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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. When we were on Koningsdam, I went looking for the quench machine out of curiosity. It was on the port side across from the Lido Bar forward of the mid-ship elevators. There are two of the machines. If I could, I would mark the location on the deck plan provided by @Cruise Suzy. Unfortunately, I can't do that on my tablet. Lenda
  2. Good morning from a dark central Texas. It's still about an hour before sunrise. The weather channel mentions a dense fog advisory. It should burn off once the sun comes up, and I hope it's gone when I leave for my haircut this morning. It should be completely gone when I leave for Waco to see DH. Talking with this case manager yesterday, there are still areas where DH needs a lot help. He is beginning to make some progress. We were both happy he was able to get out of bed, walk with the walker, turn 90 degrees and get into the wheelchair by himself yesterday afternoon. All Souls Day and Day of the Dead are interesting days. I'm not sure anyone could top Rodney Dangerfield's epitaph, "There Goes the Neighborhood". BTW, it has been a trivia question on BHBs. I like the Jonathan Swift quote. I'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'd like to try the wine if it's not too sweet. We have not been to Ishigaki Island, Japan. @ger_77 Gerry, I think getting out of the house in one hour after the phone call with only one wrong pair of shoes, was good. I'm sure your DH will find a pair to wear on the cruise. I was very happy that someone at HAL got the flights arranged and you were able to get to Barcelona comfortably and safely. @MISTER 67 I hope the doctor can help with your sore finger without any trouble. @richwmn Rich, thank you for posting Ann's @cat shepard wine review. @dfish Debbie, while you are very busy, it seems you have things under control. Just like on a BHB, remember to leave some clothes out to wear until the moving van arrives at your new home. 🀣 @grapau27 Graham, I'll be thinking of you and Pauline on your Mam's 11 remembrance day. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your foot is better today and continues to improve. Lenda
  3. Good evening. It's been a long day and I'm tired. Please forgive me if I don't make complete sense at some point. At least, the house and motorhome are clean. Since I didn't have a lot of interruptions today, I managed to do a somewhat fall cleaning. I got to somethings that don't get done very often. Now, if it would just stay clean! While there are still a lot of things DH cannot do yet, he did make some more progress todsy. Not only did he get out of bed and stand on his own, he walked alittle with the walker, turned 90 degrees and got in the wheelchair by himself. After the last three weeks, that is a big improvement. I ran into the login problems this mornng, but late this afternoon did manage to log back in. Thank you for the very interesting story about the Shetland Bus. I had not heard about it before. Nancy, I am very sorry your DB is having so many problems. I hope he improves quickly. Jacqui, I hope your foot improves quickly. With all that goes on on embarkation day, wheelchair assistance might be a good idea even if your foot is better. That's probably the biggest chance for trouble. I am happy the hotel is taking such good care of you. Joy, that is excellent news that Allen had such a good doctor, and such a supportive friend. Terry, I'm glad your DH only needed a stent and that the bypass grafts are still good. I hope you both get some rest tonight. Glad you are home safely. I hope the winter storm misses you and all you get is t Rain. Terri, I hope asking for new adjuster does the trick. It's way past time for things to start going your way. Lenda
  4. These are just a few of our pictures walking arund town. Both times we walked around town were on Sunday, and the weather was less than ideal. View from Prinsendam across the bay Town Another view from the ship The lighthouse and headland as we sailed toward the next port Lenda
  5. Good morning from central Texas. It is about 53F and not windy right now. This will be quick since it is house cleaning day, plus I need to clean the motorhome, too. Not my favorite chore, but very necessary one today. I want to get started and get finished as quickly as possible. It seems appropriate that national authors day and family literacy day are on the same day. My father instilled a love of reading in me, and I passed in on to the DDs. Some how all the men in the family did not develop a love of reading. We don't have any pets to cook for. Today's quote is another one that is very true. I have made today's meal before, but a long, long time ago. I'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds good. We have been to Lerwick, and thanks to @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'll look up my pictures shortly. @kazu Jacqui, I hope your foot is feeling better today. Wishing you the best for the upcoming cruise. