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Posts posted by Staffordshirecruiser

  1. Hello, we are about to book one of the Silhouette Sept round UK sailings.  We like a hassle free, relaxing experience, any thoughts as to whether Aqua or Retreat fit the bill best?  We aren’t big drinkers, and don’t intend to go on excursions, we aren’t particularly interested in specialty dining - gosh we sound boring don’t we?  One other thing, I may need to make a couple of teams calls when at sea?  

  2. Hi Mancunian


    I am so pleased it went well. I had been worrying about you on the gangplank.  I thought the crew would be very attentive to help you though, to give your hubby time to rest his arm until it is fully recovered. I am sure other passengers will also be ready to help when they see someone struggling.  We’re you ok with the checking in ‘tent’ or were you able to us the port building itself.  What did you like most about the cruise?  I keep looking at the Sep Silversea Southampton sailing, 

  3. Hi Mancunians,


    Having road tested the embarkation for you yesterday, just a couple of suggestions.

    Parking -the embarkation parking was different yesterday.  When we parked on the Multi storey there was no one to lift your bag out of the car, or take it across to the terminal.  There are a couple of ways of solving this.  Firstly to drop the bags off first, or secondly to cancel the current arrangement and book valet parking, which I think is a few pounds more expensive, but probably worth it.  


    Embarkation - the embarkation was through a Marquis type structure rather than the terminal itself. I wasn’t sure how someone with a rolator would manage, because of the travel distance and the floor material. It may well be fine, but might be worth asking Viking personnel if they can alter the route, or help you in other ways like carrying your handbag. The gangway should be fine as long as you don’t let yourself feel rushed, and let someone carry the rolator and your bags. 

    Once on board, you will be able to get on with enjoying the cruise. 

    Hope this helps, just let us know if anything else would help?

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  4. Hi All, after it’s detour to Iceland, Viking Star has arrived in Portsmouth ready to accept passengers on the next three weeks cruises.  Looking at the port cruise calendar it looks like they may have a couple more planned for us as well.  It’s delightful to have some Viking cruises which start and finish in UK for those of us not too keen on air travel so let’s enjoy it while we can!  Look forward to meeting some of you on the next two cruises as we are doing a back to back, especially if you’ve signed up to the book of faces welcome events.  Happy travelling.

  5. Hello, if you join the book of faces ‘we love Viking cruises (uk)’ there is an event page for 21 Aug sailing, and that would help you get to know a few people in advance. I am going on the two earlier weeks with a somewhat reluctant hubby - so he may get off for the second week and leave me to cruise as a single, fine by me - lots of books to get through apart from anything else!

  6. Hi All, I think I’ve solved the puzzle, The Golden Horizon is due to visit St Mary’s/IOS on 10th August. It’s a new ship (Tradewinds)which had some problems when it arrived in Dover, so it’s perfectly possible Viking were waiting to see if the owners cancelled the slot, before contacting us.  If that the case then 14 Aug cruise should be fine?

  7. Just to let you know, Viking have readily agreed to me moving my 7 Aug cruise under their risk guarantee even though it is less than 14 days away due to our disappointment over the IOS stop.  They explained they had been trying to make the stop possible, and it was only a few days ago they decided it was not going to be possible, which unfortunately was after the 14 day point.  I have not decided yet as we are booked on a back to back with 14th, but am very pleased with their response.  😃 


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  8. Trptkr, I am also a little disturbed about this on behalf of uk passengers. We set sail mid Aug, and although many of us are self isolating beforehand, we are likely to be within a certain proximity of other guests during excursions if nothing else.  

  9. Intriguing?  The fact Star is returning to Iceland at speed is interesting. Do we know when the other two ships are next in Rejkavik?  Did we ever find out what the deliveries were as that might provide a clue?  Could it just be engine testing in certain sea conditions?


  10. Downsmead, we were the last on in June, once we had provided the PCR sample we were at liberty to go for lunch and wander round the ship, not sure if it were the same for those arriving earlier?  If it’s the same when you arrive, you could go and make the reservations in person. Can someone else help on this?

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  11. Hi, I’m looking at Silversea cruises as an alternative to Viking.  Many Viking passengers have been having the same issue with European cruises and Staysure giving inconsistent messages, sometimes in the same call?  The complaints handler called last week and unequivocally said we would not be insured whilst the FCDO advice was in place. 

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  12. Hi royal london, it is certainly possible they will extend the sailings, maybe doing a circular cruise now Scotland has opened up.  Also if Americans can travel over here without quarantining.  

    Hi Neil, I am watching out for any hint that FCDO will lift the advisory, but not even a hint from them yet aside from what Saga Chief Exec said. They are advised by PHE who are being ultra cautious at the moment, and I wonder if some brexit legacy issues might be at play as well?  The plan had been to allow foreign cruises out of the UK before air cruises, but who knows?


    hi Tom. I wouldn’t mind staying on Star whilst she makes her way to Florida, not sure how she copes with heavy seas though!

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  13. Jammybun, it sounds like Viking will be just right for you once you feel ok to travel because everywhere you go and eat or watch entertainment only has other people who are also double vaccinated, do not have Covid symptoms, and have had a PCR test that day that was negative.  I think if you were to share your concerns with Viking they may also be able to help allocate quiet spaces for you.  So that is all much more reassuring than visiting a High Street or a restaurant.  I note you also live in the North West, and wondered whether at some point they would offer Liverpool as am embarkation point in which case the journey would be shorter as well?  The comment on dress code is easier to solve, as aarlwood advises, smart loungewear sufficed for much of the time.

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