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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. We did not stop in Haugesund, it is south of Bergen where the Hurtigruten ships go out of, north around North Cape and back to Bergen. Here are some photos from Wikipedia. I have trouble attaching them with spaces but you’ll get the idea. I get the gist of the quote but not sure I fully accept it. I like bourbon and I like limoncello but I don’t think I’d like them together. I would enjoy any of today’s recipes but wouldn’t make it for us. It sounds like a dish one had to have grandma or mom teach you. And most of it is not DH’s taste, especially poached eggs. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Especially prayers for our Care list folks! Cheers to all celebrating milestones of Life! And to Gerry and her Ukrainian family! 🇺🇦 You all lift us! Smooth seas to all the cruisers! Enjoy it all! And safe travels to everyone who may be venturing afar for the Passover and Easter gatherings. Maureen Haugesund Norway
  2. Beautiful day in Maryland! I’m happy to be getting out walking more, feels good. And making progress with taxes and errands, keeping up with DH’s meds schedule. Tomorrow we go for 2nd eye surgery followup, hoping the pressure is down. Got a text this morning from a chaplain friend who got to the hospital for a visit with my EMT friend and her dying husband, retired firefighter. No change. Congrats to Ren! A goal! What a way to start out on a new team! I will check my Hurtigruten book for todays port. Time for eyes drops. Will check back m—
  3. Not sure what Ann and Pat had but when we disembarked Rotterdam March 8 we were very surprised that there was no room service breakfast - not from the door hanger or by phone. We went to the dining room, I think it opened at 6:30. m—
  4. Sound like the Mind-Body Connection! I do hope you and DH can find a path to alleviate the pain, and lift the spirits. I have benefited from Dr John Sarno’s Mind-Body Connection book, and given away several copies to friends. I did other things too because, for me, healing had to take place on multiple levels, so no magic pill or exercise but a combination of approaches. Your mileage may vary. m—
  5. So great to enjoy your posts of rainbows and Boston today. I want to really visit Boston, have only “passed through” a few times. DH was born in Boston at the time of the big nightclub fire in 1942, the Coconut Grove fire that killed nearly 500. When we visited his childhood homes they were outside Boston in the rural areas. It’s such a historic city I want to spend enough time to absorb its richness. Would love to cruise out if Boston and have a pre-cruise visit! Great heart warming stories from Gerry! High hopes for our caregivers and those who are ill and recovering. No word on my friend yet, last I heard his wife filed a Do Not Resuscitate order when his kidneys began failing. Kidneys, pneumonia, cancer…. body giving out. Always harder when we lose those younger and just recently so much stronger than us! I talked with my two fire dept chaplain friends yesterday, one was on the way to the hospital hoping to be allowed in. We’ll wait. Side story: after my mom had a heart attack she was apparently not doing well with the heart meds. Docs told us to gather the family as her kidneys were failing and there was nothing more they could do. The next day her kidneys were functioning, the day after she was getting discharged and we were scrambling to find an assisted living place for her! She recovered and enjoyed living there for another 4 years. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Blessings to all the caregivers and schedulers looking for respite and support! Blessings to all up-ended by the storms, by disasters, and war! @marshhawk hoping good results for Chuck. Cheers to those celebrating Life’s milestones! BonVoyage to Fred, and Ann and Pat, all the others, smooth travels to all the cruisers. Enjoy it all! Many thanks to all the Daily contributors. Wondering about Jacqui, and Kathi @Scrapnana too…. 🙏 m—
  6. Hope everything else goes smoothly today for you both! Love you posting! Thanks so much. Will try to be here for SailAway but have errands this afternoon. Bon Voyage across the pond! m—
  7. Thank you for sharing this! I had one extended family member who landed on Gold beach. My own father served but not in Europe. We’ve been spared so much by their courage and sacrifice. I hope to get to Cherbourg someday. m—
  8. It’s still howling windy here in Maryland a little north of DC. 45 now, sunny which is a nice change. Probably won’t make it to Palm Sunday church service but can watch it live on YouTube. Just helped DH with eye drops. Had a hard time getting to sleep, thinking too much…. a friend and fire dept colleague has a husband dying. They are younger than me so that always hits harder. He’s had a cancer fight the last 2+ years which has been miserable for both of them. Then pneumonia. Went to hospital last week and they said he had COVID. He has degraded. So today I will communicate with friends and wait for updates. Blessings to all in need for healing, comfort or hope. Multiple nights of tragic destruction from storms have left so many in need! Prayers for the rescue workers and decision makers. Cheers 🎉 for all celebrating happy milestones! Life is good and you lift us up! 🌈 Bon Voyage to the cruisers sailing away today! 🍾 Smooth seas and happy times for all aboard! And thank you to ALL who are here! Maureen
  9. @AncientWanderer Thanks for the good thoughts. Probably won’t make the ham till next weekend. I’ll have to trim a chunk off of it to get it the old crock pot but that’s ok, it’ll all taste the same. m—
  10. Thanks Ann. So glad you had such a lovely luncheon. I’m not seeing Lincoln Center Stage on the Daily. Looks like their contract is over. Does that mean no BBC shows on World Stage that the LCS musicians played the accompanying score for? Keep well and have fun at the Orange party! Maureen
  11. I’m too late! Working on taxes… so far behind… Thanks for the pix! Smooth sailing to all the cruisers! Maureen
  12. @ottahand7 Nancy, we mark the highs and lows of life in our hearts, minds and calendars. We think of the “coulda, woulda, shoulda”. Each of us has our own path even as we walk it with loved ones. <<<hugs>>> as you follow your path today into tomorrow. (Honestly, my first thoughts were harsher… men are just wired to ignore discomforts and it gets them in trouble, my DH too! Can’t count the times! But I’m working on seeing what’s beyond my control, and where my role is. Thank you for sharing!) Maureen
