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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. I totally agree! She was awesome. The last time I was in a drive-in was before I was married. Whitestone drive-in, in the Bronx. No more comment is necessary 😇 @ValerieJo Happy Birthday to your grandson from me too! Such an exciting time in a young man's life. May all his birthday wishes come true.
  2. Dallas area earthquake tremors again! I knew something was up when I felt slight tremors and the hanging decal on my balcony door started swinging. News reported: Reports of shaking stretched into Dallas-Fort Worth from earthquakes recorded about 250 miles away from Dallas, near Hermleigh in Scurry County, according to the United States Geological Survey. The first earthquake, which occurred just before 9:30 a.m., was recorded as a 5.0. Another nearby, with a magnitude 3.2, was recorded about 10 minutes later.
  3. On Monday night, we felt tremors from an earthquake, epicenter 200 miles from Ft. Worth which is about 40 miles from us. Jack was already in bed, I was on my couch and felt my body "shiver". My neighbor said she saw water in her glass shake. It only lasted seconds. Scary! Any other North Texans feel the effects? Not sure this link will work. West Texas earthquake felt in North Texas
  4. Whether you celebrate or not, Lenny, have a happy birthday with hopes that you get good news regarding your daughter and Beuk. AWWW, yes very heartwarming. You, no doubt, will have a wonderful cruise with your friends. The sea has a way of soothing the soul.
  5. When I was wheelchair bound, I was wheeled up to our shower stall, luckily not a bathtub. I put my good leg inside the shower, stood up grasped the grab bar and was able to maneuver myself onto the shower chair. I was on no weight bearing on my left foot which never touched the floor. I was able to use the hand held shower wand and then stood up holding the grab bar and was able to get myself back in the wheelchair that was up against the shower opening. Not the most comfy way of showering but it worked. Glad you found what works for you and that you're getting stronger every day.
  6. @Sea Dog Greg, I heard Matt from RCI blog answer your question on Omakase. I almost shouted out loud "Hey I know him"! @helen haywood I never appreciated a standing shower as much as I did after 8 weeks of sitting in a shower chair after ankle surgery. I know your first real shower after so much sitting will feel as wonderful as mine did. Hoping your PT continues to go well.
  7. Unlike most in here and especially Schooner Bar "residents", I'm happy with one Miami Vice per night and a few daily diet colas. Jack's choice of drink is water, some diet coke. I bring 2 bottles of Moscato on board per cruise and some diet pepsi/diet cream cans to have in the cabin. We're easy maintenance! Congrats to you also for your upcoming Diamond status.
  8. We just made final payment for our first b2b cruise in Oct/Nov on Harmony, after which we will be RCI DIAMONDS! Just in time for Bella02 😁
  9. Gorgeous family and that handsome boy of yours will soon tower over both of you. Continue to enjoy your cruise. I hope by now that you've gotten used to your "sweaty cabin". Best wishes for a successful outcome.
  10. Some great vlogs on you tube highlighting Utopia's inaugural voyage. I was happy to see Jordan Bauth skate as I've been following her vlogs for quite a few years. So fun recognizing her castmates shown on her vlog through many weeks of training. Show looks amazing. I wonder why I thought of @Sea Dog Greg when the Pesky Parrot was shown, a wonderful improvement over Bionic Bar.
  11. @dani negreanu We were horrified to learn about the drone attack in Tel-Aviv in an area where we often walked when visiting. We know it so well. Praying for this reality nightmare to end!
  12. Happy 53rd Wedding Anniversary to you and Jim! Gorgeous picture. Your smiles tell it all. Is that the Verrazano Bridge in the background? I found it. Yes, he promised to charge $5 with a picture and autograph and $2 without picture. HBE4, the Entrepreneur of our Bella group!
  13. Jack and I were never extras in a movie BUT, approximately 50 years ago, Jack's picture was on the front page of the NY Daily News, very close up. No, he didn't kill anyone. NY was experiencing a winter blizzard and the camera caught Jack walking thru the snow in mid-Manhattan. I remember buying multiple copies of the paper but have no idea what happened to them. A co-worker at the advertising agency I worked at, was able to get me a glossy 8 by 10 picture. Jack's claim to fame is lost!
  14. I didn't want to post the following on the Wonder (Bella 02) roll call since it's specifically for us Bella cruisers and most of us post on this thread: I wonder if John/Lala can somehow reserve the use of a conference room on Wonder for Bella 02 like was done for Bella 01. It was great having one place our Bella group could meet on day 1. Thoughts anyone?
  15. We have friends that visited every presidential library except for Truman's. Quite an undertaking since they're located all over the country. On another note @Keksie best wishes for a successful procedure. I had it done with no problems. The pain before the procedure was the worst. I was totally put out so the procedure was painless. It was wonderful waking up pain free.
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