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Posts posted by Jan_In_Maine

  1. HopefulCruiser = Thanks for the good thoughts.  I have had a clean bill of health for over a year now - they just make me go visit them at cancer care once every 3-4 months to check everything out.  They are all so very nice, but I am ready to stop going .... but I also know that there is always the possibility of needing them again.  In the mean time I will continue to enjoy life and am enjoying going on cruises.


    Last week we were on vacation down at the coast - I ate lots of food and drinks and desserts, but also did a lot of walking.  Weighed myself today and I am down 2.0#  --- I was also up a few pounds the weeks before, so I am managing in the long run to stay the same .... better than gaining!!!


    Hope everyone has a wonderful week / weekend.  Jan

  2. Happy Friday - Forgot to post yesterday as we are on vacation. DH's DB & DSIL have joined us at the coast of Maine (near Bar Harbor) for the week.  We have been having some wonderful dinners/lunches, but have also been doing a lot of walking.  I do not have a scale down here to weigh ... won't be surprised to see some of a gain .... but, I am now more motivated to walk more.  


    Belle, hope everything goes well with you.


    Hopeful, Having a week of no change is not a bad thing - love fresh fruit when it is in season - living in Maine we have low bush blueberries that are so amazing .... small but so full of flavor. We will be doing a TA next year (end of March) and one of our stops is Portugal .... I have never been there - didn't realize that it was hilly!


    Terri - Sounds as if things are going well for you - nice you had a loss.  Great that you are walking - I should start doing it more.  Your A1C's are great!!!


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

  3. Belle, I don't want this site to be given up ..... Even when people don't talk they visit ... there are always people who check it out.  I know I don't talk as much as I used to, and for that I am very sorry.  I will try to be better at communicating.  


    I did weigh myself this morning (after having breakfast) and I am up 1.2#.  Not happy, but I haven't been eating the way I should be.  This is the place I can say that!!! 


    Today I have PT .... my back/knee is still not what it should be, but yesterday I was able to walk up steps one foot on each step (for about 4 steps) ... I see that an an improvement.  I also have my mammogram today ... I'm always a little apprehensive about that .... but am sure it will be ok.   Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

  4. Good Morning Belle!!!  Thanks for starting this thread.  I unfortunately weighed myself and I seem to be up 2.2# since I weighed two weeks ago.  I am not surprised.


    I have been going to PT and now they thin I might have a torn meniscus in my knee.  They are going to see if I can get an MRI (my insurance company will do anything not to have one done).  I just want everything to be manageable for our next cruise in July.


    Hope everyone has a good week.  Jan

  5. Nice thread Belle - I was planning on getting up and weighing .... but ended up getting up and having coffee and then breakfast (cream of wheat).  I will probably wait until tomorrow.  I am now going to PT twice per week for sciatica .... hoping it gets better fast.


    Hope everyone has a nice week.  Jan

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  6. Belle - So glad you are back -- so enjoy reading your posts!  I personally would keep the 6 bottles and enjoy everyone of them ... If you take a sip a little at a time it doesn't count for calories (I wish).  You are right that the weight doesn't come off as easy as it did in the past.  Also I believe that you are correct on not making clothes as well ...  I am at the age when everything starts to sag ... hate going through x-ray (or whatever it is) at the airport and they always say that they think I have something around my waist/belly area and they have to pat me down .... Keep telling them that it is extra fat which makes them embarrassed, but guess they must agree after they say there is nothing there.  Jan

  7. Belle - I am away this week (Bar Harbor-Southwest Harbor) and the unit doesn't seem to have a scale and I never thought to bring one down!  I'm hoping for no gain this week.  


    The Bell's Palsy is getting better, I seem to have caught a chest cold and my right knee isn't working correctly!!!  Could be worse.


    Hope all have a nice week (Belle, welcome home!!!!)  Jan

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  8. Belle - I now have a little bit of tingling in my face, which means that the nerve is starting to work again.  I can now close my right eye (if I close my left) and for the past few days I have not had to tape my eye shut to sleep.  My smile is a little better - not so much movement on the right side, but still improving.  


    I am so excited about our July cruise ... all new places - Flying to London and staying there for 4 days and touring the area including Stonehenge.  Then on the ship and going to Belgium and then the Norwegian fjords.  All new and so exciting .... Jan

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  9. Hello Belle - Hope you are still having a good time.  I don't think I will weigh this week, but will talk with anyone that shows up!   I have been eating donuts and ice cream.  We have a cruise in July and I really want to lose 10# by then ... just need to get motivated.  Jan

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  10. Good Morning Belle - Enjoy the rest of your cruise.


    I am down this week 1.6# and am down for they year 3.4#  I will take it - not really trying to eat healthy.  I think that it is because I have finally been able to stop taking steroids --- so am happy about that.  At least this time they did not make me insulin dependent .... I do have a doctor's appointment this morning though.  The Bell's Palsy is not getting any better .... I am hoping that it changes soon.


    Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  On Saturday we go and visit with our new puppy (yellow lab) and in about a month she can come home!!!.  Jan

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  11. As we age there is always something going on.  On Monday afternoon I ended up in the emergency room .... It turns out I have Bell's Palsy ... I will be fine it just might take 2 weeks to 6 months for my face to get back to normal.  My right eye won't close (I have to tape it closed to sleep) and my mouth doesn't move on my right side.  It is interesting.  Found out that I can't drive as my eyes tear and it isn't good when you can't see and are on the road.


    Life is good, it could be much worse.  Jan

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  12. Belle - congrats on winning (even if you have to pay taxes!)  


    We have had such a mild winter that we thought it was spring for months now .... unfortunately last night it snowed and it is a winter wonderland again.  


    I weighed myself this morning and unfortunately I am up from the last time I weighed by 4.2# - Hopefully it will come off soon.  Good luck to all this week.  Jan

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