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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. My words - I said damage by association, not damage as in P&O ferries style. Lots of misguided people have been constantly blaming P&O for Maleth since the announcement in September and unfortunately in some cases mud sticks. If I was P&O and my contractor had breached its contract multiple times as Moley says I would definitely state to them their failures have damaged my brand by association. Following Mr Ludlow's 'X' chat with the travel agents lots of them stated that people were holding off booking Caribbean fly cruises due to the Maleth situation. That indicates some doubt by the public and I'd class that as damage.
  2. It's been saying that since lunchtime which was why I was surprised to be told passengers are in a hotel to leave tomorrow. Antigua departures showing 2.55am tomorrow for return.
  3. I assume P&O are seeking legal recourse in that case as the damage to their brand by association has been pretty alarming? Meantime the passengers continue to be the ones inconvenienced and suffering and everyone is still shrugging their shoulders.
  4. Moving on things are looking pretty bad today. Any idea what's happening in Antigua with those with no aircraft home today? The last time this happened it was appalling. I'd it any better this time?
  5. Crumbs. What happened to 8.00pm? Antigua departure was showing as 2.55am on Flightradar24 which was worrying for the Arvia returnees. Tye last Antigua delay/cancellation was a nightmare for the passengers. I hope they are also being looked after this time.
  6. All this talk of York leads me to ask I have been invited to visit a couple of my horses stabled in Malton. I've not a clue where that is in relation to places I've been before! Any advice on where I should look to stay much appreciated. I intend to do a mini roadtrip breaking my journey along the way. I have friends in Nottingysmshire but thought I'd stay somewhere after that and perhaps look stay a day or two after the stable visit in Yorkshire. All ideas gratefully received. It will be early May.
  7. Thank you. Yes, much better this week thankfully.
  8. 13th December so over Christmas. We are doing 35 nights on Queen Mary 2 on January 11th but decided to go for Christmas on a whim. Surprisingly good price for Christmas and we had some freebies for our next cruise gifted by P&O. All in has cost nearly £1700 less than last year but we do not have a deluxe cabin.
  9. ICF, if you're passing through are you able to give us an update on what's happening onboard re the passengers scheduled to leave Arvia today in Antigua. It appears the Manchester Maleth flight which should have left this morning is delayed to 8.00pm this evening and I just wondered how it's being handled onboard. Hope you're having a brilliant holiday. Looking forward to hearing about it when you get back!
  10. There's also a lot of pride in these churches which are often the centre of village life. In Barbados for instance there's traditionally a rum shack immediately next door to the church to facilitate celebration after the services. Most of the "traditional" islands have a very high percentage of church goers.
  11. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Whilst having a lot of sympathy with all those affected by the dreadful delays they can and do happen regularly on far more well known airlines, unfortunately it is in particular a post pandemic problem with lack of aircraft. I assume if you felt unsafe you had the misfortune to be on the flight which encountered severe turbulence which must have been extremely frightening. As to the business contract who is to say how many aircraft P&O's flight agent asked to be available. If it was the bare minimum to move everyone on a set schedule then that is not Maleth's error as the agent must be aware aircraft go out of service and should have ensured that the necessary spare planes were available. The knock on from the damaged aircraft being stranded was clearly huge and affected a very large number of flights. If on the other hand the three aircraft were all that were available due to Maleth's other commitments then P&O's aircraft procurement team should have pointed out to their client P&O the risk involved and P&O consider whether it was wise to attempt the full programme for the season whilst literally flying by the seat of their pants. They could perhaps have allowed those who wanted to cancel after the announcement of no premium economy to do so without loss of deposit or even halted sales, particularly of the 7 day Arvia cruises. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but truthfully the whole thing has been a dog's dinner in how it has been handled and the very least P&O can do is assist those claiming their legal entitlement from Maleth by applying commercial pressure. At the end of the day the only ones losing here are their customers and this is not just of Maleth's making.
  12. I was offered the dubious option of enjoying his bamboo by the guy with the wave runners while negotiating a price. When I declined politely (I had no idea what he was referring to) he gave me a can of Dragon stout for my OH as it would make him have good bamboo too and I exited red faced when it dawned on me what I'd been discussing!
