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Posts posted by lilghallinsf

  1. For some reason this thread really bothers me.  While I find some of the comments very helpful, I am bothered by the overall tone of some of the replies.  Here is my reasoning......


    When I first saw this subject I didn't even have time to read the full thread.  Instead I screenshot the subject and even put a reminder in my iPhone to read the topic later.  I thought what a nice gesture and good idea.   The idea of giving your attendant a thoughtful gift in addition to your regular tips seemed like a great idea to me.  I assumed the idea was to give someone a kind and thoughtful gesture that let them know you took the time out of your day to think of them.  A hostess gift so to speak.  Do you know the person?  No, probably not.  Though many of us who are lucky enough to cruise often, see the same crew time and time again.  But you often don't know the host of the party you are attending but you certainly take a gift!


    After coming back and reading the thread I was a little surprised by the reactions.  I paraphrase but the majority of the reactions seem to be "cheap, go to Walmart instead" . "They don't have room for anything else" . "Inconsiderate of their needs" etc etc etc. "Give them money and not a gift" .   Honestly, some of the reactions seemed very judgmental and I was disappointed.  We all have the right to our opinions.  Now I have overstated my opinion and even been rude at times on these boards.  I have tried to apologize when it happened.  But we should all take a moment to consider how our comments are taken.  I believe the original poster only had the best intentions as well as the you tube poster.


    I agree with most of the comments that money takes precedence over anything else for someone working on a cruise ship.  But I disagree that a small and thoughtful gift wouldn't be appreciated.  Many of you suggested chocolates and phone cards or even something from your part of the country or theirs.  Why not chocolates from your area or even basic toiletries?  As for not going to Dollar Tree?  Well how nice that you can buy all of your gifts at Bloomingdales?   (That is not directed at the poster about Dollar Tree by the way, that is a general comment)   Some Dollar Tree's have great merchandise... 🙂 and sometimes that is all the person can afford.  After all, isn't it the thought that counts?  


    So thanks for taking the time to hear and see my opinion and a big thank you to the original poster.   I think I probably will take a small gift bag.  SMALL I said.  🙂 Of course I will tip!  But some chocolates, maybe a phone card, some expensive soap, some basic postcards they can use, or some other creative "hostess gift" that let's them know how much I appreciate what they do for me.   So again, thank you for giving me an idea of how to show another human being that I see them.




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  2. I guess there will be two schools of thought: cash vs kindness.  there is an extensive amount of articles in people management and HR theory which indicates once basic needs are covered money loses some importance as a motivator, and sell esteem takes over.  By treating people as people rather than as "machines" will increase productivity. 
    Recent news articles suggest there is a significant mental health issue among cruise ship employees, caused by the stressful work environment.
    Actions sometimes speak louder than words.
    That's all I am going to say about that. "Forest Gump"


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  3. Hello all ,
    My wife and I are thinking about going to Europe via Celebrity cruises on our 10 anniversary  2021, since we haven't been there I was wondering when would be the best time to sail weather wise and some of the itineraries we should be looking at to get a good overall experience of Europe I know its a big ask but a little guidance would be helpful thanks.

    You will love it. GOOOOOOOO

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    I beg to differ... we have stayed in different Aqua staterooms on deck 11 (love them). All of the port and starboard stateroom’s balconies had the same size.
    When they where added many years back, they were added box shaped, not following the shape of the deck and Oceanview Cafe. The railing followed a straight line. See photo
    Only the AFT staterooms on deck 11 had different sized balconies.  If you were refering to them, I apologize...

    On these cabins, the ones shown in the photos, can the deck above look down on these balconies?

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  5. 39 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:

    I noticed that.   We live in Sunnyvale to the south of your.   We use to have a place up on Russian Hill but sold it last year after Iain retired.  


    In 2004 we did a SF to Vancouver and in 2006 too a 12 night SF to Alaska returning to SF.   It was spectacular going out under the GG Bridge.    It is so nice not to have to fly cross country for a cruise. 


    The 2006 was remarkable as it was one of those days with 100 miles visibility and Alcatraz was so clear if felt like you reach out and touch it.   The negative side was once we got under the GG the captain came on and advised that all decks would have to be cleared in the next hour as we were expected to hit 25-30 Foot seas.   The first couple days were rough but then rewarded with glass smooth seas. 

    That sounds wonderful.  Both retiring and sailing under the bridge.  🙂

  6. 25 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:


    I'm looking forward to Edge.   We are booked for a B2B Med / TA in November.


    I guess I will have to "suffer" on a B2B Infinity EB TA before I get the opportunity to enjoy all Edge has to offer.   LOL -- any cruise is better than no-cruise.   I'm considering booking something on Millie during the summer since she will be on the West Coast.  

