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Posts posted by qqwer123

  1. I have my lug bags, I will take 3, and one fancy evening bag. I collect purses, mostly Coach but on a cruise I find that the lug bags for swim-wear, going on shore are safer for my stuff than a bag that is easy to swipe...lol. When I go to Vegas though, whole different story...lots of bags!!

  2. Our cruise was perfect with the trivia night we joined the only exception. We had a couple of couples from Mass. who were lovely people. We had this woman and her husband who, well, HE was ok. She was horrible. She used her answers even when we knew she was wrong and sooo loud and pushy and ignorant. We ended up winning this tiny prize that was just not at all worth putting up with this person. What was funny was at the end when we were all walking out she blurted out to the other six of us that we should join her for the next trivia night. We all said, 'no thanks' in unison and walked away. Last I seen her was on our shuttle to the airport where she was skreeching at her husband for not carrying her luggage right. The little guy was about a third the size of her and he looked frightened...poor guy.

  3. Happy Birthday Karen! Hope you have a fun filled day! Thanks for the recipe. I am partial to sweets...it is my weakness...lol.

    As for slacks...honest to goodness, you HAVE to try the dream-fit pull up slacks from Sears. I ordered a pair about a month ago from the catalogue and they were here in a few days. The regular is just right if you are about 5'4-5 7'. My mom is shorter than me and they have petite sizes that fit her perfect. We did not even have to shorten them at all. They are So comfortable! Good price as well. I was so impressed that I ordered another pair in dark grey. You have to look carefully in the catalogue and make sure you order the 'dream fit pants...with No zipper'. If you want a zipper they have beautiful pairs with them as well. I also ordered the skinny-pull up dream fit pants. I used to call them clam diggers back in my younger years...lol. Are you cruising the virgin islands? Our ship is the Princess Emerald and we leave on the 17th for 10 days. Perhaps our ships will be on the same island...that would be quite the thing!


    ps. Order the pants in your size. The sizing is right on for these. They are about 27 to 37 a pair in Canada.

  4. Our vacations are pricey and we have to book a year ahead due to the fact that our two youngest kids 16 and 12 are special needs so they have to go to a respite home with medical staff. For a 2 week vacation it is over 2 thousand just for that but that part of it is well worth it. The kids have a caregiver for each one of them and they get to go swimming, shows, all kinds of fun and they love it. It is like a vacation for them as well.They hate flying so taking them is out of the question. Our youngest has downs and severe autism...she is loud and people on planes do not like that as they do not understand. She is safe and comfortable and very happy at respite.

    Getting back to topic, I always wanted to take a nice vacation but hubby is money wise so we made a deal. We used our income tax for the last ten years to pay off everything including our house. Now we put 500 a month into our fund. I also collect airmiles so our flight from Canada to Florida was only 440.00. Before hubbys mom passed away a year and a half ago she told us to enjoy life and travel because you never know what is around the corner. Our first cruise was last Feb and it was some of the best money we ever spent. We buy simple items for each other for Christmas, b-days as well. The cruise is our gift to one another. After 34 years of raising our 7 children-paying for schooling, paying for 4 weddings either by ourself or half- we really appreciated our trip. We are now all in for cruising and will take one two week vacation/cruise a year. I would not go into debt for a cruise but the savings spent on one is sooo worth it. It just refreshes a person to deal with life so much! I would recommend it highly. We did however learn from our first cruise that you do not need to buy a bunch of junk and I will stay out of the salon. I went twice and got sucked into over 500 bucks of services that I could of done better myself...lol-Had to wait until I was 52 before we had our first kid-free vacation...Some companies like Sears also have plans where you can pay interest free ahead of time over a year or two for a cruise as well. We have some friends that did this and there is a small charge of about 75 for the plan but they booked ahead by a year and paid for the whole holiday by the time they sailed...I think they said it was about 390 a month and they just had to bring some spending money. Whatever works for your budget is the best way to go. Hope this helps out a bit...cheers!

  5. I bought new luggage from the shopping channel in Canada last month. It was a little expensive, 3 pieces for 253, reg 450. I think this luggage might last pretty good because when the postman brought it he said by the condition of the parcel (looked like it had been dragged 500 miles, several large holes in the box right down to the luggage) that it was for sure damaged. He even left a special number to report it to the post office. I opened up the box, wiped off the dirt and it was in pristine condition, not a scratch on it. It is light-weight-hard shelled luggage. I am impressed by how many compartments and the two sides are zippered. I also ordered packing cubes and I am very impressed by those as well.

