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Posts posted by Karin&Isaac

  1. Hi Member 123. You look great in your green dress! I have always thought that I looked sallow in green, but maybe I was just not looking at the right color green. I love the purple top. I have a few in that style (wrong colors for me, I now know) and love how they fit. They are so comfortable and can be dressy or casual. I can't give them up yet. I have that problem with a lot of clothes that I have that I know are the wrong colors for me. I am slowly buying new things in fire colors. It sure makes it easy to shop when you just look for certain colors. I can fly through the sale racks and then on to the next store, lol!



  2. Not to be too personal...BUT...I'm all choked up seeing these pictures of Mom...the hair color...the hair style...how fit she is...how happy she looks...I swear I've been transported back decades...I love my beautiful Mama...I'm lovin' every day of this pictodiary.



    Hi Anita,

    I am a "lurker" on this thread, but I just had to tell you that it is so wonderful that you said such nice things about your Mom. Too many people take their loved ones for granted until they are gone. My Mom would have been 80 this coming thursday, and I miss her so much. Enjoy every minute of your time together.


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