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Posts posted by mommio

  1. 2 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

    Me and my Cancer free mammo are starting happy hour and celebrating good health! 😊

    Have a great WE everyone!

    My last one had self controlled squeezing. According to the tech it’s been found that it’s more effective because the patient is in control and isn’t surprised. Just one of the perks of being a woman. 

    • Like 6
  2. 8 hours ago, sid_9169 said:

    Next I just wandered around some more looking for ducks. When I didn't up finding any more, I went back to my cabin to retrieve the one's I'd already found. I went out and hid them all again, as I had no intention in bringing them all home. Some kids out there would probably be more exited to have them than me. 


    ***The Library.PXL_20240530_163858018.thumb.jpg.947bfd5e008904391e0bad8598748065.jpg










    On our last cruise I finally picked up my first duck. It was a tiny duck. It was in the stateroom hallway up in a light well in the ceiling with a psper tag I could grab. 

    It was high enough that I knew some grubby handy kiddos couldn’t touch it and only handled the paper tag. I don’t think I’m as germ adverse as you, but I didn’t want to touch the duck. 

    It will go on the Christmas tree next year with all the little treasures we’ve amassed over years is sailing.  Maybe I should put them all on a wreath and keep them all together?



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  3. 55 minutes ago, Roscoe13 said:

    Perhaps you should check out the brand new par 1 course at Roscoe's greens...I hear there's a discount to Tribe members...


    Beautiful yard!  I need to take better care of my grass.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Hogladyrider said:

    @tsahall01...you gotta love politics.....very sorry to hear of all the issues happening in your location.


    I've sworn off TV "news" because it is all crap IMO, all about ratings and looks.


    In the mean time the real folks are the ones suffering and feeling the pinch in their pocketbooks.

    With you on the feelings about news. I do watch our local 5 o’clock and the nightly news with Nora Jones. 

    When they have “panels” it seems like such a competition. Just report and don’t share your political opinions. 

    We don’t shout in this house and I don’t want to listen to it on tv. 

    • Like 5
  5. We’re about 35 miles north of Houston. It’s been raining pretty much every day. 

    Mosquito heaven/my misery. I’m their magnet. Currently slathered in Off and taking antihistamines as I’m wanting to peel my skin off. 

    Oh, and what do I hear?  Yay, thunder. 

    • Like 11
  6. 55 minutes ago, Saint Greg said:

    I can’t see it. I’ve done the mesh bag thing in gym class and football and basic training just for shorts and t-shirts. But I can’t see my blue jeans being able to be washed in one of those mesh bags with  all of my other clothes. And in a machine big enough to  have all of that stuff from other people. 

    We did some laundry with jeans 

    khakis, tshirts. It all came back fine. 

    I’m also the person that brings twice as many underwear and footies everywhere Because really, how much room do they take up?  

    And, no one is touching my undies😱

    • Like 7
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  7. 20 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:


    Yes, they put it in a "net" type structure, so that you're stuff stays together, BUT it goes in the giant washer with a WHOLE LOT of other people's stuff... There's absolutely no chance that they've got a crew of people down there doing laundry one paper bag at a time... 

    Still, you have cleanish clothes 


    I guess it’s better than a toilet brush on your sink. 

    laundry +1

    • Like 2
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  8. 2 hours ago, Elsammo46 said:

    Just tried the hot orange chicken from Panda tonight for ya. Certifiable banger, worth the hype. Definitely hotter than I was expecting, but then again my pallet is rather…Caucasian 😵‍💫

    One of our friends calls me “Super Caucasian”!


    It was a crazy night of driving around a neighborhood that none of belonged to due to a raid of a betting place being raided. 

    Me; you know we don’t belong here. I’m just gonna say “We’re looking for Morty from the senior center. He didn’t show up for Bingo”. 

    Never found “Morty” and weren’t arrested. But I loved my dear friend Morty❤️

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  9. 1 hour ago, TxTeach79 said:

    Met an older woman at the bar who “has basically lived on Venezia” since it got here a year ago. She has little jokes and handshakes with a bunch of the crew and dancers, it’s very wholesome. 

    We have a lady we always meet out of Galveston. She raises brangus cows in Shiner and cruises often. 

    She gave a head nod to share our dinner table. We felt like royalty. 

    She invites us ti the Diamond events. She is amazing and we love her. 

    • Like 10
  10. 30 minutes ago, TxTeach79 said:

    Awesome!!!! Congrats!!! What sent him over the top?? As long as it wasn’t my neighbor’s balcony light….

    Apparently I said “look how beautiful this ship is!  I’d love to sail on Venezia”


    He just needed to see food choices and was all in. 

    High five Texas Teach 👍🏻❤️🍷☀️

    • Like 8
  11. 20 minutes ago, TxTeach79 said:

    Awesome!!!! Congrats!!! What sent him over the top?? As long as it wasn’t my neighbor’s balcony light….

    No, not the light. It’s just a beautiful ship. We don’t need a mega ship to have fun. 