    We are on the West Coast too and I one of my dreams is to sail out under the GG Bridge.

  7. 10 hours ago, Stateroom_Sailor said:


    If we're going to get into more accuracy with the word "Most", we're going to need a larger sample size then 1.  Even setting up a poll on CC likely wouldn't be accurate enough.  There could also be variations of people who think that it is dull yet pleasing, or exciting yet repetitive.  


    The point is, you never want to use a solo artist or critic determine majority.  What's trending in San Fransisco might be different from what's trending in New Orleans, Buenos Areas, or Shanghai, let alone rural farming communities.


    BTW, are there hotels in San Fransisco with this exact same color pallet?  I've looked, but had a hard time locating one, even from Kelly Hoppen's hotel projects.

    🙂   You are correct on trending and I agree on the point of a solo artist or critic determining majority taste.

    And as for the hotels in SF, they are terribly overpriced and most haven't had a facelift in many years.  We have a couple of "new" hotels that are apparently "trendy" but I haven't had the opportunity to visit yet.  Of course, that is just my opinion.   Both professional and unprofessional.   As for Kelly Hoppen, I honestly didn't know who she was until it was announced she was designing for Celebrity.  Watching the reveal of the Edge over these past few months, I started researching her more.  I find her fascinating but mostly from a professional standpoint.  She has a home collection that is very moderately priced.  I would have assumed she was more of a high end designer and was surprised by her retail presence.  It seems apparent to me, that she was selected based on some "celebrity" type status that Celebrity was willing to invest in.  For the design of the edge,  I actually agree with a lot of what has been said about her approach.  It appears she has never really "cruised" based on some of her layouts.   I don't LOVE all of her choices.  They aren't necessarily my style or personal taste.  I do appreciate the attempt to keep things modern and sleek.  That is simply the trend of today.  


    But the topic of this particular post is the Millie and the revolution of the ship.  I love seeing how a ship is "remodeled"   It amazes me how they accomplish all of this.  As a kid I read floor plans.   LOL   So this post is one of my favorite.  Thank you to the OP for the photos. 


    And thanks to my fellow cruise critic members.  You all bring me great reading material, knowledge and often times friendships.


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  8. 20 hours ago, ipeeinthepool said:


    Thanks for telling us what we like.  Most of us think it’s dull and boring.  This is just another phase like earth tones.  How long did you beige?

    Well, I haven't "beiged" for that long.  I actually love blue.   But I apologize for generalizing.  We all get to have an opinion and that is a good thing.  Most of us are also blessed that we get to travel so much and disagree on what is dull.  Makes like more interesting.  🙂  

  9. 11 hours ago, sippican said:


    "Most of us think it's dull and boring"? Now that's as presumptious as post #280 touting their "professional and educated" qualifications! 

    The whole debate is entertaining.

    Ha.  Agreed......   Perhaps I was being presumptuous.   It wasn't my intention but certainly reads that way.  In the end, we are all entitled to our opinions and preferences.  These type of forums make it easy to espouse one's views, without taking into account the readers/posters intent.   We should be respectful of our fellow board members views, opinions and post. After all, we all read the boards because we have a common interest.  We all love to travel and experience cruising.  Over my years of cruising, I have certainly become close friends with different types of people.   These are friends that I might not have had to opportunity to meet, if it weren't for our common love of the sea.  So thanks for "checking" my attitude and glad I could entertain.   🙂

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. On 1/18/2019 at 10:36 AM, Jim_Iain said:


    Would really be curious as to how often you have used the area where they are putting The Retreat.   Full forward on Sports Deck.  


    I do lots of walking going full forward to full aft and have never seen the Sports Deck used by more than a handful of sunbathers.   While the area may be restricted to suite guest only it will also free up sun bathing around the pool.



    AMEN!   So many negative remakes on any changes...

  11. On 1/11/2019 at 12:47 PM, bhughey said:


    I agree, I like the subtle pallet with accent colors here and there. In fact, that is something I have always like about Celebrity - especially when the the S-Class ships debuted - I felt the decor at the time was more sleek & modern, almost like a Westin. I never liked the foam teals, blues & corals which seemed very prevalent in the late 90's & early 2000's. Sometimes, when searching for pics of celebrity staterooms, you will come across images of cabins from that era.

    Agreed.  As a professional and educated interior designer, this color scheme is the most pleasing to everyone's eyes.   It allows for rest and relaxation the ability to add color and accents.   Truly a Modern approach to design.

    • Like 2
  12. We are currently booked on the TA Edge but the prices are so high.  Considering switching to the Infinity TA because of price and ports.    Love the ports and itinerary . I am concerned about taking an older ship.  We have done 5 TA's.    4 on the reflection and one on the silhouette.    HELP.   What were the last updates?   Will we like it?   HELP.

