I've not found it either but wish I could. It would be nice, say, when returning from a trip to know that there was milk in the house. I think the Brazilians (and others?) must not drink much milk as it was in one liter boxes.
I wasn't familiar with the term so googled. We used to spend time in Rio de Janeiro and all their milk was at room temp and steri-packed which sounds like UHT. ??? I would think a cruise ship would have little choice but to do that. Am I missing the point here??
THIS! Please don't try to do any single thing all together. And dinner seating for 40 people? Whew. I'm also wondering if 2025 is too soon. A ton of people here seem to be booking in 2026. Maybe that would give you a better chance for that big a group.
PS: You are very, very brave 🙂