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Liberty has Crappy Wooden Doors and Lousy LI Iced Tea Mix!!!!


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I've sailed on the Liberty and there were crowds in the Windjammer on Day 1 and in the Promendade because of events (like the parades or the Captain's Party) or maybe following an event like a performance in the theater. Other than those instances, we didn't notice any at all.


Speaking of the theater, it is best to get there early to get a good seat.

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Have you joined the roll call yet? It is a great way to make friends before you cruise so that it is no longer a ship full of strangers. We have a huge group signed up for the meet and mingle, yet still a small percentage of total ship. Have her join and get a chance to meet others before we board.


Any day at sea is better then a day at work :D!!


Relax, join roll call, join us for the sail away and remember the best way for others to have fun is if we show them how.


Only 10 days to embarkation...

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Okay, so, on 11/1 I'll be boarding the Liberty with a friend whom it's taken me 17 years to convince to cruise. She has NO interest in cruising and told me a few days ago, "I'm not excited about this trip. I don't care where we're going or how we get there. I'm just looking forward to getting away."


This cruise is VERY VERy cheap. I'm a bit nervous that I've built cruising up WAY too much and she, who HATES big crowds, is just gonna be unhappy on this cruise, which, in turn, will make ME unhappy. Ugh.


Last night I had a dream that the cabins had wood doors and the paint was peeling and I said to someone, "This ship was built in 2007...why is it in such bad shape???''


Then I went to a bar and said, "I'll have a Long Island." (Some how we both knew I meant Long Island Iced tea.) He started pouring some gross, brown mix into it and I said, "Forget it, I'll have a Bud Light."


Then we met a bunch of people onboard that I was friends with, even thought they actually didn't represent ANYONE that I know in real life and both my friend and I wanted to get away from them.


The whole pre-cruise dream was crappy. I must be overly concerned that this cruise is gonna be great for me but suck for my friend.


Any suggestions? :) :)




Trust me on this ... Liberty of the Seas is an AMAZING ship. I have been on the inaugural cruise, the 1st anniversary cruise for a back-to-back, and again this past May for a week. If you friend doesn't absolutely LOVE this ship, I think you need a new friend <g>. Just kidding ... sort of ... but I honestly can't imagine someone not loving that ship. That would be pretty sad, in my humble opinion.


You will have a ball on the cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


By the way, I see you live in Huntington. I have lived in South Florida with my husband and son for a long time, but I great up in Huntington!!! I went to Walt Whitman High School many, many years ago. Do you live anywhere near there?




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By the way, I see you live in Huntington. I have lived in South Florida with my husband and son for a long time, but I great up in Huntington!!! I went to Walt Whitman High School many, many years ago. Do you live anywhere near there?




I don't REALLY live in Huntington...more like I've been living with my sister and her family in Huntington (West Hills) for the past year because I'm poor (Not too poor to cruise, of course!) and they have a huge house. :) They/we live REALLY close to Walt Whitman. All her kids go/went there. If you walked it, it would probably take 15 minutes. They're off Hartman Hill Rd (on the other side of Jericho it's Cold Spring Hills Rd.)



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To everyone that's replied since I last signed on, thanks so much for your well wishes and for telling me to calm down, get a new therapist, etc. Some of 'em had me laughing, too. (Ironically my friend's a therapist...well, a social worker but it's similar!)


We definitely have the kind of friendship where, if someone wants to do something and the other doesn't, that person will say, "SEE YA!" So that's good. I just don't wanna say it TOO much cuz I'll feel bad. But that would be fine.


To the one who suggested I treat her to a spa, buy her a book, etc. Great ideas but she really will be happiest reading whatever she brings. She doesn't do any of the other stuff (spa cuz it's expensive, drink, gamble...). Besides, I'm way too broke to treat her to a $100 spa treatment. :) The most she'll get out of me is dinner at Portofino's if she doesn't want to spend the money (because I wanna try it!).


As usual, I'll be writing a detailed review as soon as I get back!



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I don't REALLY live in Huntington...more like I've been living with my sister and her family in Huntington (West Hills) for the past year because I'm poor (Not too poor to cruise, of course!) and they have a huge house. :) They/we live REALLY close to Walt Whitman. All her kids go/went there. If you walked it, it would probably take 15 minutes. They're off Hartman Hill Rd (on the other side of Jericho it's Cold Spring Hills Rd.)






Wow, that is sooooooooooo close to where I grew up ... actually Huntington Station. I lived very, very close to the Walt Whitman Mall, too, and had a high school formal at the Huntington Town House. Is that still there???


I'd love to see pictures of my old hometown if you ever happen to have any good ones you'd be willing to share. I would LOVE to show the area to my husband, who has never been to Long Island.


I'm excited for you going on Liberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow, that is sooooooooooo close to where I grew up ... actually Huntington Station. I lived very, very close to the Walt Whitman Mall, too, and had a high school formal at the Huntington Town House. Is that still there???


I'd love to see pictures of my old hometown if you ever happen to have any good ones you'd be willing to share. I would LOVE to show the area to my husband, who has never been to Long Island.


