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Posts posted by bearette

  1. I actually did the Spirit a few years ago.  They decorated the atrium area with turkeys, pilgrims etc. I believe we were at sea that day so they had cruise activities going on and during an announcement the cruise director wished the Americans on board ( we were in the minority on the Canary island sailing) a Happy Thanksgiving.  In the dinning room, they offered a special turkey dinner, but I was ready to riot ( haha) because they didn't have any pumpkin pie, but they did have apple pie.



  2. If you have a late flight, the port of New Orleans has a pay for service that will take your bags (for a fee per bag) to the airport for you. Then you can walk around and enjoy New Orleans.  You are walking distance or a street car ride away from the French Quarter.  There is a message board for Gulf Coast departures that has a lot of information on New Orleans.


    Those meet and greets are different every time.  I would love a sauce,  but others may not. I say something unique to your area, but easy to carry, don't go crazy.


    I always take a light jacket, but my husband almost never uses one.  It can be co!d in New Orleans so take something just in case.

  3. The cheapest I have seen is $299 plus tax for a 7 day in Europe, 2 days before sailing in June. The airfare last minute was $1500, not enough savings to book.  Another deal is $399 inside plus tax, I have seen several times but never booked because the flights were too expensive. $1700 for four in an aft balcony was my best price ever, or same price on a 9 day inside in Europe.

  4. Like always you have great reviews!


    If you hurt yourself-you do a good job of it. Dudes dig scares... Just change the gas pump to a motorcycle when you tell the story...My husband was playing ice hockey and a player landed on his foot and broke it 7 weeks before a planned trip to Ireland.  Like a supportive wife, I was angry he ruined my vacation, but I will say with his scooter he did amazing. He said the scooter really made a difference.  He hiked on trails, toured castles, and everything with it.  Once he had the boot on and could put weight on it, the leg healed quickly.  I wish you the same speedy recovery so you can cruise and shower again.


    As far as the airport- if you travel with the scooter, it sets off detectors so be  prepared for a full body pat down. The foot metal is hit and miss if it sets off the alarm.  Some places he sets of the alarm and needs a search ( like Heathrow) and others he goes with some issues (LAX),or none at all (Disneyland).  I always plan extra time at the airport now just in case, but usually they are prepared.  If the they use the metal detector wand -tell them about your leg and you will get the old fashioned pat down since you will light that up like a Christmas tree.  

  5. I have been researching the apartment hotels, at your advice.  We have some ideas, but they are all over. Some by the Creek, another a metro stop away from the Mall of Emirates, and more near the World trade center. We found a perfect one by the fountains, but of course for a lot more money. I am curious if you believe taxis/ uber or the metros and buses are more convenient for the value.  Is it worth paying more to be at a hotel by the Mall and fountains? It appears my kids have a charge (7 both) for the metro system, but I am not easily finding child rates so that may make public transport less appealing.  I have read than taxis are reasonable, but my idea of reasonable be different than theirs.  All this rambling and I am trying to decide if I should pick a hotel based on location, near the fountains/mall, near a metro, or the property meeting my needs better.


    There are so many options at so many price points it is dizzying to narrow it down.  Thanks in advance! 

  6. I recommend a tour to Rabat, too.I love the movie Casablanca and had high hopes, but it is just a big city. I recommend going out of town as you will not be that impressed with the city.  I tried to higher a private guide (check trip advisor), but since I had kids, and they were still under two, it was cheaper for me to use the ships tour. The mosque is gorgeous (I didn't go inside) but the only real tourist worthy attraction (IMO).

  7. Other lines have maximum kid club numbers, in fact there is a sign in front telling you the maximum number allowed by where you check them in( Rccl and Ncl) and that over that number,they will be turned away.


    I have had the opposite experience. My kids are now 7 ( b/g twins) and they love the NCL kids club. I preferred NCL too,as I thought the staff was nicer and more professional. 


    It depends on your kids and their interests though if they.like the club. People post the activities, so have your kids look at them to gauge their interests.


  8. I do guarantees a lot to save money. I have gotten all the way forward next to the anchor (horrible noise when docked, but so convenient to the buffet), down in the depths in steerage (far from the pool but very convenient for main dinning rooms, and awesome for exiting and returning from ports).  If you are picky, then don't book one,  but if you can live with minor inconveniences then they are great. You may end up with a gem of a room.  My mom and aunt got upgraded to an ocean view in Alaska so you need know.

  9. From reading your other posts...

    Don't stress about what your brother will do. Just go and enjoy the cruise.  If he does something stupid, it's his fault.  He made his bed let him lie in it.  You should be enjoying your precruise planning,not stressing out if your brother will miss the ship.  Plan on being back an hour before and you don't have to worry about what is or isn't in the safe.  You made a joke about your brother, but I think your joke is more indicative of what kind of person you think your brother is...  It not your job to take care of your brother, if he missed the ship, he is an adult he will figure it out. You can't control what others do, so don't try to.

    I recommend you do fun research instead of worst case scenario research.

    Happy planning!

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  10. The airport is far from the cruise terminal in New Orleans. To my knowledge, no hotel does a free airport and port shuttle. Only hotels near the airport offer the airport shuttle, without a fee anyway. Unless you arrive late, you don't want to stay by the airport.  Expect around a $35 Uber to hotels by the port and $15 from town to the port.

  11. You can ask for security to look into it.  They have cameras everywhere! It depends on how upset it makes you. if you want to look into it talk to security.  Integrity, or the lack of, is a problme , but try not to make it your problem.

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