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Posts posted by squadron

  1. I already did two solo cruises, and each time, I found myself getting heavily screened at customs. The agents were being total jerks, asking me detailed questions about what I do for work, purpose of my travel, who I'm traveling with (were they being rhetorical?), purpose of some things I packed for my cruise, etc. During one of the cruises, I was even picked out for more detailed screening. It was a quick, but irritating experience, and when the agents found nothing, they begrudgingly sent me on my way.


    I ran into two of my cruise friends after getting through Customs; we were waiting for our buses in the same area. They told me that it was because I was traveling alone. While that won't stop me from cruising solo again, the reason is quite unsettling. Compared to my experience with Border Patrol, the TSA agents at the airport were almost as nice to me as the Carnival crew members. If you believe the news articles, TSA is supposed to be really bad.


    So on with my question: just how common is it for solo cruisers to get the third degree at Customs? Do they screened and questioned more thoroughly than couples and families? Has there been a history of people using cruise ships to smuggle drugs from countries like Jamaica? If you've had similar experiences or can suggest an answer, please go ahead. If it makes a difference, I'm male, age 29.

    I'm in my early 70's (female) and I too have got the "Why are you travelling alone question?" I'm Canadian and this question has been when I'm going tho' customs to catch my flight.

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