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Posts posted by Tothesunset

  1. Ravenscroft I know what you mean reading this thread while trying to diet is torture!!!


    The weather is looking pretty good for early August so I plan to do lots of walking rather then catching the tube when I can. That may help keep balance the great food & wine...I hope.


    Tothesunset this sounds perfect! If I can't find a good chip butty in London when I get home I will use these instructions to construct one.......even to the sauce on the shirtfront.:D

    Sorry to disappoint but you are unlikely to find an authentic chip butty South of Sheffield. In fact they can't even say ''butty'' which comes out more as ''battay''.


    You may however find sauteed pomme de terres julienne on a bed of baked, leavened bread accompanied by a drizzle of sauce de tomate.

  2. The basic ingredients for an authentic chip butty:


    1. Large cut, deep-fried, soggy chips fried in beef dripping (left to cool and very slightly congeal).


    2. White sliced bread smeared with margarine (or butter in upper middle-class households - that is, those with indoor plumbing).


    Place 1. above onto one half of a slice of 2. and fold the bread over and squash with palm of hand.


    This next stage is optional but failure to complete will reduce credibility:


    3. Reopen bread and apply tomato ketchup liberally to chips' surface (HP sauce may be substituted for, or even applied alongside, the ketchup). Fold over and compress until sauce oozes freely from the margins of the butty. Mayo has no place in a chip butty and is actually an arrestable offence in most of Northern Engand


    Note: It is considered bad form to nibble at this confection; masters of the chip butty will consume in 4 or fewer bites their performance judged by the quantity of ketchup caught by the shirt front.


    The approved method of cleaning the hands after eating is to vigourously rub them down the front of the trousers. Washing is considered a little pretentious.


    It is rare, even in Huddersfield, for chip butties to be offered on formal occasions but their use is expected, sometimes even required, if one wishes not to offend the natives in informal settings (weddings, 100th birthday parties - that sort of thing).


    Further info can be obtained from:



  3. Not doubting ... but are you absolutely sure you didn't use the email I posted more recently for the general Monaco exec office? That is the one I thought you used.


    I'm unclear as to how you used a link in a post from me that is over two years old .....

    You are correct. I didn't realise the 2-year-old post gave a different address - in fact, I assumed it was a repeat of the address you gave earlier. My error.


    Looks like I'll be sending another email soon but I think I will give it to the end of the week.

  4. It is unacceptable. I'm away from home base pc at the moment but posted his personal email some time ago ... this reaches him rather than his secretary.




    Suggest you give that a try and then if that fails give up. No company deserves your hard earned cash if they cannot be bothered to respond to communications promptly even if just to acknowledge.

    Yes. That's the address I used. And have not had a failed delivery response so I assume it's arrived.

  5. Oh ... I know ... but as a generalisation it can't be faulted. :)


    Try Manfredi, and if that fails give up and take your future cash elsewhere.

    Sent the email as you suggested in another post and attached a copy of the original letter. That was 5 days ago.


    We really want to book a cruise in Spring 2015 on the Spirit that has an ideal itinerary for us. Now looking at SB and RSSC for the same sort of time but, sadly, nothing quite appeals. We have, however, the need to do a land tour of Japan which I think might replace the SS cruise for that period.


    I really feel quite deflated both because of the lack of response but especially because we rather like the 'fit' with SS. I just cannot understand how acompany that exists to make a profit through pleasing its customers can be so uninterested.


    Maybe there'll be a surprise in the inbox or post box in the next few days?

  6. The OP's being Canadian makes it a little more awkward to answer the question.


    As Europeans we find American coffee weak, insipid and all but undrinkable. If Canadian coffee tastes are similar then you might find the rich, full flavour of the coffee on SS not to your taste but you can ask for ''Americano'' if you want the US type of flavour. (They tend to serve the Americano at breakfast but will rustle up decent coffee if you ask.)


    Wherever you may be on an SS ship you merely need to pick up the phone and your espresso, latte or cappucino will find its way to you in a trice!

  7. Wise words! :)


    Issues are resolved by individuals. Only dish up to others what you are prepared to eat yourself. Niceness often begets niceness. Nastiness often begets nastiness. You buy from a corporation but resolve with an individual. :)


    Very wise words.

    Tried that. Doesn't seem to be working.

  8. Is it possible and recommendable to walk with luggage from the Fairmont Waterfront to the ship's pier?

    As long as the ship's alongside Canada Place you are looking at maybe 200 meters from the hotel to the ship. With rolling luggage I can't see you would have a problem unless you have mobility issues or a lot of luggage.

  9. Good question. We need to get to the bottom of this. Why don't you give the Royal Mail a ring, meanwhile I'll give the Postal Service a call.



    Sent using the Cruise Critic forums app

    :)Glad someone got the point!

  10. A tiny thought - if you sent it snail mail from Lincolnshire, it may not have arrived yet. I am finding transatlantic mail to be more and more unreliable.

    It arrived 3 days after I sent it (international tracking) or at least was received by the US Postal Service then.


    As an aside why do the British have their post delivered by the Royal Mail and the Americans have their mail delivered by the Postal Service?

  11. You have to get to the right person whenever you have an issue with any company.


    Aim low and you will always achieve it ;)

    Just sent a copy of the letter with a covering note by email to Manfredi. Can I get higher than that?

  12. OK. A month ago today we sent a letter of complaint (related to a cruise frm which we had just returned) to SS Guest Relations in Ft Lauderdale. We have had no reply or acknowledgement. I know from another thread that SS seem slower to respond to complaints than they are to take our money. But honestly! A month? Sometimes there seems to be an air of studied amateurishness about their guest management.


    So no question or suggestion - just a bit of a rant to let off steam!

  13. What an excellent review particularly the scoring idea! I'm sure most of us can assign our own personal level of importance to each section - for example to us the execrable ''coffee'' on SB would not score merely a '0' but would be setting a minus figure.


    As for the SB vs SS debate - as has been said many times, so many of the factors that lead to an overall assessment are so subjective that there can never be a definitive answer. As an example, we met a couple on our last SS cruise who really missed Celebrity (which we consider a floating Butlins) and couldn't wait to get back to their floating theme park. It takes all sorts.

  14. Comparing the Silver Spirit with The Legend is like comparing an orange with a sausage.


    I agree it would be most interesting to see what the OP found "better" between the two ships


    Compare with - highlight the similarities


    Compare to - highlight the differences.


    I would say it's more like comparing a satsuma with/to a tangerine.


    And, incidentally, if you chose to read the post you quoted you will note that I used the same form of words as yourself: ''Could you maybe illustrate the things you found better on the Silver Spirit?''.

  15. As mentioned earlier, the downside to in-suite dining is the lottery of whether you get the food hot or not. Otherwise it's good fun especially for breakfast if, like us, you are too tired/lazy/unscrubbed to go to the restaurant!

  16. I was solo two weeks ago on beautiful Whisper and encountered not a single glitch -- anywhere anything. You'll be doing yourself a disservice if you cancel.




    There you go.


    For each person that experiences a problem there will be hundreds, even thousands, that don't. Don't let our one-off experience put you off.

  17. Not cryptic at all. Apart from the general interest we are booked to be on the Shadow in November/December and hope the problem stays fixed.

    I understand that the system is now operating normally and efficiently. I think it was actually just a question of switching it back on.

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