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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. I was told years ago that the armadillos are moving north at a rate of 5 miles a year. At that point they had been seen just south of Interstate 20. A year later they were digging up my cruise friends yard, who happen to live just 5 miles north of Interstate 20. They had them trapped, and taken away. When I got back from the vets, I was so tired, so I went to bed for a nap, slept for an hour and a half, had weird dreams, but dreams, and had Boba and Furnando both sleeping with me, it was so nice! I felt better when i woke up, but within 30 minutes, I felt awful and my nose is running on one side of my face. But I did work, and made it to ten, taking an hour off to watch Holey Moley, the worlds best sophomoric show on TV. Working normal hours tomorrow. @StLouisCruisersI am so sorry that you are "positive" and I hope that your DH will let you sleep when you need to. Sorry he is having a tough time without you.
  2. @Rowsby I am so sorry to hear about Casey. The vet said that Bobagingee has something wrong with his right front paw (which is why I took him) but it's not the paw, it the "wrist" joint. She gave him a shot to alleviate the swelling, and some pain pills...right... and if that doesn't help to bring him in for an x ray. Not sure if there is a fracture or not, but since I was using DH's CC, I thought better of charging 230.00 for three x rays on it. Try with meds first. DH starts a new campaign this week, Miami City Ballet. It's the first campaign he worked, but they had to stop selling due to covid restrictions. The ballet wanted the restrictions, but the governor of Florida did not. So now he is back for 4 weeks. He is working for someone I had worked for earlier, and could not stand! ( but they are both computer people, so they should get along fine). And since DH is doing all the house work today, I guess I should get up and at least attempt something.
  3. Good Morning Dailyites! It's currently 78 degrees, at 7:50 a.m. Last night it was 90 at 8, I was not inspired to work....I left an hour early. After 5 hours, I had spoken to 4 people, and been hung up on 7 times. The rest of the calls I left messages, still doing our special. Bath day- I am going back to the vet this morning with Bobagingee. He was limping two weeks ago at the time of his rabies shot, and the vet checked his shoulder, and found nothing wrong, but he is still limping and favoring his paw, so back we go. DH is staying home and waiting for the AC guy to show up. Time to it's annual check up and time to change the filter. Since DH only has vision in one eye it's hard for him to crawl under the house in the dark, and actually see where to put the filter in. For those of you who are having a hard time sticking to your diet these days (yes I am) I love the Mark Twain quotes.
  4. @0106 Thank you for the article regarding the cats. I read once that an outdoor cat will be lucky to live a year, an indoor cat can live up to 22. Fawn the Feral is now 4. She will sometimes get on the porch to sleep, which is good, and I will close her in, so she is safe. The howling coyote last week was a wake up call for me, to get this cat somehow inside. We love her dearly, and she is wild, but I would hate it if something terrible happened to her. Good night all my Angel friends
  5. DH wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes sent his way yesterday. His brother called early yesterday morning to wish him a happy birthday, and to let him know that he had broken his shoulder. Several years ago, my brother in law bought a large puppy. A labra-doodle. Within the first year, while walking his fur baby, the dog pulled him off a curb, and he broke his right shoulder. The dog 6 months later yanked him into the street, and he fell and broke his hip. And then this week, almost to the day of his first "puppy encounter with curbs" he tripped over the dog, and fell and broke his other shoulder. And all this time, I thought the problem was with cats trying to trip up their elderly non fur parents. Then last night right when we were leaving to go to the theatre, DH's mom called and DH didn't hang up when done talking with her. I found the phone this morning, quite dead with 786 minutes of conversation. I hung up. Does this mean the air in our house talked to the air in her house all night?
  6. @Heartgrove I am so sorry that your family is having so much sorrow right now. But it was so great that you could be with your sister, because of love, she will Rest in Peace.
  7. @smitty34877 How scary! I'm glad that you are all OK, and that the problem will be resolved . Sorry about no hot water though.
  8. @kazu Beautiful flowers. I understand your fencing! Deer are lovely to look at, but not if you are a gardener.
  9. Good morning. Stock up on water , stay hydrated. This week is going to be toasty! I open the windows early, and when the air comes on, I close them. This way kitties and I get fresh air. Thank you Rich and Roy for the daily reports. @grapau27Thank you for the description of the kitchen klutz. Since my mom wouldn't let me in the kitchen, some of my first "cooks" were a bit of a disaster. I made my first meatloaf with the ingredients that should have made sage stuffing. It was terrible. I made cherry crepes but used non pitted cherries. A slow meal to chew..... I look at weeds as if they are just wild flowers...so not much weeding here. I do need to go to war with some poison ivy though.
  10. By the way, the play was top notch. Kenny Leon directed it, the stars were from Broadway, the language was, well a bit vulgar, but if you remember the Movie Trading Places, the Musical was even funnier, a few changes to the characters, the Eddie Murphy character was a black woman, and the Jamie Lee Curtis Prostitute character was a drag queen. Very funny. Great music, and the lead COULD sing, and an up point for this as a musical, there were stand alone songs, which most new musicals don't have. To me a stand alone song is, regardless of the musical story line, you could walk out and sing that song and it stands on it's own. No explanation needed. A good song! Well all were good, but some i wouldn't have sung in front of my parents.
  11. @VictOriann The last picture you posted was full of chicks-now that's a Childrens Day.
  12. @Cruising-along Staffing issues, the cruise ships right now cant get enough employees.
  13. @aliaschief I would like to know if Gjelder hele Svalbard translates to "Yield to Bear" or " If you see a bear run like hele" ? Am truly enjoying the pictures today. I feel cooler just looking at them.
  14. Happy Sunday! Hot and humid in Atlanta this morning. Our heat index will be up in the 100's mid week. The cats are all looking for cool places, their favorite is on our bed under the ceiling fan. Thank you for the well wishes for DH's 72. His favorite driver won in F1 this morning. And he got the Max race cap that he wanted, and wore it during the race. He also got photo shop for his birthday. Today we are having lunch with friends, and tonight, we have tickets for the theatre. He normally calls his mom on Sunday nights, but because we were not going to be in, I told him to call her last night, and she thought it was Sunday, so I told him to tell her why he was calling on Saturday. So she wouldn't worry. She also forgot where we live, and our address. I like magic, but when people magically take my watch, or pull a quarter out of my ear, I feel somewhat violated. @grapau27 Thank you for Father David this morning. I just love that man, and his "sermons". My mother also told me that every day was children's day. But I was raised with physical and emotional abuse, so I couldn't wait to grow up, and get away from being a child. But as I got older, I found my inner child, and I celebrate every day. I do like the quote. If you live life accepting that life ends, then you can live with the ability to be kind to others and be the adventurer to you want to be. It helps to recognize what you fear, and not place yourself in dangerous situations. But sometimes simple things like being around people scare me, and I am trying to get over that. Have a glorious day!
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