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Posts posted by dcarter4

  1. Hey All!


    Just a few updates…..


    Keep your fingers crossed!


    I’ve (reluctantly) bid out a few computer consulting jobs (to an old client). Desperate times calls for desperate measures. We are less than 51 days to go…and we still owe a bunch.


    Keep your fingers crossed. If the client says “YES”, then the profit would cover at least 25% of the remaining cost of the wedding!!


    Come on email…….


    Suited and Booted


    Went in for my fitting this weekend. By myself. Kinda lonely feeling. Could have been a fun event with the guys or Kel. She didn’t want to go. Bummer…I thought she might enjoy it.


    Oh well…the moments lost….


    Went with the classic style. I plan on trying it on, several day s before I pick it up. We went with Men’s Wearhouse. They were offering a $ 30 off each Tux…so I rented my Formal Night Tux from them, also.


    Hopefully it will all look good.




    Kel’s starting to enjoy her dress, more. She’s starting to accessorize. Looks like she got some ear rings and a purse?!




    I’ve got my eye on a new Invicta watch!!


    This one....

    <a href=_12.jpg' alt='_12.jpg'>


    Or maybe THIS one?



    Come on Ebay Snipe!!!!


    What’s a guy to do?


    Coming into the Fold:


    The guests are starting to get excited. Getting lots of email questions and texts!! I answer them all directly…but I always lead with…..


    “…If you check out the Wedding Website….”


    Hey…I don’t mind. I’m glad they’re all coming….but the Website is very detailed….


    Just sayin….




    D & K

  2. Hey All,


    Does anyone know what the Deposit amount would be (for a 12-14 day European Cruise, AQ) if you book while you are on board?


    I heard they offer some Deposit Discounts for booking your next cruise(while on board).


    Anyone have experience with this?


    We will be on our wedding cruise in March...and we are thinking about booking our honeymoon cruise while we are on board.


    We need to know how much to put aside for the deposit (money's tight).





  3. Hey Gerbera33!


    It looks like a lot of people already responded...but I'll join in!


    I enclosed my Excel Spreadsheet. i hope this helps! We are at 50 days to go..and you see how much we still need to pay for..right!


    I'm also posting a diary of sorts...right here on this forum. Check out the Bahama Beach Wedding Diary!!


    A few laughs and lots of info!


    Good Luck!


    D & K

    W List ver 20web.xls

  4. Hey All!


    Well…it’s been a little while…….


    Just a few updates…..


    Kelly had her last fitting and brought the dress home. She seems quite pleased…so that story ended well!

    p><p><img src=[/img]


    I wear Ray Bans and Classic Tuxedos….


    One of our clients may not be going (my long time customers…you know…the loaded ones!!). The Mrs. had knee surgery, so she’s not too sure how she will recover…


    Too bad…I really wanted to see them hanging with us common folk…


    Leaving On A Jet Plane……


    I took a big leap of faith today and bought the plan tickets. The prices were down as low as I’ve seen them…so I pulled the trigger.


    Part of the thrill, will be flying on Virgin America. I’ve always wanted to travel on Virgin Airlines! The flight from Phoenix to FLL (via LAX) was actually cheaper…in the long run.


    I wanted to wait for a direct flight…but all the airlines we could use, had us sitting in FLL until the evening. From previous cruises, we’ve learned it’s best to just head to the airport, after disembarkment.


    So…we fly good ol’ Southwest, from PHX to LAX….wait about 120min…the fly from LAX to FLL.


    I just hope there are no delays….


    Slappin’ ‘em down….


    Catbitat sales have slowed a bit…bummer…we were on a roll for a few weeks!

    <a href=smiling-cat.jpg' alt='smiling-cat.jpg'>


    Not complaining…but Kelly hasn’t scored any hits at the Casino, either.


    At least now…we control the expenditures. If we need to cut back on the flowers (or whatever…) so be it.