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you made it back to Ohio safely. Best wishes for a smooth move. @aliaschief Safe flight home today. I'm glad you both and your luggage arrived in Atlanta safely. @marshhawk Annie, safe travels to visit your DMIL. @MISTER 67 I hope your finger is better soon. @grapau27 Graham, thinking of you and Pauline on the 11th remembrance day of your Mam's passing. We have been to Lerwick three times, and in 2003. we had to miss it. The Rotterdam was caught in a bad storm between Greenland and Canada for two days, so we had to cut one port. Our first visit was in 2009 on the Tahitian Princess, and we took the tour to Scalloway Castle. In 2017, we were in Lerwick twice on the Prinsendam. The first time we walked around town, which being there on a Sunday, meant most stores were closed. The second time, we rented a car and drove around the island. I'll post pictures of our walk around town in another post. These are from our drive around the island. Sumbergh Head and the lighthouse Jarlshof, the site of the remains of a Viking village To get to the southern tip of the island and Sumbergh Head, you had to drive across the airport runway, so the road was closed when a plane was landing or taking off. Scenery along the road heading back to Lerwick and the part of the island north of town. A couple of interior pictures of Scalloway Castle Scenes from the northern part of the island Lenda
  6. Good evening. Of course the day didn't go as planned. DH phoned and wanted me come see him. They had changed one of his meds, and he wasn't feeling too good. By the time I got there, he was feeling better. The occupational therapist came in to show him safe ways to roll over and to get out of bed without twisting his back. For the first time since his first surgery he was able to sit up and stand up by himself. He also said in the morning PT, when he walked using the parallel bars, he walked better than yesterday. That was a real morale booster for both of us, but especially for DH. There is still a lot of work to do, but noticeable progress helps. When I got home, I had time to trim three of the worst bushes. It had been a couple of years since they'd been trimmed. They were too full on the bottom and top, but the middle had a lot of dead space. They are now about 1/3 as tall, will grow back next spring. The other bushes will get done in a few days. Debbie, that is great news the cloding went sobwell. I agree that cadh sales are the best since you eliminate the mortgage company. I know you are excited to get your things moved and to settle into your new house. I'm sorry your sister has covid. I hope it is a mild case and she recovers quickly. Vanessa, I hope you get some answers about the tummy issues soon. Gerry, I always like a happy ending, but you should not have had to go through all that angst. It looks like you got your business class seats. Sleep well on the flight. Lenda
  7. @kazu Jacqui, a big OH NO! I'm so sorry you fell and hurt your ankle. I hiope the ice and pain meds kick in soon, That and elevating and resting the ankle may help too. Wish I could wave my magic wand and make it all better, but even on Halloween it seems to be broken. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you get some good news about your flights soon. Again, if only the magic wand was working. Sending both Jacqui and Gerry good and positive thoughts for improvement. Lenda
  8. Went out early enough to see the sun rise this morning. It was very pretty, but since I was driving, I could not get a picture. I got to the early voting location shortly after they opened. There were about four others voting, and one of the clerks said there were quite a few taking advantage of the early voting. In 2020 and this year, there is a new system in place that seems working well. The first clerk scans your photo ID, in my case my driver's license, and the information pops up on a screen which you verify as correct. Then using your finger, you sign your name on the screen, and the clerk verifies it. The next clerk takes the information and prints the ballot. Once you complete the ballot, you insert it into a machine that scans it and tells you your vote has been registered. The entire process moves quicker than the old method that was done by hand. DH filled out his mail in ballot Saturday, and after I signed the carrier envelop in two places attesting to the fact I had the right to carry and mail his ballot, the ballot was dropped off at the Post Office on my way home. It's about 60F out, sunny with a light breeze. I'm waiting until it gets a little warmer to go out and tackle the bushes. Remember thin bloodied Texans like it warm to work outside. I don't remember the last time we were here on Halloween. Since our small community is 55+ and gated, we don't get Trick or Treaters coming through the neighborhood. Sandi, thank you for your pictures of Banjul and the craft market. We didn't see too much of the town our our drive to the village. From you picture, it looks like they cleaned up the dock after our 2009 visit. Then, there was a thick black, oily layer on the dock and walking was not fun. Thank you, Graham. It was an interesting day to see how those in a third world country live. Annie, thank you for posting the recipe. It looks delicious, and is very similar to a version of Chicken Parmesan that I used to make when I did want to "fry" the meat. BTW, I doubt any of us will starve today or another day. πŸ˜‰ Joy, I have noticed some grumpy posters on other threads, and while I prefer our happy Daily posters, the grumps are better than the haters and the nasties. I hope the evaluation today and the blood test tomorrow end the run around the VA has had you doing. Congratulations to your niece on her engagement. It's always a plus when the family likes the fiancΓ©. Lenda
