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Posts posted by Cinders411

  1. And when they do you will be grandfathered in what ever status you are in, or moved up depending on what the break is. They won't downgrade you.


    We stayed the status we were twice when changes came in the past. We lost the Past Guest Party with the first change. Sadly when we got back up to that tier, Carnival made changes again and we lost the party again. For us it really wasn't about the "party" because we don't cruise for the perks and that is really not much of a one anyway. For us, it was more feeling as though Carnival didn't really care about our loyalty. Maybe because it happened twice? In hindsight, I am glad it happened now because that is what convinced us to try another line. Not sure we would have done so before. I hope to sample them all one day. There is always a silver lining. :D

  2. I have struggled with this issue. I have not generally tipped above the 18% included in the package. I have also had trouble getting additional drinks if I don't tip extra on the first receipt. I have seen others tip a $1.00 extra in cash and been served more regularly by waiters and also given priority while standing at the bars. As someone else said, "Cash is king". I get that but, it does bother me a bit. I have the same problem in the specialty restaurants. To be honest, I feel the staff expect an additional amount. I asked about it once and the staff member said, "Well yes if you feel you received exceptional service". I was thinking but, I did tip. What to do? What to do? :confused: Sometimes I miss the old days before the packages when every 5 minutes a waiter was asking if you wanted another drink :p.

  3. Several years ago when we sailed on Freedom of the Seas, it seems like you made a reservation for the ice show. I do not see this feature for our Indy cruise. Am I looking in the wrong place or is this no longer being done? Also I cannot seem to find my luggage tags in my cruise docs. We sail Oct 22. Is it too soon?

  4. my biggest pet peeve is something i see at home everywhere and that is:

    Step to the side, let the other people get off the elevator first then get on the elevator. it makes getting on/off the elevator quicker for everyone



    YES! This has to be my # 1 pet peeve. #2 of course goes to the chair hogs!

  5. Maybe this is a dumb question but, I have never been to Europe before and this confuses me. We will be arriving at Heathrow at 19:45 which is 7:45 pm US time. I went to the, Just Airports website and it is asking for pick up time. With baggage pickup and immigration we are thinking 9:30 pm. Do I put that in or 21:30? It says, 24 hour time.

  6. I think it just depends on what things are most important to the cruiser. Food to me, is about the same on both lines. Carnival gets the nod for cabin size. RCI for entertainment. Activities are pretty much even with many of the same things (ie trivia, bingo, dance lessons, crafts).

  7. I am 47 years old and over the years I often thought or taking a cruise but never did till April 2010. It was a short 5 day out of Mobile on the Fantasy.

    To put it mildly I was addicted from the moment I saw the ship from the hotel the morning of the cruise. My wife and I had a wonderful time on that first cruise and even now we still love the Fantasy.

    since that first cruise in 2010 we have been on a total of 10 cruises and have 2 more booked.

    I only wish that I had discovered cruising years ago.

    I am truly addicted to cruising. If I don't have a future cruse booked it drives me crazy, I can't sleep, eat, or think straight. I will sit for hours in front of a computer looking at ships and ports until I hit the book now button and get my fix, then the slow countdown to the cruise date begins.

    once the cruise is over the whole process starts again. I see no hope of a cure. all I can do is treat the symptoms with more days at sea.

    I assume that many here suffer from the same addiction, if so how long can you go without having a future cruise booked???


    Like you I began cruising in 2010. Despite some difficulties (ie falling down flight of stairs, sea sickness......) I fell in love with cruising and with the sea. We have completed 10 cruises now with 5 more booked. In 54 days we will do our first European cruise B2B with a Transatlantic cruise. 20 glorious days at sea! :cool:

  8. Incognito mode is just a version of the Chrome browser that doesn't store cookies (so you're "incognito" on the internet, get it?). The name is honestly a little misleading because you aren't anonymous to websites, it just doesn't store cookies so the websites can't track you with tracking cookies. It also doesn't load extensions, like ad blockers for example. Anyways, you can access it a few different ways:


    ctrl + shift + N (as mentioned previously)


    If you have a Chrome icon in your taskbar you can right click it and choose "New incognito window"


    Or you can click on the icon at the top right of your regular Chrome window that looks like 3 vertical dots and pick "New incognito window"

    I had no idea that I even had a, "New Incognito Window" until your post! Thank you to both posters for clueing me in!

  9. I want to link our reservation with our children's. I swear I saw a place to do this just yesterday inside the booking. Today I cannot locate it anywhere. Can anyone tell me where in the booking itself you are able to do this? I realize I could call however, I have a lot of problems with calling RC this week (See posting, RC Website:What A Mess). Honestly I just don't want to call them again. Thank you.

  10. I tend to check in on my reservations routinely as I am a worry wart! Good thing I do. This week the website must have went completely crazy. The total price of one of my reservations had increased $600.00 :o

    It took over an hour and a supervisor to get the price back to what it should have been. After that my OBC of $150 disappeared. Had to go around and around with RC for another hour to get it restored. They never could provide a reason why this had occurred.

  11. Does anyone know about how cold we can expect it to be late in Oct generally? We are trying to decide what to pack which is always tricky with a B2B cruise. We will be sailing from Southampton on Oct 24th. Then on to Rotterdam, Brussels, Cherbourg & LaHavre (Traveling to Paris). After this we are doing the second leg which sails to the Caribbean so we know what to expect then.

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