I'm excited for you going on Liberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lynn, give me your address. One of these days I'll remember to grab my camera and I'll take a few pix for you.

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amybeth, I really think you are going to be blown away by Liberty. I've been on Majesty and Enchantment as well, and Liberty is like a totally different world. Seriously, it's just completely different and there is so much to do and so much room that you really will be fine. Kick back and enjoy!!! You've been looking forward to and planning this trip for a while--if you try too hard, it's going to just be like work and not worth it. Girlfriend, you'll be on a cruise! Remember that time you were here in Madison when it was like 300 below? Yeah, some of us will be stuck in that. :)


And besides, you have so many people waiting for your review, that you have no choice but to have fun. No one here likes a whiny review--we want a good one!!!

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Bluegirlum, I know we'll probably both be blown away by the ship. What concerns me for HER is she HATES crowds, she hates rude people, she hates not sitting on the aisle in a theater or plane because she wants to be able to escape (even though in all the shows and movies we've seen, I've never seen her escape...well, except to pee!)...AND she broke her toe two weeks ago. AND she doesn't have a bathing suit or shorts so she'll be sitting by the pool in pants, sweating.


However, turns out when I was a little drizzy on beer and wine last night (oy) I apparently emailed her and told her about my dream, and this was her response:


"I'm afraid your dream may have been a result of our last conversation -- when I expressed such a lack of enthusiasm. Don't worry about me. I'm sure the vacation will be fun. I just hope I don't hold you back. My big toe is healing, but is quite painful by mid-afternoon even after only moderate activity."


So as much as I may have made it sound, she's NOT a grumpy grump who'll want to complain about everything...but she WILL complain at LOT more than I will, unfortunately.


I won't give a whiney review, but it's not gonna be all hearts and flowers. I hate those "a bad day cruising is better than a good day at work" reviews. I hate that comment too, lol.



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Bluegirlum, I know we'll probably both be blown away by the ship. What concerns me for HER is she HATES crowds, she hates rude people, she hates not sitting on the aisle in a theater or plane because she wants to be able to escape (even though in all the shows and movies we've seen, I've never seen her escape...well, except to pee!)...AND she broke her toe two weeks ago. AND she doesn't have a bathing suit or shorts so she'll be sitting by the pool in pants, sweating.


However, turns out when I was a little drizzy on beer and wine last night (oy) I apparently emailed her and told her about my dream, and this was her response:


"I'm afraid your dream may have been a result of our last conversation -- when I expressed such a lack of enthusiasm. Don't worry about me. I'm sure the vacation will be fun. I just hope I don't hold you back. My big toe is healing, but is quite painful by mid-afternoon even after only moderate activity."


So as much as I may have made it sound, she's NOT a grumpy grump who'll want to complain about everything...but she WILL complain at LOT more than I will, unfortunately.


I won't give a whiney review, but it's not gonna be all hearts and flowers. I hate those "a bad day cruising is better than a good day at work" reviews. I hate that comment too, lol.




HAHA! What do you mean she doesn't have a bathing suit or shorts? Is she one of "those"? That's too bad. I mean, I hate myself in a suit and shorts, but once I'm in the warm weather, I don't care. I hope she will change her mind about that because she's missing out!


I didn't really notice too many crowds on Liberty. Sure, it's easy for us to say that you'll be fine, but you'll only know when you go. I just hope you have a great time because I know you've been really excited about this!


And I try to stay away from the internet after a few too many...I only get myself in trouble! :)

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HAHA! What do you mean she doesn't have a bathing suit or shorts? Is she one of "those"? That's too bad. I mean, I hate myself in a suit and shorts, but once I'm in the warm weather, I don't care. I hope she will change her mind about that because she's missing out!


I didn't really notice too many crowds on Liberty. Sure, it's easy for us to say that you'll be fine, but you'll only know when you go. I just hope you have a great time because I know you've been really excited about this!


And I try to stay away from the internet after a few too many...I only get myself in trouble! :)


Blue, she's quite overweight so once she gained all this weight, she never bought a bathing suit. Getting into a bathing suit at this weight has been one of the reasons she's refused to cruise so long. She won't even let me take pictures of us together or of her. Same reason she doesn't have shorts. And now, in Oct. it's too late for her to find shorts or a bathing suit so she's stuck.


I've heard that you never feel crowded, except during parades, tendering and in the WJ. And of course the pool deck, where I usually camp out all day. :) (Yes, people, I even eat at my chair so I'm not a chair hog!) :)

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Shorts - she could go buy a pair of lightweight clearance pants and cut em off. If she doesn't sew, I think there is some kind of fusing material, so she could "hem them" with an iron. She would also get to choose the length.


I hate to hear of women that are ashamed of their bodies. her comfort is much more important than what she thinks people will think about her legs. Poor dear.


I like her response to your dream. Indicates to me that she's relatively laid back about the whole thing and doesn't want to spoil your time. Did that rein in your stress at all? Hope so.

