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Everything posted by masonpips

  1. On Uniworld originally Cologne to Basel. We did Heidelberg today which I adore so that was a great add for us as we’re spending an extra night in Basel before flying home so we get the markets on our own Overall I feel Uniworld has handled it well. I was on the same cruise in 2018 and we had to be bussed from Basel to Freiburg and then joined the ship. They have given us Euros for meals missed on the ship and we have the Marriott in Basel for our last night. It’s a crapshoot with the weather but we’ve had a great time with friends and it is what it is!
  2. We are at Rudesheim headed for Basel. They have already said bus from Strasbourg to Basel but last night someone overhead not sure we can get to S either.
  3. FYI we’re doing Cologne to Basel starting tomorrow on Uniworld and they’ve amended our last night to be in a hotel in Basel. Our itinerary is slightly amended to add Heidelberg back in (which I loved 5 years ago).
  4. I did Uniworld 5 years ago and the first couple of nights seemed dressier but as we got farther into it (and we headed north so it got colder) people started to relax a little and you saw pants and sweaters a lot! We are cruising next month so I'm bringing a few sweater dresses I can wear with tights and my husband will have one pair of slacks and nice sweaters.
  5. Ironically 5 years ago we had to go by bus and stay in a hotel versus the Antionette from Basel! We are cruising her again on Dec 9 so hoping all this rain stops by then and things are normal!
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