  9. πŸŽƒ πŸŽƒ HAPPY HALLOWEEN! πŸŽƒ πŸŽƒ Good morning from a dark central Texas. The sun won't be up for another hour or so. Last night, I couldn't seem to stay awake, and went to sleep early (very early for me). That meant, I also work up early. I have an errand to run early and then I'll go vote. After it warms up a bit, I plan to tackle the over grown bushes. Tomorrow is trash day, so I want the trimmings ready for the trash tomorrow. It has been about 20 years since I carved a pumpkin. I don't know if I have any psychic powers, but as a former Brownie and Girl Scout, I'll salute Girl Scout Founder's Day. Another Gandhi quote that is very true, and that I like. The meal sounds good, and @dfish Debbie, don't worry about the recipe today. I'll pass on the drink, but the wine might be good. @dfish Debbie, good luck with the closing today, and the move this week. @aliaschief Safe flights with a non-missed flight today and tomorrow. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the flight situation is resolved early and satisfactorily. This should never have happened. @Lady Hudson Best wishes for your DH and his oral surgery. We were in The Gambia on Tahitian Princess in 2009. The Gambia is a long thin country in the middle of Senegal. The country widens near the coast so it has a decent coastline. It is a very poor country as are many of the countries in that part of Africa. We opted to take a ship tour because the private tour we looked at used converted military transports. It turns out the ship tour did also. Our tour took us out of Banjul to a small village. The pictures show just how poor the villagers were, and they may be upsetting to some. Our arrival at the port of Banjul. An interesting monument we passed on the way out of town. Banjul The village we visited. They had a donation box in the middle of the village and several villagers had their handcrafts on mats for us to purchase. I think the tourists' dollars was they main source of income. A woman sorting some type of grain, and a "kitchen" in one of the huts. After we left the village, they took us to a beach resort for a bathroom and refreshment break. There were so many of us, the staff had to open a couple of the hotel cabins so everyone could use the facilities. The cabins were spartan, but clean. I didn't get a picture of the inside of the cabin. We passed this place after we left the resort. On the way back to Banjul, they drove down the beach. Our driver and another starting cutting doughnuts in the sand. It was a little scary, but fun too. We were lucky the trucks did not turn over. Looking down at the dock after our safe return to Tahitian Princess. Our day in Banjul was interesting, but sobering to see all the poverty. We also saw much of the same in Senegal, Ghana, but especially in Togo and Benin. It was an interesting cruise, and I'm glad we went, but I'm not sure if we would get off the ship if we were to return. Lenda
  10. Try to relax sometime during all the busy times. The MR cruises sound like a good time to relax and pamper yourself. I remember when we met in Cabo last year, your telling me how much you enjoy the bingo tournaments. That gives you about 2 1/2 weeks for you. The rest can be done when you have time, and can be prepared for in stages. If you are overwhelmed, then ask for help or scale things back a little. Thanksgiving, birthdays and Christmas are about being with family, not how elaborate the festivities are. You can handle this. Lenda
  11. @ger_77 Gerry, oh wow! What a mess. I hope somebody can get your flights straightened out soon. And I hope by some mircale you can get seats in business. @dfish Debbie, it seems you and your sister are having a lot of fun getting things for your new house. I know both of you will enjoy the new place. Lenda
  12. Not much going on. I left just before DH had his afternoon PT session. I tried one of the GPS recommended routes home, and it was faster, at least today it was. I might give it a try going in Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm going early to vote and once it warms up, I'll do some outside work. Tuesday, will be the dreaded house cleaning. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope you and Sue have a smooth and restful flight home. Thank you for taking us along on your journey. @NextOne I'm sorry you picked up a bug on your cruise, and I hope the medicine takes care of it quickly. @JazzyV Vanessa, not only is the a/c issue an Arizona thing, it is also a Texas thing. With our warmer weather, we are more "thin" blooded than those living in northern climates. @AncientWanderer Please congratulate your DH on his great golf year. @4966and556 I know you are excited to get your new fur baby home soon. @ger_77 Gerry, safe travels, on time flights and luggage on board tomorrow. @ottahand7 Wishing your BD a speedy recovery and a short rehab. Lenda