  6. You will find the time when everything comes together and you get on a roll. I had several back surgeries and cannot do exercise. It took longer, but after many years of starting and stopping it finally stuck with me and I have been on the WW diet for almost a year (march). I think what helped me is getting it into your head that you love yourself and you are going to do this for yourself. At the beginning I took bubble baths, had pedis with my mom and daughters and just treated myself good, without treating with food. My daughter started weight watchers with me and she can exercise. She loves going to the Y. They have a daycare for her kids and a huge variety of activities for getting fit. Zumba, weights, swimming, yoga, spinning,,etc,,,etc. She likes the variety. We lost pretty close to the same pace even though the only thing I can do is very gentle Palettes with a special table designed for bad backs. Don't ever feel like a failure...weight loss is hard. You will find your groove.

  7. I had the problem of sea..(more like sea-hag) hair as well. My second oldest girl is a very seasoned traveller and when I told her about this she got me Joico Humidity blocker as well as k-pak and good shampoo. I also like to do my hair in a nice French braid for the trip. A good braid will last for a few days and is good for shore excursions when you are swimming, etc.

  8. Judi, thanks for the kind words. I have decided it is not going to be about the scales or the numbers for me. It is going to be about maintaining and healthy living. This girly is no longer going to starve for a size again. I was sooo unhappy when I got back from my cruise last Feb and saw my pics. It was such a wonderful time for my hubby and I but I was so uncomfortable with my body on that trip that I would of died to even be close to my top end of my goal. I lost so slow this time but the weight has come off so better and in better spots than it ever did when I was younger. I think there are hidden rewards within the slow weight loss thing for sure. Way to go on your accomplishments as well!

    Karen...our lives are truly parallel. I think our stories were quite the same and we seemed to lose at the same slow pace but look at you go girl! I wish the girls on this board were in my WW group...I would of enjoyed the meetings far more. I leave a week from this Friday...how close are you girls to cruise time? This time I am ready to rock my clothes and this little girl will not be whining in her stateroom every time I got dressed...asking hubby if this makes me look fat...lol For that, I am sure he will be grateful..and bless his heart, he lied every time and said I looked beautiful..I know I kept him around for a reason...lol

  9. I think it is totally up to you what you would like to bring. I am not much of a shopper on holidays and my husband is a minimal guy with his packing so I am bringing a lot of clothes, 1 gown, 1 fancy dress, 3 nice dresses, 1 sundress, 2 dress pants, tops, swimsuit, jeans and more. I packed whatever I wanted last cruise and did not even come near the limit. I also bought some new luggage this time so for the first time ever in travelling I will be taking a carry-on bag on the plane.

    Bring what you like, pack what you want and throw it on the scale at home if you are worried about it being over. I think that it is your holiday and part of the fun is lining up your wardrobe for the trip. I love planning and shopping for every trip, even if it is a week in Vegas. It is all part of the fun of the whole cruise experience!! Have a great trip!

  10. Oh don't I know it Deb!

    It is amazing how the whole 'weight' thing just dominates our lives! I think size 12 is great (and skinny!) and healthy as well. I made up my mind this time that I wanted to be able to eat and I will never starve myself again. I remember in my late teens/20s 'fasting' to lose weight faster. Older and wiser now...I want to enjoy life and balance the food thing so I can enjoy a nice meal but not stray to the 'dark' side so I gain it all back.

    And the mirror thing...you sound so much like me. I always question myself if I really look fine or I am in denial...lol. The reason is , at over 200 lbs I never weighed myself and even though inside I KNEW I had a problem, I talked myself into thinking that 'Im not that bad and I probably only weigh around 160'...It was a sorry day when I finally went to WW. I would not even look at my weight for the first 3 months...first time I finally looked I was 184 and I had lost 20 lbs...I was soooo upset. I finally got it into my mind...'ok, you are going in the right direction and instead of being bigger in a year, I will be smaller.,even if this takes months...