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Okay, so, on 11/1 I'll be boarding the Liberty with a friend whom it's taken me 17 years to convince to cruise. She has NO interest in cruising and told me a few days ago, "I'm not excited about this trip. I don't care where we're going or how we get there. I'm just looking forward to getting away."


This cruise is VERY VERy cheap. I'm a bit nervous that I've built cruising up WAY too much and she, who HATES big crowds, is just gonna be unhappy on this cruise, which, in turn, will make ME unhappy. Ugh.


Last night I had a dream that the cabins had wood doors and the paint was peeling and I said to someone, "This ship was built in 2007...why is it in such bad shape???''


Then I went to a bar and said, "I'll have a Long Island." (Some how we both knew I meant Long Island Iced tea.) He started pouring some gross, brown mix into it and I said, "Forget it, I'll have a Bud Light."


Then we met a bunch of people onboard that I was friends with, even thought they actually didn't represent ANYONE that I know in real life and both my friend and I wanted to get away from them.


The whole pre-cruise dream was crappy. I must be overly concerned that this cruise is gonna be great for me but suck for my friend.


Any suggestions? :) :)



I was on her 3 weeks ago. The doors are well maintained and painted very nicely. I never heard a peep all night long and i am a light sleeper.


It was my first time on the Freedom class and rarely encountered lines except maybe waiting to dine....since i was obsessed with my "near the window" seating for 2.


I remember 7 years ago, at my youngest daughter's urging, i looked into a cruise to celebrate a number of occasions including my 25th anniv. When i threw it out for DH, he balked and i said fine, we're going without you. I probably don't need to tell you that he caved , came and loved every minute of it and we have been on 7 cruises since.


She will either love it or hate it but i think as your good friend, you needed to encourage her to try it. Lets face it, its the best bargain out there these days and if she stopped to think about all she got for her fare, she should be able to forgive the shortcomings and concentrate on the good stuff. I certainly have laid on the pounds since having kids and i must say i was in great company on the Liberty! I love the ocean and while i could stand to lose a few pounds, enjoying the beautiful caribbean waters and sunshine is more important to me that the extra fluffiness on my frame. Not sure if she enjoys the sun but i would guess the only place she'd wish she had a bathing suit would be Labadee but i would have been happy sitting in a lounger under a palm tree in pants and you can stick your lounger near her in the sun and both enjoy the beautiful scenery


Have a great time. Good luck making your flight upon your return. I know we conversed on another thread over a month ago. FYI, we asked for 8AM tags, and were in a cab to Miami Int before 9AM to pickup a car for the day:). We decided not to do walk off since we were planning to meet our daughter who attends college in Miami and that is way too early for her. Walkoff looked to be preceeding very efficiently. I think you'll have no issues at all as long as the ship is cleared.

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I hate to hear of women that are ashamed of their bodies. her comfort is much more important than what she thinks people will think about her legs. Poor dear.


I like her response to your dream. Indicates to me that she's relatively laid back about the whole thing and doesn't want to spoil your time. Did that rein in your stress at all? Hope so.


I agree about your first comment and the amazing thing is she's someone who doesn't care what other people think of her. So her comment of not wanting to be seen in shorts or a bathing suit is totally out of whack. Obviously she does care, but won't admit it. She was surprised when I said, "There'll be other very overweight people onboard too." Who cares what people around you weigh?? I'm 12 pounds overweight and I know I'm not "fat" but I feel it because my summer clothes don't fit and I hate myself for gaining this weight in such a short amount of time. But who cares? Even when I was a size 16 I wore tank tops and shorts in the summer. I'm not gonna sweat like a pig because you think I'm fat!


Her response to my dream did alleviate my stress a bit, thank you. :)

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I was on her 3 weeks ago. The doors are well maintained and painted very nicely.


lol. Somehow I doubt there'll be chipped up wooden doors. :)



She will either love it or hate it


My GUESS is she'll like it just fine but not want to do it again. I'll let you all know in the review. :)


Not sure if she enjoys the sun but i would guess the only place she'd wish she had a bathing suit would be Labadee but i would have been happy sitting in a lounger under a palm tree in pants and you can stick your lounger near her in the sun and both enjoy the beautiful scenery


This one's going to Costa Maya, Cozumel and Bellize. I AM hoping for a beach day in Cozumel so we'll see. That could be interesting.



Have a great time. Good luck making your flight upon your return. I know we conversed on another thread over a month ago. FYI, we asked for 8AM tags, and were in a cab to Miami Int before 9AM to pickup a car for the day:). We decided not to do walk off since we were planning to meet our daughter who attends college in Miami and that is way too early for her. Walkoff looked to be preceeding very efficiently. I think you'll have no issues at all as long as the ship is cleared.


I ended up letting the $170 fare go (the 10:05am flight) and took the 12:10pm flight for $204. That's still amazingly cheap and now it's close to $400. I got it at the right time. It started going up less than a week after I purchased. And now the good thing is we BOTH have flights on American at exactly 12:10. She to Santa Fe, me to NYC. So I have NO worries about the flight. :)

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