    55 Days to go, folks!!!




    D & K

  5. Hey All!


    Well…this is a bit anti-climactic (after Monday’s Post)…but….


    I (physically) paid for the other Staterooms today!


    Hate to see all the money drain from the account…but it’s good to see the spreadsheet below Five figures!! (Attached)


    It will be nice to turn our attention towards the actual Wedding and Cruise entertainment!


    We have started looking at Shore Excursions and the like.


    Still focusing on the big numbers on the page….


    We have a $ 550 payment due at the end of the month (to WITB) and the final payment due by Feb 14th (about $ 4k), then an estimated $ 3.5k for the Cruise and Misc. items.


    We are still stressing…but a little less, now.


    At the very least…We’re goin on a cruise!!!


    With This Ring……


    Did I mention….Kel presented me with my wedding band for Christmas!


    Even before I proposed (my God…how long ago was that?!!!), we casually looked at a ring. I like larger,Medieval styled rings.


    Think Johnny Depp style rings…(ladies…you may breathe, now).


    This particular ring is a bit “Biker Style”

    <a href=MyRing.jpg' alt='MyRing.jpg'>


    Funny…this was one budget item I didn’t count on!!! Glad she paid for it!!




    D & K

  6. Congrats!


    We went digital!!


    I immediately started looking for a (Free) Save The Date and wedding site. I found two that I liked:








    It took me a few long nights (after work), but I gathered the names and email addresses...and out they went!


    Here's our Wedding Website:






  7. Hey All!


    Well…this is turning out to be an interesting new year….


    I don’t know how to say it, but…..this weekend….


    I closed on the biggest Catbitat Sale of my LIFE!!


    We made it!!


    The Cruise is paid for!!!!


    Thank you all for sending out those positive waves!!


    I can’t tell you how relieved we are!! So far…I have had 4 sales this year!!


    Now…we don’t normally make a lot off of our Catbitat sales. It’s really about the animals…But this client bought every upgrade she could find!


    Sure…we still have to come up with$ 4k - $ 7k for the actual wedding…..but we have control over that cost!


    Worse scenario, we go for the basic package……


    We have finally turned the corner, folks!



    Mother May I…or Daddy Dearest?!


    Some of you may recall, that my mother is traveling alone?


    She (unfortunately) does not have a great second marriage. To be blunt…he’s an A**.


    I won’t air family dysfunction on this forum…but I do not care for my Step-father. I don’t like the way he treats my mom…so…he’s on my S&*$ list.


    To that end…my mother prefers to leave him at home…if she wants to have a good time.


    This weekend, he has decided, that he wants to come to the wedding.


    Since my mother didn’t formally ask him not to come (it’s dysfunctional and complicated)…he is now coming.


    In keeping with our “No Drama Wedding” mandate…I have changed the Stateroom to accommodate him (Did I mention he can barely walk…and refuses a wheelchair?).


    No? Not my problem……


    Please don’t think me cruel. I love my mom…and he treats her like crap. Therefore…he is crap to me.


    In any event…it will not tarnish our wedding. I am sad for my mom…but…oh well…


    You get what you marry……


    I think I’ll buy her a few Spa Treatments during the cruise….




    D & K

  8. Hey JFontaine!


    Thanks for your thoughts...but we really love Blu...and the Spa stuff. Kelly is a Massage Therapist....the a Spa-like surroundings is her deal. I'm a foodie...so Blu is my thing....and we can't afford a Suite!!!


    So AQ it is!


    In reality...you are only saving $ 150 to $ 300..so..it's worth it to us!


    Keep on reading!!


    D & K

  9. Hey All!


    Happy New Year!!


    WOW...so far 2014 is a good year for us!!!...


    ...but first....Christmas!!!!


    We traveled back to WI to face Kel's mom (and celebrate a late Christmas). We vowed NOT to even mention the cruise.....


    .....which lasted about 8min!!!


