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Posts posted by Dukefan

  1. 22 hours ago, Heidi13 said:

    All changed again with Viking Sun. Now she is at anchor off Hong Kong and the destination on her AIS is now listed as Hong Kong.

    All this reminds me of when we would negotiate with the Chinese 20+ years ago.   You would get the deal all set and agreed to by both parties until you showed up for the signing and tranfer of payment.  When you arrived the person you had agreement with was not there and in their place was a new person who would anounce that they had replaced the previous person because the deal negotiated by the previous person was not good enough and was unacceptable.   The best way to deal with the situation was to say that the deal is unacceptable we will leave.  Their strategy I believe was to try and get you to better the agreement because when you said that you were walking away, they always eventually decided the orginal deal was acceptable after all.

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  2. 4 hours ago, old biddy said:

    Our May cruise is 'locked' in MVJ, which I am sure means it is cancelled, but no email confirmation as yet.


    Also no news about what is happening with Eastern Seaboard Explorer in September. Canada banned all cruises until Feb 2022 a couple of weeks ago so I was hoping for something by now. Plainly the cruise can't go, so some communication would be good.

    All cruises in North America for 2021 including "Eastern Seaboard Explorer" are all showing "SOLD OUT" whatever that means except for the Panama Canal Cruises and the West Indies Cruises n November and December.


  3. In looking at the Viking Site this morning it appears all Cruises until June 2021 have been deleted.   Between June and September 19, 2021 it appears the only cruises available are in Europe.  On September 19 the first non-Europe cruise appears to be between Tokyo and Hong Kong (Far Eastern Horizons).   Hopefully with vaccines and other measures we all will be able to get back to cruising by the end of this year.   I for one sure miss it!!

  4. My favorite Sandwich is Applewood Bacon, Mozzarella, Fried Green Tomatoes, and Basil Leaves on a Baguette with Duke's Mayonnaise.  Makes my mouth water just thinking of it.


    My favorite Cruise Ship Sandwich is the Steak Tartare on Rye Bread available on any Viking Ocean Ship at the Mansen's Norwegian Deli.     

  5. 3 hours ago, CharTrav said:

    ?? I'm looking at the VO site right now. In the Wake of the Vikings on Sept 1 is still available but with limited availability. Don't know why one would conclude that because the Eastern Seaboard Explorer is sold out on both Sept sailings the  Wake of the Vikings sailing would be in doubt. The two are not logically connected. As far as I can tell, Viking is following its typical seasonal pattern of sailing. The usual pattern of doing Caribbean sailings from October to March got blown to pieces this year and last. So I don't see anything odd at all. The season for Northern Europe/Baltic cruises is April to Sept with the notable exception of In Search of the Northern Lights.


    Bottom line - IMHO no need to worry. 

    CharTrav  after the Viking Star sailed from Bergen to Montreal on the "In Wake of the Vikings" from September 1st to September 15th it is scheduled to sail from Montreal to New York on "Eastern Seaboard Explorer" from September 15th.   When I checked the Eastern Seaboard Explorer sailing it was sold out.   Since that is sometimes Viking Code for getting ready to cancel I felt that if the Eastern Seaboard Explorer sailing is canceled then it makes little sense to sail Bergen to Montreal.  Of course, the other possibility is that the Eastern Seaboard Explorer sailing from Montreal to New York is in fact really sold out.  Since you are sailing on the In Wake of the Vikings Cruise, I hope for the latter.



  6. I was looking at the Viking Ocean Schedule and noted that all sailings except in Europe and the Baltic Area are not listed or marked "Sold Out" between now and September 1st.   On September 1st "In the Wake of the Vikings" is still listed from Bergen to Montreal and on September 19th "Far Eastern Horizons" is still listed as the only two cruises in September listed that are not in Europe or the Baltic. But since the "Eastern Seaboard Explorer" from Montreal to New York on September 15th is listed as "Sold Out" it calls into question if the September 1st cruise to Montreal from Bergen will really happen.  It is beginning to look as if Vikings' Plan is to start back in the Baltic and Europe for most of 2021.


  7. 6 hours ago, Heidi13 said:

    I agree with the Chief, as Marinetraffic is a more reliable site. The Sun has moved out to the anchorage a couple of times, most likely vacating the berth for inbound ships.


    Orion is currently anchored off Port Suez at the canal's southern entrance. Her AIS now lists Trieste, Italy as the destination.

    Trieste is near Venice isn't it?    Why would she be headed there? 

  8. I am impressed with the things the Viking Crews are doing to entertain themselves (and us) during this really trying time for all of us who love cruising and those that make cruising possible.   They are wonderful folks and it not only shows when we are on board but even when we are not as you can see from this video.   Thanks Jimmy Bun for posting! 

  9. 19 hours ago, Heidi13 said:

    That's what I thought, expecting her to continue in the vicinity of Singapore, which has reasonable bunker prices.


