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perfect match

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Posts posted by perfect match

  1. After starting to read your review, I noticed that the Mighty Ships show was on TV tonight. Yep, same one I've probably watched 100 times, too, but I couldn't resist! As I was watching, I realized that a lot of our neighbors were on that sailing. Unfortunately, we were not among them. I had never thought to look for familiar faces in the show. I did look tonight but didn't see any.


    I am really thinking that either the Oasis or the Allure will have to be the next cruise that we book. DH wants to do it as much as I do, and I really want to go on cruises he likes so he will want to cruise as much as I do. :D

  2. Modelbuilder, I just love coming to this thread to check on your progress. Seeing your work always brings a smile to my face. I can't wait to see the finished model.


    I hope when you start your next project, whatever ship it may be, that you will keep a build journal like this one and post a link to it hter of this thread so those of us who have been following you here will know where to find you. :D


    Next project will be another cruise ship??????

  3. We are both in our 60's and so far have only cruised with Disney and Princess. We have enjoyed both lines for different reasons.


    Disney, well, we're lifelong Disney fans, what can I say? I remember coming home from Kindergarten, running to the living room to watch Mickey Mouse Club on our black & white TV with my Mickey ears, Mouseketeer tee shirt, and little denim skirt on. I never had much of a chance to experience Disney until DH & I came to FL about 15 yrs ago for the first time and I can honestly say that it brought out the kid in both of us! As far as the ships go, we love the cabins for their size, the dividing curtain, the split bath, and the variety of cabin amenities among other reasons. We also love the Disney entertainment, and the overall décor of the ships themselves, and that magical touch of Disney pixie dust that just might show up anywhere. We do cruise off season, so there are not quite as many kids aboard. That said, almost all of the kids are delightful! While smoking on Disney ships has not been too much of a problem for us, we are happy that Disney will soon be tightening up it's smoking policy even more with smoking no longer allowed on balconies. Too bad it doesn't start until after our cruise at the end of the month.


    We tried Princess for the first time this past spring because our friends came back from their Princess cruise absolutely glowing about it. We really liked the itinerary, the fact that it was a more adult oriented ship, and were very pleasantly surprised by the entertainment. While we do enjoy meeting families with kids on our Disney cruises, we really enjoyed meeting a lot of couples closer to our own age on this cruise. If you were to ask my DH what he liked best about our Princess cruise he would definitely say it was the people we met on that cruise. The smoking policy was a big plus for Princess, but soon they will be pretty much the same, once the Disney ban on smoking on balconies goes into effect.


    All that said, I'm already planning future cruises on both lines. We also want to try the Oasis or the Allure, and I have a few other plans up my sleeve that DH doesn't know about yet. ;)

  4. Gambee, I was excited to see your underwater pictures! Ihope I will be able to at least come close to what you have done with my Olympus, but I'm no where close to being the photographer that you are.


    I am wondering what setting you were using. There seem to be 3 different underwater settings. I believe I have read that if I just use AUTO that will work, too. I plan to do some more practice in the pool this week with my snorkel gear on so I will be used to using it in the water.


    I'm sorry you missed the really good snorkeling at Castaway Cay. Their snorkel lagoon is themed as only Disney can do. The various artifacts they have submerged there provide homes to a wide variety of sea creatures. Mickey and Minnie are also there. All of the best spots are marked with bouys, so they are easy to find. You do have to wear a snorkel vest in the lagoon, but they are free if you have your own snorkel gear. I do try to avoid the crowds that the snorkel lagoon tends to draw. I'm not a morning person, so I tend to go late in the day, knowing I will never manage to beat the crowd. If I'm lucky the sediment stirred up by the crowds has settled by the time I get there. Somehow, my luck has been really good so far and I've done some amazing snorkeling there. I even saw a sea turtle last year. At first I thought it was a statue that Disney has placed there. When it started moving and eventually swam away, I knew it was real!


    I am really enjoying your Disney Dream review. I wish you had been able to do a longer cruise, so I would have a longer review to look forward to reading.

  5. Mike, awesome review! I do have to admit that I cheated a bit and watched the final video before I was half way through reading your review. I went to you tube to see one of your earlier videos and there it was! I guess there are some advantages to starting to read a review after it has been completed. :D Seriously though, it just made me want to read more!