    We are close to frigging old. We like good food. We like calm places. We like good drinks. 

    Apparently it ticked all his boxes. 

    Including it makes his wife happy. 

    After 34 years, I think he’s a keeper. 

    • Like 10
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  12. On 5/29/2024 at 2:06 PM, pirate4me2 said:

    Some days I wonder how Chris and I have made it 12.5 years in marriage. yesterday  was one of those days. I had to make my mouth guard that will keep me from grinding my teeth at night, and I have a TERRIBLE gag reflex. Like…it’s pitiful. He laughs and makes fun of me brushing my teeth because of it. So needless to say, this guard forming was guaranteed to be an…uh…let’s call it an episode. A 30 minute comedy show. 

    I follow the directions, warming to the mold, and head to the bathroom mirror. Crazy sounds come out of me as I’m trying to bite down on the mold (I have to bite down for 3 minutes on this thing!!!) and Chris comes running, to “make sure I’m ok.” In all reality, he just wanted to laugh. Obviously, round #1 was an epic failure.

    Being the “sweet husband that he is” (his words, not mine!), he offers to help with the second go round. We rewarm the mold, and I mentally try and prepare myself. I bite down, and do good for the first minute and a half, then feel myself starting to gag. Chris is cheering me on “it’s ok, you’ve got this, don’t let go! But if you need to throw up, remember to take that thing out first or else it’ll taste like throw up every time you put it in.” Needless to say, that last line made me gag (but not throw up) and round #2 was a failure. 


    We proceed back to step 1, and I mentally prepare myself to make round 3 work. I tell Chris is this round doesn’t work I will suck it up and pay the $800 to the dentist for a custom mold. He proceeds to tell me $800 is a cruise, which ticks me off, and now I’m DETERMINED this will work. We head to the bathroom, and I pop the mold in and chomp down HARD. And Chris proceeds to pull out his phone. What the heck? He’s VIDEOING ME? I make crazy gestures while trying not to let up on the pressure, and he goes, “if this goes down like the others, I want a video to show everyone. It’s too funny!” I grab his phone and delete the video, and “ding!” The timer on my phone goes off. Chris says “see, you just needed a distraction! You didn’t gag!” We test the mold,

    and it passes the fit test! Yay! Thank you honey, you did good helping me with this!


    But…wait for it…the turd ruins it all when I go to bed. I put the mold in, and then start to be me and wig myself out. Chris goes “what’s wrong?” and I tell him “I don’t trust it! What if it falls out while I’m sleeping and I swallow it? What if I choke on it? What if I DIE from it?” His reply, “We will sue the heck out of the company and be rich. You won’t have to work anymore, we can just cruise all the time. Go to sleep.” Uh no, that’s not what will happen! “Chris, if I swallow it and DIE, I won’t be rich, YOU will! I’ll be DEAD! I won’t have to work because I’ll be DEAD! And never able to cruise again!” His reply, “And these kind of conversations will never happen again. It’ll be QUIET. Just put the damn thing in and go to sleep.” 

    Needless to say…he wanted quiet, he got quiet. The guard worked, I think, I didn’t die obviously. 

    Fellow gagger here. Like you, my husband doesn’t get it. 

    Disclaimer: This is a horribly disgusting story.  

    We were driving with our little puppy sitting on my lap. He developed a tummy issue. He didn’t vomit but whatever ever evil thing came out the liquid the other way. IN MY LAP!  Waist to thighs. 

    Cue my dry heaves so hard I had tears streaming. 

    His response “If you vomit on yourself it’ll only make it worse”. We were in a slow crawling traffic mess that took 10 minutes to find a minimart for something to clean up a bit. 

    I really love this dog. 

    And we’re still married. 

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  13. 8 hours ago, Funsince1983 said:

    We have baseball and softball tomorrow, need to swing by the farm to check on the horses (I'll probably just do that with my broken arm girly), then we have the pleasure of taking a whole gaggle of teenage boys to the Phillies game for W's birthday 🫠


    Sunday the big two have golf lessons (would be all 3, but broken arm) and I think that's it. Hoping to squeeze in a trip to my brothers to go see my niece at some point also. 

    Mom’s do so much and we can only hope our kiddos come to understand that. 

    I knew this going into the game with marriage going into it with a 12 and 15 year olds as a stepmom. 

    We had really good communication going into the game. 

    Took the oldest (girl) prom dress shopping and I loved it. 

    I took her out to practice driving, only one little dent in a 63 vw bus rear bumper. If you could drive a 63 vw with a wonky shifter and no seatbelts, well, you could pass a dl test. And know how to push start a manual car!


    The younger son was his momma’s baby. Really didn’t want much to do with us, but we always let him know we were there for him. He ended up taking care of his teenage stepbrother after his mom passed. We’re very proud of him and he’s come around as he’s reached his 50’s. 

    Families are so wonderfully complex and delightfully wonderful. Thankful I learned to roll with the flow and adopt the gentle nudging way of handling things. 

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