  13. The amount of compensation owing will be very high. So far none has been paid from what we can see. Unless P&O paid them an absolute fortune Maleth will probably rue the day they ever took the contract. From being an unknown airline they have unfortunately become the devil incarnate on some websites (not here thankfully) with any slight normal problem being highlighted and magnified as a "disaster". I too feel a little sorry for them, it isn't their fault they were the only available airline and unfortunately they have just been out of their depth particularly after the CAT incident which made the lack of aircraft even more acute.
  14. Yes, that was confirmed some time ago. Paul Ludlow announced to the trade in the week that P&O will be announcing their additional partner shortly so clearly there will be another airline announcement shortly. I booked a Britannia fly cruise this week and my flight is already confirmed as TUI - I took the last two premium seats and availability in cabins was also quite restricted.
  15. You must be reading my mind! I'm looking at the Aurora cruise a week or so later and was also going to ask for views on weather, ports etc. Perhaps the nice Scandinavian experts could give both of us their views on general aspects. Regarding Britannia she is my favourite P&O ship and although I have no experience with children personally on all my cruises on her thr children and families all sem to be very happy with the offering. I assume you are referring to there being no internal pool as your worry in inclement weather. Apart from this I'd say that Britannia would offer the same sort of facilities as Ventura. I have sailed Arvia and would say apart from the indoor pool offering Britannia's are superior being considerably larger and less crowded.
  16. I hope your Mum feels better soon. It's good to know that her home and medics erred on the side of caution as bumps to the head are always tricky to decide on whether to seek medical help or not. They sound so trivial but we should be less blasé really.
  17. I can well imagine they aren't, Jamaica being only second to Haiti as the poorest country in the entire Caribbean. Back in the mid 80's we spent a week in Ochos Rios after the US started the trade embargo against them when the Jamaica government did a deal to sell sugar and bananas to Russia. There were green mouldy loaves on the shelves of the local shop with people queuing to buy them. A very sad sight based on some misguided political choices. The people back then were stoic and incredibly friendly and welcoming, unfortunately not I hear so much now. Hopefully Tortola will be made in time. You are certainly having some great adventures!
  18. Interesting article from the trade press yesterday. https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/air/po-cruises-president-says-talks-ongoing-over-caribbean-airline-partner
  19. Did you go to see the offshore registration building with the plaques showing you who had investments? I found it fascinating to see they'd run out of space! The tour guide was very proud to show us Mick Jagger and Bono in particular but I was astonished at how many individuals names I recognised and the really interesting one was the Welsh village who were making a protest to the UK government. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/crickhowell-inside-the-welsh-town-that-took-itself-offshore-in-tax-protest-a6752511.html
  20. The cost of living in the Cayman Islands is extremely high. I can recall in 2014 watching a lady in a supermarket buy a box of 10 fish fingers for a sum I calculated to be around US$15. I dread to think how much now. This website gives interesting information on cost of living for people considering relocating to live permanently, I find it very interesting to get a rough idea of basic costs when I travel. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Cayman+Islands&displayCurrency=USD
  21. I have a completed bathroom so no need to go to the swimming pool for a shower tomorrow morning. Negotiations with Ovo re my complaint are finished as well with profuse apologies offered. An interesting insight into the state of British customer service. No doubt you are very much aware I intensely dislike receing bad service and will not hesitate to fight my corner. At the beginning of Februaty I opened a Nationwide Flex account to be able to take advantage of the travel insurance for myself and in particular my husband. I opened the account with £25.00 with a view to starting to make payments in monthly from 1 March. However during the months of December, January and February I have accumulated cheques from the various organisations where I've had big problems and ended up complaining. Because I have been unwell I have been putting them in a drawer. Following today's discussions on the plumbing issues I have been told a cheque for £250 will be winging it's way to me so I decided to take all of the cheques out of the drawer to pay them into this new account. Imagine my shock to find they add up to over £1,050 with this £250 due on top. These payments for poor service are from banks, insurance companies, retailers, telephone providers and an electrical supplier in other words lots of types of organisations. Add to this £20 Sainsburys gift card for return of out of date food and although a very nice little collection I find myself despairing at the state of customer service and the reliability of staff to carry out fairly normal and mundane things I've paid them for. On the other hand it will make a nice inroads into my required cruise deposit for Cunard on 5 March!
  22. Is this the Barbados Immigration form you're looking to complete?
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