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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. All I can say Megabear2 is we have taken two Cunard organised flight tours [Iceland] and each one has been almost to the minute as far as timings have been concerned.
  2. I made a similar post a few months back as I too seemed to be one of the few who understood the icons on the digital machines. Simple instructions are posted on the wall in July, or they were on deck 7. The main dryer issue seemed to be opening the door before pausing the machine. The beauty of the digital readouts is if it's gone technical, and I managed to get a machine whenever I wanted in July, error shows up which means no more hanging out of order signs on machines in order to reserve one and yes, I've seen that too. Being so close, I didn't need to hang about to check on my laundry and with the digital countdown, no one can say they didn't realise the time loads took to complete.
  3. Hours seemed to be a bit flexible judging by the chatter occasionally as we passed by of an evening going up to the bar or dinner, but I would say think 8am to 7pm as a main guide. The machines are digital and have a much shorter [around 21 mins] light wash than QV/QE machines. The ship's laundry facility has a same day [and a 48 hr] service which we found useful and made use of. We tried to cut down on suitcases. A bit!🙂
  4. That's some reading for you. Hopefully, you'll be able to build a basic picture of Queen Anne from those who have sailed with her and form your own opinion on to book or not to book but at the end of the day, nothing will be as good as taking the plunge giving her a whirl to find out for yourself. Just be aware, to my mind as a devoted and loyal Cunard passenger, she isn't Cunard...but also she most definitely, is. 🙂
  5. cruising.mark.uk, I broadly agree with your post. I’m sure some social media sites are very helpful but as in my earlier comment, knowledge of a particular contributor's experience would be needed by me in order to rationalise the information given. Regular contributors to this Cunard board in giving of their experiences have consciously or not, given of their sometime bias towards certain aspects of Cunard line eg dyed in the wool traditionalists v those ready to take on the line moving forward etc. and so I, for instance can almost guarantee what their reaction will be to certain issues and so will be able to take onboard their opinions as useful or as biased reactions. In other words, I also know who will make objective comments on one or two hot topics, and who will give subjective and sometimes, aspirational comments rather than give of the reality. I’m sure ( I know given some of the laughter emojis) my contributions will also be contentious even useless for some given style of accommodation but at least folk will know where we all stand on the Cunard 'timeline' and can dissect comments accordingly. That isn’t to say either reaction is right or wrong, just that knowing their contributions means I know whether their opinions will be of use or not, to me personally.
  6. I use the ship's laundry but when your cabin is around twenty yards from passenger laundry facilities, it's so easy to make use of them too. I draw the line at ironing though! No way!! 🙂
  7. May I pick up on the 'broken' machines in the launderettes. They weren't broken as such, more mismanaged by passengers. I suggested in May to a deck supervisor they would continue to be mismanaged until instructions on usage was posted. In July, instructions on use were on a laminated wall sheet. Machines still went technical when folk didn't read the instructions but less frequently than our 10th May cruise.
  8. You have to pay and why pay when yummy chocolate is [sometimes] on tap in the Lido, sorry, Artisan's place. 😊
  9. Chocolate is most definitely yummy but seemed in short supply in July. Or maybe I went at the wrong time. 🙁
  10. I take all reviews at face value when I know the Cunard history of the reviewer. Queen Anne isn't for everyone, especially Cunard traditionalists as she isn't Cunard, and yet she is. Senior staff certainly had many things to sort out in May but I'm glad to say many of them have been sorted. The more structural issues of course, are still there. I would give QA 4* from a QG perspective but QV would get 5*+ from me, again, from a QG perspective. This is where it pays to know the history of the reviewer. Apart from a couple of jollies many years ago, all my travels have been in QG so my experiences will/ might be different from others'.
  11. We can get organic beef from our local farm. Lobster [tails] are hard to come by on a farm! Lobster also has the distinct advantage for me as I don't need Benadry [US variety] to counteract my slight prawn food intolerance. 🙂
  12. A bottle, yes, stocks of bottles can be replenished before stocks are used up. Flimsy, but two bottles = a stock of bottles. 😀
  13. No cutbacks on QG mini bar. In our experience, bottles are always replenished before they are finished although I gather from other comments a while ago,that doesn't always happen so that might depend on your butler/how well you 'get on' with the butler.
  14. We have had long cruises booked with segments available for shorter itineraries. The whole cruise still had QG accommodation available but two of the segments showed none. This has happened a couple of times and is still happening. A cruise we have booked gave us no alternative for the cabin as the other cabin was reserved for segments. No problem as we liked both but interesting and a good job our TA was on the ball to book the only cabin available to us when bookings went live for past passengers.
  15. To be fair, tablecloth or no tablecloth and stuck anywhere, MylesS' photos of Aji Wa had me all but reaching for the phone for a Wagamama Deliveroo!
  16. and the recipient of a fabulous coastal road part financed by the EU as Reunion is of course, part of France.
  17. If I remember correctly, Reunion's Le Port was sort of 'shut' '19 due to an escalation of the French Caribbean general strike. Luckily, the local entrepreneurs weren't taking part and we managed a car, driver and a guide booked through Cunard.
  18. We have visited both, twice on Queen Victoria world cruise segments, the last time being '19.
  19. I wouldn't touch fois gras but I've eaten Royale. I just thought it was like a posh pate 😀
  20. Thank goodness Fois Royale isn't Fois Gras Royale. No birds are force fed and the end product is 'manufactured' after the birds have been killed for their meat.
  21. You will not need layers until at least a day or two after Hamilton in our experience. The Northern routes we took, NY to S'ton were pretty cold. The Southern route via the Azores, which is the one you'll be taking was more forgiving weather wise. edit The only thing I'd say though, is your balcony with it being mid aft to port side, might be more exposed to the wind.
  22. Nope A cold lobster, crisp iceberg lettuce simple salad and plenty of Marie Rose [the proper stuff not ketchup in disguise] as a dipping sauce. Food of the Gods. I ask for a lobster [tail] cold salad [me detailing the fixings] for lunch occasionally. No dressing but Marie Rose on the side. Yum
  23. Don't believe everything you read! My husband does his best to deplete onboard stocks of Dover Sole, every trip.
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