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Posts posted by dcarter4

  1. Hey All,


    Gonna sail on Connie in about 10 days! Although I've sailed twice on the Solstice...


    We never made it to any of the onboard entertainment?!


    We are sailing with our family this time...and they are asking about the entertainment (3 teenagers...and several "older" adults).


    What should we expect? A comedy show? Singing?


    Please let me know!



  2. Hey All!


    9 Days to Go!!!


    I’ve Got Too much Time On My Hands…


    Starting to run out of enough hours in the day….


    This weekend just FLEW by. Thought my brother and I could do a quick Catbitat install on Saturday….then it decided to rain on us…ALL day!


    I thought I’d be done by 2ish…take a shower..and catch up on some wedding stuff...




    …we finished at 7:30pm that night!!! (but we finished)


    The client was happy…but I lost an entire day!!! Just enough time to pop some pain killers, make some dinner…and fall asleep on the couch!


    Sunday was a blur….


    Several emails from panicking friends and family. “How do I do this?” I can’t login to the Celebrity website!”…etc.


    I’m glad to help…but I need to do stuff too?! What is that feeling..Stress??


    Oh well….


    After mandatory chores and shopping…I just had time to book our Shore Excursions (Snuba diving) and start talking about our travel logistics.



    Makin A List…Checking it Twice….



    I know what you are thinking…MAKE A CHECK LIST!!


    Well…no time. Seriously…..do you know how much time it takes to make a GOOD and ACCURATE checklist?!


    My first and most important “list” is….THE MONEY (what? You were expecting wedding music choices?!! CRAP….that’s another thing we need to do!!!


    9 Days….


    After 5 months of humpin it….it’s easy to ease up…..relax a bit.




    THAT’s when you get bit in the @##$@#!!!


    No folks…it’s not the big bills that will kill you…it’s the 20 LITTLE bills that will sink your wedding…if you’re not careful!


    I made a ledger in excel. It’s essentially my checkbook from now until the two weeks AFTER the wedding.

    I start with today’s date…the present balance..and then I start listing everything that comes in and out of my checkbook…from now until the wedding (+ 2 weeks).


    I know what you are thinking…gee…sounds like balancing your checkbook?

    It IS…..IF….I ever balanced my checkbook!! (which I don’t).


    I know roughly, give or take, $ 50 - $ 100 of how much I should have in my account (Kel balances her’s down to the penny…not joking).


    But that’s not what I’m tracking…..


    If you are planning a wedding…during the last few days (or a few weeks)…you will have dozens of deposits and final payments coming in and out of your account. If there is a mistake…you can run to the bank…..


    …I’ll be on a BOAT!


    I just can’t afford any surprises….


    So I’m listing things like:


    3/13/2014 Tour Bus $ 293.00 Payment Due 03/12/2014


    Items in RED indicate a problem.


    In this case…I will already be out of town when this payment is due….and I don’t get paid until the 13th!!! So this means…I need to budget money from my 3/06 paycheck!




    Also….do a budget for AFTER you get back!!


    Why….? Same reason.


    How many times have you come back from a wonderful vacation…only to find, that you have NO money left…and your student loan payment is due…and your car payment and …..etc.


    Your wonderful memories just vanished!!


    There will be life (and bills) after the big day, folks…be prepared.


    Currently, I am about $ 700 off of where I want to be….

    …and I’m running out of days to hustle!



    Funny Stuff:



    Kel and I are laughing at the little stuff (which is good…and sticks to our “No Drama” wedding).


    We ordered an Inter-racial cake topper (because we are). When it arrived…Kel text’d me,


    “Hey…they are both brown…I’m the same color as you?!”


    to which I replied…..


    ”Well…you DO go tanning a lot, honey?!”


    p><p><img src=[/img]



    If not…oh well…..nobody really eats the cake, right?! (…and no shoving it in my face, either!! Didn’t do it the first time….not gonna do it, now!)..


    Plus….I’m just to pretty for that nonsense!!


    Also trying to get the comp’d Classic drink package for the reception…upgraded to Premium…but that seems to be a big problem.


    We are willing to pay…but they don’t seem to know how to charge for it…(again)…oh well…..it’s only for an hour.


    Gotta get some programming done. I have 7 days of work, 1 programming job and maybe another Catbitat install to do, before I can board the plane!



    D & K

  3. Another thing to keep in mind is that even if you carry off your luggage and make it through customs, the line for the security check points at FLL can be very long on any given Saturday or Sunday. They were crazy this past Saturday. Give yourself enough time for that as well.


    Thanks....we are flying out on a Monday...so...hopefully it's better?!



  4. Dwayne,

    Are you asking because you want to book a flight before 11 a,m,? If so don't.

    You absolutely do have to do both Customs and Immigration, In the last two years there has been a drastic cutback in CBP staffing making the process longer. It took us almost 2 hours on our last Port Everglades disembarkation.

    There are a gazillion threads about self disembarkation. The only advantage is shorter lines to get to CBP. I don't recommend it unless you are only taking carry ons, and even then I don't recommend it.


