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turtle tavern

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Everything posted by turtle tavern

  1. We also purchased the tranquility mattress and we love it. The entire purchase process through the delivery was great.
  2. I was wondering the same, did you take the tour? Were they open?
  3. Cruising NCL out of Tampa. I haven't sailed out of this port before. Is it best to prepay ahead of time? Has anyone used the valet service there and if so any feedback on it? Was thinking it looks easier than dealing with the parking garage.
  4. Wonderful to hear, thank you for sharing!
  5. Has anyone stayed in room 15000 on Jade? We picked this room based on the balcony set up and being able to see both sides of the ship. I found a great YouTube video of the room but would like personal experience. Any pros or cons? I have never done the Haven on any ship other than an away class ship so I'm excited to try a smaller ship. I know there is no dedicated restaurant or bar and breakfast/lunch is in a specialty restaurant. Any other major differences in the Haven? Thank you for your input!
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