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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Thank you. I have always asked in the past and one was provided. Thought that this collapsible vase sounded interesting. Terri
  2. Happy to share my birthday with a newborn. Congratulations! I hope the baby and mother are doing well. Terri
  3. Tell me about a collapsible vase. Terri
  4. Thank you to @StLouisCruisers, @smitty34877, @Sharon in AZ, @ottahand7, @puppycanducruise, @marshhawk, @RMLincoln, @rafinmd, @Denise T, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @ger_77, @cat shepard, @cunnorl, @bennybear, @Overhead Fred, @Haljo1935, @luvteaching, @durangoscots, @Cruising-along, @JazzyV, @dfish, and @atexsix. for the lovely Birthday wishes. I truly appreciate it. If i left out anyone, it is truly an oversight and I am sorry. Thank you again. I had a lovely day. Terri
  5. We did that once and it cost a fortune. It is more reasonable to get them in port and bring them back on the ship yourself. My husband asked the butler to handle it and he was told he had to deal with the front desk. The front desk wanted cash up front. The the port agent got involved and the end result was only a lot less flowers than what one could get by buying them yourself in port. Everybody had to take their cut. Terri
  6. Good Sunday morning to all of you. Thank you all for the lovely Birthday wishes. Welcome home to Lisa and Marcia. Hope your cruise was wonderful We will finally go out to dinner. We have reservations at our favorite Seafood Restaurant in Port Royal—right on the water. Great food. Also on Wednesday we are celebrating again. My friend Jackie, who was DD DBIL’s caregiver when we would go away will be celebrating her birthday next Sunday. So we are having a joint celebratory lunch at another favorite restaurant. Boy, from never going anywhere, I am now going out to eat twice in one week. Thank you to Sandi, Vanessa, Eva, Dixie and Ann for all you do to keep this thread going. I cannot leave without expressing my condolences for all those hostages that were found murdered. How heartbraking! May they Rest in Peace. Prayers for their families. I hope everyone will have a wonderful Sunday and is enjoying their Labor Day weekend. Terri
  7. Yes. Last year my DH bought me a dozen roses on Valentines Day in port and brought them on board. Not a word was said. The room steward even found a vase for them. Terri
  8. Good evening to all. I am really late to the party today. i started to read all the posts this morning and got distracted and never got back here. Thank you to all that contribute to this thread to keep it going . Thank you Sandi to stepping up to start us off each day while Rich is enjoying his cruise to Japan. Thank you to Eva as you fill in for Debbie. Thank you to Vanessa, Ann and Dixie for your undying dedication. Today was finally a day that I literally did very little. I finally got an opportunity to catch up on some rest. It has been a busy week. Hope every one had a good day. Terri
  9. That is not correct. if you pay the $175 for the Authorized User card, that Authorized User has Centurion Lounge Access regardless of whether or not the Cardholder is present. If the Card if from a Commercial Entity such as Delta or Hilton, etc,.the companion card will not grant you access. My spouse has an Authorized User card on my Platinum Card and has always been granted access. Terri
  10. i believe the rules have changed. If you have charged $75,000 per year, you are allowed to guest 2 persons. If not the cost is $50 per guest unless the guest has an auxiliary card.
  11. Well, I got my hair done and then got myself over to Physical Therapy. i was lucky to get the same therapist as the last time and set up all the appointments for the next six weeks. So I start next Tuesday, Sept. 3. i am looking forward to being pain-free, after all this time. Terri
  12. The authorized user must present his/her card along with yours in order to gain access to the lounge. The AO is not able to use the lounge as a guest.
