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Glory Stuck In Nassau............


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My issue is not with the people who feel as though they were short changed on the cruise. What I don't understand is someone would let the problems interfere with them having a good time. Sure I can understand the disappointment and I'm not saying that they have to roll over and just accept what was offered. The Bahamas is certainly one of my least favorite cruising destinations. If you've felt wronged, by all means write a letter to Carnival and voice your grievances. But you aren't going to get your weeks vacation back from work. You can't roll back the clock so you aren't going to get that time back. Why not get as much enjoyment as you can and deal with the rest when you get home? I don't understand why some people can't try to make the best of a bad situation even if things aren't perfect or things don't go nearly as planned. Sometimes the best things in life can happen when things don't go as expected, but only if you'll be receptive to that possibility.

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I was on the Glory also last week. Not only did the ship pull into port slow,(Nassau) but did you notice Royal Carribean on both sides of the Glory were facing out, and The Glorys Bow was facing in ??????

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I still don't like St. Maarten...I didn't like the people either. Like I said, we toured that island on our own, not through a tour. What I saw and what I experienced will make me not go back.

I've also been to Mexico...poor as well...but I LOVE Mexico. The people of Mexico are the nicest, most hospitable people I have ever met. I would cruise there, fly there SWIM there again and again. You are comparing apples to oranges when comparing those 2 places. From what I've experienced I prefer Mexicans over most Americans to be honest. That was not my experience in St. M.

BTW...I have every right to like or dislike something, someplace or someone. St. Maarten was not my cup of tea and I stated that that was MY opinion.


Wow! Are you sure you went to St. Maarten?? And you didn't like "the people" of St. Maarten either?? That really throws me....... it's called the "Friendly Island" and our experience has been that locals are wonderful and very friendly. Some incident must have happened to completely turn you off on the people. Well, whatever floats your boat................

We'll still return as often as we can and love intereacting with locals and visitors alike. I feel that missing St. Maarten when it was scheduled as a port would be a major blow to a cruise. We select a vacation venue based on what we want to see and experience, not just for the ride.

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Hi fellow cruiser:

I have read most of the post for the last 8 days on the Glory, the machanical problem,compensation,ports visited,attitude of employees.

1st of all I am very sorry for all the passengers that were affected by the problem,whether they be in a suite or the 4a bunks, 1st time cruisers or seasoned veterans. Everyone can look back at the fine print in the contract,things that have occurred on other ships before and their compensation, what some did and what some didn't and maybe what they should have done . I would not have been a happy camper either and I don't think many of you would have but it seems that most of the post seem to be directed at each other rather than the company.

I feel that the matter has been posted sufficiently for all members to be properly advised and that written responses should be directed to Carnival. I don't think the aggression shown back in forth between posters is going to accomplish much with Carnival.

I also hope that one bad experience doesn't stop your future cruises or travel on a specific line. We have been on 25 cruises with all ranging from 7 to 14 days and are club members on Royal Caribbean,Celebrity,Norwegian, Princess and pp on Carnival 14 times. We have had propeller damages,fire ,plumbing problems,airconditioning, and missed ports like the Caymans and others because of seas and tendering, on most of the lines we have sailed. We stayed dead in the water a few years back off of Aruba assisiting in the rescue and body recovery for hours. We even had people complain that they were 7 hours late getting to Aruba .Things happen .

I am not defending Carnival's crew as all my life I have always been taught to treat others the way you would like to be treated and you will go far. But I can definetly put myself in their place as I can with the passengers. I can imagine 5 or six hundred people mad as hell, looking to voice their opinion, and human nature what it is the people on the other side of the desk are only going to respond the way most of us would.

In closing I might add that guess what ship we are booked on Dec.3rd. The Glory. I hope that most of the affected cruisers will give it another try, if not on Carnival,on another.Don't let one bad experience ruin the best vacations on Earth. Bob & Nancy The Villages Florida America"s friendliest home town.