    Should have a better idea tomorrow morning, if she is heading up the Indian coast, or setting courses across the pond.


    19 hours ago, Heidi13 said:

    That's what I thought, expecting her to continue in the vicinity of Singapore, which has reasonable bunker prices.


    Should have a better idea tomorrow morning, if she is heading up the Indian coast, or setting courses across the pond.

    It sure appears now as if the Orion is headed  toward the Suez Canal & to Europe to join her sisters.

  10. 1 hour ago, chengkp75 said:

    The "Special Survey" is the survey done every 5 years, so the 1st Special is just the first 5 year drydocking inspection.  There are a number of inspections and certificates that are issued at each survey, some annually, some at the mid-period of the 5 year Special Survey interval (Intermediate Certificates), and some at the 5 year period.  Some of the 5 year certificates require the same inspections regardless of how old the ship is, but the Special Surveys increase in detail the older the ship gets.  The 3rd Special is a turning point, as after this, the ship can no longer use an underwater (diver) survey in lieu of the intermediate drydocking, and the ship will need to dock twice in 5 years, and the amount of ultrasonic and x-ray testing of structural steel and welds goes way up.

    Thanks, this helps.


  11. 2 hours ago, Heidi13 said:

    The one I am watching with interest is Orion. After weeks of steaming at a couple of knots, she has probably topped-off with bunkers in Singapore and has left Malacca Straits. Last time I checked, her AIS still shows a Malaysian port on Sept 12th.

    She appears to be headed to India where we think she dropped off crew a couple of months ago.

  12. 10 hours ago, Heidi13 said:


    Affirmative, the sequence was Star, Sea, Sky & Sun.


    The drydock schedule depends on the labour available, hours of work and scope of work. I've never completed a 1st special survey, so not certain on the scope of work. We pulled shafts every 10 yrs and rudders/hubs every 5 yrs.


    I have seen rudders, hubs & shafts pulled and re-installed in as little as 9 days on the P&O/Princess ships, but locally we normally spent almost 3 weeks on the blocks.


    Drydock bookings are often made many years in advance. We drydocked twice every 5 years and had at least the next  2 dockings booked and confirmed. Many drydocks are fully booked years out, so not too many opportunities to vary the dates. Although H&W may be the exception, as the Stena ship was due to return to service Aug 17th, but she is still on the blocks.

    Thanks.  I was curious if the Sea & Sky were waiting around H&W for a drydock opportunity.  It would seem little a good move at this time and would delete the need in 2021-2022.


  13. On 8/22/2020 at 11:33 PM, Heidi13 said:


    I believe the only Viking ship to have completed the 1st Special Survey/Drydock is the Star. In wet deck they can't complete any of the tasks that require drydocking, so only painting, hotel work and other minor work can be completed.

    I understand from this post that the Viking Star has had its 1st Special Survey/Drydock.  Are the Viking Sea and Viking Sky the next two ships scheduled for this work? I know that the Viking Sun was built the same year as the Viking Sky but I don't know which is oldest.    If the Sea & Sky are the next ships scheduled for this work, could it be the reason they are still at Harland & Wolff.   Also, how long does the Drydock part of this work require?  Would it make sense to wait until the last minute to do this work before they actually start cruising again?

  14. 41 minutes ago, CruiseMH said:

    Please find attached an image where i marked the old port and where the new port outside of the lagoon should be placed.

    Of course the people living there have already protested.

    But i think this would be a great solution.


    I also think this might be a good solution to the challenge faced if they can find a way to provide better transport that is currently available back and forth to the airport (Currently almost a two hour bus ride/one hour if you rent a car) and to San Marco (Currently an hour and fifteen minutes from this area requiring you to chance boats in Lido).   

  15. 22 hours ago, CruiseMH said:


    Your complete reply is based on the assumption that the port still is where it is now. But there are plans that the cruise port will be outside the lagoon,approx. at the spot where currently the north entrance to the lagoon is(where all cruise ships do enter the lagoon). From this spot you can easily arrange for a transfer service via water buses/taxis. The boats can easily dock almost everywhere in the city centre.No need for the people mover,no need for hundreds of buses to use the only road from mainland to Venice. This would solve a lot of problems and hardly creating any new ones. It is not that easy, but it is also not that difficult.

    People who do want to get from the airport to the cruise ship will be transported by bus without even coming close to the city centre.People who want to stay a few days before/after in Venice can use the same options as at the moment(from/to the airport) .And the transfer from the hotels in the city centre to the cruise ships can be done by water taxis/water buses.


    I do agree with you that even as the plans for such a port are quite far it will take years or even decades until the whole thing is finished.The italian political procedures are a desaster.

    Is the relocation spot at the north entrance to the lagoon you are talking near Chioggia , Fusina or some other spot?

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