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Everything posted by kitcrazy

  1. Thank you. I will try once I am on board. I have a Plan B in place, but this is a 3-island sailing tour, and outside vendor options are cutting it too close to the all-aboard time. If this doesn't work out, my Plan B will be a land-based tour instead.
  2. One of the tours I really want to attend on my cruise is currently showing full. There is no option to waitlist. I called Silversea, and the person told me that there are often spots held open for once you get on board, and to book there. Has this been true in your experience?
  3. Thank you for this info les37b, appreciate it!
  4. Trivia teams!! I love trivia. I am a cornucopia of useless information!! 😄
  5. Thank you Lois R. I am indeed sailing solo, so I will definitely attend at least one of the early solo events, just to check it out. It's nice to know that they do things to make sure that solos have opportunities to make friends while on board. Sometimes it's really pleasant to go on a tour or to town with someone.
  6. Thank you Emtbsam, I have just made a reservation at the Silver Note. It was only available for Sunday evening, and even then I am waitlisted, but I hope it will work out. When you say "special order", are you referring to menu items, or something else?
  7. Thank you Gourmet Gal, I will definitely plan to visit the observation lounge during the sail-in, as well as attend a SALT cooking class at least once. I appreciate your advice.
  8. I am excitedly looking forward to my very first sailing on Silversea - the Silver Moon July 19-26, beginning and ending in Venice, down and up the Adriatic coast. As a first-timer, I would love to know more. Is there anything you know now that you wished you knew before you went on your first Silver Seas cruise? How large are the groups for ship-sponsored shore excursions? I prefer 20 or less, and wondering if I should join a ship-organized cruise, or make my own plans. On other cruises, I have often booked a private tour, and then found others to join me to split the cost. Is that common on Silversea itineraries? I noticed that there are a lot fewer roll calls on CC for Silversea ships, which is why I ask. Any must-dos on the Silver Moon? This is a port-intensive itinerary, but if there is something I MUST experience, then I will make it a point to do so. Thanks for any help! 🙂
  9. Just came off a recent (February-March 2023) cruise to the Central and South Pacific, and while researching, I couldn't find much information for a few specific areas/activities. So I've written three blog posts (with photos) in the hope that they can assist those of you who are going to the same area and/or have similar interests. Please note that this is NOT advertising as my blog is not monetized; it is simply for family, friends and other interested people. Remote serenity, the Tabuaeran Atoll (https://thefunoftravel.com/remote-serenity-the-tabuaeran-atoll/ ). Also known as Fanning Island. Tasting Tahiti ... (https://thefunoftravel.com/tasting-tahiti/). About French Polynesian cuisine. Holy Fakarava! (https://thefunoftravel.com/holy-fakarava/). Way more fun than you might expect! Hope you enjoy reading these, and please tell me if you do 😃
  10. Thanks, this is what I was looking for. Appreciate it.
  11. I came off last month from a 35-day cruise on the Koningsdam, and while on board, I purchased a future cruise deposit to take advantage of onboard credits (OBCs) when I finally booked that future cruise. However, I don't remember what OBC credits I was entitled to receive. It was a matrix that showed type of stateroom and length of cruise which determined the OBC one would get. Does anyone have a copy of the form, or remember what those OBC amounts were? So appreciate if you can help.
  12. I disagree with previous posters who think your plan will be too rushed. As someone who lives in Victoria and goes back and forth between Vancouver and Victoria all the time, I say that your plan is very do-able. If you are off the ship early Friday morning, make your way to the Tsawwassen terminal using Uber or a cab. You will walk on the ferry, which means you don't need a reservation. In the summer, the ferries usually run every hour, so you will likely be off the ferry at the Victoria Swartz Bay terminal latest by noon. Catch a cab to downtown Victoria to your hotel of choice, and grab a late lunch. You'll have the rest of the evening and all day Saturday to enjoy Victoria. You'll even have most of the day on Sunday because the two ferries from Victoria to Seattle leave at 5:30 pm (arrives in Seattle at 8:15 PM) or 8:15 pm (arrives in Seattle at 11 PM). Then you can Uber it from Pier 69 in downtown Seattle to a SeaTac airport hotel. If you have specific questions, please ask. Enjoy Victoria! It's amazing here all year, but particularly in the summer!!
  13. Thank you so much for this WBC. I just booked E706 and I am absolutely delighted with the view ... virtually no obstruction!!
  14. Thank you everyone for your kind responses. I've done it!!! I went on a recommended website and was able to get a 10-day cruise on the Caribbean Princess to Panama Canal, Costa Rica & the Caribbean at an excellent price with a zero single supplement. It leaves on December 18, so I will be away over Christmas. I still have moments of regret -- wondering if I'll end up having days where I stay in my cabin and cry -- but it's too late to change my mind since it's fully paid up! If anyone has some tips on how to cope, I'm all ears.
  15. Okay, deep breath, here goes! I am recently widowed, very unexpectedly, and I am still in my fifties. My husband had just recently retired (young), and we were all set to spend the next 20-30 years traveling. We were fortunate to have done a lot of traveling in the 30 years we were married (we were up to 53 countries), but the best was yet to come. Alas, the best laid plans .... So I am trying to move forward from losing the love of my life, and needless to say, finding it very hard. I have decided that I want to travel over the holiday season in December this year, both as a way to do something different from the usual (which it won't be), and to push myself to travel alone. I have decided that a cruise might be the best option as it requires relatively little planning on my part (I don't need to think very much about what to eat or what to do), and it will permit me solitude if I need it (as compared to a organized tour). I've done a little research and I've thought a little bit about what I'm leaning towards, but I don't know what I don't know. So please help me in any way that you think I might need it. Here's what I've observed and thought about so far; Where should I look for good solo fares? Most of the cruise line websites seem to price for double occupancy and only tell you the single price when you get deeper in. I've tried lines that are supposed to have solo cabins, but I can't seem to access them ... I think they must sell out fast. I'd like to depart from somewhere in North America as I don't want to go too far on this first foray. I think that means pretty much the Caribbean or Mexico. Thinking 6-9 days, leaving December 18 or later. While money is not the only or first criteria, I am not independently wealthy, so I can't go crazy expensive. Any things I should consider that I haven't yet thought about? Any tips for once I am on board? How should I do this so as not to have a complete meltdown? I don't want to regret this decision, so I want to set myself up for success. If you've been through this or a similar experience, please give me your advice. Quite honestly, I'm terrified. I've travel for business alone all the time, but leisure travel was always with my spouse, so I know this will be difficult for me. But I also know that I need to push myself to step outside my comfort zone, so here I am!!
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