham @grapau27 for explaining the Atomic Veterans Day. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, welcome back to the USA. Hope you are enjoying the ending days of your cruise. @Norseh2o Bon Voyage. May you enjoy the lovey Marina—especially since it has been newly renovated. @smitty34877 Terry, i hope things are improving for you and Tana @Seasick Sailor i am sorry that Allen has lost 2 pounds, despite all your efforts. @cruising sister Thank you for the update on Baby Murphy. Prayers for her an also for her family and especially for her Mom as she expects another precious little one. i am still dealing with fatigue and pain. Last night I slept 10 hours. Trying hard to get things done. Not always successful. I need to iron some clothes but the iron is too heavy to hold. Today I will work on some financial stuff for the month. Thats all for today. God Bless, Terri
  22. Vanessa @JazzyV I hope you feel better real soon. Terri
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