  13. I arrived after DH left for PT. I missed his text that it would be at 11 instead of 9 this morning. I probably wouldn't have made it here much earlier. I need to find out the weekday schedule. Terry, so far it looks like DH has a one on one session in the am and a group session in the pm. I know it will take time. Ann, our condolences to you, Pat and they rest of Vicki's family. I'm glad you got to visit her last spring. Lenda
  14. Good morning from central Texas where the sun is just coming up. There is a light breeze and it's cool in the 50sF, but will be in the lower 70sF for the next few days, at least in the afternoon. I'll be heading to Waco to see DH a little later this morning. Unless something unforeseen comes up., I'm planning on taking care of some things around here the next two days. The bushes need trimming and the house is way past due for cleaning. Such fun! I have never liked candy corn, but DH has eaten it on occasion. Growing up, we never had Mischief Night. A long time ago, I learned to make lists, especially for motorhome trips and cruises. It did n't take me long to put the lists on the computer so I didn't have to write them every time. Now, I just refine them every so often.. I like today's quote, probably because I'm a reader. We'll pass on the meal since I do not like tilapia. We'll also pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice. We have been to Puerto Quetzal a few times. The first time we took the transfer to Antiqua, but the other times we just wandered around the port area looking at the various items being offered for sale and listening to the music. @rafinmd Roy, I appreciate your putting DH on the care list, but the rehab will probably to lengthy, so you might want to move him to the rotation. There was some progress yesterday, but it will be slow. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I know insurance companies try to pay out as little as they can, but this ignoring you and the contractor is ridiculous. I hope things change for the better soon. @Crazy For Cats I wonder if your DH and my DH could be distant cousins, since my DG does not like the vacuum or the mop. 🀣 @tupper10 This is what makes the Fleet/Daily so special. We all try to help others with support or information, like the link you provided Terri @Cruzin Terri. The first time we were scheduled to visit Puerto Quetzal would have been Good Friday in 2009. However, that port was canceled since the tour operator said that it would be impossible to get the buses to the port with all the celebrations. We have stopped in Puerto Quetzal four times on BHBs. Three times, once on Statendam, and twice on Rotterdam VI we stayed in the port area. IN 2014 on Veendam, we took the transfer to Antigua. The pictures of the port area are from our three stops. This is a nice place for a cold drink, and with the expensive drink, you get an hour of wifi. A weaver at work. Just a small portion of the vendor's area A sampling of the entertainment available in the port area This is a small sample of the pictures I took in Antiqua. They are working on restoring the town, but there were many ruined buildings, and IIRC, most was earthquake damage. A pretty fountain in the main square A couple of churches An interesting arch at the end of the main street Two colorful residents The Statendam in 2015 Lenda
  15. Today turned out to be a busier day than expected. I knew I needed to stop by a couple of stores. The plan was to get DH some loose athletic shorts for use in PT. I had picked up a pair while he was in the hospital. It turns out it was a good thing I only got one pair. The rehab hospital sets the top temperature on the a/c at 75F. So, on the way to see DH, I had to find some loose pants for him. Tomorrow I'm going to look for a hoodie. Most of the patients were bundled up. I noticed one improvement between yesterday and this morning. He was able to sit up straight without leaning forward or sideways. I'll take any improvement, but he still has a long way to go. Unlike the hospital where he had his surgery, the food in rehab is pretty institutional and of the variety, you'll get what we fix. This afternoon DH's therapy session was a group of 6 session. Kind of an interesting concept. DH said it was good. Maybe misery loves company. πŸ˜‰ @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you and your family arrived safely in Barcelona, and that your DBIL was able to make the journey. Enjoy your time in Barcelona and the cruise. It is good to be home. Still a lot of work to catch up on that I let slide the past three weeks. I guesd keeping busy will keep me out of trouble. 😁 Annie, that was nice you could connect a composer with the symphony. Terry, DH had an angiogram ten years ago. It was to determine if there was a blockage or an electical problem. There was no blockage, and a prescription solved the eletrical issue. We got to the hospital about 6:30 or 7, and we were on the way home just after noon. They went in through the groin. DH had to be careful of how he sat for a day or two, and it left a big bruise around the groin. Annie, I hope the nice lady joins the Meet and Greet. Lenda