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All the cruise lines need to have a clearly stated policy on comps and refunds based on the inevitable problems they will encounter. That way everyone knows what to expect and it stays consistent. I know I'm comparing apples to oranges here but I grew up in Japan and the trains over there had clearly stated policies on refunds for late arrivals and other issues. The shinkansen (bullet trains) gave a percentage refund if it pulled in more than 15 minutes late. Over an hour was a full refund of fare. (because you pay for the speed) The express trains also gave refunds based on late arrivals. I've participated in many 2000 ppl stampedes for the ticket counter to get refunds after late arrivals. My point is that a simple consistent policy in print would alleviate all this ill will. I realize that the cruise lines cover themselves in legalese but that just makes ppl mad as hell because alot of it is open to interpretation and never consistent from incident to incident. A simple you get this and this is all you get in this or that circumstance in print and everybody would be on the same page. Lack of communication and uncertainty makes for a boatload of really pissed people. And you can't blame them. The cruise lines bring it on themselves by not addressing the issues that would be so easy for them to do.

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My husband and I sailed on the Glory the week of Feb. 19...the notorious week of the mechanical problems. Since coming home, we have kept up to date on the postings within this board.


When we heard the news of the propulsion problems, etc., our emotions ran full circle from, "we are getting off this ship," to "let's just make the best of it." Believe me, we can sympathize because we were there. While we were disappointed with the turn of events that was shared with all of us after we re-boarded the ship from a half day in Nassau, we are not "mad" at Carnival for the mechanical problems. This is life and those things just happen.


Our issue was with the communication, or should we say lack of communication from the cruise staff. It didn't end with the situation in Nassau either. It seemed each day there was something else. If you are reading this post, then you are in the loop.


Please let me give you one clear example of what I am talking about...it was one of the days at sea and my husband and I were reading on our balcony when we noticed that within a couple of minutes, the ship came to a complete stop in the middle of the ocean. After quite a few of us were hanging over our balconies and oh, twenty minutes had passed, I went into our cabin and called the Pursers desk. My question was simple, "why are we completely stopped in the middle of the ocean?" The response I received was, "everything is fine, we are still sailing."


I will refrain from any further commentary regarding the filtered and ambiguous communication that was received by the passengers on this cruise.


I do have one question. I haven't noticed any posts from the Feb. 26 Glory cruisers. Has the internet once again been disabled?

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Well everything has been said about the trip ya i'm not happy and ya i called carnival and my TA but lets just face it NOTHING more will be done take the 100 as a insult and go on another cruise line or give carnival another shot.

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Many people don't understand the politics in these countries that force this sort of life. I only understand now because I have watched with intense horrific fascination the political antics that have happened in Trinidad in the past 5 years. It really will give you a whole different insight as to why there is the very rich and the very poor and very little middle class. Why the corruption in politics never ends and why the people become apathetic over time.


Until you understand that about the islands, you will truly never get why you see what you see.


Like I said before, I saw some places driving up Galveston island, before you get the Galveston proper that would make your skin crawl and make Mexico look like paradise. These places are in the USA, not some third world country...btw, I saw the same sort of scary poverty in places in Indiana and Illinois when I visited too.


Amen to that. In Washington DC on any given day you can see the homeless wandering throughout the Mall and the Monuments. Many of these folks sleep on the shadow of the Capitol and the Washington Monument. Poverty is everywhere. When we toured Jamaica, we asked our taxi driver to show us both the good--and the bad. It was an eye-opening experience, one that gave us a perspective on and an appreciation of the country, its history, and its people.

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Please let me give you one clear example of what I am talking about...it was one of the days at sea and my husband and I were reading on our balcony when we noticed that within a couple of minutes, the ship came to a complete stop in the middle of the ocean. After quite a few of us were hanging over our balconies and oh, twenty minutes had passed, I went into our cabin and called the Pursers desk. My question was simple, "why are we completely stopped in the middle of the ocean?" The response I received was, "everything is fine, we are still sailing."