  13. On 12/14/2018 at 8:02 AM, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:


    Why bother reading this and other threads on the Edge?  To form an opinion as to whether it is something I would enjoy or not.  Based on the reviews I've read this far, it is not something I feel is worth it to me.  That is my opinion to which I'm entitled.  I get to choose how to spend my travel money.  I'm not "downing the ship."  I'm just saying it doesn't work for me.

    Don't you think you should go on the ship and make the decision based on your own experience?   

    • Like 2
  14. On 12/13/2018 at 12:09 PM, cricketgirl said:


    I agree that Adam is providing excellent information, pictures, and insight.  Thank you - I'm devouring every word!


    As far as those that chime in pointing out everything they consider negative about the ship and proclaiming they will never sail on the Edge, I can't help but wonder why they bother reading this thread, much less taking the time to comment if their mind is already made up.  What's the point?  There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, but it's strange to me why some feel the need to publicly down the ship.  Clearly others are having a great time and I would never want to rain on their parade.  There are certain cruise lines and specific ships that I never want to sail on, but i don't waste my time on those boards or in those threads, and surely don't comment negatively - especially on someone else's trip report.  Perhaps I'm in the minority here thinking this way.

    Like button on this comment!  I agree.    It is so easy to hide behind a computer screen.

    • Like 3
  15. 9 hours ago, blue925 said:

    She was Al Bundy’s wife on Modern Family. He is on True Blood. 😄 I didn’t recognize them (I am the literal worst at recognizing people, so that doesn’t mean much), but the flight attendant told me after I asked why so many people kept coming up and looking at them. 

    Wow, that would have made my trip.   Two beautiful people.

  16. It’s a bit lonely by the pool this morning.






    Before dinner last night we hit the martini bar, but early (around 5:45) as we had an early dinner at 7. We met up with our new friend Nina who I’m sure many of you may actually know. The bartenders continue to hit it out of the park.




    Last night, friends who we sailed with before who just happened to be on this cruise, invited us to their suite along with two other couples for dinner. They ordered appetizers and sushi from all the specialty restaurants and we had dinner and watched a movie. It was a perfect dinner and a movie night. They were in a Royal Suite so we had just the right amount of space. Of course seeing the RS again started bringing back memories! Ugh, how I wish we had that space again. After dinner the butler came and brought cookies and blueberry cobbler from Lawn Club Grill. I wish I would’ve taken photos as it was all a very nice spread.


    After dinner we headed to the martini bar since they had their big party with dancers behind the screens. Can you remember the name? It’s Society X presents “Mirage.” The martini bar was actually very crowded for a change! Everyone of all ages seemed to be having a great time.




    After martini bar we hit the casino. Single deck blackjack. I was even after an hour of play and all of us at the table decided to go to sky lounge. Despite the fact the bar looked closed with bottles put away, etc they were still serving drinks. After a short stint there we realized none of us like to dance and instead we prefer giving our money to casinos. So like good habitual degenerate gamblers we went back to the casino. No dealer was at the single deck table but they brought one out for us. Let’s just say I’m no longer even.


    After that wonderful experience we went back to the room. Checked social media and fell asleep.



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    We adore NINA. sailed with her several times



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  17. So it is 1am here and I’m crawling into bed. The bars were dead tonight! But it turns out so many bartenders remember us or know of us. I could think of worse problems to have! This shows the continued great service of celebrity. I’ll point them out tomorrow and in the morning I’ll follow up with our meal at Lawn Club and after dinner activities. Again I’d like to continue to thank all of you fir following along here, on Instagram and for commenting. It really means a great deal and please feel free to ask as many questions as you can think of!!



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    I am excited to relive our cruise through your review. Thank you so much. I know we waved at each other but didn’t get a chance to chat. Thanks again.



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  18. Define the good old days. Cruise fares are definitely higher, on the average to what they were at least five years ago. As long as you think the "free" drink packages and other perks are "free" they got you right where they want you, just keep the money coming. Value is in the eye of the beholder, the current product being offered is selling for about 30% more than we think it's worth.




    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and value is often perceived, but we all appreciate your talking the the time to complain. Must be nice to be able to afford such luxuries and still be able to wish for better days.



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  19. Hi All


    My partner Emanuel and I will be on board from SF. We tend to be somewhat shy and not participate once we are onboard but I participate in the boards and learn loads. My partner Emanuel knows little of this and is always confused when he hears what I have learned and if someone recognizes me from these boards.


    This will be our 6th Cruise with Celebrity. Our 5th TA and 4th TA on the Reflection to Rome. Emanuel has only cruised with Celebrity. I have done a few other ships. So if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.


    Looking forward to the two weeks at sea.



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