  16. Glad you got the shots and did not have a reaction. I don't remember a reaction either time we got the YF shots. They did have us stay for 15 minutes to see if there was an immediate, acute reaction. Lenda
  17. A quick good morning from central Texas. It is 54F, but since the sun is not up yet, I don't know about the rest of the weather. Three interesting days, and I agree with @rafinmd Roy that we have all become hermits to some extent since early 2020. Cats seem to have their day in many various ways through out the year, and I suspect they feel they deserve to be honored everyday. I hope a cure for psoriasis can be found. The quote by Plato is very true. We never really know what trials others are facing. For now, I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, many thanks for posting my pictures this past week. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the medicine clears up the infection quickly. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope Tana's friend can stay with her Tuesday, and I'm sorry she is struggling so much. Sending positive thoughts for a good outcome for your DH on Thursday. We have been to Colon once in 2009 when Statendam had a change of itinerary and spent the day on the west coast of Panama. We took the train over to Colon and the bus back across the isthmus. We only saw Colon from the bus and that was more than enough. I hope the Panamanian government is spending money to improve that side of Panama. Lenda
  18. Joy, that is no way to treat any patient, much less a veteran. I would be angry too. I hope the rest of the appointments go better. When we first moved here in 1999, DH used the clinic at the VA Hospital in Waco. He received very good care there, but had to stop using them because of one requirement. They insisted he would have to come in every six months. We were traveling a lot between his work, traveling in our motohome and cruising. It was impossible to guarantee he could make an appointment that often. Years later, he wanted a quick appointment at a VA clinic in Blythe for something minor, and was told he would first have to be established with a doctor at a VA hospital further away than was practical. If he went to the clinic in Yuma, he'd first have to go to the VA hospital in Tucson. That was the last time he tried the VA. Lenda
  19. IGood evening. It's been a long, busy day. One of the staff from the rehab hospital picked DH up about 11 am, and we headed out in the pouring rain. I knew about where the hospital was, but I was glad I could follow the van.we arrived about noon, and the fun began. DH was taken straight to his room, where the nurses began checking him in. While they got him settled, I answered the usual questions --again. They changed the bandages and did an exam. We met with the pharmacist and the case manager. He will begin three PT sessions a day tomorrow. I left about 2 pm and even with a stop at the grocery store, made it home 30 monut3s before the rain began again. I was busy this afternoon unpacking my stuff and getti g the bedroom and bathroom back to normal. Now,I'm watching the World Series. @richwmn Rich, congratulations on reaching 5 star status. Terry, wishing your DH the very best Tuesday as he undergoes the angiogram. Please urge your DB to make ievery effort, no matter how tough, to move his legs as much as possible since it aides healing. Not walking or even sitting as much as possible between surgeries, is one of the reasons DH is in long term rehab. Jacqui, wishing you a safe, smooth and on time flight to Spain. Safe travels home. I hope they get your step son's infection under control. Lenda
  20. Good morning from a gloomy, rainy central Texas. It looks like I'll be driving in the rain today. The nurse said they should be by to get DH about 10:30. I really hope so. The nurse in charge really worked him hard yesterday, and left a note about what needed to be done today. So far, it seems they are not following it or haven't read it. All three days are worth celebrating, but I'll concentrate on celebrating chocolate. I like today’s quote no matter where it's from. We'll definitely pass on the meal and the drink. I would probably like the wine, but it is pricey. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for again posting my pictures. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the infection clears up soon. @dfish Debbie, sending positive thoughts that both closings go smoothly. Safe travels to Michigan. @Cruzin Terri Terri, good luck with chaning the email, I've been there and done that. Hope the insurance adjustor starts talking to the contractor again soon. The doctor came by and confirmed things are set for DH to be transferred. Lenda
