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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. I am sorry to hear about Charles and his wife. It is very hard. I love the kitty pictures I love the pict
  2. I am in love with Oliver! And I find YOU to be amazing.
  3. Good morning. It will rain on and off all day today and will get up to sixty later. I have fond memories of dancing to “Louie Louie “ at Catholic school dances.It is always Pet Day here. I often look at the kitchen cabinets and think”I should clean that”…..then I shut the door. The production company is back today to prepare for the day and night shoot starting tomorrow. This time we are being compensated as the front of our house and sidewalk area will be in the action. I was going to bring the dogs to the groomer but it will be too involved getting in and out of here so we will wait until next week. Tana seems a little better today and I hope the latest crisis is dwindling down. I only got up once when the coughing was more problematic than it should be. We hope to be able to manage at night without the expensive help. One woman kindly told me she could come on short notice if she was needed. @JazzyV, I hope all goes well with BFF’s MOHS surgery and that you can manage with your leg pain. @Haljo1935, Happy Birthday to your DH
  4. My mother took all of us on a cruise from NY on the Queen Mary. She was already very sick but really wanted to go. My sisters in law were unenthusiastic initially but we have all continued to cruise. She started a dangerous habit!
  5. Good morning. It will be 68 later today and the rain is expected to return for the next four days. Thank you Sandi, @StLouisCruisers for the fabulous pictures of Petra. I like the quote and love stuffed cabbage any way it is made by someone else. I will celebrate my only remaining sibling . I have seen most farm animals at a distance only. That is ok, they are rather large. Today will be challenging as the aide had a previous appointment and we were unable to find another person to cover. We had a mixed night with sleep interrupted after three am. I wasn’t able to return to sleep and feel the need for more caffeine. We have discussed dinner plans and the executive chef wants quiche which is an easy fix. @marshhawk, Annie, I wish the two of you could be cruising everyday if it brings pain relief. @kazu, Jacqui, I wish you didn’t have the pain but I was happy to read that your foot was travel approved. @grapau27, Graham, I hope the custom orthotic helps your foot pain. Take care everyone
  6. Good morning. It will be 75 later today! And sunny. Yesterday DD called all who could do so outside to view the eclipse with a colander and white paper.Please don’t laugh at my picture which I will put at the end. it was a great experience as we were at ninety something percent of totality. I loved seeing all my neighbors outside on their stoops and sidewalks. We were amazed by the birds being so quiet and the coolness in the air all of a sudden. Thanks to everyone who posted such fabulous pictures yesterday. Poor Mr Jenkins. I like antiques but have none to cherish. Mr Hancock was ahead of the others. I would love to see Denali and return to Alaska. The muffins sound tasty. @ger_77, Happy Anniversary to you both! @luvteaching, Karen, Happy Birthday. Thinking of you today.
  7. Karen, I am so glad that your son was able to come over and visit with you yesterday. I am surrounded by people but still go through that awful overwhelming grief when I least expect it. I am often surprised by the silliest things that set it off. Anniversaries and birthdays are much harder. Sending hugs your way. Terry
  8. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, a very Happy Birthday to you and your twin Linda.! @erewhon, Happy Anniversary to both of you! @Overhead Fred, Happy Anniversary to you and Mitzi!
  9. Good morning. The sun is out with beautiful blue skies. Beavers are interesting animals . I have not been to the port. I make a good potato salad and wonder how the yogurt tastes in the healthful recipe. Bon Voyage to @Vict0riann, @Overhead Fred and the DW and DSIL of @Heartgrove! @dfish,I am sorry the eye problems persist. Do you return to the Dr? @JazzyV, I think of you often with your very limited sleep. So sorry the pain is back . @kazu, Has the acupuncture helped? Your weather is dreadful . @grapau27, love the pictures, thanks! We are on our own during the day today and at night. Our teenager has been helping me with vacuuming and floor washing. I am grateful and have to tone down expectations…Tana is feeling better by this morning but sleep was elusive last night. Enjoy the day!
  10. Sharon, I tried the mashed potatoes with the Boursin cheese and made everyone very happy. Thanks !
  11. Good morning. It is breezy and will get up to 50 later. Thank you to Tina @0106 for explaining rejection and the perseverance we encounter in life. I will celebrate that and watch out for drowsy drivers. My brothers and I would buy twinkies and eat them outside the house as they were not allowed. Such bad children! We managed last night fairly well and Tana seems to feel less anxious. That of course helps everyone else to lower their anxiety. Today I am on a cooking spree in order to have things more manageable. So far,chicken is baking, soup is bubbling and there is a pot of vegetarian chili in my crackpot. Welcome home to all the Grand Australia cruisers!
  12. Sandi, from what I remember he felt symptoms decrease quickly but was tired the next day. He no longer has the allergy at age 13. Terry
  13. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, My DGS had a tree nut allergy when he was younger. I had to use the epi pen twice and it so scary. I am so sorry this happened to Austin and required the ER. I hope he feels better soon. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, Times Square was always an “ interesting “ place but it seems so soulless to me in its’ present state. The first time my DDiL came to New York she insisted she had to see it. She was happier with the Empire State Building and MOMA. So far the aide from Wednesday will be here tonight.It is very helpful. @marshhawk, Annie, The new kitty is so beautiful and looks happy!
  14. I was walking the dogs and mine was acting funny. Then the shaking began. I have only felt one other earthquake but recognized the odd sensation. Tana said the house was vibrating . Hopefully there is no damage but we got an emergency alert to expect aftershocks.