    Before the first drink was consumed...as we gathered around to begin the 4 hour gift giving (seriously.....it's ridiculous)!....


    ...Kel's mom walks to the closet...and pulls out Kel's old WEDDING DRESS!!!


    "Here...Maybe you can use this in the Bahama's?!"


    BAMN!!! This S&^* just got real!!!!


    A bit Passive Agressive...don't cha' think?!!:rolleyes:


    After the silence passed....to Kelly's credit...she just placed the box to the side...and didn't engage. After we left, we both agreed...that there really is no good excuse for her to miss her daughters wedding. NONE.


    Moving on....


    It's January 2, 2014...and I already have TWO Catbitat orders!!!


    We don't make a lot off of these cool Enclosures...but every bit helps!!


    I actually have TWO on-site visits for Saturday and a request for two catalogs!! If only HALF of these fine people order...we might make it!!


    To Celebrity's credit...they are being receptive. The deadline is still Jan 12...BUT...if we need to...they will give us until Jan 24th!!


    That's HUGE to us!!


    WITB? They called us right after Christmas, and said that "someone else was interested in the date"....ummm...Ok...


    I don't know if it's true or not...but I emailed them and told them the truth. I told them, that our online cost of $ 1,500 has ballooned to $ 5,000...and we didn't want to send money...in case we had to bail (or cut back). If we could just pay a partial.....


    Within 30min we were contacted with some "help". If we could pay just $ 200 (down from the required $ 750), then they would hold the date, location and time). DEAL!!


    They supplied us with a Wells Fargo account..and I put the $ 200 down. The $ 550 is due by the end of Jan...and the balance of whatever we want...is still due by Feb 14th (how poetic is that).....


    ...but i'll take what I can get!!


    For the first time in a month...we are a little more hopeful.


    Kel and I are feeling your warm and positive vibes....keep it up!!


    I think we are turning a corner?!




    D & K

  10. Hey All!


    Wish I had some good news to report. Kel and I are feelin' a bit down and depressed.


    Hey..it's Christmas time...that's how you should feel...RIGHT?!!:rolleyes:


    Kel's had no luck at the casino for the past two weeks....and I've had no sales. If the usual Christmas expenses don't get too bad...I should be able to cover our next (priority) stateroom...which will be our daughters and Kel's best friend.


    Kelly and I had the tough talk last night. No woman likes to talk about delaying her wedding date...


    ...I guess the thought of her having to wait any longer to marry me...is unbearable to her?!!;)


    ..but it's a reality.


    We've decided to take it right up to Jan 11, 2014. A lot can happen between now and then?


    IF it Fits....


    Some good news. Kel's fitting went well. She LOVES the seamstress...so that's good. They are adding a bussle (sp) and will do a little custom trimming,,,and the dress should be good to go!!


    We will be with Kel's family over the holiday. This will be the first time Kel, her mom (who isn't going) and booze..will all be together in the same room!!!

    This could be fun!!


    Kel & I would like to wish you all...a Happy Holiday!!


    D & K

  11. Hey All,


    I applaud Celebrity's Non-Smoking policy. My future wife smokes...and I hate it. I won't go near her after she smokes. No conversation...and NO kisses...until she brushes your teeth. So...I'm kind of a hater!:D


    But I like to live my life in peace...so..."Don't Start None...Won't Be None"..is my policy.


    What boils my blood, is the arrogant smoker, who breaks the rules and smokes on the balcony or other area's...and I have to breathe in their smoke!


    Look...if you want to smoke and kill yourself...FINE...as long as you don't infringe on my right to breathe clean air!


    If you can keep your smoke out of my area...fine...if you can't...well my friend...You've got Trouble....


    Like I said..."Don't Start None...Won't Be None"!!


    Respect me and I'll respect you....It's that simple.



  12. Hey All!


    Well the past week has been full of ups and downs!!