    We have been talking about cruising on one of the Oasis class ships since we saw the first doccumentary about the construction of the Oasis. Between your review and Gambee's, I am more than ever determined to make it happen. :D


    I especially loved your pictures from your All Access Tour. We may have to include that in the budget when we book. I've already decided that the zipline in Labadee is a must do as well. I wasn't sure it would be worth it with just 1 big zip, but your pics and video have convinced me to do it.


    Hope your year in college is off to a great start. After seeing your work on this review, I am sure you will do well, and be down here at UCF before you know it. In the meantime, enjoy the journey. I will be looking for your next cruise booking and hoping there will be another review that will follow it.

  6. Gambee, more awesome pictures! 37 more days to wait until we board the Fantasy for our Western cruise!


    We seem to have different taste in entertainment & restaurants. We love the shows, and Enchanted Garden is our favorite of the Dream restaurants. I can't have seafood, but have really enjoyed the prime rib in Enchanted Garden.


    We haven't tried trivia on Disney. Maybe we should. DH and I would do great with 70's trivia. :D

  7. Thank you, I read that short passage as a friend sent it to me earlier, but I like that is now in this thread. I truly appreciate it.


    By the way you made me laugh by trying to make your cat swim, thank you :D.


    Gambee, I'm glad I was able to make you smile. With all you do for us by writing your wonderful, detailed reviews, that is the least I can do.


    Just to be clear, I'm really not going to make Cheyenne go swimming. She's not my cat. She belongs to my friends who will be sailing on Carnival Breeze next week, so I'm cat sitting. Now, one of my 2 cats DOES try to go in that pool when they go to "cat camp" there during Mom & Dad's vacations!


    The spy game you saw was the Midship Detective Agency. You get a transponder that leads you around the ship to solve one of 3 mysteries that change every time you do them. It is a good way to tour the ship, and the interactive art is fun to see.


    Gotta love those aft balconies! Seemed like ours had somewhat less of an overhang than yours, but we were up on 7 & 8. I also think they're using a smaller flag than the one we saw. When we were in 7192 looking down, it looked like the flag was blocking the view from the cabin next to yours. I'll have to see if I have pictures, but it's more likely that I was trying to keep the flag OUT of my pictures!

  8. Gambee, so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I have lost a number pf pets over my lifetime so I know that it is never easy, even when you know that they are suffering and it is for the best to let them go. I am sure he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.


    rbowx.gif Rainbow Bridge rbowx.gif



    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

    There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


    Author unknown...




    I also want to thank you for the tips on the Olympus. I plan to practice with it in the pool some more before we cruise, but there are no fishies there to take pictures of. Pool or bathtub toys will have to do, as the cat doesn't want to go swimming!


    Your review, as always, is awesome! It's getting me even more excited than I already was about our Fantasy cruise that's coming up in 38 days!

  9. We had booked a BVE on the Royal out of Ft Lauderdale several months ago on the Dec 15 sailing. We have friends who are sailing on that cruise, so we were really looking forward to it, and so were they.


    Today I got a voice mail message that our BVE had been cancelled, and they would be refunding our payment. I called Princess to verify this, and also to let them know how disappointed we are. I was told it was for "operational reasons". I didn't really expect them to tell me the real reason for the cancellation, but felt that I was getting a lot of double talk around it.


    I was totally planning to buy some FCC's for DH and I, and had 2 sailings I was looking at booking. The first Princess rep I spoke to seemed to offer some hope that I might be allowed to purchase my FCC's anyway, a sort of consolation for not getting to do the BVE. Unfortunately, the supervisor I spoke with did not offer me that opportunity. Feels to me that Princess doesn't want my business. At this point, I will probably just do an onboard booking with Disney on our cruise coming up in Sept since they do have a very similar itinerary to one of the ones I was looking at on Princess.


    About the only good thing I can say right now is that at least Princess did give me notification now instead of waiting until Dec to let me know. Still, we are very disappointed, and so are our friends. :(

  10. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your cruise on the Dream. She really is a beautiful ship. We have sailed her twice now, and are anxiously awaiting our Fantasy cruise at the end of Sept.


    We have loved our aft cabins on the Dream. We were in 7192 which is one deck up and one space to the port side of where you were for our first cruise. For our 2nd, we were in 8188, 2 decks up from you. OOn our upcoming cruise we will be in 9176, one deck above 8188. See the pattern here. Glad to hear the flagpole didn't present much of a problem for you, as I know how much you and your Mom enjoy your balcony time!


    I just bought the same Olympus camera for underwater that you did, but I am not even close to the photographer you are. I am your basic point & shoot girl, so it may seem silly to you, but I am still struggling to figure it out. I can't wait to see what you were able to do with it.