    Our flight is at noon. So we need to be at the airport by 10:45am?





  5. I just spent the last 2 hours reading this thread to my fiance and we have both enjoyed every minute of it. We are both going to be doing our second wedding as well and a cruise wedding sounded like a great idea. This has given me so me ideas and I'm so thankful that you have taken the time to post updates. Can't wait to see more


    Thanks Triscat!!


    We are down to -13 days and counting....things are about to get real!!!


    D & K

  6. Hey All!


    I took a few moments to look at my Diary…from the first post to today…..my…how far we have come.


    I really feel so many of you have come along for the ride….

    p><p><img src=[/img]


    I must admit. When I was at the bank yesterday…and the teller was counting those Hundies off (“Slappin ‘em down….ONE HUNDERED….TWO HUNDRED!!!”…Thanks U2 )….


    ….I was thinking about all the blood, sweat and tears….just to get to this point.


    The pain is not over yet, my friends….we still have to INSTALL these Catbitats…..and Program these automation systems….all before I get to step on that beach.


    I instantly drove to WITB (Weddings In The Bahama’s) bank….and made the deposit.


    I thought I’d feel better…some joy…some relief??






    Well….if you look at my trusty spreadsheet…..that just leaves….


    Money for the Cruise?!!!!! (AAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!):eek:


    Yep…everything is paid for….except for what we are going to spend on the cruise…and incidentals. I have about $ 1,600.00 as a Guestimate.


    $ 400+ for the Premium drink package…..$ 225 for the shore excursion….$ 250 for the bus (should get some of that back)….$ 120 for the Family Limo….and tips….


    Think we can do it??!!.....



    If The Dress Doesn’t Fit…..


    Well Ladies….you should get a kick out of this….


    Kel came back from her Bachelorette Party this afternoon (looking a bit hung-over). Her friend was with her, as she was waiting for her husband to pick her up (it was a local party…no Vegas like me….too long of a story)


    Anyway….as girls do…they headed off to the bedroom to try on the Wedding Dress. About 30min she emerged and announced….


    …..That she has lost so much weight…that she needs to get the dress altered again!!??


    Well….I’m not one for diets…but I can say her temporary diet is livable. Being the wonderful man that I am…I try to join in….to a point.


    If she’s having chicken….I have chicken…if she having veggies…I grill up a bowl full for us. She can’t have any alcohol so I need to draw the line somewhere…(without booze….I’d have to cut some one!!! Seriously….can you read how much stress I’m under?!!!).


    Bottom line…..we leave in 16 days. My last paycheck will be deposited the morning we set sail…..


    Ideal situation…nope.




    Stick around, my friends…..things are about to get interesting!!!!



    D & K

  7. just thought i would pop in and see if you had any updates. Our wedding on the reflection went off without a hitch on Sunday with 48 guests. Make sure that no matter what drama, you enjoy it because it is really amazing :)


    Hey CCS14!!


    Congrats to you!! I expect to see a full report!!!



  8. Hey All,


    Just looking for some clarification......


    We last cruised 2 years ago, aboard the Solstice (Eastern and Western Caribbean). I don't remember what disembarkation group we were in (we were AQ if that matters)....


    BUT...I just remember finding our luggage (easy) and walking past all the people in the customs line?


    We just paid our bill and headed to the cab line.


    Has something changed in the past 2 years? Why didn't we have to go through customs?


    What's involved in self-disembarkation? Can we leave at any time?





  9. Hey Violetmoon1979!!!


    Shhhh.....it's a secret...but yes...we are tying the knot (chain) a few days before the cruise. Most of the family doesn't know (and they don't follow this forum)...so we are going to sign some docs on the beach!


    Boy...all the way to AUS, huh?!! Well...if one side is willing to fly...then I'd go that way (the path of least resistance).


    Let us know what you decide!



  10. Hey Celebrity Spa-goers!,


    Here’s a questions for you (from my wife to be)….


    We’ll be on the Celebrity Constellation in March. We are having a Beach Wedding in the Bahamas.


    On the day of the wedding, she was wondering if the spa can do her makeup (I assume they do hair, too)?


    There is no posted Spa menu, currently online (pending the new Spa owners in late March).


    Does anyone know…and if so…how to make the appointment?





  11. Hey Celebrity Spa-goers!,


    Here’s a questions for you (from my wife to be)….


    We’ll be on the Celebrity Constellation in March. We are having a Beach Wedding in the Bahamas.


    On the day of the wedding, she was wondering if the spa can do her makeup (I assume they do hair, too)?


    There is no posted Spa menu, currently online (pending the new Spa owners in late March).


    Does anyone know…and if so…how to make the appointment?





  12. Hey All....


    So....we're legal now...


    In the great state of Arizona...it took us a whole 37min from the metal detector to the car.


    37 min. to get our Marriage License.....

    p><p><img src=[/img]minibus_on.jpg


    Final price was $ 293.00....so...after our $ 100 donation to the cause...we are asking for about $ 9 a couple.


    That's reasonable, right?


    Wish we were over the hump...so I could start looking at the fun stuff!