  13. Good morning to all. Thank your to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for taking the reins while Rich is off to Japan. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV and Eva @superoma and Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your contributions to this thread. I will say it is good to be home. I will also say that Courtyard by Marriott needs to invest in new pillows. They are the worst. I always say that I am going to bring my own and then forget. Don’t remember until I get there. Even DH, who can sleep through anything was complaining about the pillows on this trip. Thank you Sandi for the lovely photos and kind words. You certainly have been almost everywhere and I, for one, am so grateful to be able to enjoy the places I will never get to see otherwise. Terry @smitty34877 Thank you for your kind words. I am very happy about being able to dodge the surgeon’s knife. Hopefully the PT will work. The photo of Camilla is adorable. Today is busy. I have a hairdresser appointment. I ditched the one I had and went back to the former hairdresser who retired and unretired. She is trying to straighten out the mess the other one made. I also want to get in touch with the PT facility to see if I can start next week. I am looking at six weeks of therapy and would like to finish before we leave for our cruise in early November. Yesterday was a very tiring day. Glad I had a good night’s sleep last night. I feel refreshed and ready to start the day. Hope all is well with everyone. God Bless, Terri
  14. Bon Voyage! Rich. Can’t wait to read all about your trip. Terri
  15. Good evening to all I am sorry for posting so late. I did not sleep well last night and then had to drive home today. Prior to getting on our way we stopped at Costco and then Total Wine. So by the time we left JAX it was noon. We had some rain but once we hit Georgia, the sun came out. I was very thankful for that. As soon as I got home, I put my feet up and fell asleep in the den. We had dinner and just unpacked some of my things. i am not long for this world tonight and will be going to bed pretty soon. I am very tired and just need some sleep. Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers. The news was not perfect but it was a lot better than I expected. The best being that I do not need surgery. I hope everyone had a good day. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  16. I don’t know if your insurance would pay for it. But even if they don’t, it is not going to cost as much as they will charge on a cruise ship. I read here on CC that Oceania charges $2000. I am sure that i will not pay that much for the prescription in the pharmacy. Terri
  17. I am back from all my appointments. PCP added a chest X-ray and Echo Cardiogram. Do not have those results yet. Doc thinks that the spike in C-Reactive Protein may be a result of having Covid. He also said that it is not unusual that recovery from Covid could take up to 2 months or longer these days. He is raising Prednisone only by 1 mg. To see if that will help. Will see him in 6 weeks. Ortho visit thinks that Physical Therapy will take care of the partial Rotator Cuff tear and he does not think there is a need for surgery. If PT fails then we will revisit surgery. I am thanking God very much right now. Believe me! Chest X-ray and Echo were ordered because of the fatigue, Shortness of Breath. While Doc thinks it is a result of Covid, he just wants to be sure. Waiting on those results. So that is where I am. Thankfully better than what I expected. Also have a referral to Travel Medicine to make sure we are all set for the Cruise to the Amazon. At next visit he will prescribe Paxlovid as a preventative measure because I told him that Oceania charges $2000 for the prescription if one gets Covid on the cruise. So I can take it with me. We will do the same for DH’s doctor when we see him in Sept. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. God Bless, Terri
  18. Greetings from Jacksonville, At Mayo Clinic waiting to be called for my first appointment. Will post more later. Terri
  19. I’m thinking it might be. The problem with PMR is that the cause is unknown. What I did find out is whenever I received a Covid vaccine, I had a spike in the PMR, so the Doc said no more vaccines. But now this is a horse of a different color. I am not sure the Doc will have any answers either. We will see. Stay tuned. Terri
  20. I think we have all had enough of the “no-nos”. Can we move on? It is getting old. Thank you.
  21. We arrived in Jacksonville about 3:10. Our hotel room was not yet ready so i used the time to go over to the Mayo Clinic and ask if I could have my blood work this afternoon rather than tomorrow morning. Fasting is not required for the tests and it would allow me to get an extra hour or two of sleep tomorrow morning. They were very nice and accommodated me. So that worked out well. What is not making me happy is that I now am able to see the results and they are not good. It appears that the PMR is showing its ugly face again. Maybe that is why I am feeling so exhausted all the time. I was thinking that I was still recovering from Covid. Maybe it is a bit of both. However, I don’t want to do all the guessing. I will wait until I see my doctor tomorrow morning. However, the results are disappointing to me. More tomorrow when I know more. Terri
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