    I will be following along. I can't wait to read the rest of your review!

  11. I just knew you'd have the Disney review up before I finished this one! I noticed the link appeared in your signature about 2 pages back, so I hurried to finish here!


    I'll be heading right on over there, that is, if my eyes can still focus after all I've been reading here. I can't wait to see what you have to say about the ship that got DH & I hooked on cruising.


    I can't leave here, though, without telling you what so many others have already told you - you've done a GREAT JOB on this review! When I finish with your Disney review, I'll be heading for your NCL & X reviews. Then, if I understand correctly, you'll be heading for the Carnival Breeze! Our friends will be boarding her the day you disembark, so I will get a taste of what they are experiencing through your review. Looks like I've got a lot of reading to look forward to!

  12. Here's another one to look at:




    Timing may be an issue. No opinion on this one. And you'll have to contact them for the cost.


    This one sounds like the tour we booked through Disney for our cruise this fall. The description sounds the same, the catamaran looks the same, the Mayan Wind. After searching for reviews of this excursion on several different forums, I've only found a few people who said they have been. They did say they really liked it, so I went ahead with the booking. I hope it's good!


    I can come back and report on our excursion after we come back in Oct.

  13. In case you would like to print one to take on board with you, attached is a blank Future Cruise Credit Form. As I mentioned earlier, there wasn't a rack of them available at the Future Cruise Consultant's office on the Grand. I was able to get the form at the Purser's desk, but that involved a trip down one deck (not a huge deal).



    The form also gives you information about the program.


    Smokeyham, thanks for the link to the FCC form. Sorry it has taken me a while to get to it. We have a cruise coming up in 44 days (but who's counting?!) on Disney and I'm way more focused on that right now. Our BVE is in Dec. I have downloaded the BVE form and will get to it once we get back from our cruise. I'm sure it will save us some time having it already completed so we can spend our BVE time enjoying the Royal with our friends who will be sailing on her.

  14. This thread is great! Glad to find it.


    We will be in Cozumel for our first time on the Disney Fantasy the first week in Oct. I have been doing my research, and was thinking about Chankaanab, but DH wanted to spend some time on dry land. Since we, or at least I, will be in the water at every other port, I went looking for something I knew he would like.


    What I found was Fly High Zipline Adventures. It is associated with El Cid, developed by them, I believe. We will take a taxi from the pier to the ziplines. We do a total of 12 zips, 2 trips around their zipline course. When we are done, they will put us in a taxi to El Cid to spend the rest of our day there. Seems like a good compromise to me. Their website is www.cozumelflyhighadventures.com if anyone wants to check it out. I will come back after we go if anyone is interested in a report.

  15. Thank you for choosing Princess Cruises.

    This letter confirms that we have received payment for deposit in the amount of 100.00 USD towards a

    future cruise with Princess.

    When you have decided on your next cruise, please contact your travel agent to arrange your booking. Your

    travel agent will assist you with final payment schedule, and any questions, additions or changes you might

    have regarding your cruise. You may also contact Princess directly by calling 1-800-PRINCESS. Upon

    making your full deposit towards your booking, the appropriate shipboard credit will be applied.

    Future Cruise Length Per Person Shipboard Credit

    17 + Days $125 Inside, $125 Outside, $150 Balcony, $150 Suite

    11 - 16 Days $75 Inside, $75 Outside, $100 Balcony, $100 Suite

    7 - 10 Days $25 Inside, $25 Outside, $50 Balcony, $50 Suite

    3 - 6 Days $15 Inside, $15 Outside, $25 Balcony, $25 Suite


    A copy of the FCC confirmation is delivered to your stateroom.


    Thanks for the info about the amount of OBC given per FCC. I'm looking at 2 potential cruise options. One is 10 days and the other is 11 days. Sure makes the 11 day option look even better! :D

  16. This review was really helpful! We are doing our first BVE in Dec on the Royal and I now have a much better idea what to expect.


    I especially appreciate the info about filling out the form to buy our FCC's that we didn't know we wanted when we cruised in April. I was expecting we would be meeting with someone who would be trying to sell us a cruise, or at the very least a FCC. I was concerned about that taking up too much of our time on board. I am really glad to hear that is not the case.


    Lots of other good info here, too. I may just print it out so I can put it with our boarding passes so I will have it for easy reference.


    Pam, loved your idea for dinner after your BVE! :p

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