  11. Hi Deb. I wish I was on your cruise! You sound like you would be great to hang out with... a real hoot!!! I am on the Em-Princess sailing on Feb 17 for the virgin isles for 10 days. Hubby and I wanted to make the holiday a little longer so we are staying at a hotel in Florida right on the seashore for 4 days before the cruise. This is only our second holiday together as we raised 7 kids and got them out the door...lol. Our youngest 2 are 16 and 13 but they are so disabled that bringing them along would be impossible. My other kids made us take the first cruise last year and we loved it but I have to plan a year in advance because the girls have to go to a special medical care respite. It is sooo much work to take a holiday that I am tired by the time that I leave...lol No wonder I eat...lol. I am 53 and I sure noticed that it is hard to lose weight at this stage of life. Everyone says to forget about the diet when we are gone but I consider myself a food-aholic and if I had a drinking problem they would not be telling me to drink on the ship. I was over 70 lbs overweight soooo, yep, I think that's a problem. I just meant that following the points and if I stay the same weight for 3 months I think my body may be done...lol. When I was younger, at this weight I wore a bigger size than I do now at the same weight. Some have told me that everything is different after 50. Have a great time on your cruise!!!


  12. I reached the top of my goal back a few months and decided to stay on plan but to not weigh in at home at all. I do not go to the meetings anymore after my lifetime. Too cold out and I have been unhappy with a few things about them. With two more weeks until our cruise I finally decided to see how I was doing. I have been on WW for so long (almost a year) that I just follow the plan without even thinking about it). I really would like to be in the 120ish but 152 at 5ft 5 was the most I should weigh and I am just going to let my body tell me when I should stop. I had hoped to be 128 or so with this cruise. Weighed today and I am at 135. Over 70 down ...took forever but the bright side is if I stay at this weight forever I am going to be ok with it. Hope everybody is doing well..I have been reading about all your success and I am happy for you all.

    So am I being a quitter by not getting to my original goal or just being real!? I am not going to go over my points, even on the cruise. Between the points and the 47 bonus points I am sure I will be ok. I also do not drink very much at all..perhaps 2 times a year.

  13. Obnurse, I am 53 so our age certainly could be a factor. I know what you mean about being "in the zone". Once I got by the first weeks nothing was going to stop me...lol. Also, I am doing the points exactly like you, it was rare to use my extra points. I usually stuck with 26. My daughter, who is 29, used her extra points and lost weight so much easier than myself. I also have a serious back condition so mild palates on my palates table is about all I will ever be able to handle...talk about parallel lives...lol. Way to go on your success! I think when the loss comes so much harder for us it makes us stronger in the long run! Six weeks from this Friday we fly...sooner the better! Good luck to you, it sounds like nothing is going to get in your way! Have a great day everyone!!

  14. congrats to you surebeats! 35 lbs is a lot of weight and you should really be so proud! You are gonna rock that swimsuit this cruise !! Our cruise is in about six weeks and I have such a peace of mind this time that I don't have to find clothes that will hide my body and I don't have to hide from the camera..(in the last 10 years there are only a handful of pics of me...I hid from it !!!)In regard to maintenance, it is a hard decision when one wants to stop losing and maintain. I was so scared that I would gain! I kind of let my body decide my final weight. I had a weird weight loss pattern of ...week one..big loss, week 2 tiny loss or even a small gain, week 3 about a pound and same with week 4..then I would start with a good loss again. When this pattern stopped for a couple of months I knew it was time to go on maintenance. My daughter actually had the leader raise her goal weight to a little above the top of her recommended weight. She looked great and did not want to have to starve to maintain.


    Anyhow...congrats again!

  15. Thanks so much! A word of encouragement to all...when you have a bad week just trust the plan and keep going. I had such a up and down...weeks of staying on track and losing just a little or even gaining! It is a mind game but you can win by telling yourself...where do I want to be in a month, six months or even a year. Use your tape measure to gage your success as well. Sometimes when you are slow losing weight you are losing inches! Get a good buddy who will talk to you when you are down and who you can talk to when you are ready to give up. After a while the diet becomes your lifestyle and yes, you CAN eat and you WILL eat your favourite treats again but because you have a new lifestyle you will eat healthy for most of the time and a special night, or treat will not make you gain anything. Hope this helps a little and oh yes...track, track, track. I still do it and I may always have to do it but it is my little thing that keeps me on point.


  16. Hey everyone! Just found this thread.

    Last Feb. hubby and I went for our first cruise. Well, long story to short, after seeing my cruise pics I was horrified...lol.

    We are booked in six weeks for our next cruise.

    I started WW last April. I was determined to lose some weight for my next trip. It has become not a diet but a total lifestyle change. I also will mention that I cannot do workouts due to a medical condition so I was worried.

    As of a month ago I am within my normal weight range and I lost over 65 lbs. It took almost a year but slow is good, if you don't lose one week..or the next, you will lose the next. It really works. The hard part was the first month. I had so far to go but what I always said in my mind was...If I was not doing this I might of gained another 5 lbs in a month. So good luck to everyone...go for it!!!

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