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happycruiser220's Achievements

50+ Club

50+ Club (4/20)

  1. Weather will be in the 70s Monday afternoon.
  2. I never said San Juan is my departure port of choice. I said I like leaving out of San Juan.
  3. I guess I was hallucinating when I left out of San Juan.
  4. How you figure I have a problem? To each his own right? I paid for my cruise so why should it matter to you what line I choose to spend my money on? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. Being a NYer I sailed Magic 2x on an 8 and 7 day and had no issues. Last year did the 15 days and no issues. I go again next month and November for 11 days I shouldn't expect an issue but if I do I'm quick witted and can give the NY attitude with no problem. Sorry about what you experienced.
  6. In 2022 saw one passenger carrying 4 cases. 😜😜
  7. Beautiful ship, decor, paintings. I love the ship. Has its "secret decks" on 5, 6 and 7. Then 9 and 10.
  8. It's ok I did solo on Venezia for 15 days. Loved it. Magic 2x in 2022. I'm booked for April and November on Venezia. NY is my home port.
  9. My friends sailed on Mardi and Celebration. They thought it was too big for their liking. They definitely won't sail Icon. Bigger is not always better. IMO. Ahhhh the cookies 😜😜
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