  21. Absolutely adorable. If she stopped at our place, she could get all the candy without any question. πŸ˜‰ 🍬 🍭 Lenda
  22. Good afternoon. We're still waiting for the rehab hospital to arrange transport for DH. I hope I didn't jinx things by checking out of the hotel. Our only mostly black cat crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 18 years ago at age 18. Younger DD who wasnher servant, said when Friskie quit purring, it was time to help her cross the bridge. That sweet cat purred almost constantly. I'm not much of a story teller, but I do enjoy a good story. I salute the US Navy. I think the many people earse the line between genius and insanity. We'll pass on the meal (not fond of rice in soup), drink and wine. @dfish Debbie, it soinds like you have everything under control. I'm glad the move in date and the delivery date from the movers worked out so well. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sending postive thoughts for good news or at least at least a simple solution at tomorrow's cardiologist visit. @ottahand7 I hope your DB's surgery fixed the problems and that hethas a quick and pain free recovery. @cruzn single You seem to be making the best of your non BHB cruise. Enjoy West Point tomorrow. @kazu Jacqui, I'm very sorry your DBIL had a problem with afib, and I hope he gets the all clear to go on the cruise. Safe travels tomorrow. I hope the check-in for the flights is resolved. @bennybear What a gorgeous picture. @Vict0riann Ann, thank you sharing you pictures. I also enjoy seeing other's pictures. @HAL4NOW i remember you telling us about this, but it's always good to be reminded about scams to watch out for when traveling. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, that is such good news that Linda is home. I hope she son tinues to recover quickly with her daughter's help, and that being home without her DH isn't too hard on her. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for sharing your picturesn from Hue. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for your good wishes. The pictures of your birthday dinner looked like you had a great time. @Rowsby Glad you had such a good stay in Honolulu, and I've enjoyed all your pictures. Safe travels home tomorrow. @JazzyV Vanessa, it's good you got both shots, but I'm surprised they did both in one arm. My pharmacist refused to do both in one arm. We found out about an hour ago that the rehab hospital was unable to arrange transport so we're here another night. They'll try again in the morning. At least, the hotel had a room for tonight just not my old room, not that I needed all that space. One good thing, this room is cheaper. πŸ˜‰ Lenda
  23. On October 26, 2018, Coral Princess docked in Chan May, Vietnam. This was the port for tours to either Danang or Hue. Out tour was to Hue, the ancient imperial capital, with stops at the Imperial Palace, a Pagoda, a ride on the Perfume River and a visit to six of seven royal tombs. On the drive from the port to Hue Crossing the Perfime River The Citadel which encloses the grounds of the Imperial City, seat of the Ngguyen Dyanasty. Hue was the capital of Vietnam from 1802 until 1945. The gate we exited the Citadel Nearby was the inevitable display of military materiel left behind. The display also included a MIG. The next stop was the Then Mu Pagoda. Buddhist monks live in this pagoda which was built in 1601. Next we took a dragon boat ride on the Perfume River to reach a resort for lunch, and then returned to our buses by dragon boat. A couple of street scenes. There seven important royal tombs in Hue. One is one the Citadel side of the river and the other six are in an area on the other side of the river. We visited those tombs. I have pictures of three tombs and the area. The tombs are lined up in a row. To reach the tombs, you climb up one, down the other side, and repeat with each tomb. There is also was walkway around the tombs. We climbed two, and then just wandered around the area until it was time to return to the buses. We enjoyed our three days in Vietnam, and I'd go back if given the opportunity. Lenda
  24. Again this morning DH had a fever. With all tests being negative, the doctor determined the fever was a rare side effect of one or more meds. DH is off them and the fever broke. The hospital cleared him and the rehab will take him, but waiting to see when they can arrange transportation. I have 30 minutes to checkout of the hotel or pay for a night I might not need. The drain is out and both incisions look for good. I won't share those pictures. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for checking on the pictures for me. @grapau27 πŸŽ‚ πŸŽ‰ HAPPY 66TH BIRTHDAY, GRAHAM! πŸ₯‚ 🍾 I hope you have a wonderful birthday dinner with your two lovely ladies, Pauline and Sarah. Lenda
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