There is no "operational" reason for the Bridge or the Engine room to keep the pursers desk in the loop. It is nice to keep the ship informed, and the Captain certainly should have come up on the ships intercomm and told folks what was going on. I bet you'd have been a littler happier if the purser had just claimed ignorance vice stating something that you knew was not true.


I've rarely found the pursers desk to be a good source of anything other than aggravation.

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All the cruise lines need to have a clearly stated policy on comps and refunds based on the inevitable problems they will encounter. That way everyone knows what to expect and it stays consistent. I know I'm comparing apples to oranges here but I grew up in Japan and the trains over there had clearly stated policies on refunds for late arrivals and other issues. The shinkansen (bullet trains) gave a percentage refund if it pulled in more than 15 minutes late. Over an hour was a full refund of fare. (because you pay for the speed) The express trains also gave refunds based on late arrivals. I've participated in many 2000 ppl stampedes for the ticket counter to get refunds after late arrivals. My point is that a simple consistent policy in print would alleviate all this ill will. I realize that the cruise lines cover themselves in legalese but that just makes ppl mad as hell because alot of it is open to interpretation and never consistent from incident to incident. A simple you get this and this is all you get in this or that circumstance in print and everybody would be on the same page. Lack of communication and uncertainty makes for a boatload of really pissed people. And you can't blame them. The cruise lines bring it on themselves by not addressing the issues that would be so easy for them to do.



Good Idea. Carnival takes great pride in there "Vacation Guarantee"..........Carnival is the only cruise line to offer the Vacation Guarantee. They use it as a tool to sale the fact that you WILL have a good time. Maybe they should re-think this offer. :confused:

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What they should do is just give everyone free drinks for the week. Their margins on alcohol is what, 400% anyway? That way, people would be drunk and happy - and probably GAMBLE more!


What do you all think? :D Man im good...lol

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Free booze is not the answer. Then you'll have a bunch of drunken jerks making the cruise even more miserable. Unfortunately, these things happen. The Majesty out of Boston gets re-routed from Bermuda to Nova Scotia every time there's a hurricane in the Atlantic. Caribbean routes are frequently changed due to weather conditions. It's very disappointing but every once in a while someone draws the short straw. That said, I don't feel that a $100 on-board credit is sufficient compensation for missing 2 of the 3 scheduled ports due to a mechanical problem. Many folks will not have an opportunity to visit those areas for many more years, if ever. Carnival should have done something substantial for these folks, rather than giving a token amount. The hard part is defining substantial. Given the situation, 50% off a future cruise would not be out of line. Good luck to all who suffered through this and 50 lashes with a wet noodle to those that say these folks don't deserve more than $100. If it was you, we'd be hearing all about how bad Carnival was to you.

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... Good luck to all who suffered through this and 50 lashes with a wet noodle to those that say these folks don't deserve more than $100. If it was you, we'd be hearing all about how bad Carnival was to you.


Please do not assume what I would be saying if it was me, because your assumption was wrong. I am aware of the risks when I go on a cruise, as I read all the contracts, brochures, etc. I missed a port on one of my cruises and we got $25 credit - it was my most anticipated port - had excursions planned, etc. They didn't have to give the $25, but they did, and I appreciated it. Yes, it was disappointing to miss it, but I only let it bother me for about 30 seconds, at which point I decided to go on with the business of enjoying my cruise, rather than complaining about something I had no control over and expecting something from Carnival which they did not owe me.

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Please do not assume what I would be saying if it was me, because your assumption was wrong. I am aware of the risks when I go on a cruise, as I read all the contracts, brochures, etc. I missed a port on one of my cruises and we got $25 credit - it was my most anticipated port - had excursions planned, etc. They didn't have to give the $25, but they did, and I appreciated it. Yes, it was disappointing to miss it, but I only let it bother me for about 30 seconds, at which point I decided to go on with the business of enjoying my cruise, rather than complaining about something I had no control over and expecting something from Carnival which they did not owe me.



