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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. My therapist is very capable, and I enjoy our conversation. He encourages me when I need it. I couldn't do it with no chat. It would be totally boring. The best PT, IMHO, is one you are most comfortable with, one you trust will get you optimum successful results.. It's good you found the best one on the planet. Not sure mine is but he fulfills all the above requirements.
  2. 100+ temps continue here, except for Sat and Sun. when we have a break of 99 degree temps. 😏. Then on Monday back up to 100+ until Aug. 9 which is the last date the weather info is posted. One saving grace is low humidity. Yesterday, we spent 2 hours in At Home, a great home decor store. We needed a few knick knacks, couch pillows, wall art among other stuff. Great store but a challenge for both of us with me in a wheelchair and having to drag a shopping cart with us. PT yesterday was grueling and my left foot/ankle was greatly manipulated. Unfortunately, I had to turn to my happy pills when I got home. I forgot to take one or at least tylenol before my appointment. I will NOT make that mistake again.
  3. I would gladly eat everything in your pictures. They are swoon and salivate worthy! I am sorry he chose to stop posting in here, but I totally understand his mindset. Dani, yes I noticed paper plates are just not used for adults in Israel. When my Israeli mother-in-law visited us in NY, she was scandalized when I served bbq for quite a few people on paper plates. My mother on the hand on a different visit told me to serve on paper plates so that I don't have extra work washing dishes, even if using the dishwasher. I rest my case. 🤣
  4. Lenny, so glad you were able to enjoy your wonderful birthday party. Your friend probably went to Bais Ya'acov. Maybe ESHI-East Side Hebrew Institute. All the Lower East Side girls went there. Tough to go there if not observant.
  5. Your point is well taken. I always enjoyed using my good dishes for holiday meals. In years gone by I and my sister hosted holiday meals every other holiday so it really wasn't too much for any one person. I used good quality paper plates when I made brunches which I always loved. @George C Pizza should only be eaten on paper plates. Happy and Wonderful Anniversary to you and Lisa. Food looks delicious.
  6. Oh I remember those dinners when there were so many dishes to wash I had to run the dishwasher twice. Since we sold our house in 2017, the mega family/friends dinners have now been taken over by the younger generation. My nephew and niece live close by so the torch has been passed to them. My sister is fine with her kids doing dinners now but I kinda miss doing it in my house.
  7. Unfortunately, I didn't work long enough for them to keep my job open for at least 3 months or even hire a temp. My boss said she was sorry but I should call when I'm able to return so who knows. We in Texas, at least where I live, call 94 degrees a cool front.
  8. I was able to click thank you/like and then I got that error message again. Thanks to those who advised to click restore. It worked! Thank you for the song. Sweet encouragement. @MJSailorsHave a fabulous wedding anniversary!
  9. Thank you and Pauline! Slow and steady works! Thanks. Double Yay, Marietta, thanks. I appreciate the advice. Thanks. I don't know the song but walking out the front door sounds sweet. Thanks. Thanks for your advice as well. Is anyone else having problems hitting the like, thanks, laugh buttons? I get a pop-up that there is a problem.
  10. Good news on the ankle front. My Physical Therapist told me yesterday that I would be out of my wheelchair and walking with the aid of a walker in 2 weeks. He had me walk a bit with a walker and although a bit painful I succeeded in not faltering. He said I have to be positive and not be afraid that I might fall or hurt my ankle which is loaded with titanium hardware and will not be damaged taking regular steps. I can't wait to put this wheelchair into storage. Hopefully, the walker will follow but not sure how long I will need it. I just don't want to rely on the walker when I don't actually need it. My friend's husband fell, nothing broken, no surgery and refuses to walk without a walker. He has no other history of falling. He's just afraid. I don't want that to be me.
  11. I have read a few explanations of main board vs. Floataway. I too feel if it ain't broke don't fix it and am very happy with this thread on the main board. Whatever personal stuff I post in here is "out there" and can be read by anyone no matter where the thread is listed. I admit to sometimes scrolling down the list in Floataway to see what's going on. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Am I not getting it?
  12. Debbie, I am sorry I missed your original post and was glad it was quoted so I could read what an exceptional loving granddaughter you were. @aussielozzie18Your pictures never disappoint. These are amazing.
  13. I am a M*A*S*Haholic and probably saw each episode numerous times. You can view the very last episode shown on You Tube. The very last episode that was actually filmed was the one about the time capsule. The finale, the hour long episode was filmed before that one but was telecast last. @jagsfanHealing prayers to Ginny. My friend's mother had hip replacement surgery when she was approx.. 100. Dr. was not in agreement but my friend didn't want his active mother in a wheelchair in pain. Surgery was successful, she was in rehab a short while and went back to Assisted Living. She passed away a few years ago at the age of 107 dancing until the end.
  14. If anyone watched the TV show M*A*S*H, there was an episode where Hawkeye tried everything to find out BJ's first name. FINALLY, BJ said he was named after his parents, Bea and Jay. I'm sorry the name topic was initially introduced. Hope you're feeling better and have a wonderful birthday celebration.
  15. More good news. Today will "only" get as high as 98 with rain. Yes! However, we are back to 100+ tomorrow for the next few days. On a totally different note, if a poster chooses to not divulge his/her name, I totally honor and respect his/her right to privacy. I enjoy "talking" to all posters in here. Knowing their names is optional.
  16. I never thought I would be thankful to see gas at $3.88 as I did yesterday. Quoted in error. Funny, I was unable to add a comment under George's post which would have been "Enough 100+ temps already!"
  17. Graham, glad you can enjoy your backyard. So peaceful. Our temp today is 107 again with100+ temps predicted for the next 7 days. Probably beyond that too. I don't remember when it rained last or when temps were below 100. Echoing the above to aussielozzie!
  18. No isolation? Are covid folk allowed to go anywhere? Ankle news. I can stand on both feet BUT when I attempt to walk, my "bad" foot is in extreme pain. Can't wait for PT to do its magic. Baby steps..literally. Car story just because: I was driving alone in NY on the Palisades Interstate Parkway when the driver of a car decided to have fun with me, driving in back of me much too closely, cutting me off, seemingly following me when I attempted to change lanes. I exited, he followed and I drove right into the parking lot of the Police Dept. The jerk drove on. I waited a few minutes, went inside and a policeman was kind enough to follow me home, made sure I got into my house safely. BTW this was before cell phones were the norm.
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