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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. We had a Fathers Day Brunch here ,more like a late breakfast .My children bought me 5 books and a DVD .Toby made a feast .I got kisses from my grand dogs.What could be better.😀
  2. I saw Denny Laine in an outdoor concert in 2008.I was sitting behind Dee Snider and got into conversation with him.After the concert I met Denny.
  3. We have had this problem too many times.I recall the days before credit cards existed .It is amazing that we were able to exist without all the modern conveniences.
  4. I have two crates of stuff that I often say I am going to go through them and get rid of some things but I never do.I once had my grandkids take out my 300 VHS tapes but only got rid of 2.
  5. I am good friends with some of the people living on my street.Two of the residents on my street post on CC occasionally .
  6. While I am looking forward to Fathers Day tomorrow when my daughters,son in laws and grand dogs will be in my house for brunch today is a sad day. On this day,18 years ago my beloved 19 year old cat Punky left the planet.As I do every year I shall light a candle in her memory.
  7. I have every album ever released by Queen and I totally disagree with you .While I am and always have been a huge fan of Moody Blues ,The Who and Led Zeppelin ,in my opinion Genesis and Yes cannot compare with Queen.However,as I have said many times on this board if we all had the same opinions it would be a very dull world.
  8. Was the Documentary about Studio 54 and Steve Rubell ever discussed here ,I cannot remember.Even though it was not entirely factual I found it interesting as Steve and I were very close friends from age 16 to 19.
  9. Happy Fathers Day tomorrow to all those on here who are Dads and all those who have Dads. My father passed away in 1981.I really miss him .
  10. We have wonderful neighbors who will do anything for us .We get at least one call a day from people going food shopping to ask if we need anything. However,we also have one jerk.
  11. I liked Bohemian Rhapsody the most but I agree that all their songs are good.As I have stated previously there has not been any singer like Freddie Mercury.
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