  15. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I loved the NYC GPS meme. Colorful language is part of driving around here!! We were in Bergen on our VOV cruise. It started out to be a nice day and Lou and I took the funicular. I walked down the mountain and got totally drenched. He met me at the bottom after returning by funicular. It is such a beautiful area if the world. Gold Star Mothers deserve a day and I am all for a good conscience. I hope not to be broke. The recipes look great today. I would agree with Debbie that the first one needs to have the eggs more cooked. The private aide for last night canceled at the last minute due to illness. I was up twice last night which is an improvement over the previous few days. The sun is out for a change and I promised the dogs a long walk. Have a great day everyone.
  16. Good morning. The storm yesterday was a bit scary. There are lots of trees down all over and there were brief power outages. The thunder and lightning component shook the ground with a nearby strike. It is cloudy now with only a little drizzle. My grandfather’s family was from the Galway area but I didn’t get to that part of Ireland. Leftover meals show up all the time here and no one seems to mind. Today I have leftover spinach and tortellini soup for our dinner table.Our very nice neighbor let the woman who helped us last night park in his driveway because at the hour she started work it was not possible to park the car anywhere near the house. We had a decent night and will forge ahead today with our usual activities and chores. I very vividly remember when Dr. Martin Luther King was shot on this day in 1968. I was telling the teenager that there was rioting afterwards and I could see fires from our house windows. They were terrible times. The nurse is returning today and I think-she will be pleased with the calmer household. The two days prior were mighty stressful for all. Again, I very much appreciate all of the prayers and positive thoughts.
  17. The rain here has gone from “oh my” to “holy moly” intensity with very active high winds. All sorts of tree breakage is noted and it is a little scary. We have had a busy day with visits from the hospice counselor and social worker. I thinks it has helped with some of the anxiety that we all have. Tana seems more comfortable although she has not been able to speak without the coughing interfering. She took to writing notes to us as the discussion progressed. I just feel strongly that we want to do what she wants now and we will do our best. DD and DS have informed me that they have arranged for the agency we used when my husband was so ill to come at night. It is very expensive and I hesitated to do this but in this time of crisis we need help. I am hoping that she will be more stable once again and that we will not need the help for an extended period. There were so many of you sending prayers and kind thoughts. I read them to Tana just now and she was amazed that people she doesn’t know are there for her. It really is a beautiful thing and we are so grateful for all of you. I was afraid my fried brain would miss someone but please know we thank you all very much. Debbie @dfish, I am glad you found out what was wrong with the eye and hope it feels better soon. I hope the nerve ablation helps but I am sorry you have to wait so long. @JazzyV, I am sorry the pain has returned and hope the procedure helps. I wish you didn’t have to wait either. @Nickelpenny Pennie, I am glad to hear that you are out of your funk and very glad you found cruising to your liking. I wish your pain could be lessened in some way also. I remember doing the happy dance when we got the 4 star thing!
  18. Thanks so much to Gerry , Joy and Annie. i hope your respective DH’s will be feeling better soon.
  19. Thank you Graham. We all appreciate it so much. I am guessing you are away and look forward to seeing more food! Enjoy!
  20. Good morning. It is raining cats and dogs and will continue all day. All of the usual places are flooded and I hear the sump pump going in the basement. So far it was only about an inch of water in one area. Across the street the parked cars are sitting in water up to the mid wheel region. I would get my car out of there now as two more inches are coming. The worst of it is the high wind warning. Con Edison sent out their usual warning last night. Hopefully the power will stay on. I would look for a rainbow but not today. I would also love to see a Fan Dance. I have not been to Costa Rica and would love the meal if someone else made it. Thank you so much to everyone sending good wishes for Tana. The cough present in IPF sounds very specific, at least to me. My parents and brother all died from lung cancer and their coughs were specific as well. The nurse that came yesterday said nothing in front of Tana but had a separate conversation with me. I suspected that her condition was worsening and this was confirmed. The oxygen is at the highest setting and all we can do to assist her breathing for now is use the nebulizer more frequently. Last night DD stayed with Tana so that I could sleep. We will see how it goes today. So far it has been a quiet morning. @kazu, I had acupuncture quite a few times over the years and found that it helped tremendously. I hope that you find the same thing. It took a few sessions to see a good result, at least for my bones. Take care today everyone.
  21. @ger_77, Gerry, I very much appreciated your post yesterday as that is so difficult and our friends need our support. I know I felt “ carried “ by those with me when family and friends died. On a lighter note @aliaschiefBruce, I love seeing your pictures and hearing about your cruise! @RMLincoln Maureen, I am so glad to hear that one eye is doing so well. Great news! Regards to your DH.
  22. @summer slope, Dixie, sending prayers along to your friend Mike and his wife. It has to be difficult to be so ill and far from home.
  23. Good morning. We will have four days of rain starting today with temperatures in the forties. I am not a PB and J fan and ferrets should be in someone else’s home. I like the quote and have not been to the port. Good produce is mainly available at the large Asian market and also at the Farmers markets that start up soon. The two nearest grocery stores have awful produce. Perhaps a new manager is needed. Today I am doing laundry and grocery shopping. Dinner plans include shrimp with gnocchi which everyone will eat. We are a little frazzled here as Tana had a very tough night . She is sleeping now which is unusual but we were up and coughing/wheezing from two o’clock on. I have a call into the hospice nurse as the cough sounds different to me. I will crash later but coffee is a wonderful thing in the morning. Have a great day today.
  24. Hello all. I just finished reading the Daily for today . I drove back to NY today and stopped to see my brother in Ct. Traffic was not as bad except around here. It is great to see my son and family but also nice to be home.My dog is presently glued to me. I was so sorry to read about Gord and Ollie. @ger_77, I am sure both of them were glad to have you there. Sending my condolences and prayers to all. @ottahand7, my thoughts are with you today. @kazu, Jacqui, I am so glad Ivan will have a sitter ! The house was busy over the weekend but Tana did have an aide all day on Saturday. I am picking up pizza for dinner.
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