*Exactly* the right attitude! It's refreshing after the gimmegimmegimme entitlement mindset of most of this thread.



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Thanks Tef - I very much appreciate your acknowledgement. I am shocked at what people believe they "deserve". There is a contract, and we all know Carnival's lawyers have made very sure that it is solid and binding. If these people who expect Carnival to give them free cruises, etc. for missing those ports were on the other end of the contract as the Offeror, you can be darn sure that 95% of them would point to the words of their contract if anyone complained for an unavoidable situation, as this was. But because Carnival is a big profitable company, they seem to think Carnival should compensate them anyway. Well, I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that. Again Tef, a heartfelt thank you for your support.

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Thanks Tef - I very much appreciate your acknowledgement. I am shocked at what people believe they "deserve". There is a contract, and we all know Carnival's lawyers have made very sure that it is solid and binding. If these people who expect Carnival to give them free cruises, etc. for missing those ports were on the other end of the contract as the Offeror, you can be darn sure that 95% of them would point to the words of their contract if anyone complained for an unavoidable situation, as this was. But because Carnival is a big profitable company, they seem to think Carnival should compensate them anyway. Well, I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that. Again Tef, a heartfelt thank you for your support.

so, what you guys are saying is that you deserve nothing more than what the cruse lines are willing to give you at any given instance? This is a mechanical failure on a state of the art ship that should have given the crew ample warning prior to the problem, its not damaged due to outside influence, ie hitting something. OK, so the ship is broke, shouldent the cruise line make it their priority the passengers? from what i have read that was not he case here....and that would really upset me.


I have allready said that I would make some Lemonade out of the Lemon i was served, but i would ask the questions of why, and ask Carnival if they did want my retun business to earn it.


Just my humble opnion, remeber there is always three sides to every story, your side, my side, and the truth!

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I am not saying what anyone "deserves", as that is very subjective to most people. All I am saying is that it is in the contract that changes to itinerary can happen, and if they do, the cruise line owes you nothing - it is an inherent risk in taking a cruise. I am saying that I don't believe ANYONE deserves a full refund, given they were provided with a ship on the ocean, along with all the food, activities, shows, etc. that are always provided, regardless of the ports. Yes, it was a mechanical problem - maybe they knew about it ahead of time, maybe they didn't - none of us can say either way for certain. But mechanical problems do happen - as do a host of other possibilities - unless you the cruise is cancelled, why would anyone think they should get a free cruise out of the deal?

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This is a mechanical failure on a state of the art ship that should have given the crew ample warning prior to the problem...


and how's it supposed to do that? My P.O.S 1967 Ford F-250 Camper special never gave any warning when it crapped out. Why would one expect that mechanical failures are any different today?

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I would agree with you that a free trip is a little over the top. I would not expect that but a gesture from the cruise line would go a long way with me in mending fences (like deeply discounting a future cruise)……and no I don’t think that the credit they were given would have placated me in the least. Our S&S account was 15 times that on my last cruise with Carnival (I know we went way overboard!).


Sorry if my opinion is a little out there……..but I do believe that the CUSTOMERS have a right to be upset with the product they were given in this case. If Carnival does not value us as repeat customers then they have much larger issues than a broken ship!


Just my humble opinion

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and how's it supposed to do that? My P.O.S 1967 Ford F-250 Camper special never gave any warning when it crapped out. Why would one expect that mechanical failures are any different today?


any Sailors out there that could answer this? I was going under that premise that a ship that is controlled by a joy stick would have the capability to monitor the status of all of the crucial systems on the ship.

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any Sailors out there that could answer this? I was going under that premise that a ship that is controlled by a joy stick would have the capability to monitor the status of all of the crucial systems on the ship.


that would be me. There are various Built-In-Test (BIT) checks and there are other things (fluid sampling for metal particles, etc) that may provide indications. But there are also failures that just occur without any warning. I have no idea what the nature of this failure was, when they knew and what they knew. The cruise line is less than forthcoming about that.

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