  13. @ger_77 I’m sure they were guided to you Gerry! You are a gift to the world! How the heck did they find their way to your “frozen tundra”? But lucky for them! m—
  14. Rabbit Rabbit White rabbit. But I said my prayers first so I hope that doesn’t dull the luck for the month. Slept poorly with the noise of the howling winds. We were in Hammerfest in our Hurtigruten cruise. Went to the museum of Reconstruction. It was uplifting to read the stories of such a resilient people. I bought some local spice but it wasn’t what I wanted - was looking for a delicious flavor from the pudding served in board. The chef write down the Norwegian name for it but it was out of season and the store worker suggested I try something else. It was a Thornberry but the dessert flavor was different. Travel opens our senses! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Cheers to all celebrating! Life is good! Smooth seas for all those cruising. Eye drops assistance time, I’ll check back in later. Maureen
  15. @marshhawk Annie, our day was a bit like your experience with medical forms. Not exactly forms but trying to interface between 3 different medical portals. The computer can’t get into one or two of them. The phone can but where’s the PDF file? And the printer wasn’t right either. Got one page printer to take to lab. The results from Monday’s oncology follow up tests were incomplete. At the lab they finally figured out some tests take longer. They lost the page of new orders we printed out. Lessons in accepting that we’re not in control…. Slept long last night, finally. Got DH into a bed with elevated head. He wasn’t comfortable but managed. Had more itchiness of the eyes so back to antihistamines. Vision is clearer, that’s great! Hoping the pressure will stabilize back to a low number when we go Wednesday. Just one step at a time. Me? Groceries are restocked. I got a spiral cut ham that I will cook in the crock if it will fit! Never thought of that until the recipes from this week, thank you @dfish @luvteaching Another day, and a 👍! Excellent! Tomorrow it’s back to taxes! We’ll get there, or figure something else out I guess. Blessings all! Stay safe, stay well! Maureen
  16. Ann, It’s grand that you got to the church of your wedding. And your childhood home. So glad you are getting to do this special cruise. And that book exchange shelf in the Library on Rotterdam has some books I left before we disembarked March 8th 😉 Happy cruising! m—
  17. Karen @luvteaching very glad to hear your husband is improving that you are hanging in, juggling! One day at a time! Thanks for updating us. m—
  18. Cool this morning but sunny in Maryland. Started out at freezing point but will be mid 50s. So much more pleasant than where we were in the NM high country at 8700 feet where it’s still winter. But I’ll miss the mountains during sticky summer here! @mamaofamiCarol, so happy your eye is improving. We’re managing here, yesterday I made a chart for all the eye drops, as they keep changing the program it’s hard to keep up. Ray and Sarah, 60 is quite the accomplishment 🎉🥂 Cheers to all celebrating milestones, Life is good! You uplift us in our tougher days! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, near and far. Thanks to the many doctors and medical providers who guide us with care. We were only in Katakolon a short time after our tour to Olympia, but they had nice stores and good WiFi. I bought saffron there, enough to give as gifts to my lady friends. If we ever get back I think it’d be a lovely place to enjoy on its own, clean and friendly. Smooth sailing to all the cruisers. I’m getting back to regular activities: today is groceries this morning, and zoom yoga this afternoon. My lessons of late are that I put too much energy into things I cannot control. Again and again I must learn to let go, like the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Working on it! Maureen
  19. So happy for you both that you are finally aboard. Sorry I missed your SailAway but eye doctor stuff. I don’t see Lincoln Center Stage listed on the Daily. When we were on Rotterdam late Feb into March, LCS would be listed with the other Music Walk offerings, even on their days off when it would say Coming back tomorrow. We didn’t have Cantare, not on Rotterdam and not on Eurodam in December. LCS might become a hit or miss show also. Keep us posted! And have a wonderful time! Maureen.
  20. Today’s followup at eye doctor was slow but we’re making progress. They took off the bulky bandage and did. vision and pressure checks. Vision is better. Pressure was pretty high. He hadn’t had any pressure drops in that eye for over a day. She said it takes “some time” for the shunt to become effective. She said we should be able to tell more next week. Love seeing the Hawaii pictures. Great memories. Beautiful places. Thanks to all for sharing them. m—
  21. Great news that they’ve identified the bacterium and can treat it. Hoping you see improvement soon. 🙏 for you both. m—
  22. @seagarsmoker Thank you so much for the pictures of the your beautiful Pinnacle Suite! Very happy for you that you got to enjoy that luxury. I’d love having that private hot tub on the deck! Many years ago we were invited to a party in a PS on Celebrity Constellation by a CC Roll Call member. So generous of them to host a party one afternoon for the roll call. They had a grand piano in the dining room! It was quite the experience for us…. we were in an inside cabin in that cruise, but very glad to be aboard! Just hoping we have another cruise in our future, but one day at a time. Off to the eye doctor! 🤞 m—
  23. Ann, some antibiotics will cause nosebleeds. If he’s on antibiotics you could call the pharmacy to check if this is a common side effect. An urgent care center could arrange for an alternative. I know it’s early morning at your home but there is support where you are. During a nose bleed, have him lean forward. Apply ice pack to bridge of nose. Apply light pressure (pinch only lightly) at distal end (lower end) of nose’s hard cartilage. Breathe! Both of you! m—
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