    On another note...I closed on a normal-sized Catbitat sale today! Every little bit helps!!


    Off to cook some veggies for my "Legal-to-be-married-in-the-state-of-Arizona" Fiancee!




    D & K

  13. I just wanted to tell you that I'm reading your thread and enjoying it very much. A little bit of a "late bloomer" to it since we sort of just green-lighted our own vow renewal. (Reading things like this makes me both apprehensive and excited). You've really been through it on some aspects! .




    Thanks for YOUR kind words!!


    I can't imagine so much drama over a vow renewal....but then again...ANYTHING related to a wedding...and family...and you're gonna have DRAMA!


    Two things have really helped Kelly and I to cut down on the Xanex dosage....


    1) We discussed our plan in advance...and united on all aspects....the main one being...NO DRAMA!!


    2) When there is the potential for drama...remember point #1!!


    The best thing about a second marriage is....you've done all this before?!!


    You know the pitfalls and (most) problems.....so...JUST DON'T DO IT (THAT)!


    We literally said...."Hey...we're gonna get married on a beach...in the Bahama's....wanna come"?


    "Yes...GREAT". "No...OK...we'll miss ya"...


    Whenever they (meaning your guests) try to inject drama...I just say...


    "OK...you let me know what you decide".


    When they ask, WHY we are doing this instead of THAT...we just smile and say....


    "Because we wanted to...it's our wedding...and we're paying for it"


    You'd be surprised how quickly that solves most problems!!:D


    Please remember to have fun....and remember...it's YOUR day...not theirs!


    Now I must run to the court house and get our Marriage License!!

    (seriously....they close in an hour)


    D & K

  14. Your updates have been by far the best ever on this board. You just have the best attitude.


    I have no doubt that you will have a wonderful wedding... but more important I have no doubt that you are going to have a wonderful marriage!


    You already have the two important ingredients for a happy relationship imho..:

    Flexibility and a sense of humor.


    You are too kind! Considering the caliber of some of these posts...that means so much!!


    I have a great partner. Except for the timeline/money stress....this second wedding has been pretty easy!!


    Thanks again for your kind words...I wish I could cruise and write for a living!!


    D & K

  15. I recently got engaged and have been going back and forth between doing a Vegas wedding or a cruise wedding.


    Thanks for posting all of your experiences, it's very entertaining to read!!!


    Keep us updated!


    Hey Violetmoon1979!!


    Good luck to you and yours!!


    We are in Vegas TOO much...plus...kelly LOVES to gamble....so our Cruise wedding is CHEAPER for me....believe it or not!:D


    D & K

  16. Denise,


    Thanks so much for responding!! WOW....sounds like you've had a few too

    many drama's already!!


    We are keeping our fingers crossed for you!..


    Meanwhile....Kel's decided to go on diet before the wedding so....I'm dealing with Ms. Crabby Pants......


    More tomorrow...I need to go blanch her a chicken breast or something gross....:rolleyes:


    D & K

  17. We are here... Waiting for another update. I literally check your post daily to see if there's an update. :)



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


    AWWWW...Thank you so MUCH!!!!


    I'll have another post in Sunday!! I have a Catbitat AND a consulting job to do tomorrow!!!


    What I do for love....(and a Cruise)!!!:D

  18. Hey All!


    Just a point of clarification. In reading thru my post....the ring thing seems a bit confusing.


    So let me explain....


    Kel has a beautiful, custom engagement ring from the jeweler of her choice....

    p><p><img src=[/img]


    She just may get it....in the future.


    But first....even before our Honeymoon (CruiseTour of Italy and Greece 2015)...


    Dwayne is getting his TV!!



    It's a long story...but Dwayne has been trying to buy this #$#@$#$ TV for 4 years, now....and I get them at COST!!


    Life keeps getting in the way...


    So ladies....save your comments....


    Dwayne is a nice, honest, HARD working guy, who just wants a little (75") toy.....and Kel is wearing a mid-sized sedan on her finger!!!




    Now...if she's REALLY good...we can play with the timeline a bit!!


    RIGHT MEN!!!!????




    Dwayne & Kelly

  19. Hey All!


    I've missed you!!


    We are about 40 days out...time is gettin' short!


    The Tax Man Comeith


    We were able to put down a good chunk of change on the wedding this month (thanks to some weekend consulting and Catbitat sales)!!!


    We still owe WITB about $ 3k.....but we can cut back on the decor...if we have to...


    Come on Tax Return!!


    I would like to thank the ladies at WITB (Weddings in the Bahamas) for their flexible payment arrangements. Our deadline was Feb 14th. They have extended it to the 28th. Two weeks will make a HUGE difference!


    With this Ring...


    Kelly and I picked out her Wedding Band this week!! We went with a local jewelry store chain (London Gold) and actually came in under budget!!


    Kelly would like a second band (naturally)....but Dwayne will be getting his TV...BEFORE that happens.....just sayin...


    Looking forward to making the final arrangement in the next few weeks. We can see a bit of light at the end of this tunnel....




    Dwayne & Kelly

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