    No...we didn't win the Mega Millions Lottery..so we are still sweatin...:rolleyes:


    Had a birthday...one year older. We had a simple dinner...so we wouldn't spend any money. Ofcourse we had to stop at the Casino on the way home...just to try our luck...


    ...No luck:(




    I opened my email and got a little surprise....


    ....one of my long-time clients is coming!!


    We were completely surprised! We like them a lot...we are almost family.


    They were my first real customer, when I used to have a Custom Home Automation company. We've been friends/clients for the past 14 years....but I never thought they would come?


    You see...they are rich....REALLY rich! As in....I call their (main) home...the Compound!! You wanna know what they call a Cabin???...It's about 5,500sqft...so it's a Cabin? Get it?!


    I just thought they would send us a nice gift??




    I wonder how they will get along with the "Riff Raft"?!! :p


    This should be interesting....


    The Payoff:


    I was going to hoard all the money, then payoff all the rooms in January...but I needed some motivation. Things are getting a bit testy and depressing at home. I'll admit it...I'm in a lousy mood, lately.


    I'm always a bit of a Grinch this time of the year, anyway....but adding on the stress of the Cruise deadline...and you have a very grumpy man!!


    Today...I paid off our Stateroom!!! I got to see the spreadsheet go down a little....


    ...it helped!!


    Tomorrows casino Tuesday for Kelly. She also has her first dress fitting...so keep your fingers crossed!!




    D & K

  13. Hey All,


    Still trying to confirm:


    Just looking for clarification. We are doing a Destination Wedding Cruise in March, aboard the Constellation. We are on a short, 4 day Cruise to the Bahamas:


    Day 1 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 4:30 PM

    Day 2 Nassau, Bahamas Docked 7:00 AM 5:00 PM

    Day 3 At Sea

    Day 4 Key West, Florida Docked 7:00 AM 5:00 PM

    Day 5 Fort Lauderdale, Florida


    Would the Formal night be on Day 3, At Sea?





  14. Hey All,


    While we are a wedding party...we do not plan to march 24 people into Blu (at the same time) and demand to sit together?!!:D


    Our group of 24 guest are VERY different. Young and old...fancy and not. Some will eat early...some will go to the other foodie spots...some are fine with the buffet.


    The only time we hope to get everyone together...is the wedding on the beach..and the 1hr reception afterwards.


    After that...it's every Cruiser for themselves!!

  15. Hey All,


    The issue with not being able to Dine in Blu has been asked and answered many times in this post.


    We understand...if we upgrade to a Suite, a dining spot in Blu is not promised to us.


    We tend to eat late...and I was thinking about having my Best Man "talk" (i.e. lay a few $100's in the maitre d's hand as soon as we get onboard....or maybe the Butler..if we upgrade to a suite???


    I'd like to hear from Suite Cruisers....

    We have never had a suite. We've always been AQ. My Bride to Be would like a suite....so she can have more room to prepare and (i think) show off!;)


    We do love Blu...and I would be lying if I said we would be bummed if we could not eat there...but it's a 4 day cruise. We planned on dinner in Blu on two or three nights. We've never had breakfast there...so we were going to try that now...


    Here's the Rub. I'm looking at the prices of the Celebrity Suite for Dec 19 (ten days from now). It's $2,098. In March....it s $ 3,498.


    If we wait until a few weeks before we sail...i can do the extra $ 1k...(if this pricing discount is offered in March).


    People...is it worth the risk?



  16. Hey All,


    Just looking for clarification. We are doing a Destination Wedding Cruise in March, aboard the Constellation. We are on a short, 4 day Cruise to the Bahamas:


    Day 1 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 4:30 PM

    Day 2 Nassau, Bahamas Docked 7:00 AM 5:00 PM

    Day 3 At Sea

    Day 4 Key West, Florida Docked 7:00 AM 5:00 PM

    Day 5 Fort Lauderdale, Florida


    Would the Formal night be on Day 3, At Sea?





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